Acacia had another purpose or it was just a whim. In fact, Chu Feng didn't care much.

When the incarnation of jealousy appears within the range of the super S sacrifice halo.

Its fate has been determined - to become Chu Feng's slave!

A cloud of mist rose, and the shadow of a huge whale could be vaguely seen inside.

——Fog whale!

A whale that spends its entire life hidden in the mist.

That's right!

Counting the Revenge Queen, Chu Feng has gained two war pets, which can be regarded as an unexpected blessing.

However, it is almost impossible to replicate such a result, because Acacia has already reacted and actively pulled the remaining clones forward.

The current situation no longer allows Chu Feng to use the Super S Sacrificial Halo.

The Queen of Revenge and the Fog Whale floated around Chu Feng and Thor.

Their minds have been replaced and they have become the most loyal hunting dogs of Big Boss Chu.

Four VS five, the advantage is mine!

The Sin of Pride is a demonic figure with three pairs of horns of varying sizes.

It has an extremely strong body, a pair of ferocious bone spurs on its back, and something like chains on its body.

The Sin of Fury has spider-like legs, a human torso, and hair made of lizard tails, and the overall appearance is like a Stitch Monster.

The Sin of Greed was very similar to the Godzilla that Chu Feng had seen before. On its dark red torso, a row of ferocious spikes spread from the head to the tail.

It can walk upright and has extremely strong arms, bulging muscles, and several glowing places on its chest, which may be the source of energy.

The Sin of Lust is the monster closest to humans. It is wrapped in close-fitting armor and looks like a human woman, if not counting the four spider-like legs and the thin needle-like scorpion tail on its back.

The sin of laziness has the strangest image, perhaps because of its attributes, it looks very casual.

A huge ball of flesh is covered with densely packed tentacles, each of which can extend to extremely far places while reducing unnecessary movement.

The appearance of the Five Deadly Sins is extremely abstract, and they look like they grew up randomly.

To be honest, Chu Feng didn't know what Acacia was thinking.

But the Revenge Queen and Mist Whale were not much better than they were before.

If it weren't for the magic of the Super S Sacrifice Halo, they would be no more than monsters.

Acacia is in the heart of the ancient god and cannot escape for the time being. She can only desperately absorb the power of the five sins.

Obviously, he also sensed a huge crisis.

Chu Feng's various weird methods gave him a huge headache

"Do it!"

Chu Feng and Thor looked at each other and took action at the same time with a very tacit understanding.

The Fog Whale and Revenge Queen also did not hesitate and used all their strength as soon as they took action.



A punch hit Sin of Lust, and at the same time as there was a muffled sound, Sin of Lust's petite body also flew backwards.

Chu Feng held the Broken Saber tightly with his other hand, and with the rebound of the punch just now, he slashed the Sin of Arrogance firmly with the sword.

Saint Saga's famous stunt, the Holy Sword Excalibur easily broke through the Sin of Pride's shoulder, slashed on his bones, and exploded with intense fire.

But the bodies of the Seven Deadly Sins clones are too hard.

Such a powerful and heavy sword can only break the defense of the sin of arrogance.

Chu Feng retreated and looked calmly at Sin of Arrogance and Sin of Lust, who had re-arranged their fighting postures.

That's right!

Boss Chu plans to fight the two major crimes alone.

The strength of each of Acacia's clones cannot be underestimated. They are as strong as Thor, and they can only deal with one of them with all their strength.

With the holy light that just restrained the seven deadly sins, Chu Feng could deal with arrogance and lust with ease, and even had enough energy to keep an eye on Acacia's movements.

0 Request for Flowers

Five minutes later~

Chu Feng was completely sure that Acacia was indeed unable to break free from the shackles of the ancient god's heart. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Quick victory!"

At this thought, Chu Feng roared and decided not to hold back anymore.

The Demonic Eye of Death, the Holy Light shined, the Holy Sword Excalibur, and the Law of Time were activated at almost the same time.

If you don't use the sword, don't kill without drawing!

The ultimate move must be reserved for you. Rightful owner[]

Although Chu Feng didn't know whether Acacia would forcibly escape from the ancient god's heart after solving the remaining five sins.

It has always been his habit to take precautions before things happen.

The holy light carries an unparalleled edge, like a bright moon, heading straight towards the sin of pride like a scimitar.

It is the most powerful of the remaining five deadly sins.

Just get rid of this guy as soon as possible.

The rest is nothing to worry about.

Therefore, wherever Chu Feng looked, the crime of arrogance was directly fixed on the spot.

Time to stop!

It is obviously incapable of breaking free from the constraints of time.

The whole body stayed straight in place.

At the same time~

Among all Chu Feng's skills, the attack power is second only to the Holy Sword Calibur, which does not kill without drawing the sword... arrived as expected!


A voice full of endless anger suddenly sounded in Chu Feng's mind.


This guy is finally willing to speak.

But ~ just with these words!

Just with this insignificant mental attack!

There is no way to stop Chu Feng from killing. Arrogant determination.

The light of the sword shined in the empty secret room.

Click ~ followed by a soft sound.

The sin of arrogance, along with the wall behind it, was broken.

An unrivaled slash, as powerful as breaking bamboo, and the Babel Tower along with it. Cut off the small...

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