Seven World Martial God

Chapter 336: Only one real world

The huge amount of information, like a billowing flood, lingered in Ye Tian's heart, and his mind suddenly became like a sponge, absorbing it with all his strength. (Starting)

"The blood demon is not dead!"

Ye Tian's heart moved.

The skill passed to him by the Blood Demon Swordsman reached the holy order, including holy martial skills, holy inner strength mental method, holy body body method, etc., all-encompassing and perfect.

"Blood Demon Immortal Jue is an advanced technique of the Blood Demon Dao. When you are promoted to the King of Martial Arts, you can switch to this technique. By then, this technique will be enough for you to be promoted to Martial Saint."

The voice of the Blood Demon Blade Lord came.

Ye Tian was very excited when he heard this. This is a technique that can lead to the realm of Martial Saint, and its value is immeasurable. Even in the true mainland of China, it is very rare.

"Huh...Cultivating the Gorefiend is not dead, but you want to turn ten worlds into one world?" Ye Tian was receiving the information, and when he saw a place in the information, he suddenly became suspicious.

You know, the most powerful thing about Blood Demon Dao is that it makes Ye Tian nine more small worlds than others. When others have a small world, he has ten small worlds. In this case, Ye Tian's true essence is naturally ten times or a hundred times higher than others, allowing him to leapfrog and kill the enemy.

But this bloodline is not dead, but it is necessary to integrate ten small worlds into one, and practice into a single world. This makes Ye Tian a little puzzled. Are ten small worlds not as powerful as one small world?

This is obviously impossible, because over the years, Ye Tian relied on the power of ten small worlds to defeat one after another enemy stronger than his cultivation base.

"Disciple, what are you wondering?" At this moment, Lord Blood Demon Blade found Ye Tian's puzzled expression and asked aloud.

Ye Tian suddenly said his doubts.

"Hahaha..." Hearing the words, Lord Blood Demon Knife laughed, and he said: "Fool, as a teacher back then, as you thought, ten worlds are far better than one world, but then as a teacher, he was leaving Beihai After Eighteen Nations, he encountered a very powerful opponent. He was in the same realm as the teacher, but with the power of a small world, he defeated the teacher, and it was still a strong defeat, and the teacher could not hold it in his hands. Ten tricks."

" could it be possible! Master, could that senior have cultivated powerful martial arts?" Ye Tian asked.

"No, although his martial arts are brilliant, he is not bad as a teacher. The reason why I lost was because of his small world. The power of his small world far exceeds the power of ten small worlds. "Mr. Blood Demon Blade smiled and shook his head.

Ye Tian was shocked when he heard this. One small world is worth ten small worlds, which is simply unimaginable. [More exciting novels, please visit]

"Apprentice, afterwards, I also met an opponent as a teacher. This opponent, like a teacher, has multiple small worlds. But he is stronger than being a teacher because he has a hundred small worlds. It is earth-shattering, almost invincible at the same level." The Blood Demon Sword continued.

"What! One hundred small worlds!"

Ye Tian was speechless, and he deserved to be the real Shenzhou Continent, and really any kind of genius could be born.

"But disciple, do you know? Even the genius with a hundred small worlds was finally defeated by the strong man with only one small world, and the two sides are still in the same realm." said Lord Blood Demon Blade.

"Hiss..." Ye Tian suddenly wondered, the power of one small world unexpectedly exceeded the power of ten small worlds, he was very curious about what kind of small world it was.

The voice of Lord Blood Demon Sword continued: "Disciple, I tell you this to let you know that no matter how much world you have, it is better to have a powerful world. After many years of training as a teacher, finally Comprehend the profound meaning of the only real world, and cultivated into the powerful only real world. In your opinion, there is only one small world for the teacher, but in fact, the small world of the teacher has gathered the power of hundreds of small worlds."

"Master, I understand what you mean. You are asking me to transform the power of ten small worlds into one small world. This is turning ten into one, not nine and leaving one." Ye Tian's eyes lit up. , Said excitedly.

"Well, you can teach you, hahaha!" The Blood Demon Sword Lord laughed, he was very happy, but he didn't expect to accidentally accept a talented apprentice.

You know, in the past few years, Lord Blood Demon Blade had never thought about accepting some disciples. However, on the one hand, his vision is very high, and on the other hand, his character is very strange, so even though he is a martial sage, he has never accepted a disciple.

This time, Ye Tian and Yang Shaohua paid homage to his portrait, which caused him to leave a trace of thought in the portrait, which attracted his attention.

Afterwards, Lord Blood Demon Sword saw that Ye Tian not only refined his saber back then, but also practiced the exercises he stayed in the Eighteen Kingdoms of Beihai that year, so he thought about accepting disciples.

But Ye Tian just gave the gift of three kneelings and nine knocks to Lord Blood Demon Sword. With 10% of the gift, Lord Blood Demon Sword had no intention of testing Ye Tian, ​​and directly accepted this disciple.

I have to say that Ye Tian's luck is really good. If he doesn't kneel down, with the temper of the blood demon sword lord, how could he be personally unable to accept him as a disciple.

"The only real world. Although Master said that I want me to transform ten small worlds into one small world in the realm of King Wu, if I can transform ten small worlds into one hundred small worlds like the predecessor mentioned by Master. The world. Then it gathers together to form the only real world, then it should be even stronger!"

Ye Tian's character is based on analogy. He listened to the words of Lord Blood Demon Sword, and he suddenly understood in his heart, he made clear his cultivation direction.

Of course, Lord Blood Demon Knife naturally knew that this would be more powerful, but he also knew that doing this would be too difficult.

Because the more small worlds, the more difficult it is to merge into one. On the mainland of China, no one has ever merged a hundred small worlds into one.

As far as the Blood Demon Sword Master knows, in the history of the Shenzhou Continent, the most powerful person has combined only forty-nine small worlds into one, achieving the most powerful and only real world.

Later, this man pushed all the way, invincible, became a warrior powerhouse, and shocked the entire Chinese mainland.

Although Ye Tian's talent is very high, but the Blood Demon Sword Lord only hopes that he can combine ten small worlds. There are many ways for warriors, and there is no need to waste his talent on this.

However, Lord Blood Demon Sword didn't like to drag his mother, he wouldn't tell Ye Tian so comprehensively, and besides, he didn't expect Ye Tian to be so ambitious.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Ye Tian embarked on a difficult road that even he could not predict.

These are things to follow.

At this moment, Ye Tian finally received all the information about the Blood Demon Immortal Destiny. The information seemed to be directly printed in his mind. As long as he thought of it, he would automatically remember it.

"It's really convenient to teach the techniques like this, but unfortunately, only the martial arts powerhouse can do it." Ye Tian felt this huge breath, slightly envious, if he had this kind of energy, he could pass some martial arts directly to the Ye family. It’s much more convenient and saves a lot of time.

"Apprentice, practice and teach your skills as a teacher. With your talent, the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea can't hold you back. When you reach the realm of martial arts, the teacher will personally pick you up." After you said it, his body gradually emitted a dazzling brilliance, like starlight, starting from bottom to top, slowly dissipating.

"Master!" Ye Tian exclaimed, he was a little bit sad.

"Chi'er, as long as we work hard to cultivate, our master and disciple will meet again one day, do you know? As a teacher, I look forward to the day when you are promoted to Martial Saint. By then, both of our master and apprentice will be Martial Saints. A good story on the mainland, hahaha..." The voice of Lord Blood Demon Knife began to gradually decrease, and afterwards, it was no longer heard.

The brilliance on the portrait gradually converged and became an ordinary portrait, hung on the wall.

"Master, rest assured, the disciple will not let you down, I will definitely become a martial artist!"

Ye Tian roared.

"Brother Ye, what happened?" Yang Shaohua's voice came from outside the hall. He heard Ye Tian's roar and thought something had happened.

"It's okay, let's go out!"

Ye Tian cleared up his mood, got up and walked out of the palace, leaving the palace with Yang Shaohua.

At this time, the golden halo surrounding the entire palace still existed. Yang Shaohua saw this and couldn't help wondering: "What's the matter? We even saw Senior Blood Demon Sword Sovereign, why can't we get out?"

"Don't worry, you can definitely go out with me." Ye Tian smiled slightly when he heard the words, he took out the Blood Demon Knife and slashed towards the golden halo.


A **** sword light slashed fiercely on the surface of the golden aperture, devastating and rotten, tearing a person-sized crack.

"Brother Yang, go!" Ye Tian shouted, and rushed out first. He used one step to reach the sky, rushed out, and rushed out of the palace.

"Brother Ye, wait for me!" Yang Shaohua yelled and quickly followed.

After the two of them left here, the crack slowly disappeared.

Ye Tian and Yang Shaohua immediately felt the strong They rose into the sky and floated toward the top of the swamp.

After a while, the two came to the ground and saw the sun that they hadn't seen for a long time.

"Unexpectedly, the power of the Blood Demon Knife turned out to be the key to leaving this hall, but after losing the Blood Demon Knife, I am afraid that only Brother Ye will be able to enter and exit here." Yang Shaohua said with a smile.

After finishing speaking, Yang Shaohua looked up at the sun in the sky and sighed softly, with some lingering fears and said: "This time I really thank Brother Ye, otherwise I won't have the chance to see the sun again in my life."

He is not humble, even if he opens the door of the palace, he will eventually be killed by the one-armed mantis beast.

However, due to the appearance of Ye Tian, ​​he not only entered the palace, but also saw Lord Blood Demon Sword, and also obtained a Heavenly Sword Skill. This gain was beyond his imagination.

Yang Shaohua is already very satisfied.

"Brother Yang, let's go out, don't let Miss Zhou wait for a long time. Haha!" Ye Tian said with a smile.

Yang Shaohua immediately blushed.

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