Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1839: Be a guest

"Fairy has countless heroes under his command. I am a nameless person, so I don't have to worry about the fairy." Ye Tian stared at Lu Qingcheng in front of him with a calm expression and said lightly.


   "It's a pity, what a genius!" Lu Qingcheng couldn't comment on this, and sneered lightly, then swaying his graceful body, leading a group of young talents towards the teleportation formation.


   Ye Tian looked at her back, with a vigilance in his heart. Although the other party was only a warning, if given the opportunity, the other party would definitely kill him.


   "Don't worry, her opponent is me, you just have to worry about the people under his command." The blood moon ancient sect heir walked over and said with a faint smile.


   Ye Tian curled his lips, and then stepped into the teleportation formation along with the descendants of the Ancient Blood Moon Sect, and disappeared in a blazing light.


   Dead Sea City, the frontier city of the Chu Dynasty, has always been very deserted, but recently it has been extremely lively, and the number of residents in the city alone has increased by 30%.


  Because everyone knows, a group of young talents will set off from this place, through the desert of dead souls, to the sea of ​​cursing, and explore the tomb of the legendary Emperor Devil God.


   No, in the teleportation array of Dead Sea City, the light is constantly shining, and a series of powerful figures step out from it, carrying an aura of skyrocketing.


Chu Jingshi, the prince of the Great Chu Dynasty, came to Dead Sea City in the first batch. He waved his hand, and a huge warship floated in the sky. All his soldiers followed Chu Jingshi and boarded the warship. , Fly to the sky.


   At the same time, the princes of the other eight dynasties also summoned out of warships and led their men to the Cursed Sea.


   The three major families, the descendants of the five sects, are also the same.


  Some loose repairs, or small teams, each summoned their own flying monsters to follow behind this large team.


   Ye Tian is very fortunate to be with the descendants of the Ancient Blood Moon Sect, because the other party also has a warship. They take a group of warships and do not need to control the flying monsters themselves, and the speed is extremely fast.


   In addition, the warship has a defense formation, which is very safe.


   More than a dozen warships, carrying hundreds of thousands of people, flew in front of them.


  Behind these dozen warships, there are millions of loose repairs and independent teams. There is a large crowd of black and heavy, all driving flying monsters, extremely dense.


   "Many people..." Du Hongkuo sighed at the stern of the boat.


   "Brother Du, how come there are so many people? Don't I remember that there are only a hundred thousand people under the Curse of Extinguishing Souls? What is going on with the millions of extra people?" Lu Haoxuan looked puzzled.


   Ye Tian sneered and said, "It's a group of people who are ready to work hard!"


   Lu Haoxuan was even more puzzled.


Du Hongkuo, who was next to   , explained: “Some of them voluntarily planted the Curse of Soul Extinguishment, in order to go to the tomb of the Emperor Tianma to ask for opportunities, and some were involuntarily born and forced to go there.”


   "People die for money and birds die for food!" Feng Xinyi's cold voice sounded. She has grown up very fast after she has been out of the Hun Mo Mountain for so long, and she is no longer as naive as Lu Haoxuan.


"The road is still long, so let's practice. Don't suppress the cultivation base. Before entering the tomb of the emperor, it is better to increase the cultivation base." Ye Tian returned to the cabin after saying that, ready to continue practicing "Eighteen Demon Tribulation" And "Devil Overlord Body".


   Feng Xinyi also went back to practice a powerful combat technique to improve her combat power.


   Lu Haoxuan and Du Hongkuo looked at each other, and both saw a touch of firmness in each other's eyes.


   "Brother Du, I am going to be promoted to the lord of the tenth cosmos." Lu Haoxuan gritted his teeth and said, he clenched his fists, as if he had made some determination.


   Du Hongkuo smiled and said: "Me too, anyway, I'm going to enter the tomb of the emperor, and it will be useless to suppress the cultivation base. If we can't lift the curse of the soul, we will be a dead end sooner or later."


After    said, both of them went back to improve their cultivation.


  The warship of the blood moon ancient sect descendant is very powerful, with a layer of formations shrouded in it, which is enough to easily resist the attacks of the bones of the necromantic desert.




  The cursed sea!


   is not so much the sea, it is actually just a chaotic dark space, filled with countless space storms, time is chaotic in it, and cursed runes are everywhere, dense like rain. It can be vaguely seen, some dim black roulette, spinning in this world with a terrible breath of curse.


   "Is this the sea of ​​curses?"


   Lan Fei has a blue long skirt, dancing with the wind, two white jade-like long legs, looming in the skirt, quite attractive. She raised a jade arm, pointed her slender finger to the cursed sea not far away, and looked back and smiled at Ye Tian.


   "I'm here for the first time!" Ye Tian spread his hands, a wry smile appeared on his face, and then he muttered: "However, there are so many curses here, and it should be the sea of ​​curses we are coming."


   "I don't know if those guys have set off? It's a pity that it's not like the heavens, there is no Chaos Network, alas!" Lan Fei said depressedly, her willow brows wrinkled slightly, her pretty face tightened, she was not cute.


   Ye Tian was shocked when he heard the words, and said in surprise: "There is also a chaotic network in the heavens?"


   Lan Fei looked at Ye Tian and said with a grin: "Don't you even know this?"


Seeing Ye Tian’s puzzled face, Lan Fei smiled more happily: “The Chaos Network was made by the Emperor of Heaven. It originally belonged to our Heaven Realm, but it later entered the Wild Realm. However, our two realms are separated by a boundary, so the information It cannot be transmitted between the two worlds. But if you come to the heavens, your Chaos Network account will still work."


   Ye Tian couldn't help but utter his tongue, and his heart was overwhelmed: "It turns out that the Chaos Network was made by the Emperor of Heaven. It's no wonder that it has such a great power ~ can spread across the entire wilderness."


   Now he knows that the Chaos Network covers the heavens, which is really terrifying.


   "By the way, let's add a friend. If you have a chance to come to Heaven in the future, you can find me to play." Lan Fei suddenly remembered something, and quickly told Ye Tian of her Chaos Network account and asked Ye Tian to add him as a friend.


   Ye Tian jotted it down, and smiled bitterly: "I don't have a chance to go to the heavens, I am not from the nine heavens."


   "Hehe, that's not necessarily. Our heaven is neutral, not hostile to you like the Ancient God Realm and the Ancient Demon Realm, and it was not without the disciples of the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy who have visited our heaven before." Lan Fei laughed.


   Ye Tian was a little curious when he heard this, and said in surprise: "Who is it? I don't know if I know it."


   "You must know him, because he is the most outstanding disciple of your Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy. He is also the current law enforcer in the wilderness, a peerless powerhouse in the last Seven Realms War." Lan Fei said with a look of admiration.


   Ye Tian shook after hearing this.

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