Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1821: Lan Fei

That familiar aura is exactly the aura of the Ancient Demon Race. Ye Tian has had a lot of dealings with the people of the Ancient Demon Race, so they are very familiar.


   However, this black-armored man hides deeply. If Ye Tian hadn't injured him, he would have been unable to discover his identity.


"I am Aoze, the personal disciple of Rong Di, the strongest in the ancient demons universe!" The black-clad man raised his head proudly, his eyes were extremely arrogant, he looked down at Ye Tian, ​​his face was gloomy and said: "Your strength is not weak. I am qualified to know my name, but since you have discovered my identity, then I can only kill people."


   "Son? Your son is your son? Do you have a brother called grandson?" Ye Tian couldn't help but laughed.


  Ozawa heard this, almost vomiting blood with anger, he roared: "My name is Ozawa, and I have no brother."


   "Son, come on, let dad see your strength!" Ye Tianchao hooked his finger and said coldly.


"Ah...I'm going to kill you!" Oze Zhuangruo was crazy, clenching the black **** spear and killing Ye Tian, ​​thinking that he is a scholar of the army, his status in the ancient devil world is extremely precious, even the Universe Venerable is very polite in front of him. Who dares to mock him so much?


   "It turned out to be Rong Di's apprentice, so it's no wonder that his strength is so powerful." Although Ye Tian ridiculed his lips, he was extremely solemn in his heart. He held the Jie Mo Knife in one hand and waved the Emperor's Fist in one hand, and both killed Ao Ze.


Ye Tian was very impressed by the name of Rong Di, because after he cleared the ninth level of the Dark Demon Tower in the original universe, this great figure in the ancient demon world appeared and wanted to accept him as a disciple, but he was Rejected.


   Know from Dracula that this big figure named Rong Di is one of the three strongest men in the universe of the ancient demons. His strength is so powerful that he is the pinnacle strong man who emerged after the conclusion of the last Seven Realms War.


   such a big man, the apprentices he has cultivated must be extremely powerful.


   In fact, in the fight just now, if it were not for a sudden attack by a powerful soul attack, the opponent would lose consciousness for a short time, otherwise Ye Tian would not be able to injure the opponent.


This Aoze’s cultivation is at the pinnacle level of the master of the ninth-order universe, and his cultivation techniques are also extremely powerful. The overall strength is no worse than the three of Dongfang Xiongtian, Xue Luohua, and Yan Sandao. He is a master of the Great Wilderness Academy. .




   Oze stabs the black **** spear tightly. He is really powerful. The **** spear is like a black dragon, shattering the void, roaring fiercely, forming a huge dark vortex, swallowing Ye Tian.


   Suddenly, Ye Tian felt the boundless pressure, and the darkness around him wanted to submerge him. A terrible force was tearing his body, causing him to split, and the divine body was in pain.


   "So strong!"


Ye Tian's complexion changed. He who trained into the eighth level of "Indestructible Tribulation Body", his divine body is extremely powerful, and he has this feeling. If he were replaced by someone else, wouldn't he be torn into pieces and turned into nothingness in an instant ?


"You can actually block my move!" Ozawa's pupils shrank. He was even more shocked than Ye Tian. No one knew the horror of this move better than him. Among the same level, he was invincible, but he was caught in front of him. This person is blocked. Are all the powerful young people in the chaotic world so powerful?


   "Come again!" Ozawa roared, he felt the pressure on Ye Tian, ​​and immediately killed him again, wanting to kill the opponent. <>


   "Fighting the sky and locking the earth!" Ye Tian yelled violently, pinched Yinjue with both hands, and used the Fengtianjue. The golden beams of light suddenly spread in all directions, forming a huge light prison, trapping Oze in it.


"Small bugs!" Ozawa snorted coldly, raised the black divine spear in his hand, and blasted towards the light prison. The boundless aura spread, and a terrifying force immediately exploded, making the entire light prison tremble. , Is about to collapse.


   "Heaven and Earth Baking Furnace!" Ye Tian used Fengtianjue again, evolving into a huge furnace tripod, swallowing the Aoze that had just broken open, and then pinching Yinjue to refine it.


   "Ah..." Ozawa screamed, and he felt that his whole body was being refined, a trace of black air evaporating from his body, and his body was in severe pain.


   However, he is not a mortal after all. He spit out a burst of black blood and was stained with the black magic spear in his hand, making the black magic spear more dazzling, and the spear penetrated the furnace.


"The Demon Extinguish Seal!" Ye Tian, ​​who had prepared for a long time, appeared in front of the furnace cauldron for an instant. His hands evolved the Demon Extinguishing Seal, and he slammed on Oze's chest fiercely, denting the opponent's chest into the body. The bones were all shattered by the shock, Oze's upper body burst immediately, and he spurted blood and flew upside down in pain.




   Ye Tian raised the Jie Mo Knife, took advantage of the victory to pursue, and continued to kill Oze, preparing to solve the enemy in one fell swoop.


   "The devil world is coming!" Ozawa roared with pain, and the boundless darkness suddenly came. A huge dark world, full of countless evil auras, enveloped Ye Tian.


   Ye Tian suddenly turned black, and even his spiritual thoughts were suppressed.


   "Get out of here!" Ye Tian couldn't help but yelled, urging the eighth layer of "Indestructible Tribulation Body", opening the eighth seal of Jie Mo Knife, and violently tore the world apart.


   However, when Ye Tian tore through this dark world, Oze was already gone.


   Obviously, the other party has escaped.


   "With the physique of their ancient demons, they must have been severely injured when they were hit frontally by my "Demon Demon Seal"." Ye Tian secretly thought, otherwise with the opponent's strength, it would be impossible to escape like this. <>


After all, if it weren’t for the terrible nature of "Feng Tian Jue" and "Seal of Devil", plus Oze didn’t understand these two techniques, and underestimated Ye Tian, ​​otherwise Ye Tian wanted to hurt him severely. is difficult to do.


   This Oze is very powerful, and his strength is not under Ye Tian.


   Of course, this is also normal. After all, his master is Rong Di, a strongest person in the universe. This is one of the people standing at the peak of the ancient demon world. Looking at the entire six realms, it is also one of the few.




   ran away Ozawa, Ye Tian returned to the golden dome again, and carefully looked at the dome, he felt a strong breath of life inside.


   "Could it be the egg of a certain monster?" Ye Tian was curious to himself.


   At this moment, cracks began to appear on the golden dome, and more and more cracks.


   "Crack!" With a crisp sound, the golden egg was completely shattered, and golden light shot out from it, brightening the entire undead desert.


   Ye Tian squinted his eyes and stared closely at the golden dome. In the fiery golden light, a slender figure, delicate and delicate, walked out of the golden egg.


   This is a young woman, wearing a blue dress, her jet black hair is like a waterfall, dancing with the wind. Her features are exquisite, her pupils are clear and bright, her eyes are bright and she has white teeth, and she is beautiful.


   "..." Ye Tian's face was suddenly stunned, his eyes widened, a little weird.


   "Hello, my name is Lan Fei, thank you for your help." The young woman came to Ye Tian with a pretty face, red lips and white teeth. For a moment, the whole world was overshadowed.

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