Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1764: Doorman status

Dongfang Daoji said in deep thought: "The price of cosmic magic weapon is hard to say. After all, some cosmic magic weapon have special abilities, but you can rest assured that these seniors in Dahuang Wuyuan will sell to us at a low price, or even half price, to take care of us. It can be regarded as a щЩш..1a of our Dahuang Wuyuan"


Speaking of this, Dongfang Daoji smiled and looked at Ye Tian, ​​and said, "Our seniors in the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy like geniuses the most. You are a genius like Brother Ye, you go find your seniors in the Desolation Academy, they may just Will sell it to you at half price."


   Ye Tian was stunned for a moment. In this way, Dahuang Wuyuan really took care of their disciples.


   After all, for these disciples, where can they afford advanced cosmic soldiers?


"By the way, Brother Ye, in our Dahuang Wuyuan, chaotic rough stones are used for trading. Chaos points are not useful. You have to go to the city lord's mansion and ask our steward to exchange the chaotic points into chaotic rough stones." Dongfang Daoji said. .


   Ye Tian smiled after hearing the words: "I don't have many chaos points, they are chaos stones."


"It seems that Brother Ye has some chance!" Dongfang Daoji gave Ye Tian a slightly surprised look. He knew the preciousness of the chaotic rough stone. He didn't expect Ye Tian to have it, so he continued: "I'll be the primary cosmic warrior. Needless to say, a piece of chaotic rough can be purchased with some of the good quality. However, the intermediate cosmic magic soldier needs about ten chaotic rough stones, and the advanced cosmic magic soldier is very expensive, requiring more than hundreds of chaotic rough stones. As for the superb cosmic magic weapon, don't think about it, it would require thousands of chaotic rough stones."


   Ye Tian was immediately delighted when he heard the words. The chaotic rough stone he had obtained in the vein before, but there were still more than 10,000 pieces left. He didn't expect it to be so valuable.


   Thinking of this, Ye Tian couldn't help but feel sorry for his previous actions. You must know that he had swallowed hundreds of thousands of chaotic rough stones for the celestial devil's lair. How many superb cosmic magic soldiers would he have to buy?


   Of course, Ye Tian didn't regret it either. After all, he wouldn't be able to come to Dahuang Wuyuan alive if he didn't raise the Heavenly Devil's Lair to the eighth rank.


   Thinking of this, Ye Tian looked at Dongfang Dao Ji and said, "I want to buy some cosmic magic weapons. Do you know any of our seniors in Xie Dao Academy? Help me give pointers."


   Dongfang Daoji rolled his eyes upon hearing this, and said, "I am a disciple of Shengdao Academy, how can I know you?


   However, Dongfang Daoji immediately remembered something, and suddenly smiled: "Actually, I really know a senior from the Destruction Academy. Of course, you also know that person."


   "Who?" Ye Tian asked in doubt. Apart from Dao Master Ji Wu, he hadn't seen any seniors in the Destruction Academy.


Dongfang Daoji saw Ye Tian's puzzled face, he couldn't help but laughed: "The guard guarding the gate, don't look at him like a drunkard. In fact, he is the former Dao master of your Annihilation Daoyuan, and also you. Dao Master Jiun's brother has unfathomable strength."


   Ye Tian was surprised when he heard this. He hadn't really thought that the lazy drunk guard had such a background.


   "Since he is the former Taoist master of our Miedao Academy, even if he is retired, he is still an elder. Why would he be guarding the gate?" Ye Tian immediately wondered.


   Dongfang Daoji smiled and said: "This old guy used to drink and misbehave, so he was deprived of his identity as a Taoist master, so he was punished to guard the gate."


   Ye Tian was a little dumbfounded when he heard that, this senior really has a personality.


"However, that old guy has a weird temper, so be careful when you come." Dongfang Daoji reminded him, and then said: "You just left the customs, I won't bother you to practice. When the hunt begins, I will come to you again. ."


   Ye Tian hurriedly got up to send him off, and said gratefully: "Thank you Dongfang for your advice."


   "Everyone is brother, don't say that, maybe I will need your help in the future." Dongfang Daoji waved his hand, and then left Ye Tian's stone house.


   Ye Tian went back to his house to retreat, and continued to perceive Chaos Avenue, hoping to break through to the master realm of the eighth-order universe.


   And his body in the outside world slowly opened his eyes, stepped out of the stone house, and walked towards the gate of Dahuang Wuyuan.


   At this time, on a street in Xiaohuangjie, Dongfang Daoji and his elder brother Dongfang Xiongtian were walking together.


   Dongfang Xiongtian glanced at his younger brother Dongfang Daoji, and said faintly: "You have been very close to Ye Tian from our Extinction Academy!"


   "Hey, big brother, you know that I have practiced the ninth test of the heavenly ancestor's destiny. Since I know that his future is unlimited, how can I not befriend him in advance?" Dongfang Daoji smiled slightly.


   Dongfang Xiongtian was taken aback, and then coldly snorted: "Just like Ouyang Wugui, who was a good student at the Dao Academy, you even joined the Dao Academy."


Dongfang Daoji nodded, and then said: "I'm indeed making good friends with Ouyang Wugui, but I entered the Shengdao Academy for the purpose of practicing "Endless Judgment". After all, the Nine Tests of Destiny for my practice are difficult. "Neverending Jue" allows me to quickly recover from my injury and prolong my life."


Dongfang Xiongtian no longer speaks, he also admires his younger brother very much. With the Nine Test of Destiny, his younger brother can calculate that those disciples of Dahuang Wuyuan have a good future, so he made friends with him in advance and settled. Many potential friends.


   is like Ouyang Wugui.


   With the friend Ouyang Wuhui, Dongfang Daoji can walk sideways in Dahuang Wuyuan, and no one dares to offend him.


   It can be said that in the Dahuang Wuyuan, the power of the Dongfang Dao Ji is no less than that of the four big brothers.


Many people call him the invisible big brother of the Great Desolate Martial Arts By the way, elder brother, here is a piece of bad news for free. After Ye Tian entered the Arai practice, his cultivation level has been promoted to the master of the seventh-order universe. At the pinnacle, you have to hurry up and work hard to become the ninth level of "Indestructible Tribulation Body", otherwise, in the future, your position as a big brother will be released. Hahaha! "


   Dongfang Daoji laughed, and then walked away quickly.


   Dongfang Xiongtian looked at Dongfang Daoji’s back with an incredible expression on his face: "The top of the seventh-order universe? That guy has improved his cultivation level close to the third-order in Arai?"


   Dongfang Xiongtian has been in Dahuang Wuyuan for so long, of course he knows what it means.


   However, if Ye Tian threatened him, he still dismissed it.


  Because the cultivation base can be improved by Arai, but "Indestructible Calamity" can only cultivate hard by himself, which can not be improved in a short time.


   When Ye Tian could threaten him, he probably had already been promoted to the level of cosmic overlord and became an elder of the Great Wilderness Academy.


   "Ye Tian, ​​interesting, I want to see if you can become the second Ouyang Wugui!"


   Dongfang Xiongtian gave a cold snort and left immediately.




   At this time, Ye Tian's body from the outside world had already arrived at the gate of Dahuang Wuyuan.


  The bald old man mentioned by Dongfang Daoji, the former Taoist Master of the Miedaoyuan, was sleeping with a hip flask in his arms.

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