Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1820: Black man

Looking at the golden dome in front of him, Ye Tian suddenly became curious. He put away the demon next to him, then stretched out his hands, embraced the dome, and suddenly lifted his strength.




   Ye Tian's muscles protruded all over his body, his strength burst out suddenly, and the surrounding sand shivered.


   However, the golden dome in front of me did not move at all.


"It's so heavy?" Ye Tian was surprised. Although he didn't urge "Indestructible Jade Body" just now, he is the master of the ninth-order universe, and his power is much stronger than that of the demon, and he can't even move it. A golden dome.


"I don't believe it anymore!" Ye Tian gritted his teeth immediately, and his temper came up. He practiced "Indestructible Calamity Body" with body refining. If you can't even move an egg, wouldn't it be OK to go? Committed suicide.


Therefore, Ye Tian put his hands on the golden dome again, and he began to urge "Indestructible Tribulation Body", his muscles exploded, a burst of golden arrogance rose from him, and his hair changed in an instant Become golden, no wind automatically.


   The first layer of "Indestructible Jie Shen"...the second layer...the third layer...the fourth layer...the fifth layer...


Ye Tian's face became more dignified, and his eyes became serious. This golden giant egg is actually much heavier than his robbery sword. He has pushed "Indestructible Robbery" to the sixth level. Unable to move.


   However, Ye Tian's stubborn temper also came up, and he shouted: "Get me up!"


   The seventh layer of "Indestructible Tribulation Body" was urged by him, and the powerful force emanating from his hands suddenly made the entire golden dome tremble.




   Immediately, this golden dome slowly emerged from the sand, and was finally lifted by Ye Tian.


   But at this moment, a black divine spear tore through the void and penetrated towards Ye Tian's head.


   "Boom!" Ye Tian felt so keen, he instantly sensed the dangerous aura, and before thinking about it, he slammed the golden dome in his hand against the black spear, and suddenly there was a loud noise.


   Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian sensed a huge force coming from above the golden dome and blasted him out with the egg.


Not far away, a man wearing a black armor, holding a black spear, standing on top of a tenth-order flying beast, staring at Ye Tian coldly, he said domineeringly: "Put down the egg, You can judge yourself!"


   This person is obviously in a high position, and he gets used to it, and even speaks with a commanding tone, as if Ye Tian is his subordinate.


   Ye Tian vomited blood when he heard the words, and even if he was attacked inexplicably, he wanted to commit suicide by himself? Is it your idiot, or treats Lao Tzu as an idiot?


   "Hurry up and judge yourself, I'm in a hurry!" Seeing Ye Tian's hesitation, the black-armored man shouted again, his face indifferent, his eyes arrogant, high up, looking down at Ye Tian.


"Fuck!" Ye Tian couldn't help but yelled. He was so mad that he burst out of the eighth layer of "Indestructible Tribulation Body", waved his fist, rushed to the sky with a blazing divine light, and killed the black-clad man. .


   "Death!" The black armored man saw that Ye Tian dared to attack him, his indifferent face suddenly broke out, he was covered in black light, raised one foot, and stepped on Ye Tian.




   This is an insult. Do you treat yourself as an ant?


   Ye Tian has always been very calm, and at this moment, he was also aroused by boiling anger. He continued to urge "Indestructible Calamity", but in mid-air, he changed his fist position and blasted the black-clad man with the Heavenly Fist.




   When the emperor of heaven punched out, Ye Tian's whole body was golden, like an invincible **** of war, his fist enveloped the entire world, terrifying power pouring out like the Milky Way, overwhelming the sky.


   "Hmph!" The black-armored man snorted, his feet ached, and his whole body trembled. The power in Ye Tian's fist made him a little shocked.


   "Roar!" The Tier 10 universe master level flying monster at his feet roared, raised a paw, and grabbed it toward Ye Tian's chest, bringing a whistling hurricane.


However, at this moment, a black magic knife appeared in Ye Tian's hand, bursting out with bright light, the boundless darkness swallowed the world, and the sharp blade brought up a blood mist, turning this Tier 10 universe master. The claws of flying monsters cut off.


   "Woo..." The flying monster screamed, fell down and almost threw the black man out.


   "Boom!" Ye Tian continued to wield the robber knife, unlocking the eight seals, countless thunder and lightning made up the entire world, and countless purple lightnings enveloped the black armored man and the flying beasts under his feet.


   "Audacious!" The black-clad man sullenly gave a cold cry. He no longer looked down upon Ye Tian, ​​but shook the black spear in his hands, piercing Ye Tian's head, sparking a blazing black light.


"Boom!" Ye Tian's eyes sneered, the Jie Mo Knife in his hand continued to slash towards the flying beast, and the other hand sent out the Emperor's Fist, powerful power spurted out, the blazing golden light was dazzling, and a golden fist took off. He came out and collided with the black **** spear in front of him.




   The two clash, Ye Tiantian insisted on holding the opponent's magic weapon, but he didn't seem to lose the wind at all. This was because he had cultivated "Indestructible Calamity Body", and his body was extremely powerful, comparable to the magic weapon.


   "Wow!" Although the black armor man's body was unobstructed, the tenth-order cosmic master level flying monster under his feet screamed, and the chest was torn by Ye Tian's magic knife, and the blood rained.


   "You are dead!" The black-armored man was so angry that his hair was standing upside down. Two divine spears evolved in his eyes, directly killing Ye Tian's soul.


   This is a soul attack.


   When the soul attacked, he jumped high, holding the black magic spear in his hand, and killing Ye Tian together.




Ye Tian gave a cold In the face of this double-sided attack, he just yelled, and the terrifying soul storm swept out, not only shattered the opponent’s soul spear, but also enveloped the opponent. Among them, the other party has a splitting headache.


   "How can your soul be so powerful?" The black-armored man was terrified. He calmed down forcibly, but the offensive of the black spear in his hand was somewhat weakened.


   "I won't tell you!" Ye Tian roared, igniting the eight-layer seal of the robbery sword, the boundless thunder and lightning, illuminating three thousand worlds in the darkness, and slashed at the black armored man.


The black-clad man vomited blood when he heard the words, his mind was a little shaken, he was attacked by the soul, the power of the black divine spear in his hand was even weaker, he was smashed by Ye Tian and almost broke out, his whole body trembled. , Flew out, spouting a black blood.


   At the same time, the black armored man's aura was disordered, and Ye Tian felt a familiar aura.


   "You are from the Ancient Demon Race!" Ye Tian snorted coldly. ) Download the free reader!!

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