Seven World Martial God

Chapter 403: 1 side down

Outside the Nine Heavens Palace, a group of people are still waiting here. Just now, there has been news that the nearest Great River Kingdom Lord is on his way. [More exciting novels, please visit]

This is undoubtedly a shocking news. The entire Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea is destined to be unstable on this day.

"You said, does Ye Tian have a chance to escape this time?" Yang Shaohua asked with some worry.

Here, in addition to Wufeng and Gongsun Xuanxuan who are waiting, Zhu Hongming, Song Haoran, Yang Shaohua, Su Qingfeng and Li Junhao are also waiting.

It is worth mentioning that Li Junhao is very lucky. He was about to be kicked out of the ranks of the five great arrogances. But because Ye Tian became the Youth Supreme, one of the five great arrogances was missing, and this position was given to him.

However, Li Junhao would not thank Ye Tian. He stayed here, only hoping to see Ye Tian die tragically under the hands of the Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom.

"It's difficult, but the Lord of the Great River Kingdom has reached the second level of King Wu, even if the king is against the sky, he can only kill the strong at the first level." Li Junhao sneered.

"Hmph, how dare you stay here, wait carefully and run away." Yang Shaohua couldn't help but sneer when he heard the words.

"Hey~ Ye Tian and I don't have any hatred, why did he kill me?" Li Junhao coldly snorted, but he was a little worried, but he expected that Ye Tian would not have a chance to pay attention to him next time, so he was not worried.

Without paying attention to Li Junhao, Yang Shaohua asked Wufeng and Gongsun Xuanxuan for advice.

"Ye Tian's strength without wind is the clearest, I'm a grade behind them, alas!" Gongsun Xuanxuan shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Wufeng hesitated for a while, his eyes flashed, and said, "If you want to kill a strongman at the first level of the king of martial arts, at least you must have the strength of the first level of the king of martial arts, even if Ye Tian is not the opponent of the king of the great river country. , The Lord of the Great River can't help him."

"The problem is, once you get entangled by the Lord of the Great River, then Ye Tian will be very dangerous." Yang Shaohua frowned.

You know, more than one country leader is rushing here now. Although the others are a little farther away, if there is enough time, they can still come before Ye Tian leaves.

"I hope Ye Tian can pass this level..." Yan Haotian and the others, who just came out of the Nine Heavens Palace, also looked worried.


At this moment, a figure rushed out of the Nine Heavens Palace, like a meteor, which appeared in the sky in an instant.

Suddenly, a huge breath, with a mighty and majestic sword intent, filled the void, shaking the sky and the earth, with unparalleled momentum. 【First Release】

This person is exactly Ye Tian who came out of the Nine Heavens Palace.

Ye Tian's eyes flashed as he scanned the audience, and suddenly found Wufeng, Gongsun Xuanxuan, and others. He nodded slightly, saying hello.

"Brother Ye--" Yan Haotian wanted to say something, but was stopped by Ye Tian reaching out.

Everyone was suddenly puzzled.

At this time, Ye Tian looked at the void not far away with a sneer on his face, and hummed softly: "A great country lord, is hiding in the dark, planning to attack me? I'm not afraid that people from all over the world laugh at me, huh!"

Although the voice was soft, it spread through the entire Jiuxiao Tiangong Square under the vigorous amplitude of the true essence.

Suddenly, everyone was moved, and there was a tumult in the square.

Could it be that the Lord of the Great River has already come?

Even Wufeng and others all flew up, looking around with curiosity and surprise.

Rumble... Just when everyone was shocked, a monstrous oppressive force came from the depths of the void not far away. That terrible breath, like a vast world descending, makes people's soul tremble.

Everyone immediately took a breath, and those with this kind of breath were definitely strong men who had reached the realm of King Wu.

"Boy, your mouth is sharp, but if you are a hairy boy, why does this king sneak attack. Killing you is like pinching an ant. It's very simple."

The cold voice immediately resounded through the world.

A middle-aged man with long hair and shawl came from the depths of the void. He had his hands on his back, his bearing was extraordinary, and his whole body was shining like a hot flame. The terrible breath made the surrounding void tremble.

There is no doubt that this is the Lord of Dajiang Country, a super power who has reached the second level of King Wu.

Ye Tian looked at the Great River Country Lord coldly, this was a stronger existence than the Great Yan Country Lord, but now he is no longer afraid of such a powerful person.

After experiencing the supreme battle of the Nine Heavens Palace, he has become the supreme of the young generation of the eighteen kingdoms in the North Sea. Ye Tian has already stood at the pinnacle of the martial arts of the eighteen kingdoms in the North Sea. Even if he is a powerful king, he is confident to fight.

"Really? Everyone will say that I didn't expect the same as the dignified country lord, but if you are defeated by me, then you will laugh at the world." Ye Tian's eyes were shining, and two cold eyes shot out from his eyes. , As sharp as the Blood Demon Knife in his hand, making people afraid to look directly at it.

The Lord of the Kingdom of Dajiang walked forward slowly, with his hands still on his back leisurely, and he used his actions to tell Ye Tian: In my eyes, you are just a hairy boy, not worth mentioning.

"You come from the God Star Gate... The funeral sky back then did not dare to talk to this king like this. It's really scary for the next generation, and the ignorant is fearless!" The Lord of the Kingdom of Dajiang climbed into the sky, like a god, looking down at Ye Tian from a high place. Is full of disdain. His whole body is strong and powerful, his true essence is as vast as the vast sea, and it is almost full of the sky and the earth, exuding a strong pressure.

"Huh, so much nonsense, isn't it just secretly exploring my details? On the surface, look down on me and pretend to be arrogant, but it's paralyzing, trying to make me careless. I said that you are also a dignified country lord, which is too idiotic. Well, if I didn't have any strength, how could I win the supreme battle." Ye Tian sneered, his whole body aura burst out, half-step Martial King level strength, like a sun, exuding golden light.

Bathed in the boundless light, the country lord Dajiang raised his brows. He didn't expect that Ye Tian could see through his strategy. His eyes suddenly became gloomy, and a dignified gaze flashed across his eyes.

As the first youth supreme of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea for so many years, as another Martial Lord after the Blood Demon Sword Lord, Ye Tian's strength, the Lord of the Great River Kingdom can't be underestimated.

Ye Tian was right. It was the temptation and paralysis of the Lord of the Great River Kingdom just now.

"You are indeed very talented. It is a pity that this world is often jealous of talents. I am afraid that you will not survive today." The country lord Dajiang said in a cold voice. He is no longer arrogant and arrogant, but his dark and deep eyes are full of Shocking killing intent.

"Are you serious?" Ye Tian snorted coldly, then raised the Blood Demon Knife, the blade of which was suddenly radiant and exuding a terrifying breath.

"Although I have reached the level of Heaven-defying Martial Lord, but I haven't killed a Martial Lord, so I can't be considered as Heaven-defying Martial Lord. Today, I will use you to make my name as Heaven-defying Martial Lord."

After all, Ye Tian's ten small worlds erupted together, and the terrifying true essence seemed to break through the sky, causing the world to tremble.

"Let this king be your stepping stone? Haha... For many years, it seems that some people in this Beihai have forgotten this king's prestige. Well, this king will let you see the absolute difference between Wu Wang and Wu Jun. "The Lord of the Kingdom of Dajiang laughed in anger when he heard this. His body burst out with terrifying true essence for an instant. He raised a fist, and the light on his arm flashed, and the terrible power smashed the sky with amazing The breath came towards Ye Tian's suppression.

Rumble...The sky was trembling, and countless energies were surging, as if the sea flooded the entire world, and there was a torrent of torrents everywhere, and the blazing light made the sun fade.

There was an excited smile at the corner of Ye Tian's mouth. It was something he had always dreamed of to be able to fight the King Wu strong. He was extremely excited to be able to fulfill this wish today.

There was no more nonsense, Ye Tian slashed out, the world paled, and the terrifying **** sword light, like a peerless divine punishment, penetrated the sky and swept across the void, with unparalleled strength, he slammed into it.

At this moment, Ye Tian's qualitative change greatly, his body, as in the supreme battle, exudes an invincible aura, the king is invincible.

Nothing can stop the **** sword light, even the King Wu second-level Great River Kingdom Lord can't stop Ye Tian's sword, it was torn open the protective body defense, and it was severely injured.

"How is it possible?" The country lord Dajiang retreated quickly, with a trace of scarlet blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, his face was shocked, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.

The knife just now was so unmatched and so strong that he couldn't resist it.

The spectators around were stunned, especially the older strong, including Li Junhao and Su Qingfeng. All of them looked dull and stared in disbelief.

A dignified state lord, a super powerhouse at the second level of King Wu, was actually defeated by Ye Tian's sword.

What level of strength should Ye Tian reach?

Everyone took a breath from the bottom of their hearts. Is this the strength of Heaven-defying Martial Lord? It's too abnormal.

For an instant, the entire square of the Nine Heavens Palace was silent, and everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them.

"It's really disappointing. Is this your strength? Too vulnerable. UU reading has no challenge at all. You are not worthy of me to use the Blood Demon Knife." Ye Tian stepped into the sky, he Put away the Blood Demon Knife, take out a golden big bow, bend the bow to shoot an arrow, pierce through the sky, and face the Lord of the Great River.

The Lord of the Kingdom of Dajiang was vomiting blood when he heard the words. A dignified Lord, who has been invincible and powerful in the eighteen kingdoms of the North Sea for more than 100 years, was said to be so unbearable, and he was still in front of the people of the world, which made his face All lost.

Seeing the arrow shot by Ye Tian, ​​the Lord of the Kingdom of Dajiang did not dodge, but blasted him with a punch. However, he underestimated the power of the arrow, and his entire arm was burst suddenly, and the terrifying force blasted his body out.

"The difference in strength is too big..." Wufeng was shocked, and it took a long time to recover, and sighed slightly.

"The tenth rank of Wujun is the Heaven-defying Wujun. I didn't expect that he was promoted to the next level, reaching the half-step Wuwang level. No wonder he has this kind of strength." Gongsun Xuanxuan was shocked at this time.

"Unexpectedly, the long-awaited battle turned out to be a one-sided situation. I am afraid that there are no more than three people who can kill Ye Tian in the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea." Yang Shaohua was full of surprise.

Not far away, Yan Haotian and the others were very excited, all of them excited.

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