Seven World Martial God

Chapter 404: 1 battle shakes the world

"This king has been in the North Sea for more than 100 years. How can he be defeated by your kid? If you want me to die, you will have to pay half your life. [Starter]"

In the high sky near the Nine Heavens Palace, an embarrassed Great Jiang Kingdom's lord made a long roar, and his whole body exuded dazzling light, like the same golden sun, illuminating the entire sky.

Obviously, this strong man who has been in the North Sea for many years finally broke out with all his strength.

Of course, this was also forced by Ye Tian.

"Yes, I didn't expect you to hide your strength. Unfortunately, it is only in the middle of the second level of King Wu. It is still unavoidable." Ye Tian sneered. He must kill the Lord of the Great River today. He will shock the world in a battle. Only in this way can other country owners be deterred.

Don't think about it, as long as the Lord of the Great River Kingdom dies, except for the three Lords of Heaven, East, and West, the other Lords may not dare to chase Ye Tian anymore.

Because of Ye Tian's strength, it was enough to rival these country masters, or even surpass them.

"If you want to kill this king, it's up to you!"

The Lord of the Great River Kingdom roared, and the vast power was released from him, like a volcanic eruption, the turbulent energy ravaged the sky, shaking the void.

"Thirty thousand miles in ice!"

Ye Tian greeted him and waved his fists, shaking the sky and the earth, and the terrifying fist of cold ice spread across the entire world, the temperature in the void plummeted, and the cold breath suddenly froze the world.

"You don't need a blood magic knife? If you dare to underestimate this king, you will regret it!" Da Jiang Kingdom's eyes condensed, and a murderous spirit was soaring. A golden dragon was bombarded by him and slaughtered towards Ye Tian.

"Kill!" Ye Tian waved his fists, his hair was dancing, his temperament changed drastically, like a demon god, his eyes were **** and terrifying, his evil spirits rushed into the sky, and the blood waves rolled around his body.

Ascend to the sky in one step...step on the clouds...Ye Tian exerted his full power and reached the peak fighting state, defeating Da Jiang Guoguo every day and retreating.

Everyone who watched the battle was shocked. Even if he didn't use the Blood Demon Knife, Ye Tian tried his best to suppress the Lord of the Great River Kingdom.

The strength of both sides is not at the same level.

"Hateful, ah... this king is fighting with you!" Da Jiangguo was full of shame and indignation. It was a shame that a dignified country lord was forced to do this by a junior!

"Dare to come and kill me, you must be prepared to be killed by me!" Ye Tian sneered, he descended from a high altitude like a god, a huge sole, trampled toward the Lord of the Great River.

Such a posture, such a momentum, did not put Dajiang's country lord in his eyes at all.

If this was stepped on by Ye Tian, ​​the Lord of the Great River would have no face to live in the world. He roared in anger, like a warrior who was not afraid of death, and blasted Ye Tian's feet fiercely.


The two collided, the brilliant brilliance rushed into the sky, and the sky was fierce. [More exciting novels, please visit]

There were surging energy fluctuations everywhere in the sky, and the huge impact made the void tremble, and the nearby Jiuxiao Tiangong Square was shocked.

"Break for me!"

A loud shout suddenly came from the sky.

I saw that Ye Tian broke through the light rain, his whole body was bathed in golden light, and he stomped on the head of the Lord of the Great River. That terrifying power directly evaporated the hair of the Lord of the Great River.

"Ah..." The country lord of Dajiang was crazy. Not only did he suffer heavy injuries, but his old blood spurted out and dyed the sky red.

Everyone around watching the battle was stunned. They knew that the Lord of the Great River was over this time, not only was he dead, but his name was cracked.

Everyone felt Ye Tian's cruelty.

Obviously, Ye Tian was using this **** method to frighten the world, and he wanted to use the example of the master of the Great River to warn the other masters of the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea.

"If you dare to kill me, you must be prepared to be killed by me."

Ye Tian's eyes were blazing, bright divine light came out of his eyes, cutting through the sky and piercing the void.

His body shed an invincible breath, and the terrifying pressure made everyone tremble, and each of them was extremely palpitating.

"Ye Tian is not only the supreme youth, he will be respected in Beihai!" Someone in the crowd was amazed, unbelievable.

"Even if it doesn't work now, it won't be long before he is promoted to the realm of King Wu, then Beihai must be invincible." Someone said.

Ye Tian defeated the Lord of the Great River Kingdom in a battle, very strong, just like playing, the Lord of the Great River Kingdom was not an opponent at all.

Such a result is very brilliant, enough to tremble the entire Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea.

"Ah... This king wants you to be buried together!"

The Lord of the Great River Kingdom roared, he was completely mad with shame, rushing towards Ye Tian like a moth to a fire, and then exploded in the sky.

People were shocked that a master of the country, a powerful man at the level of King Wu, was even blew up by Ye Weather.

"It's too weak..." Ye Tian snorted coldly, and instantly activated three burial styles, a huge Tai Chi figure, protecting his body, and easily blocking the explosion of the Lord of the Great River Kingdom.

The lovely Lord of the Great River Kingdom died in ruins, leaving a mess of the Great River Kingdom, and I am afraid that it will soon be divided by the surrounding kingdoms.

"I'm going back to get ready, the lord of the country... Hey!" In the crowd, Su Qingfeng sighed, arched his hands towards the crowd, and then left.

Once the leader of Dajiang Kingdom dies, Dajiang Kingdom will inevitably be in chaos. Su Qingfeng is a member of Dajiang Kingdom, so naturally he has to go back and prepare.

Although it was Ye Tian who killed the Lord of the Great River this time, Su Qingfeng couldn't hate Ye Tian, ​​because this was the shame of the Lord of the Great River.

"Everyone, goodbye!"

Ye Tian glanced at Su Qingfeng, and ignored him. He nodded towards Wufeng, Yan Haotian and others, and then disappeared into the void.

Everyone watched Ye Tian leave, and they all knew that the most powerful character was about to arrive in Beihai, and it was still unknown that Ye Tian could leave Beihai alive.

"It seems that Ye Tian is much stronger than we thought. Maybe he can really survive this catastrophe alive." Gongsun Xuanxuan exclaimed.

"I hope our country lord hasn't come, otherwise, when Ye Tian gets through this disaster, I am afraid that those lord who participated in the pursuit and killing him will all die." Wufeng was worried.

"Huh, if you become greedy, you have to be prepared to die." Gongsun Xuanxuan coldly hummed, but she is very relieved, because their power is not strong, this time there is the example of the great Jiang country leader, I am afraid I dare not come.


"Take care!"

Yan Haotian, Yang Shaohua and others also said goodbye and left.

Ye Tian killed the lord of the Great River Kingdom, and the entire Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea was boiling.

Many people rushed back. They wanted to spread the news. The Supreme Battle of the Nine Heavens Palace was over, but the aftermath of it could not be ignored.

Ye Tian killed the Lord of the Great River Kingdom, and became a real Martial Lord against the sky, shocking the world.

Sure enough, people who got the news soon were shocked.

On the spot, half of the country masters put away their greed and retreated, but some people still rushed towards Beihai with the intention of picking up cheap.

It is worth mentioning that among the three most powerful nations, apart from the eastern nations' nations, the heavenly nations and western nations' nations did not participate in this matter. They still sit in their own countries and did not rush to the North Sea, which is really surprising.

Originally, the three most powerful country masters might have shocked the world, and it was difficult for everyone to guess who would eventually kill Ye Tian and seize the inheritance of the Nine Heavens Palace.

But now there is only the host of the Eastern Kingdom, so there is no surprise, it must be his. After all, other country owners do not have the strength to compete with him.

In addition, there are also the masters of Great Yan Nation who did not participate in this matter.

In addition, the country lord of the Great River who was beheaded by Ye Tian, ​​and the country lord who retired temporarily.

The lord of the country still rushing towards the North Sea, there are only the lord of the east country and the other five ordinary lords.


North Sea, cold Iceland.

Ye Tian once again came to the old man's lair to see if this old guy would stay here and kill him by the way.

However, Ye Tian overestimated the courage of Old Man Frost. As soon as this guy heard the news that Ye Tian had killed the Lord of the Great River Kingdom, he immediately ran away. The speed broke through the limit and was comparable to King Wu.

"I don't know how many lords are still chasing me this time!"

Looking up at the void, Ye Tian said to himself, his eyes frightening.

People's greed can never be underestimated, especially those who have been unable to break through for many years. Once they want to improve their strength, they can do everything.

Ye Tian's killing of the Lord of the Great River Kingdom was certainly able to shock some people, but this alone could not dispel the greed of all the Lords.

"For me, the most feared are the three most powerful country masters. Even if the others come together, I will be sure to escape." Ye Tian took the blood magic knife, stepped into the air, and once again disappeared into the void. .

During this period of time, Ye Tian has been wandering around in the North Sea. He didn't dare to return to the land, because in that case, he happened to meet with the host of the kingdoms who came here. Isn't this a delivery?

Therefore, Ye Tian needed to draw them all to Beihai, and then took the opportunity to escape from Dajiang State and rush to the death swamp of Song State.

Of course, doing so was very dangerous, but Ye Tian had no choice.

The North Sea is very vast, even the outer North Sea is vast and boundless, but for the Wuwang powerhouse, it is not that big.

Rumble...a terrifying majestic will, like the eyes of a **** and man, swept from the distant void, covering everything here.

"So strong--" Ye Tian stunned, from this wave of martial arts will, he knew that the other party must be one of the three strongest powers.

"I am afraid that I have reached the fourth level of King Wu. I am not an opponent at all now." Ye Tian finally understood the strength of the three strongest powers.


The huge martial arts will did not let go of an inch of the sea, leaving Ye Tian invisible.

After three months of fleeing, Ye Tian was finally discovered by the powerful country lord, and an invisible spirit attacked and immediately slew towards Ye Tian.

"I admit that you are very strong, but if you want to kill me in the air, it would be too small to underestimate my youth supreme." Ye Tian sneered, he raised the blood demon knife, and smashed this terrifying will. attack.

"You can't escape!" The incoming person delivered an icy voice, and then the terrifying will suddenly disappeared.


Ye Tian snorted coldly, turned and left, speeding to leave here.

Soon after, a tall figure, like a golden **** of war, appeared here. The terrifying power emanating from him filled the sky and caused the surrounding sea to evaporate.

"You can't escape!"

The visitor gave a cold snort and chased up in the direction of Ye Tian, ​​very fast.

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