Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1828: Road reward

Top 300!


   Feng Xinyi, Lu Haoxuan and others took a deep breath. There are countless young talents in the chaotic realm, who can rank within 10,000, and they are all elites.


  Gui Bufan can actually be ranked in the top three hundred, this is already the top line of people.


   Lu Haoxuan couldn't help but asked curiously: "Brother Du, how many places can the fellow named Liu Ying rank before?"


Du Hongkuo groaned after hearing the words: "I don't know the specifics, but it should be more than 3,000, because the 3,000 heavenly Dao list jointly formulated by the nine dynasties only includes the strongest 3,000 people below the universe hegemon. There is no Liu Ying, but this extraordinary ghost can rank up to more than three hundred."


   Lu Haoxuan exclaimed: "The same is the lord of the tenth-order universe, the gap is too big."


Du Hongkuo smiled bitterly: "There are 72 cosmic overlords in Seventy-two Village, but they have been forced to a poor place like the Demon Mountain Range, and Liu Ying's blood hand gate has only a few cosmic overlords, but he was able to stay. In the nine dynasties, what is this because of?"


   "Because of what?" Lu Haoxuan couldn't help asking, this was something he was puzzled by. Could it be that there are more than seventy universe overlords in the Seventy-two Village, but not the blood hand gate area?


Du Hongkuo said solemnly: "Because of the technique! Although there are only a few cosmic overlords in the Blood Hand Sect, their practice is very powerful. They are also the cosmic overlords. A cosmic overlord of the Blood Hand Sect can easily kill you seventy. The cosmic hegemon of Erzhai. Even the dozens of cosmic hegemons of your 72 villages, combined, are no match for a cosmic hegemon of Blood Hand."


   "Impossible, how could dozens of cosmic hegemons fail to beat one cosmic hegemon? How could the gap be so big in the same realm?" Lu Haoxuan said in disbelief, it was a big blow to him.


   Du Hongkuo shook his head, and then asked, "Master, I take the liberty to ask, has your father told you how many heavenly ways he has understood?"


   Lu Haoxuan was startled. This is a secret. The general overlord of the universe would not tell others how many heavenly ways he has understood, so he said vaguely: "I don't know the specifics, but it should be more than 100."


Du Hongkuo naturally knew that Lu Haoxuan was lying, but he didn't mind, and continued: "Our Lord of the Universe can be promoted to the realm of Tier 10 Universe by comprehending the ten heavenly paths, and we have the basis for impacting the Universe's overlord. Therefore, the universe's overlord understands The number of heavenly realms is more than ten. But is the cosmic hegemon who understands eleven heavenly ways the same as the cosmic hegemon who understands more than one hundred heavenly ways?"


   "It's different!" Lu Haoxuan shook his head, comprehending that the number of heavenly ways was ten times different, and the difference in strength was too great.


Du Hongkuo then sighed: "That's right, your father has only over a hundred ways of heaven, but the cosmic hegemon of the blood hand door, the weakest one, has understood more than 500 ways of heaven, the strongest of them. More than a thousand ways of heaven."


"Hiss!" Lu Haoxuan took a deep breath, his face was shocked and disbelief: "How could their understanding be so high? It takes countless years to comprehend each heavenly path. My father has cultivated for so many years, but only After comprehending more than a hundred heavenly realms, could the universe overlord of the blood hand door take longer than my father to cultivate?"


   "Hehe, on the contrary, the cosmic overlord of the blood hand door does not have as long as your father to practice." Du Hongkuo shook his head and smiled.


   "How is it possible!" Lu Haoxuan looked dazed.


Feng Xinyi knows a lot about it. She said: "It is said that when the Lord of the Universe is promoted to the Overlord of the Universe, the Great Avenue of Chaos will give you a reward. The reward given is for you to quickly understand the way of heaven. But this reward has How much depends on how strong your foundation is and how powerful you are when you are the Lord of the Universe. Tenth-order Universe Lords like me can be rewarded with dozens of heavenly Daos when they are promoted to the Universe Lord. I heard that the princes of the nine dynasties, when they were promoted to the overlord of the universe, they were rewarded with at least a thousand ways of heaven."


   "Fuck!" Lu Haoxuan was dumbfounded when he heard this, how could this compare? His father has worked so hard to cultivate for countless years, and he has only comprehended more than one hundred heavenly realms, and the prince of the nine dynasties has just been promoted to the overlord of the universe, can directly comprehend more than one thousand heavenly realms, and instantly kill him Dad, this gap is too big.


Du Hongkuo smiled bitterly and said: "This is the reason for the cultivation method. The stronger the cultivation method, the stronger it will be when the tenth-order universe master, and the more heavenly ways will be rewarded for promotion to the universe hegemon. Xiu, when I am promoted to the overlord of the universe, it is good luck to be rewarded with more than a dozen heavenly paths."


Speaking of this, Du Hongkuo looked at Ye Tian, ​​who had already walked towards Gui Bufan not far away, and said: "The "Heaven Demon Overlord Body" practiced by Brother Wang is very powerful. If he can cultivate it to the tenth level, then If you hit the realm of the cosmic hegemon with this technique, you will be rewarded with more than a thousand heavenly ways, which will be equal to the princes of the nine dynasties."


   Lu Haoxuan’s eyes suddenly burst, and when he heard this, he knew how powerful "Sky Demon Overlord Body" was. In an instant, he was a little moved and wanted to continue practicing "Sky Demon Overlord Body".


However, a passage from Feng Xinyi poured cold water on Lu Haoxuan. She said: "Unfortunately, apart from the Celestial Demon Gate, the "Heavenly Demon Overlord Body" circulated by the outside world only has the first nine layers. It is impossible to use this technique to impact the universe. Overlord realm. Moreover, the more powerful the exercises, the more difficult it is to practice. Even if I give me a complete "Devil Overlord Body", I cannot use it to attack the universe overlord realm."


   Lu Haoxuan was right to think about it, so he sighed.


   "I hope that Brother Wang will be able to worship the Demon Gate in the future, so that we may have an additional backing in the Seventy-two Villages." Feng Xinyi looked at Ye Tian not far away and smiled slightly.


   Lu Haoxuan asked: "Brother Wang's "Sky Demon Overlord Body" has reached the seventh I don't know if I can beat this ghost."


Du Hongkuo groaned: "You should be able to beat it, "Sky Demon Overlord Body" is one of the top techniques. The entire version of "Sky Demon Overlord Body" can even be directly cultivated to the realm of the universe, and it also contains promotion to the strongest in the universe. Opportunity for the scholar, the practice of Gui Bufan’s practice is much worse than that of "Heaven Demon Overlord Body"."


   "Then let us wait and see!" Feng Xinyi smiled gently.




   Not far away, Ye Tian, ​​with his hands on his back, looked at the ghost coming across from him, and said lightly: "Could the descendant of the Blood Demon Sect have another gift to send?"


Gui Bufan's black and white eyes stared at Ye Tian coldly: "You are very strong, especially your divine body. It seems that you have gone through body training. That guy Liu Ying lost to you, he didn't lose injustice. "


   Ye Tian's eyes condensed slightly, and the person in front of him deserves to be ranked in the top 300 among the young generation in the chaotic world. This kind of vision is stronger than Liu Ying. ) Download the free reader!!

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