Seven World Martial God

Chapter 385: Meet

"it is good!"

Hearing Ye Tian's agreement to unite, Song Haoran couldn't help but yelled, his face full of joy, even a little excited. 【First Release】(First Release)

"Zhao Wu, aren't you arrogant and arrogant? Humph, do you dare to be arrogant again this time?" Song Haoran sneered secretly in his heart. He united with Ye Tian. In addition to Yang Shaohua's persuasion, in fact he and Zhao Wu still have Some grievances, this time they are ready to take revenge with Ye Tian's power.

Under the city wall.

Yan Haotian frowned slightly and whispered to Ye Tian: "If we really unite, it will be good for us, but can Yang Shaohua believe it?"

He could see that Ye Tian did not believe in Song Haoran, but in Yang Shaohua.

"You can believe it!" Ye Tian nodded slightly, confident.

Upon seeing this, Yan Haotian breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "If this is the case, combined with the strength of the three parties, Zhao Wu will be defeated. However, in this way, the king and Wufeng will probably unite, otherwise they will not be able to fight alone. we."

"It is possible, but it may not be. After all, the goal of the king is to be the supreme position. He may disdain to unite with the windless." Ye Tian thought for a moment and said.

"It depends on the situation at that time, even if they unite, with the strength of our tripartite, they can resist!" Yan Haotian nodded.

At this time, Song Haoran had already walked out of the city gate with half of the Madden City people and came not far from Ye Tian.

Ye Tian narrowed his eyes and laughed loudly: "Brother Song is proud. Are you not afraid that I will take the opportunity to break through the Madness City?"

What he said was not a lie. Without the cover of city walls and formations, Song Haoran was completely vulnerable to a blow in his eyes, and the remaining half of the maddened city could not stop him for long.

To be honest, Yan Haotian wanted to tell Ye Tian to attack the Madden City now, but he also knew Ye Tian's "sex" personality, so he gave up.

"Hahaha... Song is not arrogant, but believes in Brother Ye. Let's go, time is urgent, let's talk about it on the road." Song Haoran laughed.

"Let's go!" Ye Tian nodded, then waved his hand, and rushed up with his army.

The two sides of the horse, the great "swing" and "swing", the momentum is soaring.

"Not good—"

In the distance, a figure saw this scene, his heart was shocked, and he turned around and fled.

"Brother Ye, are you going to kill him?" Song Haoran narrowed his eyes and looked at the disappearing figure.

"No, it's okay to let Zhao Wu know. Anyway, with this little time, he doesn't have time to rush back to Hundred Wars City. It's okay to make him rush." ​​Ye Tian said lightly.

"Haha!" Song Haoran laughed suddenly, he and Zhao Wu had some grudges, and doing so relieved him the most.

"Zhao Wu, see how dark your face is this time, hum!"

Song Haoran sneered secretly. [More exciting novels, please visit]

At the same time, Zhao Wu was leading his army to attack Zhongding City.

I have to say that Zhao Wu's strength is indeed strong. With the help of Su Qingfeng and Li Junhao, the defense of Chongding City is rapidly being destroyed.

The formation of guarding the city wall can't resist for much time.

Upstairs of the city gate, Yang Shaohua had a gloomy face, with an anxious "color" on his face.

"What's going on? Why aren't Ye Tian and Brother Song coming?" Yang Shaohua was anxious. Although his strength skyrocketed, he was not yet confident enough to challenge Zhao Wu, one of the four kings.

"It's a pity that my cultivation base is too low, otherwise even Zhao Wu would not be able to resist it with the power of the heavenly swordsmanship." Song Haoran hummed secretly.




The huge city gate was subjected to powerful attacks from time to time, and the entire heavy cauldron was trembling.

The young handsome on the city wall was secretly anxious while resisting the attack of Hundred Wars City. Everyone's heart is heavy, after all, they are facing the three peaks of Zhao Wu, Li Junhao and Su Qingfeng.

"Hahaha...add more strength, or half an hour, this city will be broken!" In front of the city gate, Zhao Wu laughed loudly while attacking the guardian formation, his face full of confidence.

Li Junhao and Su Qingfeng also "showed" smiles. I have to say that under the attack of their three great peaks, a mere ding city could not be delayed for long.

Even if Zhao Wu alone can conquer this city, let alone Li Junhao and Su Qingfeng help.


However, at this moment, a blazing radiance rose from not far behind, bursting out a brilliant light above the sky.

"Huh? It's a signal, they are coming." Upstairs at the city gate, Yang Shaohua was overjoyed when he saw this scene.

"Brothers, our reinforcements are coming, everyone support it, the victory ultimately belongs to us." Yang Shaohua then shouted at the young talents who were about to lose their morale.

His plan did not conceal everyone, so when he learned of the arrival of the reinforcements, a group of young talents suddenly cheered and cheered.

Morale suddenly improved a lot.


Zhao Wu, who was attacking the guardian formation, wrinkled his brows slightly, looked back, and a worrisome "color" rose in his heart.

At this moment, a figure rushed up, with an anxious expression on his face, approaching Zhao Wu, and shouting: "Young Master Zhao, it's not good, Ye Tian and Song Haoran have joined forces and are killing us. Come."

This person is the Hundred Wars City spy who is inquiring about the news outside the Madden City.

"Ye Tian and Song Haoran are united?" Zhao Wu's eyes suddenly condensed when he heard the words, his face changed drastically.

Li Junhao and Su Qingfeng on the side were also shocked when they heard the words.

"It's not good... we retreat quickly. We don't know if they are trying to attack us or attack our Hundred Wars City. The situation is not good for us and we should not fight again." Su Qingfeng proposed.

"Damn it, I said that Ye Tian's kid is untrustworthy, ah!" Li Junhao roared, his face full of anger, obviously irritated.

Both of them looked at Zhao Wu.

Zhao Wu stared at the vast land not far away, and a strong power of the king emerged from his body. He was like a **** of war, his eyes shining brightly.

"Li Junhao, take some people to stay and continue to attack the city, Su Qingfeng, take some people to meet Song Haoran, and you two can hold Yang Shaohua and Song Haoran."

Zhao Wu issued the order, his eyes were cold and his face was confident.

"That kid Ye Tian just came out, without the help of the city wall and guardian formation, this time I took the opportunity to kill him, and conquered three cities in a row. When the time comes, the king will not be as good as me."

Zhao Wu shouted loudly, the powerful aura emerging from his body made Su Qingfeng and Li Junhao secretly talking.

This kind of courage, this kind of domineering, this kind of arrogance... I am afraid that only Zhao Wu, one of the four kings, can possess.

This is the real king!

Su Qingfeng and Li Junhao were secretly convinced.

"Okay, it's not a problem to hold Song Haoran." Su Qingfeng nodded. Although he is weak in terms of numbers, he and Song Haoran are strong at the same level. It is okay to delay for a while.

"Don't worry, Yang Shaohua didn't dare to come out, otherwise I will help you break this city." Li Junhao also had a confident face, Yang Shaohua was nothing but Yang Shaohua, he didn't take it seriously.

Zhao Wu nodded. He was very relieved of the strength of these two people. After all, he was one of the five great arrogances, and his strength was second only to the four kings.

"Go, I want to let Ye Tian know that he is not enough to be among the four kings!" Zhao Wu immediately yelled, and took half of them with Su Qingfeng, and rushed towards the rear.

"Good opportunity...Zhao Wu, do you think it's rare to live with me by leaving Li Junhao?" Yang Shaohua sneered looking at Zhao Wu who had withdrawn from the gate upstairs.

Immediately, Yang Shaohua looked at Li Junhao, who was still attacking the city, his eyes were full of warfare: "Li Junhao, you are my stepping stone to Yang Shaohua's top five arrogances."

There is an unfamiliar rule in the 18 North Sea countries. If you want to be ranked among the four kings or the five princes, you can only defeat one of them.

Yang Shaohua wanted to be among the five great arrogances, only to defeat Li Junhao, so his fighting spirit skyrocketed at the moment.

However, Yang Shaohua didn't have any impulse. He had to wait until Zhao Wu went far, so he couldn't "expose" his powerful strength for the time being.

At the same time, Ye Tian and Song Haoran and his entourage had already arrived under Hundred Wars City.

Seeing the tense and terrified young talents on the wall of Hundred Wars City, Ye Tian and others couldn't help but smile.

"I think Zhao Wu must be mad now!" Yan Haotian smiled.

"Brother Yan's words are wrong. I think Zhao Wu might be mad. He was about to take the Great Ding City, but we were caught off guard. Haha!" Song Haoran laughed, feeling very much in his heart. Exhaust.

"Stop talking nonsense, after killing Zhao Wu, we won't be too late!" Ye Tian shouted, ignoring the city of Hundred Wars, which was like an enemy, and led his army towards the heavy cauldron in front.

Song Haoran hurriedly followed, the eyes of the crowd were clear and warrior.

Fighting with Zhao Wu, one of the four kings, I feel excited and excited when I think about it. This is one of the few opportunities.

Rumble...The earth trembled, as if ten thousand horses were galloping, and the two armies met in the distance, all of them were like a rainbow.

Zhao Wu and Ye Tian rose into the air at the same time, looking at each other in the air, their faces full of cold "color".

"Boy, don't think that you can be ranked among the Four Kings by defeating Old Man Frost... You, it's still far away!" Zhao Wu sneered, his face full of arrogance, but he does have this kind of strength, no one dares to question His words.

The shadow of the famous tree of man, Zhao Wu's name has shaken the Eighteen Kingdoms of Beihai for so many years, and his reputation is much greater than that of Ye Tian.

Even Yan Haotian and the others, who knew Ye Tian's strength a long time ago, were secretly nervous and nervous.

Ye Tian can get the chance to improve his strength, doesn't Zhao Wu have the chance?

In this battle, it is not yet clear who wins and who loses.

"Don't I won't want your position of four kings, what I want is the position of supreme, you are not qualified to be my opponent." Ye Tian shouted coldly, Zhao Wu arrogantly. He is even more mad.

Everyone was in an uproar upon hearing this.

Today's young generation, I am afraid that the king dare not ignore Zhao Wu, Ye Tian is so crazy?

Zhao Wu's face suddenly became gloomy, and he was very angry when he lost to someone else in'crazy' for the first time. However, he didn't talk nonsense again, and directly killed Ye Tian, ​​using actions to surface his attitude.

"Let me see what kind of strength the so-called four kings have."

Ye Tian's eyes were like torches and his eyes were terrifying. He slammed Zhao Wu with a palm, and the fierce true essence suddenly surging out, like a horrible aura of overwhelming mountains and seas, oppressing Zhao Wu.

Along with the battle between these two pinnacle powerhouses, the group of people below also fought each other, because Ye Tian's party had a large number of people, so it quickly occupied an absolute advantage.

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