Seven World Martial God

Chapter 386: The king is sad

The virtual world is full of wars. (Starting) (Starting)

Under the fierce attack of the windless, Zhu Hongming started to guard well, but as the guardian formation was about to collapse, his face began to become serious.

On the other side, Gongsun Xuanxuan used to interfere with the king, which greatly slowed the king's speed of breaking through the formation. However, according to the current situation, Gongsun Xuanxuan's defeat will be sooner or later, and it will only delay a little time at most.

Compared with these two battles, the fierce battle between Ye Tian and Zhao Wu seemed extremely important.

On the vast expanse of land, Zhao Wu, Ye Tian, ​​Yang Shaohua, and Song Haoran are fighting continuously.

With the advantage in numbers, Zhao Wu's side has lost streak and retreats. Now he can only expect Zhao Wu, Li Junhao, and Su Qingfeng to solve their opponents.

They believed that as long as Ye Tian, ​​Song Haoran, and Yang Shaohua died, the remaining young talents would be nothing but loose sand and would no longer threaten them.

Therefore, even if it suffered a fierce attack, the morale of Zhao Wu's army has not weakened, and it is still resisting strongly.

"Half of the people come, let me go out of the city. Today, Yang Shaohua, I am going to be among the five great arrogances. Please help me."

Upstairs at the gate of Chongding City, when Yang Shaohua saw Zhao Wu and Ye Tian fighting, he was immediately full of excitement and shouted towards the sky.

At this instant, the entire Chongding City was boiling, and countless young talents cheered and excited.

For these geniuses, there is nothing more exciting than seeing the promotion of one of the five great talents.

Although many people were unfamiliar with Yang Shaohua before, they are all from the same city. They all hope that Yang Shaohua can be ranked among the five great talents and let them witness the most exciting scene.

"The city owner can rest assured that we will not let people interfere with your peak battle!"

"Brother Yang, I wish you every success!"

"Hahaha! Brother Yang, if you succeed, the entire Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea will be shaken, and we are also proud of you!"


The young talents in Chongding City shouted, everyone's face was full of expectation and excitement.

Yang Shaohua was also extremely excited. With a big wave of his hand, he led half of his troops out of the Great Ding City and met Li Junhao who was about to continue attacking the Great Ding City.

It is a pity that Li Junhao now has only a quarter of the original Hundred Battles City, and apart from his own strong strength, he has no advantage at all.

However, even so, Li Junhao did not pay attention to Yang Shaohua. When he saw Yang Shaohua leading someone out of the city, his eyes lit up and his face was full of joy. 【First Release】

"This idiot dared to go out of the city. If I kill them, the morale of the city will be greatly reduced. Then maybe I can take this city, haha!"

Li Junhao thought secretly, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Yang Shaohua didn't know his careful thoughts, he rushed towards Li Junhao first, and shouted: "Li Junhao, today Yang killed you and used you as a stepping stone to establish Yang's name as the five great arrogances. "

"Use me as a stepping stone..." Li Junhao was overjoyed when he saw Yang Shaohua rushing towards him, thinking that Yang Shaohua must be crazy. However, this was exactly what he wanted, and it happened to solve Yang Shaohua immediately and reduce his loss.

But when he heard Yang Shaohua's words, his face suddenly sank, his eyes burst into flames, and his anger was furious.

"So courageous, Li will see if you have the strength comparable to your courage!" Li Junhao shouted in a deep voice, his eyes filled with Ling Lie's killing intent.

Being one of the five great arrogances has always been something Li Junhao is proud of. Now that someone dares to challenge his position, this completely moved him to murder. I am afraid that even if this is not a virtual world, he will kill Yang Shaohua.

For the martial artist, fame is sometimes more important. If he fell into the top five arrogances today, then tomorrow he will become the laughing stock of the world.

This is something Li Junhao cannot allow.

This has transcended the meaning of the Supreme War.

Li Junhao let out a loud roar, his whole body's strength burst out, that terrifying true essence, the vast "swing" and "swing", shook the entire sky.

"Good come, take Yang Moujian!"

Yang Shaohua's eyes were bright, and the whole person was like the same sun, emitting blazing light. He raised his hand to strike with a sword, and ripples splashed in the void, and the terrifying sword light tore the world apart, and fiercely "shot" at Li Junhao.

"Come on!" Li Junhao shouted violently, and confronted him strongly. He had no good impression of the person in front of him who dared to challenge the position of his five great arrogances, and was full of strong killing intent.

This majestic killing intent shattered the limitations of the void, making Yang Shaohua feel a chill in his body and couldn't help but stand upright.

"Very well, worthy of being one of the five great arrogances. Such strength is worthy of the name, but this makes me even more happy!" Yang Shaohua felt awe-inspiring in his heart, but his eyes were full of excitement and powerful battles. Meaning, go straight for nine days.


After the two hit the peak, they shook the world.

However, the result was shocking. Li Junhao, one of the five great arrogances, was hit by Yang Shaohua with a sword. Although he was not injured, he was at a disadvantage.

"How is it possible!" Yang Shaohua's eyes widened, and he looked at Yang Shaohua who was on the opposite side with a full face, "When did his strength become so strong?"

"Li Junhao, if you only have this strength, then Yang will step on your corpse today and land on one of the five great arrogances. Haha!" Yang Shaohua saw that he repelled Li Junhao with a sword, and his heart was uncontrollable. The birth broke out, and he yelled up to the sky, shaking the world with a roar.

Li Junhao, one of the five great arrogances, was once the object of Yang Shaohua's admiration.

But today, Yang Shaohua did not expect that he had repelled Li Junhao, which filled his heart with joy, excitement and excitement.

"Arrogant... Li was only careless just now. He wants to be in the position of the five great arrogances and wait for the next life!" Li Junhao roared, his body shot out like an arrow, when he approached Yang Shaohua, he suppressed it with a palm. They were all trembling, as if they were about to break apart.

"One sword breaks the sky!" Yang Shaohua glared, facing the opponent of one of the five great arrogances, he did not even think about it, so he used the Heavenly Sword Skill passed down by the Blood Demon Sword.

This sword struck out, like a meteor coming from the sky, the terrifying power, brilliant light, and unparalleled momentum shocked everyone.

"What sword technique is this?" Li Junhao was shocked.


During the fierce battle between Li Junhao and Yang Shaohua, Su Qingfeng and Song Haoran also faced each other. They were one of the five great arrogances. They were both old opponents. They knew each other's strength, and it was difficult to tell the winner for a while.

However, Song Haoran's subordinates defeated Su Qingfeng's subordinates successively because of their superior numbers.

On the other hand, under the leadership of Yan Haotian, Zhao Wu's men also suffered a terrible defeat and suffered heavy casualties.


In the sky, although Zhao Wu was fighting Ye Tian, ​​he also noticed this scene, his face suddenly became gloomy, and his eyes were full of hatred.

"Tsk tusk, your subordinates seem to be almost dead." Ye Tianyi punched Zhao Wu, the corners of his mouth cocked slightly, with a joking smile.

Fighting Zhao Wu up to now, he has not exploded his true strength, because if he defeats Zhao Wu quickly, then both the king and Wufeng will be vigilant, and I am afraid that they will really unite.

Therefore, Ye Tian ‘played’ with Zhao Wu till now.

Of course, Zhao Wu's strength is indeed not bad, almost close to the half-step Wuwang peak. Obviously, he has opportunities in the Nine Heavens Palace and has improved a lot of strength.

"Hmph, as long as I kill you, even if they are dead, I will not be afraid!" Zhao Wu snorted when he heard the words, his whole body was radiant and blood surging, and he was "forced" toward Ye Tian, ​​full of oppression.

"The question is can you kill me?" Ye Tian smiled lightly.

Bathed in the light of golden "color", Zhao Wu blasted out with a fist, with a terrifying fist intent and a mighty "dangling" true essence. He evolved a golden "color" dragon in mid-air and rushed towards Ye Tian. "Yin" shaking the sky.

Ye Tian raised his fists to resist, and immediately came out of the ice for three thousand miles. The extremely cold fist intent froze the void and solidified the world, locking the golden dragon in the air.

"I've "groped" about your strength, now is when you are defeated!" Zhao Wu shouted, the golden dragon rushed out, shattered the ice, and raged towards Ye Tian. .

"Really? So now..." Ye Tian smiled slightly, and the words were only half of the words. The aura of the whole person suddenly soared, and the power of the powerful king surged out, like a sky suppressed.

The golden dragon was grabbed by him not far in front of Ye Tian, ​​lightly grasped it, and then shattered.

"You..." Zhao Wu's pupils shrank, his eyes widened, and his face looked at Ye Tian who was walking towards him in disbelief.

At this moment, the aura on Ye Tian's body was more than ten times stronger than before, surpassing his imagination.

"Actually, I have been hiding my strength, just to avoid the king's attention... I said that you are not qualified to be my opponent."

Ye Tian said slowly.

In his hand, a **** magic knife ran across the sky, raging across the starry sky, exuding monstrous evil and murderous aura.


The magic sword erupted, with awe-inspiring murderous awe, a **** "color" blade light, swept across three hundred miles, and approached Zhao Wu directly.

"Impossible—" Zhao Wu yelled, he couldn't believe all of He swung his fists, and his true essence exploded, as if he was about to penetrate the sky and pierce the fact that he didn't believe in front of him.

"too weak!"

Ye Tian shook his head and sneered, and smashed Zhao Wu's attack with a single knife. The powerful blade light removed one of the opponent's arms, which was why Zhao Wu hid quickly.

Seeing Ye Tian who came with the knife, Zhao Wu's scalp was numb, and the powerful breath erupting from the opponent made him feel terrified, which was more powerful than the feeling that the king gave him.

"Have you become the Invincible Martial Lord?" Zhao Wu asked in a deep voice, with a frightening light in his eyes, but at the moment it seemed a bit lonely.

"Struggling to reach that level, but with the help of the blood demon sword, it is worthy of the name!" Ye Tian said lightly, there is no proud "color", because in his opinion, the current strength is still far from his goal. far.


When Zhao Wu heard this, his face paled, his eyes full of self-deprecating.

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