Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1838: set off

With a vigilant heart, Ye Tian followed Du Hongkuo and walked towards the hall.


Once he came, he was safe. Ye Tian had already passed the entire copy of "Heaven Demon Overlord Body" and "Eighteen Heaven Demon Tribulation" to his own body. Even if this heaven demon clone was destroyed, he would not lose much, but gained a lot. Big.


   Therefore, Ye Tian walked directly into the hall without fear.


   In the hall, the blood moon ancient sect heir and the heavenly demon gate heir had stopped talking about the Tao, and the two immediately moved their eyes when they saw Ye Tian coming in.


   The blood moon ancient sect heir introduced: "This is Brother Wang Feng!"


"I have seen a fairy!" Ye Tian smiled slightly, then looked at the descendant of the Heavenly Demon Sect, his face became slightly solemn, and said: "Presumably this is the descendant of the Heavenly Demon Sect. Wang has admired the Heavenly Demon Sect for a long time, and he can see it today. Heirs, it is really fortunate for Sansheng."


Above   , the blood moon ancient sect rumor suddenly looked stunned when she heard the words. She remembered very clearly that Ye Tian didn't have the intention of worshipping the demon gate, why is she so polite?


   In spite of this, the blood moon ancient sect descendant remained calm and watched quietly.


The descendant of the Heavenly Demon Sect looked very happy, looked up at Wang Feng, and said with a smile: "Brother Wang is in the emperor's capital, and I have also admired his name for a long time. I heard that Brother Wang has cultivated the "Heavenly Demon Overlord Body" to the eighth level, so I came to invite me. Brother Wang joins our demon gate. I wonder what Brother Wang wants?"


Ye Tian didn't expect the descendants of the Heavenly Demon Gate to be so direct. He was stunned at the moment, and then he muttered: "Of course I am willing to join the Heavenly Demon Gate, but we are about to go to the Tomb of the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor. Say it after the tomb of the Great Emperor God."


   "This is natural!" The descendant of the Celestial Demon Sect smiled slightly: "You and I are now under the Curse of Extinguishing Souls. Naturally, the most important thing is to lift the curse."


   At this point, the blood moon ancient sect heir also spoke, and she said softly: "Wang Feng, you don't want to retreat for the time being, we will leave soon."


   "Okay!" Ye Tian nodded.




   In fact, a month later, a group of young talents set off for the Cursed Sea.


  Emperor City, in the huge teleportation square, countless young talents gathered together.


   Ye Tian and the others also followed the descendants of the Ancient Blood Moon Sect.


   Not far away, the descendants of the Demon Gate brought more than a thousand people, and the momentum was not small.


   There are also the princes of the nine dynasties, all of whom have more than 10,000 people. They are strong soldiers and powerful, and they attract everyone's attention.


People from the three major families also came. The leaders were three young men, one carrying a sword, one carrying a bow, and one carrying a knife. The three men were very strong and sharp, with A group of multi-family children stand out from the crowd with extraordinary power.


   After a while, the descendants of Undead Purgatory came, and his subordinates were all unscrupulous people, messy, disorderly, and even shot away from the nearby casual repairers from time to time, causing a lot of noise.


   Lieyangzong followed closely, and its descendants brought three thousand people and horses, one by one wearing fiery red clothes, which swept the entire square like a sea of ​​fire, making the entire square silent and attracting attention from all quarters.


   "The only righteous sect in Chaos World, it really is extraordinary!"


   Among the crowd, Ye Tian stared at the descendant of the Lieyang Sect not far away, and his heart was slightly cold.


   The feeling this person gave him was no weaker than the descendants of the Ancient Blood Moon Sect, even the descendants of the Celestial Demon Sect were slightly inferior.


   It seemed that he could feel Ye Tian's gaze. The Lieyang Sect descendant turned his head and saw that a pair of golden eyes, as if flames were burning, made the whole world crimson.


   "Hiss!" Ye Tian turned his head quickly, feeling that both eyes were burning, and he couldn't bear the other's gaze.


The blood moon ancient sect heir next to him chuckled softly: "Don't look at him. He has trained fiery eyes and has invincible magical powers, which can melt ice and snow and illuminate the eternal darkness. His strength is even worse than me. One chip."


   Ye Tian couldn't help slander after hearing this, why didn't you remind me.


   At the same time, Ye Tian was very shocked, how could the descendants of the Ancient Blood Moon Sect worship the wind? You know, it's impossible to be humble when it comes to their realm, which shows that the descendant of the Blood Moon Ancient Sect is really not as good as the descendant of the Lieyang Sect.


   Of course, Ye Tian also knew that the gap between them was very small.


   "Three Thousand Heavens Dao Ranking, is he ranked first?" Ye Tian couldn't help but curiously asked.


   Ye Tian also paid attention to the Three Thousand Heavens Dao list, because after he defeated Ren Qiusheng, he also ranked among them, ranking 48th.


   However, this list is very special, the top 20 is hidden, except for those in the top 20, outsiders have no idea their ranking order.


   The blood moon ancient sect heir smiled and shook his head: "I don't know!"


   "Don't even know you?" Ye Tian was stunned.


   "Hehe, the top three are not ranked. They are the descendants of the Lieyang Sect, the descendants of the Sun-shooting family, and the descendants of the Dugu family." said the descendant of the Ancient Blood Moon Sect.


   Ye Tian was a little surprised when he heard this: "Are you not among them? The three big families are so powerful, and the descendants of the two big families are among the top three!"


The blood moon ancient sect heir indifferently said: "Every great power in the chaos world has passed on countless years, and it is normal to occasionally have some amazing disciples. In the past, the princes of the nine dynasties also had the power to overwhelm the heroes. We Blood Moon The ancient sect even has people at the bottom. However, this is a battle in the realm of the master of the universe. When it comes to the realm of the cosmic hegemon, our blood moon ancient school is no weaker than anyone. When it comes to the realm of the universe, our blood moon ancient school says Second, no one dared to say first."


   Ye Tian nodded, expressing his understanding. He also knew that some exercises became more powerful as they went further, and some geniuses were late bloomers. There was nothing special in the beginning, but they were very powerful in the later stages.


   is like Jian Wuchen encountered in the Shenzhou Continent. At first, he was the bottom of the arrogance, but in the later stage, he could be compared with Ye Tian.


   When Ye Tian went to the Dahuang Wuyuan, Wang Feng once sent him news that both Jian Wuchen and Zhang Xiaofan had advanced to the Supreme Dzogchen they should be promoted to the realm of the Lord of the Universe by now.


   Thinking back, Ye Tian saw a white body, with endless charm, and came to the square with five or six thousand people. Among these people, Ye Tian felt a pair of eyes with shocking warfare, and its owner was Ren Qiusheng.


   "Wang Feng, the battle between you and me is not over yet!" Ren Qiusheng's eyes were boiling.


   "It's over!" Ye Tian shook his head indifferently. He could defeat Ren Qiusheng before, but now that he has practiced "Eighteen Heavens Tribulation", it is easier to defeat Ren Qiusheng.


   Even if Ren Qiusheng is diligent, he can't be his opponent.


   "Hehe, you are very confident, but standing in the wrong team will sometimes lead to death." The blood demon sect descendant Lu Qingcheng walked over, with a charming body, a pair of jade legs wrapped in a veil, looming. She has cold eyes, gorgeous red lips, and an inexplicable smile on her mouth.


   Ye Tian's eyes narrowed, is this a warning to him?



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