Seven World Martial God

Chapter 418: True and false Ye Tian

A lot of useful news was obtained from Ye Tian. All the young talents left with satisfaction. Only some friends of Ye Tian, ​​Wang Zhe, Wu Feng and others were here. [More exciting novels, please visit]

The Lord of the West Kingdom also flew over at this time, standing beside Wufeng, greeted Ye Tian and Mu Bingxue with a smile on his face.

"Ye Xiaoyou!" The Lord of the Western Kingdom knew that Mu Bingxue was Ye Tian's woman, so he was the first to greet Ye Tian, ​​and then he bowed to Mu Bingxue.

Mu Bingxue smiled and nodded, standing behind Ye Tian, ​​with a look of Ye Tian as the head, seeing all the young talents with envy, such a woman is hard to find.

Ye Tian had already known from Yan Haotian that the Lord of the West Kingdom had not participated in the hunt for him, so he was very polite at this time and said with a smile: "The Lord is polite."

"Youth King of Swordsman, Youth Supreme, I only heard the name of his little friend before, but when I saw it today, it really deserves its reputation." The Lord of the Western Kingdom said with a smile on his face and admiration.

"The country lord praised it!" Ye Tian said politely.

After some courtesy.

The Lord of the Western Kingdom pointed to the Beast God Alliance and others not far away, and said in a deep voice: "My little friend, during your absence, the Beast God Sect and these traitors from the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea have made the entire Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea. It was turned upside down, and there were countless casualties. I hope that my little friend can take action this time to help us destroy these cult members."

The West Kingdom Lord said with a murderous face.

Not far away, King Wu of the Beast God Alliance suddenly shrank his pupils, his face full of vigilance.

Ye Tian squinted at the King Wu of the Beast God Alliance, his eyes shot sharp rays of light, making the King Wu strong of the Beast God Alliance unwilling to look directly.

"Brother Ye..." Yan Haotian whispered beside Ye Tian.

Following Yan Haotian's words, the sharp light in Ye Tian's eyes suddenly turned into a monstrous killing intent.

"With this kind of cult, Ye Mou naturally cannot allow them to live in the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea." Ye Tian said coldly now.

Just now, Yan Haotian told him that the Martial King of the Beast God Alliance had participated in hunting him down.

Ye Tian even saw the Wu Wang powerhouse who trapped him with the **** net in it.

"Okay, little friend Gao Yi, on behalf of the warriors of the eighteen kingdoms of the North Sea, thank you little friend." The Lord of the West Kingdom was overjoyed. With the help of Ye Tian and Mu Bingxue, the Beast God Alliance will undoubtedly lose.

In fact, after the Lord of the Eastern Kingdom died, the Beast God Alliance was no longer an opponent of the Anti Beast Alliance.

"The lord of the country is joking, Ye Mou is also a member of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea. It is right to help the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea." Ye Tian said, carrying the blood magic knife and killing him.

These Martial Kings who had participated in him at the beginning were to be killed by his own hands, and the leader of the Beast God Sect also had grudges against him. The death of the Great Elder Buried in the first place was closely related to the leader.

"Since the little friends are showing great power, we can't sit there either."

Upon seeing this, the lord of the West Kingdom shouted. 【First Release】

"You follow me to block the battlefield, and you can't let any of them go." The West Kingdom Lord shouted.

The king and other powerful kings immediately sealed off the surrounding void, blocking the retreat of the king of the Beast God Alliance.

Ye Tian killed him alone.

The surrounding Wu Kings all watched attentively. The Mu Bingxue inherited from the Nine Heavens Palace was so powerful, and Ye Tian, ​​who also inherited the inheritance, seemed to them to be even more powerful.

Although many people find that Ye Tian has not been promoted to the realm of King Wu, they only think that their cultivation level is too low to see through Ye Tian's realm.

However, Ye Tian is indeed very strong now. Even if he does not use Blue Life and Death, he is stronger than the Eastern Kingdom Lord, only slightly worse than the Heavenly Kingdom Lord and the Son of God.

"You chased me down in the first place, so today you will pay for it with your life!"

"And you, the leader of the Beast God Sect, the hatred of the Great Elder Burial, I will solve it today."

Ye Tian shouted coldly.

He raised the Blood Demon Knife, powerful power erupted, and the blood-red blade, under the infusion of the terrifying true essence, burst out with fiery light, spewing out a peerless sword light.

The Wu King powerhouse of the Beast God Alliance suddenly changed his complexion, and the breath that erupted from Ye Tian, ​​although not as terrifying as Mu Bingxue, but also surpassed the Eastern Kingdom Lord, making them feel shocked.

"Everyone, we have no retreat, we can only fight back." The leader of the Beast God Cult is indeed a hero, and he is very calm at this time, and is the first to rush to Ye Tian.

Under his roar, those Wu Wang powerhouses who had been frightened by Ye Tian's might also reacted. At this time, it was indeed only possible to fight back, and there was no way out.

Most of them were King Wu who had chased and killed Ye Tian back then. They knew that Ye Tian would not let them go, so after hearing the words of the leader of the Beast God Sect, they all roared towards Ye Tian.

It was absolutely earth-shattering that the powerful masters of the full Wuwang level shot together, and even the Western Kingdom Lord not far away became solemn.

"We really don't have to take action?" A King Wu from the Anti-Beast Alliance asked hesitantly.

The Lord and King of the Western Kingdom shook their heads.

"He is a confident person. If he chooses to shoot, he must be sure!" The king said short words, but he knew Ye Tian well. They used to be opponents, and they knew each other's thoughts very well.

"Yes, the dignified youth supreme, it is impossible to join us to kill the enemy, look at it." Although the Lord of the West Kingdom was a little worried, he still chose to believe in Ye Tian, ​​just as he chose not to chase and kill Ye Tian.

His confidence does not come from Ye Tian.

But from the Nine Heavens Palace.

The dignified Nine Heavens Heavenly Palace inheritors, if even these Martial Kings can't deal with them, it's really useless.

At this moment, Ye Tian and those martial kings of the Beast God Alliance were about to collide together.

"It's just right, see if you can catch my knife--" Ye Tian's eyes condensed, his whole body exploded, and terrifying energy was poured into the blood magic knife, and he slashed towards the opposing Martial King powerhouses. Peerless knife.

"Don't be ashamed!"

"Huh, want to kill us with a single knife?"

"Too arrogant!"


The Martial King powerhouse on the side of the Beast God Alliance was furious when he heard that, and wanted to kill them with a single blow. This is too small for them.

"Blood World Slash!"

Following Ye Tian's big drink, a horrible sword light traversed the sky, cut the void, and flooded the world.

People in the distance were shocked. In front of such a dazzling knife, everything between the sky and the earth was eclipsed, and even the sun in the sky lost its brilliance.

"I'm not sure to block this cut!" The West Kingdom's Lord whispered in shock.

The Martial King powerhouses next to him were all shocked.

Such a terrifying knife is unique. It has never appeared in the history of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea. The Blood Demon Sword Lord did not have such a powerful strength.

"He really is stronger than me!" The king was awe-inspiring, and the pressure in his heart increased.

All the young talents were also amazed, they were getting further and further away from Ye Tian.

This is the strength of Youth Supreme.

Everyone was shocked and speechless.

After Ye Tian swept out, all the Martial Kings of the Beast God Alliance died tragically, and none of them could survive.

Including the leader of the Beast God Sect, all the martial masters were cut off by that peerless sword light, and their souls were destroyed.

At this time, on the entire battlefield, the only remaining Martial King powerhouse in the Beast God Alliance was the Son of God who fought fiercely with the Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven in the distance.


As if feeling the movement here, the Son of God burst out with a terrifying roar.

I saw changes in the sky, thunder and lightning, a huge dragon with teeth and claws, sweeping across the sky, and with its tail, the Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven was smashed away.

Afterwards, this huge figure appeared beside the body of the leader of the Beast God Sect, transforming into a blood-robed youth with the same face as Ye Tian.

"This..." Mu Bingxue had seen the Son of God before, but now suddenly noticed his appearance, and suddenly opened her mouth in shock.

Ye Tian didn't speak, he looked at the opposite God's Son with a complex expression.

Yan Haotian explained to Mu Bingxue.

"Boom..." The Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven appeared next to Ye Tian. His white clothes were already stained with blood at this time, he was embarrassed, and his aura was somewhat disturbed.

"He is very strong, be careful." The Lord of the Kingdom reminded Ye Tian, ​​looking at the Son of God with dignity.

Now that the battle has arrived, it seems to outsiders that they are indifferent to victory or defeat, but in reality, the Son of God is pressing the Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven, and the Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven has already been seriously injured.

Ye Tian didn't speak, and nodded faintly, his face was very complicated, his eyes flickering at the Son of God.

At this time, the Son of God roared again and again, exuding endless anger.

He grabbed the broken body of the leader of the Beast God Sect, tears shining, and then he was murderous and crying.

It's like a child of a dead relative!

"Damn you!"

Suddenly, the Son of God raised his head with cold eyes, staring at Ye Tian on the opposite side.

Ye Tian remained indifferent, but looked at the Son of God complicatedly.

"You left me with nothing... You took everything from me..." The cold eyes of the Son of God were filled with endless anger and resentment. The resentment made everyone in the distance feel scared.

What a hatred this is!

However, they found it strangely that Ye Tian never spoke, his face was complicated, and there was even a faint guilt in his eyes.

"You have taken away my last sustenance now!" The son of God put down the corpse of the leader of the beast god, and the murderous aura on his body burst out, sweeping across the sky.

"Big Brother Ye be careful——" Mu Bingxue wanted to rush over but was immediately stopped by Ye Tian.

"This is a matter between me and him, no one is allowed to interfere." Ye Tian turned around and said coldly.

His eyes trembled Mu Bingxue, she knew that Ye Tian was serious.

"Today I want to take back everything I have... Don't worry, I will not kill you, I will let you lose everything and live like a zombie." The son of God stepped coldly, boundless suffocation, making the entire sky Shaking, the surrounding temperature dropped to a terrible level.

"If you are willing, I will give you everything you have." Ye Tian looked at the Son of God, took a deep breath, and said slowly.

"How to pay it back? Don't kill me, your martial arts road ends here. You have robbed me of my life. Can you still afford it?" The Son of God mocked.

"If you are willing to come back, I can give up the road of martial arts." Ye Tian said solemnly.

"I just want to kill you—"

The Son of God roared.

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