Seven World Martial God

Chapter 353: Fire Dragon King

"Brother Ye!"

"Young Master Ye!"

When Ye Tian returned to the boat, Hu Tianhua and the others hurriedly greeted him, looking at the Yan Haotian that Ye Tian was holding with a look of doubt. (Starting) (Starting)

"Huh, is it Yan Haotian?" Hu Tianhua's eyes suddenly lit up, his face full of surprise.

After all, Yan Haotian was the number one in the Supreme Ranking before the Great Yan Nation. He had already gained a small reputation in the Eighteen Nations of Beihai, so Hu Tianhua quickly recognized it.

"Prepare a quiet room for me. I want to heal him." Ye Tian didn't have time to explain to them at this time, because Yan Haotian's injuries were very serious.

When Hu Tianhua saw this, his face suddenly became serious, and he quickly arranged a quiet secret room for Ye Tian.

Secret room.

Ye Tian put Yan Haotian on the bed, then leaned out the martial arts will, and scanned the whole body of Yan Haotian, his face was extremely solemn.

On Yan Haotian's chest, that black "color" palm print exudes a faint black glow from time to time, which looks extremely strange.

The chest that was originally frozen by Ye Tian, ​​was slowly corroded by the black energy at this time, as if it was about to break through.

"How could this be?" Ye Tian's face suddenly changed when he saw this scene, his eyes filled with disbelief.

You know, his 30,000 miles of ice can be frozen even by a tenth-level Wujun, why can't even this small palm print be frozen now?

Ye Tian frowned. He knew that he didn't have time to think about it now. When Yan Haotian woke up, he would naturally know what had happened.

"Since this weird energy cannot be destroyed, then I will "force" it out."

Taking a deep breath, Ye Tian slowly lifted his right palm. An extremely cold breath immediately filled the whole room, covering the seats inside with a layer of frost.

In midair, Ye Tian's palm exuded a blue "color" light, slowly printing on Yan Haotian's chest.

Chi Chi!

The black "color" evil energy that was originally frozen by the ice suddenly boiled like boiling water. It broke the ice and rushed towards Ye Tian.

"Huh!" Ye Tian snorted coldly, his right palm radiated radiantly, and the cold fist burst out instantly, freezing the black evil energy that hit.

However, there is still a part of the evil black "color" energy hidden in Yan Haotian's body.

"Leave the rest out for me too!" Ye Tian sneered, and continued to increase Frost's fist, using this extremely cold power to force out the remaining black evil forces a little bit. [More exciting novels, please visit]

Finally, Ye Tian frozen them all and threw them into the sea.

Soon after, Ye Tian saw Yan Haotian's chest, that black "color" palm print slowly disappeared.

"Huh!" Ye Tian heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this, feeling extremely grateful.

"Fortunately, I met Yan Haotian early, otherwise this evil force alone would be able to kill him, I am afraid King Wu can only do nothing." Ye Tian thought secretly.

This person who shot obviously expected Yan Haotian to die, so he didn't continue to kill him, but instead threw him in Beihai and fend for himself.

Moreover, being eroded by this evil force little by little, Yan Haotian might not be as good as death by then, which would be more cruel than killing him.

"Who has such a powerful power? And also hated Yan Haotian so much." Ye Tian frowned, he glanced at Yan Haotian who was still sleeping, knowing that this question could only be answered when he woke up.


Pushing open the door, Ye Tian asked Hu Tianhua to arrange two maids to serve Yan Haotian, and then he began to think.

Ye Tian was not surprised to be able to meet Yan Haotian in Beihai. After all, the Nine Heavens Palace was about to open, and young experts like Yan Haotian would definitely come to Beihai.

"I wonder if they will come?"

Ye Tian couldn't help thinking of his friends like Po Jun, Mu Bingxue, Li Lanshan, Zhang Hu.

The Nine Heavens Palace is a grand event for the young generation. Naturally, there are not a few strong young people from the Great Yan Nation, but compared to other kingdoms, the strength of the young generation of the Great Yan Nation is somewhat low.

Although Ye Tian is strong, he is only one person after all, and the strength of the others is far from him.

On the contrary, like the Great River Kingdom and the Great Song Kingdom, in addition to the powerhouse with one of the five great arrogances, there are also many powerful figures, such as Yang Shaohua, Hu Tianhua and others.

"Great Yan Nation has a long way to go if it wants to become truly strong."

Ye Tian sighed softly.

The lord of the Great Yan Nation is already in danger. Even if he becomes King Martial in the future and will rise to the top of the Great Yan Nation, he will always leave the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea. Where will Great Yan Nation go?


Not far away, a group of fiery flames sprayed into the sky, dyeing a whole area of ​​the sky red, making the night become like day.

Ye Tian looked at this scene in shock, his face full of shock.

In the far front, there is a huge sea volcano, like a sky pillar standing under the sky.

This volcano is not yet an extinct volcano. At this time, it was erupting, and it erupted a lot of blazing magma, covering the surrounding sea.

From a distance, there seemed to be a sea of ​​fire, which was daunting.

What is even more frightening is that under this volcano, there are snoring sounds from time to time, shaking the void, causing the surrounding sea to tremble, and setting off huge waves that shock the sky.

"Whirring whirring……"

This rhythmic voice, like a big hammer, hit Ye Tian's heart from time to time, making him feel a suffocating sense of oppression.

"What a powerful aura..." Ye Tian couldn't help being horrified. Except for the Lord of Great Yan Nation, he had never felt such a powerful aura.

Obviously, this is a powerhouse at the Wuwang level.

And in this North Sea, there is only one powerful man at the level of King Wu, and that is the Fire Dragon King who makes the entire Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea jealous.

Sure enough, the warriors on the ship were also startled by the sound, and looked at the huge volcano with awe.

"This is the Lair of the Fire Dragon King. Fortunately, it sleeps all year round, and as long as we don't provoke it, it won't hurt us. Be careful, let's get out of here quickly." Hu Tianhua walked over, his face full of solemnity. "color".

Several crew members turned around and bypassed the area of ​​flames ahead.

Ye Tian looked at the volcano that was slowly shrinking in sight, his fists clenched tightly, and an inexplicable light flashed in his eyes.

"Fire Dragon King... If I can get its essence and blood, then my Rank 9 combat body can be promoted to the fourth level." Ye Tian took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the impulse in his heart.

He is not an idiot. With his current strength, facing the Martial King level Fire Dragon King, it was almost a moth fighting the fire, purely looking for death.

However, as soon as he thought of Rank Nine Battle Body being promoted to the fourth level, his strength was comparable to that of King Wu, and Ye Tian couldn't help but become hot.

"When I become a half-step martial arts king, I should have the strength to cut it." Ye Tian thought secretly, his face full of confidence, with a trace of expectation in his heart.

Back then, the Blood Demon Sword Lord was able to kill the strong man in the half-step Martial King realm, and with Ye Tian's talent, he could kill the Martial King at the half-step Martial King level, even more so.


Under the volcano, amidst the fiery lava, a huge dragon slowly opened a pair of huge eyes, looking at Ye Tian and their fading ship.

"Is the Nine Heaven Palace going to be opened again?" A rumbling voice resounded in the volcano, shaking the void, setting off boiling magma, and evaporating the surrounding seawater.

"It's a pity... In these tens of thousands of years, no genius has been recognized by the Nine Heavens Palace. The Blood Demon Sword Lord had a chance, but his martial arts were not suitable for the Nine Heavens Palace."

The Fire Dragon King sighed in his heart.

No one knows that the Fire Dragon King has another identity, that is, the guardian of the Nine Heavens Palace. Otherwise, if you treat it as the Fire Dragon King so kind, you won't behead the young powerhouse who came to the Nine Heavens Palace!

In fact, from the ancestors of the Fire Dragon King, their clan has always left strong guards here.

This is their vow that the fire dragon clan passed on to the ancient times.

In the ancient times, the owner of the Nine Heavens Palace was a terrifying powerhouse. He was once known as the Lord of the North Sea and stunned the Shenzhou Continent, making countless dynasties and empires jealous.

The fire dragon clan was a vassal of the Nine Heavens Palace at that time. After the destruction of the ancient times, their clan was forced to swear to guard the Nine Heavens Palace until they found the descendants of the Nine Heavens Palace.

Since then, for thousands of years, each generation of the fire dragon clan will leave behind a fire dragon of the martial king level, staying in Beihai and guarding the Nine Heavens Palace.

In a blink of an eye, countless years passed, even the Fire Dragon King didn't know the secrets in the Nine Heavens Palace, all of this had already been submerged in the long river of years.

The Fire Dragon King only knows one thing, that is, he will guard the Nine Heavens Palace for a thousand years, and he will not be able to leave here and go to the true Shenzhou Continent until another powerful man of the Martial King level is sent from the Fire Dragon Clan to meet him.

"Eighteen North Sea countries!"

The Fire Dragon King raised his head and looked in the direction of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, his eyes full of disdain.

"I don't know why the master of the Nine Heavens Palace back then stipulated that can only allow people from the eighteen countries of the North Sea to enter the Nine Heavens Palace for trials. What kind of power can come out of such a shabby little place? After ten million years, the Nine Heavens Palace will not find a descendant." The Fire Dragon King shook his head.

The Fire Dragon King came to the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea from outside the mainland of China. He was very aware of the vastness of the true mainland of China, and the geniuses of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, placed on the true mainland of China, were just a drop in the ocean, not worth mentioning.

The Fire Dragon King did not understand why the Nine Heavens Palace was looking for heirs in the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea. If the geniuses of the Shenzhou Continent were allowed to try, then he would have been found.

"Oh, it seems that I have to stay here for hundreds of years, which is really uncomfortable!"

The Fire Dragon King sighed, lowered his huge head, and fell asleep again.

Long guarding, long waiting, it can only use sleep to play time, otherwise it really doesn't know how to live.

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