Seven World Martial God

Chapter 337: Extreme 1 battle

At the exit of the death swamp, two figures suddenly appeared from the depths of the swamp, revealing two young men, indeed Ye Tian and Yang Shaohua. (Starting)

"Brother Ye, it seems that we are going to part here, are you really going to Broken Dragon City?" Yang Shaohua turned to look at the purple-robed youth on the side.

"No, I have to go all the way to Jiuxiao Tiangong, it will definitely be delayed for a while, I'm afraid there is not enough time." Ye Tian shook his head and said.

At this time, there are not many days until the opening of the Nine Heavens Palace. Ye Tian still wants to experience it during this time, so he doesn't want to return to Broken Dragon City to delay time.

"In that case, let's see you in the Nine Heavens Palace!" Yang Shaohua hugged his fist. He did not continue to invite Ye Tian to Broken Dragon City. After all, for the martial artist, cultivation is the most important.

"Okay...Brother Yang, take care!" Ye Tian nodded and clasped his fists.

"Take care!" Yang Shaohua clasped his fists and rose into the sky, disappearing into the boundless sky.

Ye Tian watched Yang Shaohua leave, and then the smile on his face quickly converged. The corner of his mouth curled slightly, his icy eyes swept towards a dense towering tree not far away, and he sneered: "A dignified Martial Lord The tenth-level powerhouse unexpectedly lies in ambush here. If it is to wait for Ye Mou, then Ye Mou is truly honored."

A towering tree in the distance was very dense and could not see any movement, but Ye Tian's keen intuition could feel that a powerful warrior was hidden there.

Originally, a Wujun tenth-level expert wanted to hide, it was impossible for Ye Tian to discover it so easily.

But this hidden powerhouse seemed to be waiting for Ye Tian, ​​so when Ye Tian and Yang Shaohua appeared, he was agitated and leaked a little breath, and he was noticed by the keen Ye Tian.


A loud noise shook the earth.

The towering tree not far away exploded with a ‘boom’ after Ye Tian’s voice fell.

"Hahaha... you deserve to be the Great Flame Sword King. Wu Mou let out a little breath at will and was discovered by you. No wonder you were able to kill Sun Lingtian."

With a loud laugh, a tall figure burst out from among the exploding towering trees.

This is a middle-aged man with black hair and ink, with his hands on his shoulders, he stepped into the air, his body glowing with fiery light. That majestic wave of true essence, with every step of his fall, can make the void vibrate.

"It's you—Wu Yanxue!" Ye Tian narrowed his eyes when he saw the visitor, and a cold light burst into his icy eyes. (Starting)

In the first battle of Wu Zhoucheng, in addition to the powerful murder king that shocked Ye Tian, ​​the blood of Wu Yan, who had the tenth level of Wujun, was also deeply remembered by Ye Tianshen.

Ye Tian knew that this was an incredible powerhouse, and he could only be promoted to the half-step martial arts king. With his current strength, he was not sure of defeating him unless he used the Blood Demon Sword.

After thinking about it, Ye Tian has secretly swayed the Blood Demon Knife in the small world. He stared at Wu Yanxue indifferently, and snorted coldly: "If General Wu continues to attack Wu Zhou City, how can he run to the big Is it within Song Kingdom? Are you big Wei State not too ambitious and ready to invade Great Song Kingdom?"

Before the words fell, Ye Tian's skin was stained with a layer of gold. In his eyes, blood flickered, and powerful true essence fluctuations filled the void.

Ye Tian didn't dare to have any reservations when encountering such a powerhouse as Wu Yanxue. He had already set up his defenses before taking action, just in case.

Seeing Ye Tianru approaching the enemy, Wu Yan's **** mouth curled up slightly, and he smiled sensibly: "You killed Sun Lingtian in the battle of Wu Zhou City. Wu Mou came to the territory of the Great Song Kingdom by the order of the Killer King. Just to kill you and avenge Sun Lingtian."

What a soldier, Wu Yanxue said very straightforwardly, killing you if he said to kill you, without the slightest hypocritical concealment, but made Ye Tian nod slightly.

However, Ye Tian still showed disdain, and he sneered, "Taking revenge for Sun Lingtian? I think your murderer fears my potential. I am afraid that I will become King Martial and kill him, so I want to solve me in advance."

"It's not just the murderer king who is afraid of your talent, but Wu is also very afraid. It's a pity, why are you not the genius of our Great Wei Kingdom!" Wu Yanxue nodded directly, looking at Ye Tian, ​​a long one. sigh. He lifted his footsteps and walked towards the front. The majestic true essence caused his body to burst into fiery light.

Wu Yanxue is very powerful, his true essence is surging, and the turbulent blood is like wolf smoke, from his body straight into the sky, exuding a terrible sense of oppression.

"Do you really think you can kill me?" Ye Tian's eyes were like a torch, shining with a terrifying aura, breaking out of his body, forming a field of power around him.

Wu Yanxue immediately shook his body, and he felt that his martial arts will had been hit by a powerful force. Fortunately, he was ranked at the tenth level of Wujun peak realm, and the martial arts will was very strong.

But even so, Wu Yanxue looked at Ye Tian with amazement: "At this age, you can understand the power of the king. If you are not a member of the Great Yan Nation, Wu would not be willing to kill you if he said anything. A Tianjiao."

"The tenth-level peak of Wujun? Ye Mou will learn about the strength of General Wu today. Maybe you will become my stepping stone to the promotion of the four kings." Ye Tian's eyes are brilliant, his face is full of fighting spirit, and his whole body is full. Exuding fiery golden light, like a golden **** of war.

Wu Yanxue was bathed in the true essence like the vast sea, and his body skin exuded a terrifying aura. When he heard Ye Tian’s words, the admiration on his face disappeared, a pair of indifferent The eyes shot out two bright killing lights.

"If you can become the stepping stone of the Great Flame Sword King, it would be a great honor for Wu, but I'm afraid that next year will be the anniversary of your Great Flame Sword King's death. Don't worry, I will burn you more paper money then."

Wu Yan said coldly.

"General Wu, please!" Ye Tian stopped talking nonsense, raised the black iron sword, the cold blade, pointed at Wu Yanxue from a distance, a majestic sword intent, rushing toward his face.

"Since you are so anxious, then Wu will send you on the road first!" Wu Yanxue's eyes condensed slightly, and then his body, like a volcano, erupted in an instant, the terrifying true essence, mighty, rushing straight. The sky swept the entire world.

Rumble...This area is boiling, and the big earthquake trembles like an earthquake.

Ye Tian's purple star robe was hunted by the hurricane, and his eyes burst out like scorching sun. When Wu Yanxue took the shot, the mysterious iron sword in his hand had already displayed the prepared burial ceremony.


Along with a huge Tai Chi diagram blocking Ye Tian's body, the fierce power erupting from Wu Yanxue's body also violently impacted on this huge Tai Chi diagram.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth shook, and the void trembled, and there seemed to be turbulent waves in this area.

Wu Yan's blood rose into the sky, standing in the sky, with cold eyes, looking down at Ye Tian coldly, and he whispered: "Three styles of funeral? It's a pity that your cultivation is only Wujun eighth level, if you reach Wujun nine Level, Wu really can't break your defense."

Having said that, Wu Yanxue stepped down in one step, seeming to suppress Ye Tian with a single kick, with a fierce and terrifying momentum.

Following Wu Yanxue's footsteps, a series of thunders sounded in the sky, and the soles of the feet entwined by the terrifying true essence suddenly skyrocketed to the size of a mountain and pressed down against Ye Tian's head.

This scene is very scary!

How domineering and arrogant this is, stepping on Ye Tian's head is not only conceited, but also an insult to Ye Tian.

A blazing divine light bloomed in Ye Tian's eyes, and he roared like a bell and drums, shaking the sky with an invincible aura, forming a huge, directly facing the pressed giant foot.


Ye Tian's eyes burst out, and the powerful fighting intent came out. Even when facing the older generation of powerhouses at the tenth level of Wujun, he was still fearless and invincible in his heart.


The unmatched blade light collided with Wu Yanxue's huge feet, and both of them exploded with terrifying power at the same time, like two meteors, slamming together, bursting out a brilliant fire.

"Blood World Slash!"

At this moment, Ye Tian was like an invincible God of War going upstream. He raised the profound iron sword and slashed fiercely into the sky. The powerful blade light rushed out of the blade, trying to split the entire sky in half.

The giant foot that was condensed from True Essence was split by Ye Tian's knife abruptly, as if opening the sky and the earth, a supreme blade of light slammed Wu Yan's blood fiercely.

"It turned out to be an underground martial skill? Your kid has a lot of opportunities, but you still have to die!" Wu Yanxue was slightly startled. He didn't expect Ye Tian's strength to reach this level. While shocked, his killing intent was even stronger. Up.

"It's only been a long time before this kid has been promoted to the eighth rank of Wujun. I am afraid that the average Wujun tenth rank can do nothing about him. It won't be long before he will be among the four kings." Wu Yan thought secretly. His eyes were full of strong killing intent, a cold long sword, spewing out a sword light hundreds of feet long, volleyed towards Ye Tian.

"Three styles of funeral!"

"Blood World Slash!"

Ye Tian yelled His hair was dancing frantically, he was resurrected like an ancient **** of war, his eyes fierce and frightening. Horrible fluctuations of blood and energy filled the entire void, and fiery golden light erupted from him, like a sun.


Wu Yanxue and Ye Tian collided with each other, the brilliant light illuminates the entire sky, making the sun in the sky pale. This is a peak duel, and no one will let anyone else.

Neither Ye Tian nor Wu Yanxue dared to underestimate their opponents, exploding their strength to the limit.

I have to say that Wu Yanxue is, after all, a super strong who will be promoted to the half-step Wuwang realm, and he will eventually beat Ye Tian. The vast sword light came from the void and blasted Ye Tian out.


Ye Tian didn't hide anymore, took out the Blood Demon Knife directly, his body rose from the ground, rushed towards the sky, and rushed towards Wu Yanxue.

At this moment, the Blood Demon Knife was like a demon **** who had escaped trouble, making a harsh screaming sound, and a surging blood-colored river rose behind Ye Tian, ​​surging across the sky.

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