Seven World Martial God

Chapter 375: Invincible Wujun

"Can the fight be ended by killing the opponent?"

Seeing the puppet warrior who continued to rush towards him, Ye Tian's eyes condensed slightly, and then he no longer had any mercy. He raised the mysterious iron sword and slashed out a blood world slash. (Starting) (Starting)


The vast blood "color" blade light, like a long rainbow, split the puppet warrior in half. The terrifying power made the entire fighting arena tremble.

"So strong..." The puppet warrior's pupils shrank, and he took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​then his whole body turned into a little star and disappeared into the void.

"It really isn't the real world, it's amazing, it's like the real..." Ye Tian was shocked when he saw this scene.


Before Ye Tian was shocked, a powerful force suddenly appeared, twisting his body to pieces.

"Ah--" Ye Tian exclaimed, and the whole person felt the sky spin around. When he reacted, he had already arrived in a secret room.

The only thing in the secret room is that there is a table in the center, and a treasure box is placed on the table. The light is shining and the treasure is strong.

"It seems that I have cleared the customs--" Ye Tian had calmed down at this time, and he hurried forward to see what treasure he had obtained.

"Huh? A pill "medicine"?"

Ye Tian looked at a golden pill "medicine" in the treasure box in surprise, somewhat surprised.

"Look at what pill "medicine" it is?" Ye Tian looked at the note next to him, hoping that it would be the "medicine" for improving his cultivation.

First-level Pill of Strengthening Yuan: It can increase the true essence of the martial artist. It is the best pill "medicine" that replenishes the true essence during battle.

"Unfortunately, it's not a pill to increase cultivation..."

After reading the notes, Ye Tian was a little disappointed. Although this "medicine" for supplementing the martial artist's true essence, although it works well in battle, it is of little use to him at present.

Gently put away the pill "medicine", Ye Tian glanced around, and then climbed up the stairs to the side.

"Look at what rewards the second layer will give me!"

When Ye Tian came to the second floor, the previous scene also happened.

This time Ye Tian had experience and was more calm.

Slightly glanced at the empty fighting arena around him, Ye Tian calmly looked at the puppet warrior on the opposite side. The other side just appeared and was also looking at him.

"Boy, what is your name? Hurry up and report your name to this uncle." The puppet warrior on the other side looked at it and shouted to Ye Tian.

"My uncle's name is Ye Tian, ​​boy, what's your name?" Ye Tian shouted at the same time. [More exciting novels, please visit]

"Uh..." The puppet warrior on the opposite side was dumbfounded when he heard the words, obviously he didn't expect Ye Tian to answer like this.

"Haha!" Ye Tian couldn't help but chuckle when he saw this. These puppet warriors are really interesting. I don't know what the refiner who refined them thought.

"Dare to laugh at this uncle, looking for death!" The puppet warrior was furious, and struck Ye Tian with an axe. The dazzling light of the axe shattered the void and enveloped the entire fighting platform with a terrifying force.

"The tenth level of Wujun!" Ye Tian's eyes condensed. He didn't expect that the puppet warrior of the second level would be the strongman of the tenth level of Wujun. Then the third level must be the half-step Wuwang, isn't the fourth level the Wuwang?

Thinking of this, Ye Tian didn't dare to relax, and immediately raised the mysterious iron sword, slashing out a blood world cut with all his strength.

However, Ye Tian did not expect that this Blood Realm Slash did not solve this Martial Lord's tenth-level puppet warrior, but left a deep trace on it.

"Huh? The bodies of these puppets are really hard. Those Martial Sovereign tenth-level martial artists can't compare to them." Ye Tian frowned slightly, and then continued to attack.

With Ye Tian's current strength, it was still very easy to deal with a Wujun tenth-level puppet. After a dozen swords, the puppet disappeared.


Ye Tian returned to the secret room again.

Second floor--

After returning, Ye Tian immediately walked towards the table with the treasure box in the center of the secret room.

"Huh? It turned out to be a rune!" Looking at the jade charm in the treasure box, Ye Tian was suddenly surprised.

Since the effect of getting the Tai Chi martial talisman in Yundian was very good, Ye Tian was still a little surprised after seeing this jade talisman.

"Look at its usefulness..." Ye Tian looked aside expectantly.

Unlike Yundian, the treasures here will have annotations, allowing Ye Tian to know the usefulness of these treasures.

Talisman repair: One-year talisman repair, after use, it can improve the one-year repair base of warriors below Wuwang, and can be used by drops of blood.

"Hi..." Ye Tian suddenly widened his eyes, his face was full of surprise and shock.

"There are even this kind of rune. The rune of the ancient times is really terrifying. If I have the opportunity, I must learn it." Ye Tian thought in shock.

It's a pity that the rune has already disappeared in the long river of years, and now I want to learn, even without a teacher.

Perhaps, in this nine heavenly palace, can find an opportunity to learn a rune.

Ye Tian secretly looked forward to it.

Without thinking about it, Ye Tian immediately dropped blood and used this rune.

"The last time I accidentally pierced my palm, I used that Tai Chi martial talisman. It seems that these runes can only be used with a drop of blood." Ye Tian dropped a drop of blood and placed it on top of this rune.


Suddenly, this rune shone brightly, and disappeared between Ye Tian's eyebrows with a sound.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian's whole body began to become hot, as if a volcano erupted in his body, and the terrible torrent instantly spread throughout his body.

"Ah..." Ye Tian's eyes reddened, and he couldn't help but yell. The terrifying true essence burst out of him suddenly, and it came out, filling the entire space.

The entire secret room was suddenly filled with a powerful coercion.

"It's so cool, the cultivation base has increased so much all at once." After a while, Ye Tian shouted happily, his face full of excitement.

"Look at how much my cultivation base has been strengthened?" Ye Tian sensed it carefully, and the true essence in his body suddenly agitated, and a powerful blood qi erupted from him.

"Huh? It actually made me promote to the ninth level of Wujun, only a little bit." Ye Tian couldn't help taking a breath, surprised.

You know, Ye Tiancai has just been promoted to the ninth level of Wujun, and now it's not long before he has reached the peak of Wujun's ninth level. This speed is enough to make many people fall apart.

It should be noted that the further the martial artist, the slower the improvement of his cultivation.

Therefore, after the strength reaches the Wujun, many warriors will practice everywhere, looking for some natural treasures to improve their cultivation, otherwise they will be promoted to the Wuwang King!

"My current strength should really have reached the peak of the half-step Martial King, no! The strong man at the half-step Martial King peak is not my opponent. With the Three Types of Burial Heaven and the Blood Realm Slash, I should barely reach the invincible Martial King. Degree."

Ye Tian felt the powerful force in his body, and then opened his eyes. In the two dark eyes, a bright divine light was suddenly shot.

At this moment, Ye Tian was extremely confident, and a powerful momentum burst out involuntarily.

Invincible Wujun!

In the entire 18 kingdoms of the North Sea, there are not many invincible martial princes, all of whom are not incognito, they are the powerhouses of the famous side, second only to the 18 kings.

This level represents the strongest strength among Wu Jun.

If there is no such thing as Heaven Defying Martial Lord, then Ye Tian now has no fear of any Martial Lord, and only the powerful Martial Lord can threaten him.

"With my defensive power, if the king doesn't break through, then I will win this session of the Supreme Battle." Ye Tian's eyes were bright and clear, he raised his feet and walked toward the third floor.

Unlike before, Ye Tian now has a sharp edge, and his whole person is like a sharp sword out of its sheath, exuding a peerless edge.


The same fighting space, the same fighting arena, the same fighting platform.

"Boy, report your name, my uncle will not kill the unknown." Even the same tone.

Opposite, a puppet soldier looked at Ye Tian with contempt in his eyes.

These puppet warriors were obviously made by the same person, otherwise the tone would not be the same, the same "sex" pattern was simply carved out.

"One step to the sky!"

Ye Tian ignored it, his eyes bloomed, quickly narrowing the distance between the two sides, and then slammed down.

This time, Ye Tian took the lead in taking the shot, and he did not show any mercy.

"Roar!" The face of the puppet warrior condensed, and he clearly felt Ye Tian's threat. It roared and slashed with an axe.


Ye Tian's eyes were violent, he didn't dodge in the slightest, and greeted him with a punch, and slammed into the axe.

At this moment, two powerful forces slammed into each other fiercely, and a terrifying shock wave erupted, shaking Douwutai trembling.

The puppet warrior was blown out by this punch and almost fell out of the fighting platform. In mid-air, he threw his axe at Ye Tian, ​​carrying a terrifying force, like a star descended.

"Half-step Martial King? Too weak—" Ye Tian squinted his eyes, slashed out with his left hand, and used the three burial style, easily blocking the booming axe.


Afterwards, Ye Tian leaped high, climbed into the sky, and smashed the puppet warrior with a punch.


The puppet warrior suffered a powerful attack, and his body sank suddenly and fell to the ground severely.

"Die!" Ye Tian continued to follow, his eyes gleaming, his face was cold.

Rumble...The puppet warrior was hit like a storm and had no power to fight back like a target, being hit by Ye Tian.

In this battle, Ye Weather was fierce and very strong, as if he had changed a person.

"Be refreshed!" Ye Tian shouted, he fought very refreshingly in this battle, everything was vented, and his whole body was full of excitement, and his fighting spirit rushed into the sky.

"I used to be too conservative. From now on, whoever dares to block my martial arts path, I will blow him to pieces with one punch."

In Ye Tian's eyes, the divine light exploded, and the powerful force followed his golden fist and hit the puppet warrior fiercely.

Suddenly, this puppet warrior was shattered, turned into starlight, and disappeared on the fighting platform.

"the third floor!"

Ye Tian also disappeared immediately.

On the third floor of the treasure tower, a figure suddenly flashed, it was Ye Tian.

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