Seven World Martial God

Chapter 377: Supreme War


Outside the hidden treasure tower, Ye Tianmeng roared, waking up from the coma. [More exciting novels, please visit] (first release)

"I'm not surprised when you rushed to the third floor, but you actually got a life and death talisman. It's amazing!" Not far away, Shi San turned around and looked at Ye Tian who had just awakened. There was an inexplicable look in his eyes.

At this moment, Ye Tian was sweating profusely, and he felt lingering. The last attack of the puppet warrior made him feel desperate.


Ye Tian sat on the ground, did not speak, slowly calmed his mood.

After a while, Ye Tian stood up, his eyes returned to his original firmness, and his face was full of confident "color".

"Senior Shi San, where are we going now?" Ye Tian asked calmly. This time he came to the Nine Heavens Palace, he had already gained a lot, and he also got a treasure ‘Life and Death Talisman’. He has no other regrets.

Shi San took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​nodded, and said in appreciation: "Very well, come with me. Whether you can get the approval of the Holy Palace, it depends on your luck."

After all, walk toward the mountain first.

Ye Tian raised his head and glanced at the top of the peak. There was a golden palace standing on top of a huge Tai Chi diagram, exuding incomparable brilliance and radiance.

This is the Tai Chi Holy Palace, one of the eight holy palaces of the Nine Heavens Palace.

"Senior Shi San, can you tell me about the Eight Great Sacred Palaces?" Ye Tian felt bored along the way, so he asked curiously.

The secrets of the ancient times have long been buried in the long river of years. Until now, people can only learn about one or two of the ancient times from some ancient books.

Now that there is a rune puppet that has survived from the ancient times, Ye Tian naturally hopes to learn some secrets from the ancient times, after all, people are curious.


Shi San said without looking back, these are no secrets, and it wouldn't be a big deal if Ye Tian knew it. Moreover, he hadn't spoken for a long time, and wanted to talk to Ye Tian more. After all, he missed this opportunity and he was going to sleep again.

In this way, one person and one puppet were talking all the way.

Of course, most of the questions were asked by Ye Tian, ​​and Shi San said.


On the mainland of China, there is a strange thing that makes everyone curious.

This strange thing is that each generation can only give birth to one Valkyrie. As long as this Valkyrie does not die or leaves, then the Shenzhou Continent will never be born.

In other words, it is impossible for two Valkyrie to be on the same continent. 【First Release】

As the old saying goes: Valkyrie doesn't meet each other.

That's exactly what it said.

No one knows the reason for this, but since the ancient times, on this continent of China, there have never been more than two Valkyrie at the same time, and only one Valkyrie will appear in each generation.

This is like a law, no one can change it.

Ye Tian also saw this from some ancient books, he was also very curious, so he asked Shi San.

Shi San shook his head. He didn't know. He told Ye Tian that in the Primordial Era, more than one warrior **** appeared in each generation on the Shenzhou Continent, and dozens of them appeared at the same time.

Ye Tian was shocked when he heard this.

"In the ancient times, there were an endless stream of Martial God powers, because Martial Gods longevity and Tianqi were almost immortal, so sometimes there were even dozens of Martial God powers in the same life." Shi San said.

As the saying goes, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and the **** of war is also cultivated by mortals. If there is only one **** of war, then as long as he is not mentally abnormal, his character will not be bad.

Because, once the **** of war is achieved, then you will be invincible in the world and you will never find an opponent.

How can such a person meet some juniors, because as long as he wants to do it, he can destroy the entire Shenzhou Continent at any time.

Therefore, after every war **** was born, he would personally teach martial arts. At that time, the entire continent of China was the most prosperous moment.

However, in the Primordial Era, dozens of Valkyrie were in the same life, and they naturally had to be divided among themselves, and there were no few big fights.

Among them, the strongest Valkyrie, known as Tianzun, is universally respected, invincible, and the leader of that era.

The Nine Heavens Palace was created by a deity in the ancient times.

This Tianzun is called Jiuxiao Tianzun, and he has defeated ten strong Martial Gods with his own power.

"After Tianzun and his old family founded the Nine Heavens Palace, countless strong men willingly bowed down to him, hoping to have the opportunity to get his guidance. That was a prosperous age, the most glorious time of our Nine Heavens Palace, at that time, we Nine Heavens There are strong martial arts in the Heavenly Palace. These eight sacred palaces were created by Tianzun’s old family and the eight disciples, representing the orthodoxy of the Nine Heavens Palace.” When speaking of the Nine Heavens, Shi San’s face was full of admiration and admiration.

But Ye Tian knew that Shi San was just a puppet, and he didn't live in the Primordial Era, and he had never seen Jiuxiao Tianzun. How could he have such an expression?

It is very likely that this is the senior who refined Shi San, who admires Heavenly Venerable Jiuxiao, so he instilled this spiritual idea.

"The supreme among the gods...Tianzun!" Ye Tian couldn't help sighing in his heart. He only thought that the Nine Heavens Palace was an ordinary sect in the ancient times, but he never thought that it was one of the strongest sects in the Shenzhou Continent.

This is the inheritance left by Taikoo Tianzun!

"Senior Shi San, so to speak, are the names of the Eight Great Sacred Palaces the names of the eight disciples Tianzun sat down?" Ye Tian asked suddenly.

"No, that's just their title, because they are all titled martial sages!" Shi San shook his head.

"Title Martial Saint?" Ye Tian suddenly "confused".

"The strongest among the martial gods is regarded as the **** of heaven, and the strongest among the martial sages has titles and is called the titled martial sages. In the Primordial Era, some martial sages who are so powerful and perverted will get the strongest of the martial arts. Granted title. However, if you live in an era where there is no warrior strong, then this title needs to be recognized by the world warrior. Therefore, in the era without the warrior, the title is very difficult to obtain, and the Wusheng who can obtain the title , Is definitely one of the strongest on the mainland." Shi San said.

"So that's it!" Ye Tian suddenly thought, "I don't know if I can become a titled martial sage in the future. At that time, should I be called a Taiji Martial Sage or a Blood Demon Martial Sage?"

However, Ye Tian immediately laughed. He is not even the King of Martial Arts now. When he reaches the realm of Martial Saint, he doesn't know that it is the Year of the Monkey. Now it is too idiotic to think about this.

"Senior, since the Nine Heavens Palace is so powerful, why is there no one now?" Ye Tian asked curiously, this is the sect created by Tianzun, so profound, how can there be no one, the entire Shenzhou Continent, I'm afraid I can't find a few powerful forces that can destroy the Nine Heavens Palace.

"This..." Shi San stopped suddenly, turned his head to look at Ye Tian, ​​and shook his head, "You are not qualified to know this. When you become a martial sage, you will naturally understand."

"Martial Saint..." Ye Tian smiled bitterly when he heard the words. He is not even King Martial until now. It would be thousands of years before he became a Martial Saint.

At this time, the two stopped, because they had already arrived in front of the Tai Chi Holy Palace.

"Go in, as a registered disciple, you were originally not qualified to enter the Tai Chi Sacred Palace, but now it is an exception. I hope you can seize this opportunity." Shi San bowed to the Tai Chi Sacred Palace, then said to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian also followed his example and saluted the palace, then lifted up his steps and walked into the palace.

The door of the Holy Palace was open, but when Ye Tian wanted to walk in, he encountered an invisible wall that prevented him from entering it.

"This?" Ye Tian looked back at Shi San.

"It seems that you have not received the approval of the Holy Palace, alas!" Shi San seemed to have expected it, and sighed when he saw it, and said with some disappointment.

Ye Tian was instantly depressed, so he was eliminated? To be honest, he was really unwilling.

"Well, don't be discouraged. After all, your talent is too low. It is a miracle to be a named disciple of the Nine Heavens Palace. Moreover, you have one last chance, which is to represent the Tai Chi Sacred Palace in the Supreme Battle. Shi San looked at Ye Tian and comforted.

"Extreme Battle? Is it finally coming!" Ye Tian's face was suddenly full of warfare, and his eyes lighted.

"The supreme battle is the tradition of our Nine Heavens Palace. You have to know that the eight disciples who sat down in Tianzun back then were not convinced by anyone. They often learned from each other, and they had to make a difference. Similarly, sitting as the eight disciples The disciples of the Eight Great Sacred Palaces who came down were also not convinced with each other, and wanted to compete for a superior position, so there was this supreme battle." Shi San said with a smile.

Ye Tian listened carefully. He didn't expect that this supreme battle was the tradition of the Nine Heavens Palace, rather than the definition of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea. This was the first time he heard about it.

"The Supreme War was originally a battlefield for the Wuzun-level disciples of the Eight Great Sacred Palaces. All Wuzun-level disciples of the Eight Great Sacred Palaces participated. However, the ancient times were not as prosperous as the martial arts of the ancient times, so later the Nine Heavens Palace used the Supreme War There are several levels. Wu Zun has the level of Wu Zun, and Emperor Wu also has the level of Emperor Wu, and Emperor Wu, King Wu and Jun Wu also have the opportunity to participate."

After that, Shi San looked at Ye Tian and said, "What you are participating in is the supreme battle at the Wujun level. As long as you can get the supreme position of this war, you will become the saint son of the Taiji Sacred Palace."

"Holy son?" Ye Tian wondered, " In Jiuxiao Tiangong, the lowest-level disciples are the outer disciples. Their talents are low and they can only do miscellaneous tasks for the Jiuxiao Tiangong, but they also have the opportunity to learn the martial arts of the Jiuxiao Temple . Above the outer disciples, there are the named disciples, followed by the inner disciples and the true disciples. Only true disciples have the opportunity to enter the Eight Great Sacred Palaces, and only true disciples are qualified to accept the martial arts inheritance of the Eight Great Sacred Palaces. "

"The saint son and saint woman are the strongest true disciples of the Eight Great Sacred Palaces. In the past, we also called them senior brothers and senior sisters."

Shi San looked at Ye Tian and joked with a smile: "With your little talent, it would be almost impossible to become the Son of God in the past, but why is it that Jiuxiao Tiangong has fallen, alas!"

After all, Shi San was full of sighs, the former powerful Jiuxiao Tiangong, but now he can only find inheritors among some low-talented warriors.

In this way, after searching for thousands of years, I haven't found it yet.

It's really sad!

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