Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1765: Buy magic weapon

"Senior! Senior!"


   Ye Tian couldn't help but yelled softly.


The bald old man smashed his lips, then slowly opened his eyes. He squinted at Ye Tian and said lazily: "Boy, I just improved my cultivation level in Arai, don’t hurry up to practice "Indestructible Jie Shen" "What are you doing here?"


   Ye Tian smiled slightly and said, "It's going to be a hunting activity soon. I want to buy some cosmic weapons from the predecessors."


   "Oh, you should go to the seniors of the Destruction Academy!" The bald old man waved his hand and said.


   Ye Tian smiled and said, "Isn't the predecessor the predecessor of our Destruction Academy?"


   The bald old man glared when he heard the words: "Do you know who I am? Did that guy say it?"


   "Dongfang Daoji Dongfang brother said!" Ye Tian decisively betrayed Dongfang Daoji without any guilt at all.


   "Talky boy!" The bald old man's face sank, as if he was thinking about how to "retaliate" Dongfang Daoji.


   At this moment, Dongfang Daoji, who had just returned to the stone house in Xiaohuangjie, couldn't help but shudder all over, shivering uncontrollably.


   "Strange, what's wrong with me? Why do I suddenly feel so cold?" Dongfang Daoji muttered to himself.


   Then, he did the calculations for himself, and found that it was a big omen, and was so frightened that he hurriedly practiced in seclusion and did not dare to go out in a short time.




At the gate of the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy, the bald old man looked at Ye Tian in front of him with interest, and said slowly: "Now that I know my identity, then tell me, what type of cosmic magic weapon do you need? And, you can buy it. Are you up?"


Ye Tian was taken aback when he heard the words, and then naively said, "Is it expensive? Brother Dongfang said that Senior, you are the former Taoist master of our Miedao Academy, and you take great care of our disciples in Miedao Academy. Half of them are sold at half price. If you have a better talent, you will get it for free. Isn’t it?"


   After saying this, Ye Tian muttered silently in his heart: Dongfang brother, don't blame me, I also can't bear the chaotic rough stones.


   Sure enough, the bald old man was furious when he heard the words, and just wanted to refute, but he couldn't say it after thinking about it. After all, if he refuted, wouldn't he just sit down for not taking care of the younger generation's ‘notorious’?


   Thinking of this, the bald old man gritted his teeth with anger, wishing to go to Dongfang Daoji and unload him.


   "Senior? Isn't it?" Ye Tian asked naively again.


   Looking at Ye Tian in front of him, the bald old man snorted coldly: "Yes, that kid is right, I do take care of the younger generation. But even if it's half price, can you afford it with your kid?"


   "Isn't there a free gift? Does the senior think that my talent is not good?" Ye Tian asked in doubt.


The bald old man sneered, his lazy eyes sharpened suddenly, as if he could see through Ye Tian's thoughts, and hummed: "Boy, I really thought I didn't know your thoughts? Dare to play tricks in front of Lao Tzu, I really think Lao Tzu is old and confused. ?"


   "Haha, seniors have misunderstood, let's talk about half price!" Ye Tian coughed dryly and smiled.


The bald old man sneered: "Boy, don't say I don't take care of the geniuses of the Miedao Academy. You have practiced the fourth level of "Indestructible Calamity" before. If you practice the fifth in the next 100 epochs I will give you a superb cosmic magic weapon for free."


In his opinion, the fifth level of "Indestructible Calamity Body" was trained in a hundred eras, which proves that Ye Tian is really the best genius for practicing "Indestructible Calamity Body". What's the matter?


Ye Tian was overjoyed when he heard this, and quickly asked: "Senior, this is what you said, but if I not only practiced the fifth level of "Indestructible Body", I also practiced the sixth level of "Indestructible". "Robbery", how can there be any?"


The bald old man laughed in anger when he heard this: "Boy, you are not big, and your heart is not small. Do you think "Indestructible Jade Body" is a Chinese cabbage on the side of the road? You can successfully cultivate casually? I spent the time. It took hundreds of thousands of epochs to train into the sixth level of "Indestructible Journey Body". You want to do it in a hundred epochs. Is it possible that Lao Tzu has survived the dog in the 100,000 epochs?"


   Ye Tiansan smiled: "Senior, isn't this an assumption? What if the younger generation succeeds!"


"If you succeed, I'll give you a Chaos God Soldier." The bald old man sneered. He thought that Ye Tian's cultivation of "Indestructible Calamity Body" was too smooth, and he had developed an arrogant character, so he felt a little hate in his heart. Iron is no longer steel.


   Ye Tian wondered: "The Chaos Warrior? Is it more powerful than the Universe Warrior?"


   The bald old man gave a cold snort, and then explained: "The cosmic magic weapon is for the masters of the universe, and the chaos magic weapon is for the cosmic hegemons. You say it is not amazing!"


"Of course it's awesome!" Ye Tian nodded. He knows how strong the cosmic overlords are. At the beginning, Ye Batian's projection of will can easily kill the eighth-order cosmic lord. His strength is extremely powerful. , He saw it with his own eyes.


  Since it is the weapon of the overlords of the universe, its power is definitely not trivial. Ye Tian couldn't help getting excited, thinking that he really earned it this time.


   "How about? Boy, what level are you going to buy?" The bald old man urged impatiently. He felt that Ye Tian was too arrogant, and now he is a bit uncomfortable.


   No matter how talented it is? If people are too arrogant, they will suffer sooner or later, and their future achievements will not be too high.


   The impression of Ye Tian on the bald old man suddenly diminished.


   Ye Tian didn’t know the bald old man’s thoughts. He quickly said: “I want a sword-like superb universe warrior, and it’s best to cooperate with my "Indestructible Tribulation Body" to exert great power."


The bald old man snorted coldly: "I was the one who cultivated "Indestructible Calamity Body". Of course, Lao Tzu's cosmic magic weapon is the most suitable for practicing "Indestructible Calamity Body". If you are lucky, Lao Tzu used a knife at the beginning. It's half price, and a superb cosmic magic weapon also needs more than a thousand chaotic rough stones. Can you afford it?"


   "Hey, there are some adventures for the younger There are still some rough chaotic stones." Ye Tian said with a smile.


   The bald old man sank in his heart. He didn't expect that this kid actually had so many chaotic rough stones in front of him. It seemed that he was really going to bleed heavily this time.


After thinking about it, the bald old man had a cold face, took out a huge jet black long knife, and said to Ye Tian: "This is the best cosmic warrior that the old man used when he became the master brother of the Miedao Academy, let alone Lao Tzu. Fool you, this knife is among the top-notch cosmic warriors. Even if it is half price, it requires three thousand chaotic meteorites."


"Also, this knife is very heavy. Your "Indestructible Tribulation Body" has not been cultivated to the fifth level, so it can't be lifted at all. Only when you train to the sixth level of "Indestructible Tribulation Body" can you reluctantly With this knife, only when your "Indestructible Tribulation Body" reaches the seventh level, can you exert the true power of this knife."


   After finishing speaking, the bald old man looked at Ye Tian with a full face.


   I will pick the best for you, let alone I don’t take care of the younger generation, but do you have the ability to take it away?


   Even if you kid can afford this knife, can you afford it? Can you use it?

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