Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1822: Heaven

Looking at the beauty in the blue dress in front of him, Ye Tian had an incredible expression. Who would have thought that there was a beautiful beauty in this golden dome? This is also an anecdote!


   "Dare to ask the surname of the son?" Lan Fei flicked her hair, blinking her big eyes and looked at Ye Tian.


   Ye Tian was a little lost. This was the first time he saw such a beautiful woman. None of the women he had seen before was so beautiful, and her temperament was much worse.


   But Ye Tian's will is firm, he immediately recovered, and said lightly: "My name is Ye Sheng!"


   His celestial demon clone had already used the name ‘Wang Feng’, and he was too lazy to think about the body in front of him, so he borrowed his son’s name.


   "Thank you Ye Gongzi for helping me this time, otherwise if I fall into Oze's hands, I will die." Lan Fei said with gratitude and lingering fear.


Ye Tian smiled faintly: "You don't have to thank me, Oze's words are rude, and I want to judge myself. I will fight him, not for you. Besides, I don't know that there will be you in this golden dome. "


Lan Fei hummed softly: "Na Aoze's master is Rong Di, one of the three strongest in the ancient demon world. With this background, he has always been arrogant and arrogant, with eyes above the top, and he does not put his peers at all. In the eyes."


   Ye Tian looked at Lan Fei, with a doubtful expression on his face: "Your strength is not weak, how can you be afraid of Oze?"


Ye Tian could see that the Lan Fei in front of him was the lord of the tenth-order universe, and his cultivation base was even higher than him. Moreover, it was not an ordinary lord of the tenth universe. It seemed that she had an extraordinary origin, because her aura was very powerful, Feng Xinyi's Tier 10 universe master was many times stronger, and even Ye Tian was not sure to defeat him.


"Young Master Ye doesn't know anything. I was only at the level of the master of the ninth-order universe, and my strength was a little weaker than Oze. Of course, despite this, I am not afraid of Oze. It's just that I got a win in this necrotic desert not long ago. The heavenly fruit, then retreat and began refining, but I didn’t expect Ozawa to hide nearby, and I was hit hard by his sneak attack. As for the golden dome, I evolved from a technique that can be kept at a critical moment Life, even if it encounters the overlord of the universe, it is impossible to break it in a short time." Lan Fei smiled bitterly when he heard the words.


   "Fruit of Heaven!" Ye Tian's pupils shrank upon hearing the words. This is a treasure. One can raise one level of cultivation, which is very precious to those below the cosmic hegemon.


   "I didn't expect that there would be a fruit of heaven in this desert!" Ye Tian immediately sighed, how could his luck not be so good.


Lan Fei said: "I am also surprised that the flower of the avenue will be born here, maybe this is the magic of the flower of the avenue. Oh, yes, I don't need these flower petals of the avenue, so I will give it to Master Ye. Thank you for your life-saving grace."


   After that, Lan Fei took out three thousand petals, each of which was full of mysterious aura.


   Ye Tian's pupils shrank. Although he didn't have the petals of the flower of the avenue, he had seen it before and instantly recognized it.


  Different from the Heavenly Dao Fruit, there is only one Heavenly Dao Fruit, and it contains only one type of Heavenly Dao. However, there are three thousand petals of the flower of the avenue, each containing three thousand heavenly Tao.


   The reason why the Heavenly Dao Fruit is more precious is that there is a complete Heavenly Dao in the Heavenly Dao Fruit. After eating it, you can immediately comprehend a complete Heavenly Dao and raise your cultivation to one level.


   And the petals of the flower of the avenue contain only part of a heavenly path. Although it is also very precious, it is much worse than the heavenly path fruit.


   To be honest, looking at the three thousand petals in front of him, Ye Tian was still a little moved, but after all, he refused to shook his head.


   "It's too precious, you take it back, I have already said, I did not do it for you, I only do it for myself." Ye Tian said.


   Lan Fei smiled softly: "Ye Gongzi, you are right, but anyway, I was only able to escape because you beat Ozawa. You can accept these petals."


   "If you have no merit, you should take it back." Ye Tian shook his head.


Lan Fei blinked, her eyes flashed slyly, and she suddenly smiled: "Well, Ye Gongzi, I haven't completely recovered from my injury. Can you **** me to the Cursed Sea? These petals are rewards, how about? "


   Ye Tian looked at Lan Fei suspiciously: "What are you going to do in the Sea of ​​Curse? It's a forbidden place!"


   Lan Fei's eyebrows didn't have the word ‘devil’, and she didn’t have the aura of the soul-killing curse, which Ye Tian was certain.


   In that case, what did the other party go to the Cursed Sea?


   "Don't Ye Gongzi know the news about the tomb of the Emperor Tianma?" Lan Fei looked at Ye Tian in amazement. She thought Ye Tian was rushing to the sea of ​​curse.


   "I know, it's impossible for you to go to the tomb of the emperor, but only those who have been cursed by the soul can be qualified to enter." Ye Tian said.


   Lan Fei smiled and said: "That's not easy. When those people who have been hit by the Curse of Soul Destruction come to the sea of ​​curses, I can find someone who can easily get the Curse of Soul Destruction."


   Ye Tian was dumbfounded when he heard the words, and then said with a wry smile: "Those who have been caught by the Curse of Soul Destruction are worried to death, you still dare to take the initiative to go to the Curse of Soul Destruction!"


   "There is no way, I want to go to the tomb of the emperor to find a chance, but I can only take a risk and fight hard." Lan Fei sighed lightly, a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes, obviously there was a last resort.


   Ye Tian didn't ask too much, stretched out his hand to beckon, grabbed a petal, nodded to Lan Fei: "Okay, I will send you to the Cursed Sea, but I only need this petal."


   Lan Fei was stunned, then smiled and said: "Okay!"


   At the moment, the two rushed together to the Cursed Sea.


   On the way, the two also chatted casually, discussing the way of heaven, and exchanging experiences, and they all had a lot of gains.


   "Master Ye is a disciple of Dahuang Wuyuan!" Lan Fei said suddenly.


   Ye Tian narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Lan Fei warily, but did not speak.


Lan Fei quickly explained: "Don’t get me wrong, Master Ye, I also saw from your performance of "Indestructible Tribulation Body". Only the disciples of Dahuang Wuyuan can do "Indestructible Tribulation Body". Moreover, I am not afraid to tell you. I come from the heaven. In fact, our purpose is the After the news of the tomb of the **** of the devil came out, people from the upper three realms came here to seek opportunities. I think your Dahuang Wuyuan is different."


   "So that's it!" Ye Tian nodded, but the vigilance in his heart did not relax. Although Lan Fei is very beautiful, there are many beautiful women in these years, such as the red evil girl Yan Luoyu.


Lan Fei obviously knew Ye Tian's thoughts, but she didn't break it either. Instead, she said, "Our Heaven Realm and your Dahuang Wuyuan are not hostile. Since everyone has the same goal this time, if there is a chance, we can cooperate. After all, compared to our heavens, the Ancient God Realm and the Ancient Demon Realm are the enemies of your Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy."


   Ye Tian couldn't comment on hearing this.


   Cooperation is also possible, but it depends on the situation.


   (End of this chapter)





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