Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1827: Take what you need

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   Despite hearing Feng Xinyi's reminder, Ye Tian did not change in the slightest. He still greeted Liu Ying with a clear wind, as if he didn't pay attention to Liu Ying at all.


   "Oops!" Feng Xinyi's expression changed, she felt that Ye Tian was a little too big.


   The casual cultivator on the side of Blood Moon Cave Sky also looked hard to look like, as if he had already seen the end of Ye Tian's sad reminder.


   The crowd around shook their heads and sighed.


   "A pair of blood hands in the blood hand gate shocked one party. They have cultivated to the extreme and can shake the cosmic magic weapon with their bare hands. This person dares to head-to-head with Liu Ying, it is almost death."


   "I think he is just about to be turned into pus and blood by Liu Ying's **** hands."


   "After all, he came from a small place like the Demon Mountain Range, and he has no experience."




   Lu Haoxuan, Du Hongkuo and others were suddenly worried as they listened to the people around them.


   All of this happened between the electric light and flint. They wanted to remind again that it was too late.


   In mid-air, the palms of the two have already fought together, making a deafening noise.


"Boy, you dare to face my **** hands, this young man has to admire your courage!" Liu Ying had a grim face and a cruel smile, his **** hands were covered with red mist, and he followed his arms and moved the leaves. The whole person is wrapped in it.


   The people around exclaimed, Liu Ying is trying to turn Ye Tian into pus and blood? In this way, the divine body is destroyed, even if it is not dead, it is seriously injured.


   However, at this moment, a figure entwined with black demon energy rushed out of the red blood mist, he was like a world-famous demon god, blasting Liu Ying out with a palm.




   Liu Ying's pupils shrank suddenly, and he spurted blood and flew upside down. He fell to the ground and was thrown hundreds of meters away, feeling extremely embarrassed.


   And his **** hand was directly shattered, and even his entire arm was turned into nothingness.


"How can this be!"


   Liu Ying raised her head, enduring the pain, looking at the black figure in front of her with a face full of disbelief. That tall figure, like a demon god, brought him a huge sense of oppression.


   Ye Tian still had one hand on his back, he had already got Liu Ying’s jade box in the other hand, his face was indifferent, and his expression was cold: "Go away!"


   Liu Ying's face turned red when he heard the words, and then became angry from anger. He roared and rushed towards Ye Tian.


   "Wang Feng, I was careless just now..." Liu Ying shouted angrily. He used his only remaining **** hand to tear the sky with his claws. With a whistling air current, the whole world was shattered.


   Behind him, the ten heavenly paths are like ten barren ancient heavenly dragons, roaring together, with unparalleled power.


   Obviously, Liu Ying was desperate.


   But all this, in front of Ye Tian, ​​seemed vulnerable. He only stretched out a finger and penetrated Liu Ying's **** hand, piercing his chest through his chest.




   Liu Ying's other arm was also shattered, and his whole body was stained red with blood. He fell to the ground severely and couldn't get up.


  The crowd onlookers were dumbfounded, and their faces were shocked.


   This is exactly what Ye Tian said before: let you be carried out.


   Not to mention, two seventh-order universe masters in red ran out of the crowd, lifted the seriously injured Liu Ying, and immediately rushed into the crowd and disappeared.


   "It's from the blood house!"


   "The Blood Demon Sect was embarrassed this time, he came here to slap his face, but was slapped instead, hahaha!"


"You can't say that. Although the strength of this Wang Feng is somewhat unexpected, there are many young talents under the blood demon sect descendants, among them there are second-rate sects, even first-rate sects, they are much stronger than this Liu Ying , Wang Feng may not be able to deal with it alone."




   Everyone is talking, not only that no one has left, but because of the news, more and more people are coming here.


   Obviously, they all know that the Blood Demon Sect has fallen into trouble this time, and will definitely send someone to find it immediately.


   No, Ye Tian handed the jade box to Feng Xinyi and stood at the door waiting.


"Brother Wang, do you want to inform the descendants of the Ancient Blood Moon Sect?" Feng Xinyi took the jade box and said with a worried expression. The other party sent out a random person, who is so powerful, who knows who will be strong later. Come.


   "Yes, let's inform the descendants of the Ancient Blood Moon Sect, besides, this gift will be given to her too." Du Hongkuo also said.


   Ye Tian shook his head when he heard this, his dark eyes were extremely deep. He looked at the street in front and said in a low voice: "Do you think that such a big thing happened in front of this mansion, the descendants of the Blood Moon Ancient Sect would not know it?"


   Feng Xinyi was taken aback.


Du Hongkuo suddenly said: "Yes, with her strength, I'm afraid I knew it a long time ago. She didn't come out, just want to see if we are worth following her. If we can't solve even a Liu Ying, then for her, What's the use? Who would be stupid with a lot of burden?"


   "Damn it!" Lu Haoxuan gritted his teeth and cracked the wall next to him with a punch.


   Ye Tian said lightly: "This is fair. We need her to help us resist the strong. Then these weak, naturally we have to help her solve the trouble."


   "The weak..." Feng Xinyi heard the words and smiled bitterly. The other party randomly sent a weak but was able to defeat her easily.


Du Hongkuo knew himself for a long time, so he didn't care too much. If he hadn't caught the Curse of Extinguishing Souls, he wouldn't even go to the tomb of the emperor to fight for opportunities. He is a casual cultivator, and he wants strength without strength. Comparison of martial arts successors?


Lu Haoxuan's face was gloomy. When he left Qingfengzhai, he was still full of confidence and wanted to leave his name in the chaos of the younger generation. But since this time, he has seen so many geniuses and he has already given up. It's just a bit unwilling in my heart.


   But Lu Haoxuan still has ambitions. He wants to get a chance in the tomb of the Emperor Tianma, and then step on these geniuses under his feet to become famous in Chaos World.




   Suddenly, Feng Xinyi narrowed her eyes and looked at the crowd in the distance with extremely solemn expression.


   A group of people in the distance were watching, but at this moment they suddenly gave way to the road, the surroundings became silent, and a tall figure slowly walked along the road.


   Ye Tian was a little surprised. This person's appearance was so strange. His face was half black and half white, separated from the center of the eyebrows. Moreover, his clothes are the same, half black and half white, like life and death.


When Du Hongkuo saw this person, his face changed suddenly, and he reminded him next to him: "Brother Wang, be careful. This person is called Gui Bufan. He is the descendant of the second-rate magic sword life and death gate. He is much stronger than that Liu Ying, and he is younger in the chaos. One generation, his strength can be ranked in the top 300.") Download the free reader!!

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