Seven World Martial God

Chapter 376: King of War

The treasure on the third layer is also a rune. 【First Issue】{First Issue}

After passing the Tai Chi Wu Fu and the first-level repairing talisman, Ye Tian liked runes more and more, so when he saw that the third-tier treasure was also a rune, he immediately smiled.

"Look at the effect of this rune..." Ye Tian looked at the note aside expectantly.

Life and Death Talisman: There is a great horror between life and death, and there is a great opportunity between life and death. Using this rune, the warrior can have a chance to put the dead on the ground and resurrect, realize the chance between death, and have the effect of going against the sky.

"Damn! So awesome!"

Ye Tian's eyes widened after reading the notes.

Judging from this note, this life and death talisman can save his life at the moment of death of the warrior, and it can also make the warrior feel the great opportunity between life and death, which is simply against the sky.

"Definitely a treasure, a treasure!" Ye Tian's eyes lit up. He is not an idiot. He knows the beauty of this life and death talisman. This thing is more precious than the dragon's essence and blood.

"At the critical moment, this thing can still be life-saving!" Ye Tian thought secretly, and then carefully collected the life and death talisman, placed it in one of the small worlds, and let the treasure hunter take care of it.

The little guy is psychic, especially the most sensitive to treasures. When he sees the life and death talisman, his eyes flash green and he never moves.

"Small things, put away my blood when I am about to die." Ye Tian reminded the little guy.

The treasure hunter nodded, seemingly understanding.

Ye Tian feels relieved about this, the treasure hunter is very psychic and can definitely understand his words.

After doing all this, Ye Tian stepped onto the ladder leading to the fourth floor.

"The guardian puppet warrior on the fourth floor is likely to reach the level of King Wu. It seems that I will stop at this level." Ye Tian thought secretly.

It's a pity that his cultivation base is a little worse. If he goes further, even if he meets King Wu, he will be able to fight a battle.

"However, this is also a good opportunity for me to fight against the powerful King Wu ahead of time. It must have inspired me a lot." Ye Tian's eyes were full of vigor, and his body exuded a powerful fighting spirit.


When stepping on the fourth floor, Ye Tian's body disappeared.

An empty space for fighting.

Two figures suddenly appeared on the fighting platform, one was Ye Tian and the other was a puppet warrior.

Ye Tian's face looked at the puppet warrior in front of him solemnly, also holding the giant axe, but the aura of this puppet warrior was obviously different from the previous ones, exuding a kingly power.

"Boy, why don't you report your name to this uncle?" This puppet warrior waved the giant axe in his hand, and his two scarlet eyes stared at Ye Tian fiercely. (Starting)

Ye Tian suddenly felt a terrifying aura against his face, almost suffocating him.

"Master Wu first level!"

Ye Tian took a deep breath. This is the strongest opponent he has encountered so far. He is faintly excited. Who can imagine fighting against the strongest King Wu?

If in reality, Ye Tian didn't dare to fight with the Wuwang level powerhouse, after all, it would be life-threatening.

But this is a fighting space, even if he died, he would be fine, so Ye Tian can confidently fight against this puppet warrior of the first level of the martial king.

"This battle must be very happy!" Ye Tian's eyes lit up, and his fighting spirit went straight into the sky.

On the opposite side, the eyes of the puppet warrior glowed, and the giant axe in his hand burst into bright light. He pulled an axe flower and smashed it towards Ye Tian with a single axe. The terrifying power, like a mountain and a sea, was oppressive, terrifying.

At this moment, he was awe-inspiring and difficult to look at, making the opposite Ye Tian shiver, as if facing a **** of war, he felt a terrifying breath.

This is a powerhouse at the Wulord level, his breath is so terrifying, even Ye Tian, ​​who reaches the invincible Wulord level, feels terrified.

"Only when you become King Wu can you look down upon the world, and you are right!"

Ye Tian felt awe-inspiring, and immediately displayed the Three Forms of Funeral Sky, protecting his body with absolute defense, and at the same time the Ninth Revolution battle body was pushed to the limit by him.

Facing a powerful man at the Wuwang level, Ye Tian never thought of defeating the opponent, so he defended the enemy at the first time and tried to persist for a while.

"Boy, pick me up with an axe!" Opposite, the puppet warrior jumped up suddenly, like a big mountain, and pressed down towards Ye Tian. The dazzling axe light split the void, like lightning in the night, from the top of Ye Tian's head.

At this moment, Ye Tian felt trembling all over, as if his body was frozen, unable to move, and a powerful force restrained him.

"So strong...deserving to be a powerful king of Wu!" Ye Tian was awe-inspiring, and he did not dare to hide his strength. Ten small worlds burst out together, and the vast true essence suddenly rushed out and rushed towards Nine Heavens.

"Boom!" With a muffled snort, Ye Tian seemed to be erupting from a volcano, and a terrifying aura gushed from his body. The powerful force was unparalleled and ravaged the entire fighting platform.

He is facing the axe descending from the sky against the huge Tai Chi diagram, his body is filled with real essence, and the terrifying power is surging, and he is rising against the sky, with unparalleled momentum.

"Let me take a look at the power of the first-level master of Wu Wang!" Ye Tian's eyes were hot, and he took the blow to test how powerful the power of the first-level expert is.

"Come to die!" The puppet warrior roared, shaking the clouds, and the terrifying giant axe bloomed with brilliant light. He is like a deity, vast and fierce.

The energy on the fighting platform was fierce, and the two men fought at their peak, like an eagle hitting the sky, like a tiger roaring the mountains and rivers, swift and fierce, which was extremely shocking.


The huge explosion exudes blazing light, like a star exploded in the starry sky of the universe.

Suddenly, a terrifying shock wave raged in all directions, causing the entire fighting platform to tremble.

"Three styles of funeral!"

"Nine-turn combat body!"

"Thirty thousand miles in ice!"

Ye Tian's eyes were wide and wide, and he shot again and again, with his vigorous true essence, he bombed out desperately. He clenched a fist in his left hand and a knife in his right, fully exerting his full power.


The terrifying giant axe blasted fiercely on the Taiji Tu. The powerful force, like a flood that broke the embankment, immediately hit, and blasted Ye Tian's body out.

On the way, Ye Tian still gritted his teeth and resisted. The huge Tai Chi diagram released the boundless brilliance and dissolved the opponent's strength.


Even so, Ye Tian's Taiji diagram was finally broken by the giant axe, and that powerful force continued to blast on Ye Tian's body.

But then, Ye Tian had already prepared the 30,000 li of ice to explode, freezing the puppet warrior's great axe in the air.

"Small bugs!" The puppet warrior sneered, and then the giant axe shone brightly, shattering the ice in one fell swoop, and continued to blast towards Ye Tian.

This time, Ye Tian could only greet him with one stroke.

Kaka...The mysterious iron sword shattered, and the giant axe crashed into Ye Tian's chest.


Ye Tian snorted, his face flushed suddenly, and a mouthful of blood spurted more than three feet away. The powerful force blasted his body out fiercely, and fell heavily on the fighting platform.

However, Ye Tian got up soon.

"Not bad, it was able to block this uncle's full blow." The puppet warrior fell from mid-air, and the powerful force caused the entire fighting platform to tremble.

"Wu Wang is strong, that's nothing more!" Ye Tian wiped off the blood "liquid" from the corner of his mouth, and "shot" a fiery divine light in his dark eyes. At this moment, he was extremely confident, and his fighting spirit became stronger.

Just as the puppet warrior said, he did block the full blow of the King Wu strong, even if he was seriously injured, but he did block it.

May I ask, among Wujun, how many can do it?

The old man of Frost Bing at the time, although he also blocked the attack of Sky Thunder, his cultivation level had retreated to the early stage of King Wu.

Ye Tian was only injured a little now, and his defense was obviously much stronger than that of the old man.

This made Ye Tian's confidence stronger, and he began to take the initiative to attack the puppet warrior on the opposite side. The vast blood "color" blade light is hundreds of meters long and runs across the void.

"The power is good, it is barely close to the first level of King Wu, but unfortunately it is still too weak." Upon seeing this, the puppet warrior smashed with an axe, and smashed Ye Tian's **** sword light. The powerful strength remained undiminished. The earth blasted towards Ye Tian.

However, Ye Tian had already put on the Taiji Tu and blocked this terrifying blow. Although the Taiji Tu was shattered, his injury was very light.

"Come again!" Ye Tian roared, his eyes full of excitement, and after blocking the full blow of King Wu strong twice, his confidence doubled and his fighting spirit was completely boiling.

"Huh!" The puppet warrior snorted coldly, and began to pay attention to Ye Tian. Holding a giant axe, he charged with all his strength, like a tank, going forward bravely, unstoppable.

Ye Tian's eyes were luminous and exquisite, and the whole body of Zhen Yuanhao "swayed" out. He first used Tai Chi to dissolve part of the opponent's power, and then activated the ice-bound 30,000 li to weaken the impact of the puppet warrior again.

Finally, Ye Tian rushed up with the profound iron sword in his hand, slashing the blood world fiercely, facing the puppet warrior.

The two smashed into each other in mid-air.


The world roared.

The puppet warrior did not take a step back, but Ye Tian was bombarded out again. That powerful force caused him to be injured and injured, his body seemed to collapse, and the pain was unbearable.

"Come again!" Ye Tian endured the severe pain and stood up slowly. His eyes were clear and his fighting spirit was soaring to the sky, like a golden God of War, rushing towards the puppet warrior again.

The puppet warrior on the opposite side his eyes condensed, and a trace of appreciation began to appear on his face.

"What a strong heart, with this kind of "sex", future achievements will be limitless. However, the treasure tower and the line, you also end here."

After the puppet warrior said, the whole popularity skyrocketed, and the terrifying power, like a vast ocean, immediately swept the entire fighting space.

"Open Heaven Slash!" The puppet warrior slowly raised his giant axe, his eyes widened, and he struck Ye Tianyi's axe.

At this moment, Ye Tian's heart shuddered, and the whole person instantly felt a dangerous aura. He was trembling with fear, trembling all over, unable to move, and completely restrained.

"Boy, this is a heavenly martial skill, do you think the uncle can only use brute force? Humph!"

The puppet warrior sneered.

Ye Tian's pupils shrank, and before he could say anything, he was overwhelmed by the dazzling axe light. He was immediately dismembered, turned into starlight, and disappeared on the fighting platform.

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