Seven World Martial God

Chapter 352: Sea sweetfish

The days on the sea are very boring. In addition to practicing, every day is to look at the sea and lament the vastness of nature. [More exciting novels, please visit] {First issue}

Although there are many fierce beasts in the sea, they are attacked by fierce beasts from time to time, but relying on the joint efforts of everyone, the journey is peaceful.

During this period, Ye Tian also made several shots, killing several powerful beasts that attacked the ship, saving the lives of some warriors.

After doing this several times, the warriors on the ship were very grateful to Ye Tian. They knew very well that if Ye Tian was not there this time, some of them would definitely die.

Three months have passed in a blink of an eye, and everyone has completely moved away from the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea and came to the endless North Sea. There is nothing else around them except the ocean.

As they approached the Nine Heavens Palace, the fierce beasts everyone encountered became stronger and stronger, and Ye Tian made more and more shots.



A huge fish-shaped fierce beast was penetrated by a golden "color" feather arrow and fell from midair.

Afterwards, several warriors shot together and jointly caught the fish-shaped beast on the deck, and then brought it to Ye Tian.

On the deck, Ye Tian looked at these people suspiciously and waved his hand: "It's just a fierce beast of Wujun level 6, you can figure it out."

This is not Ye Tian's generosity. During this period of time, he has hunted many fierce beasts in order to practice Nine Stars Lianzhu, and this is not bad.

Several warriors were taken aback upon hearing this.

Immediately, one of them said respectfully: "Master Ye, this is a very famous sea sweetfish, a kind of peerless delicacy, and even the lord likes to eat it. However, this kind of beast is very rare, and I did not expect to be hunted by Ye Gongzi Won a head, Ye Gongzi, you are lucky this time."

"Oh? It's so famous!" Ye Tian "shows" a surprised "color". He has eaten a lot of fierce beasts, but he didn't feel anything extraordinary. He didn't expect this fierce beast would even like to eat it. I am afraid it is not so delicious.

"Hey, it turned out to be sea sweetfish, brother Ye, you are so lucky, you can save some for me later, I haven't eaten this kind of delicacy in years." At this time, Hu Tianhua came over and he "licked "Licking" his lips, he looked at the beast on the deck with surprise.

Ye Tian suddenly became more curious, knowing that when they reached their level of cultivation, there was no need to eat anything, at most they would eat some spirit fruits and taste it.

With a hint of expectation, Ye Tian waved his hand and smiled: "Since it is so delicious, then we will have a grilled fish feast tonight."

Hu Tianhua was shocked when he heard the words, he quickly said: "Brother Ye, this kind of beast is very rare and rare. You are sure not to leave a little bit. [Starter]" He didn't expect Ye Tian to be so generous, and he planned to entertain the whole ship. Musha.

"Hahaha, I have wine today and get drunk this morning, so why stay in another day." Ye Tian laughed.

"Long live Ye Gongzi!"

"Thank you Young Master Ye!"

"Haha, we also have good food."

Upon hearing this, the surrounding crew members shouted with excitement and excitement.

Seeing this, Hu Tianhua secretly sighed, a fierce beast in exchange for the favor of so many warriors, this trade is worth it.

However, Ye Tian didn't have as much as he thought. He had never eaten sea sweetfish, and he didn't know the preciousness of this beast. In his opinion, it was nothing more than a fierce beast, no big deal.

The red sun was sinking, and in the evening, the sky was covered with red clouds, and the reflected sea was glowing red.

Suddenly, a peculiar smell spread throughout the ship, causing all the crew including Ye Tian to move their index fingers.

"It smells so fragrant, what seasoning did you put on it?"

Soon after, several warriors brought up the grilled sea sweetfish, and suddenly a strong fragrance came to the face, which was shocking.

Ye Tian couldn't help being surprised, and asked aloud.

"Haha, brother Ye, you are wrong. You don’t need any seasonings for grilling sea ayu. Because sea ayu is a kind of seasoning. For big families like us, the seasoning is indispensable. "Hu Tianhua explained with a smile on the side.

"You mean its fish meat has its own fragrance?" Ye Tian asked in surprise.

"Yes, how else is it called sea sweetfish! This kind of fish is originally used as a condiment, and it is very precious. If we eat fish directly like us, I am afraid that many people will be envious." Hu Tianhua said droolingly, eyes dead. Staring at the sea sweetfish.

"You said that, I really regret it." Ye Tian said, pointing like a sword, and directly slashed a huge piece of fish from the top, and then divided some into the small world.

"Hey, it's too late to regret now, brothers, let's get started, don't be polite to Master Ye." Hu Tianhua laughed at the words, and hurriedly stepped forward to cut the meat.

Other warriors also rushed over, sharing the flesh of the sea sweetfish.

Suddenly, the rich fragrance swelled around, filling the entire ship with a fragrance.

"It's so fragrant... it melts in the mouth, and even the fish bones are soft and can be swallowed directly..." Ye Tian took a bite of sea sweetfish, his eyes brightened and his face was full of wonder.

At this moment, in a small world of Ye Tian, ​​the treasure hunter also hugged a piece of sea sweetfish and gnawed at it, looking contented.

"I knew it was so delicious, I wouldn't be full of big heads." Ye Tian really regretted it at this time. He didn't expect this fish to be so delicious. No wonder even the lord likes it.

"In these days in Beihai, you must catch a few more fish of this kind, and give them to Master and parents when you go back." Ye Tian secretly thought that he was already attracted by the smell of fish.

"Hey, save me some!" Ye Tian suddenly yelled, because he saw that Hu Tianhua's servant had already eaten several yuan, and everyone else was robbing it.

Fortunately, with the prestige of the Great Flame Sword King, these warriors have left Ye Tian a lot of fish and meat, allowing him to have a good meal.

Even the treasure hunter in the small world squinted his eyes, looking like he was enjoying.


In the dark night, with countless stars, there was a sudden loud noise, shaking the sky, shaking the sea, and the crew who had a good meal stood up instantly.

Ye Tian frowned and looked up. There was a familiar breath not far away from the sea level.

"What a strong breath, this strength is approaching Wujun's ninth level." Hu Tianhua on the side was surprised. He felt that the strong breath ahead was slightly better than him.

"I'll go and see, you are waiting here, don't get close there." Ye Tian said next, and then stepped into the air and rushed forward.

He was going to see who he was, and instinctively told him that this person should be an acquaintance, but for a moment he couldn't remember who it was.

"Drop anchor, stop the ship!" Hu Tianhua immediately ordered after seeing this.

The people on the boat watched with interest. They were not worried about Ye Tian. In fact, in their opinion, even if the four kings came, they might not be Ye Tian's opponent.

These days, they have seen Ye Tian's strength with their own eyes.

With just a big bow, Ye Tian "shot" and killed countless beasts, including Wujun eighth level beasts. There is hardly a fierce beast that can stop Ye Tian's one-shot power.

Therefore, these people are very confident in Ye Tian.

"Maybe, in this session of the Nine Heavens Palace Supreme Battle, Ye Gongzi will become one of the four kings."

Everyone thought so in their hearts.


At the sea level not far away, a fierce battle was going on, completely disrupting the quiet night.

The two sides of the battle are a huge black "color" big python, and a burly young strong man, both of which are close to the ninth level of Martial Lord, and the world is broken.

"Damn it, this snake is too difficult..." The young man frowned while fighting. On his chest, there was a dark palm print, exuding a weird aura, making his true essence weaker and weaker.

If it weren't for this terrible wound, even if he couldn't beat the giant python, he would still be able to escape. He wouldn't be as passive as he is now and be chased by the giant python all the way here.

"I smelled the scent of sea sweetfish just now. There must be someone nearby, maybe it can save my life." The young man turned his head slightly, and suddenly saw a big ship not far away. He was very surprised and hurriedly headed over there. Rush away.

The giant python has long been psychic and knows the purpose of the youth. It glared at the frightening eyes, filled with bloodthirsty light in its cold eyes, and slammed its tail at the youth.


The young man tried his best to resist, but after all, because he was too weak, he was vomiting blood from the tail, and he almost fell into the sea.

"Made, I'm fighting with you." The young man was furious, his eyes flashed fiercely. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he was ready to go desperately.

But at this moment, a golden "color" feather arrow, carrying terrifying power, "shot" in from the head of the giant python on the opposite side at a flashing speed.

Suddenly, the giant python raised his head and roared, the entire huge head exploded instantly, and the huge corpse fell into the water.

"Haha, I can eat snake soup tonight." With a loud laugh, Ye Tian stepped down into the air and grabbed the python's body in a hand.

This is a fierce beast that has reached the eighth level of Martial Lord, it is very precious, how can it be thrown away at will.

"Ye Tian!" Seeing Ye Tian, ​​the young man was immediately surprised and secretly relieved.

At this time, he felt a burst of exhaustion, before he said anything to Ye Tian, ​​he fainted and fell from midair.

"Brother Yan!"

Upon seeing this, Ye Tian exclaimed, hurriedly used one step to reach the sky, appeared beside the youth, and caught him.

"Brother Yan, what's wrong with you?" Ye Tian helped the young man and shouted a few words, but the young man had lost consciousness.

At this moment, Ye Tian felt an evil breath coming from the young man's chest, which made him unable to hold up the body protector.

"Huh? What kind of martial skill is this? It's so can swallow the true essence and look down on the meridians!" Ye Tian saw the black palm print on the young man's chest, and his face suddenly changed.

"Fortunately, he hasn't been recruited for a long time, and he can still be saved." After checking the young man's injury carefully, Ye Tian was relieved immediately.

This young man must be saved, because this person is Yan Haotian, the fourth prince of the Great Yan Kingdom.

The Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom is kind to Ye Tian, ​​and now his most promising son is in danger, and Ye Tian cannot ignore what he says.

Fortunately, Ye Tian's current strength is very strong. Even though Yan Haotian's injuries are serious, he still can't help him.

"Frozen his wounds with ice for 30,000 miles first, and wait until we get back on the boat." Ye Tian took a deep breath, running the cold ice fist, stretched out his hand on Yan Haotian's chest, and suddenly the extremely cold breath came out, This area of ​​Yan Haotian's chest froze.

After that, Ye Tian checked it and found that the evil aura in Yan Haotian's body had also stopped swallowing, and was frozen by his chill.

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