Seven World Martial God

Chapter 417: Beat 1

"Let you bully my Big Brother Ye!"

"Damn, see if I won't beat you to death!"

"I want to avenge Big Brother Ye..."

High in the sky, Mu Bingxue slapped the frozen Eastern Kingdom's lord for a while, hitting him firmly in the face with every punch, making the Eastern Kingdom's nose bruised and swollen, and his entire head was swollen like a pig's head. (Starting)

What made the Eastern Kingdom Lord even more speechless was that besides being unable to move, he had good intentions and thoughts, so he could clearly see that he was beaten badly.

This made the Eastern Kingdom Lord almost vomit blood, his face was distorted, his eyes were full of anger and despair, as well as deep resentment.

The countless warriors who watched the battle below were stunned. They didn't dare to imagine that the powerful Eastern Kingdom Lord had fallen to such a miserable state.

They wanted to laugh, but they didn't dare.

As for the powerful kings, they all felt cold on their backs, especially the kings who had participated in the hunt for Ye Tian at the beginning, and they did not dare to breathe.

"Good strength, also at the first level of King Wu, how could she be so strong?" The king looked at Mu Bingxue like a goddess with a complex expression, and he couldn't accept it for a while.

The first person of the dignified young generation, even if he was defeated by Ye Tian, ​​after all, Ye Tian's record is brilliant, defeating him in public, a veritable youth supreme.

But Mu Bingxue was no more than an ordinary genius before, and any young talent found in their heaven would be better than Mu Bingxue, but he did not expect such an ordinary person to surpass him now.

Once again, the king felt great pressure!

There was a time when he was ranked first among the young generation. Only when he became the pressure of others, he had never thought that he has today.

"I will definitely surpass you!" The king secretly gritted his teeth and swore in his heart that he knew that he had to leave the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea quickly, otherwise he would be thrown away by Ye Tian and Mu Bingxue.

The Shenzhou Continent is vast and boundless, and there are also some super schools that are not inferior to the Nine Heavens Palace, and some schools are even more terrifying than the Nine Heavens Palace.

He now desperately wants to go to the mainland of China and worship such a super sect. Only in this way can he improve his strength.

In fact, at this moment, Wufeng, Gongsun Xuanxuan, Yang Shaohua and other young peak powers all have the same idea.

They were convinced by Ye Tian's surpassing. After all, Ye Tian had a record of killing with one punch, no one can question it.

But Mu Bingxue's achievements... They only felt that Mu Bingxue had been inherited from the Nine Heavens Palace. If they could also get the inheritance, they thought they were no worse than Mu Bingxue.

In addition to the Four Kings and the Five Tianjiao, some other young peak powers also gave birth to this idea one by one. 【First Release】

Because before that, many people were better than Mu Bingxue, so now that Mu Bingxue has become so powerful, everyone is very unconvinced, and they feel that if they have a super martial heritage, they must be better than Mu Bingxue.

Ye Tian didn't expect that the outbreak of Mu Bingxue would severely stimulate the young generation of the eighteen countries in Beihai.

After that, countless young talents left the Eighteen Kingdoms of Beihai together to find their own chances on the mainland of China.

Of course, this group of people died in the end nearly 90%. But the rest of the people all achieved high accomplishments, and the worst became Wu Huang.

As a result, the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea became more powerful because of these people, and they could finally gain a foothold among the strong on the mainland of China.

This is something……

Ye Tian stared blankly at the Eastern Kingdom Lord who was beaten by Mu Bingxue in the sky like a pig. The killing intent in his heart completely disappeared, and all his anger and anger disappeared.

One of the dignified three strongest masters, the top powerhouse of the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea, was beaten into a pig head by a little girl in public. This made him more uncomfortable than killing him, and it was harder to live than to die.

It can be said that even if the Lord of the Eastern Kingdom survives today, I am afraid that he will have no face to see people again.

His face was completely lost.

However, Ye Tian knew that the hatred of the Lord of the Eastern Kingdom towards them was like the waves of the North Sea, so he transmitted the voice to Mu Bingxue so that she would directly kill the Lord of the Eastern Kingdom without mercy.

Mu Bingxue violently beat the Eastern Kingdom Lord, and the anger in his heart also vented. He nodded, and fisted the Eastern Kingdom Lord's heart and martial soul with a fist, killing his soul.

In this way, the Eastern Kingdom Lord, one of the three most powerful country owners of the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea, died in such an aggrieved state in front of the people of the world.

Even after his death, he has become a laughingstock for people, and he has also become a vigilance for the older generation.

Don't bully the young man!

Since then, in the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, no older generations of power have bullied some young powers, especially those geniuses, who have been flattered by the older generations of power.

They were all afraid that another Ye Tian or Mu Bingxue would appear among these people.

"Big Brother Ye, this old guy has a rich collection, and he has a lot of good things." After Mu Bingxue killed the Eastern Kingdom Lord, and smashed his small world, he collected all the treasures inside into his own small world, and then ran. Come here to present the treasure proudly to Ye Tian.

"Hehe, it seems that the Lord of the Eastern Kingdom can't temper you either, Xueer, to what extent have you cultivated the Qi Jue of Cold Ice?" Ye Tian looked at Mu Bingxue proudly and said with a wry smile.

"I only practiced the sixth skill not long ago, and then broke through to the king of martial arts, if a few months later, I will be sure to practice to the seventh skill." Mu Bingxue said, a little ashamed.

She went on to say: "In the history of the Frost Palace, I have the lowest speed in cultivating Frost Ice Qijue, the last one. Humph, if you can cultivate, Big Brother Ye, you will surely be able to surpass those of the predecessors. My talent is too bad."

"Poor talent..." Ye Tian rolled his eyes when he heard the words, and was so swallowed that he couldn't speak.

"Xue'er, why is this powerful secret technique so easy to practice? Isn't it true that the stronger the secret technique, the harder it is to practice?" Ye Tian asked suddenly.

"Brother Ye, you definitely haven't read those classics in the Taiji Sacred Palace. You must know that only the more powerful the martial arts, the more difficult it is to cultivate. And the secret technique is very special, as long as you meet the training requirements, you can quickly practice it. The point is the same as your Nine Revolutions Battle Body, because the Nine Revolutions Battle Body is actually the most powerful secret technique.” Mu Bingxue said.

"Nine-revolution battle body..." Ye Tian was startled, recalling that he had cultivated the Nine-revolution battle body, and he did feel a little like this.

Take the fourth layer as an example. As long as he obtains the essence and blood of the dragon, his cultivation will be very easy.

The fifth level requires a purple martial arts soul to successfully cultivate, it seems like these secret techniques have some conditions.

As long as these conditions are met, it will be very easy to cultivate.

"Big Brother Ye, the prerequisite for cultivating the Seven Wonders of Frost Ice is to possess the Body of Frost. This is a secret technique tailored for us, and it is naturally fast to practice. In the history of our Frost Palace, there was a senior who cultivated the most Quickly, it only took one day to cultivate the Qijue of Hanbing to the realm of Dzogchen." Mu Bingxue said.

"So that's it!" Ye Tian couldn't help being full of envy.

"Ye Tian!"

"Brother Ye!"

As Ye Tian and Mu Bingxue continued to talk, a few familiar voices came from the crowd below.

The two looked down and suddenly realized that it was those friends.

"Let's go, it's time to meet these old friends." Ye Tian said with a smile.

Mu Bingxue followed him and fought against the Lord of the Eastern Kingdom. She was finally familiar with her current strength. Although she still couldn't put away the powerful pressure, she managed to maintain a certain level so that Ye Tian wouldn't be unable to. Close.

But this hurt Yan Haotian, Yang Shaohua and others miserably.

Although these familiar young talents are good, they are far behind Mu Bingxue. Now standing in front of Mu Bingxue, feeling the terrifying coercion, everyone can't breathe.

Zhang Hu, who was too weak, couldn't get close to this place directly, and he was sweating profusely.

"Fairy Mu, you are now a real ice fairy. Shouldn't it be time to reduce your momentum so that mortals like us can get closer!" Yang Shaohua said with a wry smile.

Mu Bingxue looked at Ye Tian helplessly.

Ye Tian had no choice but to explain to everyone with a smile.

"Damn, it's so popular!" After hearing the situation, everyone was speechless, envy, jealousy and hatred in their hearts.

However, this was a personal opportunity, and they couldn't force it, so they could only secretly envy it.

"Sister Mu, you were the goddess in my younger brother's mind at the beginning. I knew you would definitely surpass Ye Tian. In my heart, you have always been the strongest young genius in the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea. What is Ye Tian, ​​King, Wu The wind is too far away..." Zhang Hu, the servant can't get close to here, afraid of being ignored, directly slapped Mu Bingxue's flattery.

Everyone was shocked and stunned, but Zhang Hu was so eloquent.

However, Ye Tian looked a little ugly when he heard the words afterwards, so there is no need to belittle him if he is flattering.

The king and Wufeng were also gloomy.

"Sister Mu, you are the beacon in my heart, lit in the darkness, illuminating my life path, leading me out of the boundless darkness, you are the moon that day, and the moon blooming in the sky..." Zhang Hu did not Paying attention to the murderous gazes of Ye Tian and others, he kept slapping Mu Bingxue's flattery.

Mu Bingxue was amused by him and giggled, and then she didn't know what secret technique was used, and Zhang Hu fainted with a palm.

Although Zhang Hu was dizzy, everyone looked at Zhang Hu with envy, even Ye Tian was no exception.

Because Mu Bingxue just sent a stream of pure energy into Zhang Hu's As long as Zhang Hu can absorb this energy, his level can at least be upgraded to three consecutive levels.

A flattering can raise your level three cultivation level. Seeing all the young talents around you are full of envy, jealousy and hatred, but after considering it for a while, they still can't hold back their face to flatter.

"Well, take this despicable and shameless guy away!" Yan Haotian waved his hand and asked two of his men to carry Zhang Hu away.

The crowd gathered together and talked.

They were all very curious about how Ye Tian survived.

Ye Tian didn't conceal this, and told them everything he could say. He knew that these people would also leave the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, and it would be best to know some of the conditions in advance.

"Unexpectedly, that Fire Dragon King turned out to be the guardian of the Nine Heavens Palace!"

"The Flood Dragons in Beihai are so powerful!"

A group of young talents exclaimed.

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