Seven World Martial God

Chapter 432: the climb

In addition, the blood of a strong man at the martial sage level can refine many top worries, and has terrifying power beyond imagination. (Starting) (Starting)

No wonder even the Dragon Emperor was shocked by such a treasure.

Ye Tian couldn't help feeling the chance of Prince Long. His eyes were bright, and he stared at the Dao of Shenglong not far away, his heart was full of fire.

"By the way, where is the Dragon Prince?" The Fire Dragon King suddenly asked the two Dragon King guards in front of him.

"The prince refined that drop of essence and blood, and broke through to the realm of Emperor Wu. He went to the Shenzhou Continent 30 years ago and heard that he was going to study in Zhenwu Academy!" said one of the Dragon Emperor guards with a respectful face.

"What is Zhenwu Academy?" Ye Tian asked, he was amazed that Prince Long had become a super power at the Emperor Wu level. Do you still need to go to the Academy for further studies?

"That's the temple!" The Dragon Emperor guard said in awe.

Ye Tian looked at the Fire Dragon King suspiciously.

"On the mainland of China, any academy that has been out of a strong warrior is called a seminary. There are only five seminaries in the entire mainland of China, namely Qinglong Academy, Xuanwu Academy, Suzaku Academy, White Tiger Academy, and Zhenwu Academy." Wang said.

Ye Tian was secretly frightened. He had been a powerhouse of the Martial God level. The background of these temples might not be much worse than the Nine Heavens Palace. They were probably the five superpowers of the Shenzhou Continent.

Sure enough, the Fire Dragon King continued: "The five great monasteries are the powerful forces in the Chinese mainland, but they are in a position of gravity. No matter who you are, as long as you are a genius, you are eligible for advanced studies."

"However, the enrollment requirements of the five major temples are very high, and those who can enter to practice are geniuses, not ordinary martial artists can enter." A guard of the Dragon Emperor looked forward to the "color".

In the mainland of China, the five great temples are holy places that all warriors yearn for.

Nearly half of the geniuses in the mainland of China are concentrated in the five major temples, and its dean is also a powerhouse of the martial sage level, who has shocked the mainland for thousands of years, preventing the enemy from coming.

"The Dragon Prince is extremely talented, and coupled with that drop of the ancestor's blood, his future achievements are limitless. Our Flood Dragon Clan, I am afraid that another Martial Venerable will be born." Fire Dragon King said excitedly.

Afterwards, the Fire Dragon King looked at Ye Tian and said with a look of expectation: "Junior Brother, you should also go to Ascend Dragon Road and have a try. You are the saint son chosen by the Nine Heavens Palace. In principle, your talent should be no worse than Long Prince. It can be successful."

"Holy Son can go and try!"

"However, no human has ever climbed the Ascending Dragon Road. I don't know what the situation is like?"

The two Dragon Emperor guards are also looking forward to it.

Ye Tian glanced at Shenglongdao, smiled slightly, and said, "Okay, let's go up and take a look. [First release]"

To be honest, he was also very curious about Shenglong Dao, and when he heard that Prince Long had actually obtained the blood of a martial master, his heart was hot, and he naturally wanted to try it.

"I have tried hundreds of times, and I can't even climb one-fifth!" The fire dragon king heard this with a bitter face. He grew up on Long Island since he was a child, so naturally he would not miss climbing the Ascending Dragon Road, but failed again and again. Has made him desperate.

"Neither can we!" The two Dragon Sovereign guards also smiled awkwardly. Although they are powerful at the Martial Sovereign level, their performance on the Ascension Dragon Road is not even as good as the Fire Dragon King.

Ye Tian couldn't help being more curious. Is this way of ascending dragon really so magical?

With strong expectations, Ye Tian and the Fire Dragon King and others walked towards the Ascension Road together.

"Hey, look, they are going to Shenglong Road, is it possible to climb?" Around, someone saw the route of Ye Tian and others and suddenly exclaimed.

"It's impossible for Xiao Wu and the two Dragon Emperor Guardians to climb, could it be that kid..." someone guessed.

"This human being is so valued by the Dragon Sovereign. Let the two Dragon Sovereign guards personally follow it. I am afraid that it has an extraordinary origin. Let's go and see to see how far he can climb."

A group of people immediately followed.

Nothing has changed on Dragon Island for hundreds of years. They usually don't have much entertainment at all. Apart from cultivation, they still practice.

Now, it is rare to see Ye Tian, ​​a human warrior who is an outsider, and he is naturally very curious, so a large number of people gathered at once and rushed towards Shenglong Road.

The huge mountain peaks pierced through the sky, like a sharp sword, tearing through the void.

It's hard to imagine that this mountain range was transformed by a dragon, how terrifying this dragon was when he was alive.

Ye Tian opened his mouth wide and his face was shocked. The mountain range in front of him was so huge that he couldn't imagine it, and it was only the backbone of the ancestor of the Dragon Clan.

If it is the body of the ancestors of the Jiaolong tribe, how huge should it be?

Just looking at this stalwart body, you can guess how powerful the ancestors of the Jiaolong tribe were back then. I am afraid that they are among the top ranks among the martial sages.

In fact, Ye Tian guessed right, the two dragon martial sages who guarded the gates of the Nine Heavens Palace back then were very terrifying in their own strength, and they were already close to their titles.

If the original Palace Master of Nine Heavens Palace was a Martial God powerhouse, how could he conquer these two martial sage peak-level flood dragons?

"Holy Son, we are waiting for you below."

In front of the starting steps of Shenglong Road, the two Dragon Emperor guards stopped and saluted Ye Tian respectfully.

The Fire Dragon King also waved his hand and said, "I won't be ashamed of going up."

Ye Tian nodded, then clasped his fists to the two Dragon Emperor guards: "Trouble the two seniors."

After all, Ye Tian stepped onto the first step in the eyes of the fire dragon king and the three people expecting.

Looking at the top of the mountain, which did not know how many steps, Ye Tian's heart was shocked. A powerful pressure, as if from the ancient times, the mysterious aura, wrapped Ye Tian's whole person in it.

"Not weak coercion...just the first layer has such coercion, I can't imagine it!" Ye Tian frowned, his gaze towards the top of the mountain became more solemn.

"Look, that kid is really climbing. I don't know how many floors he can climb?" At this time, the children of the Flood Dragon clan who followed all came over, and asked the Fire Dragon King curiously about Ye Tian. The origin.

"Presumptuous, this is Master Shengzi, not many mouths!" The two Dragon Emperor guards shouted to everyone.

Everyone was shocked immediately.

"Master Saint Son? Is it the Saint Son of Nine Heavens Palace?"

"Nine Heavens Palace actually has a Saint Son."

"I can't imagine that an inheritor actually appeared in a small place like the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea!"


All of them were stunned.

As the children of the Jiaolong clan, they are naturally familiar with the Nine Heavens Palace, because they have been guarding here for generations.

Especially the guardian elders of the Nine Heavens Palace, like a god, will always live in the hearts of all the children of the Flood Dragon Clan, so that they dare not forget the Nine Heavens Palace.

"Who is that kid?"

Ye Tian's climb, and the observation of a large group of people below, naturally attracted the attention of the Jiaolong geniuses who were climbing the Ascending Dragon Road.

Suddenly, sharp gazes shot towards Ye Tian.

Ye Tian swept over these gazes, smiled slightly, ignored it, and continued to climb.

"Humph!" Seeing this, the geniuses of the Flood Dragon tribe couldn't help but snorted and continued to climb.

There are nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine steps in Shenglong Road. Every day, there are many geniuses of the Jiaolong clan to climb. Even if you can't reach the peak, you can increase your willpower through constant climbing.

Most of the geniuses of the Dragon Clan rely on this to exercise themselves and increase their strength.

The further down, the more geniuses of the Jiaolong clan, and the more up, the fewer the number of people.

Therefore, when he started climbing, Ye Tian attracted the attention of many people.

However, Ye Tian didn't show any terrifying strength. He didn't climb fast. Like ordinary Flood Dragon geniuses, there was nothing dazzling.

After a long time, those climbing geniuses no longer pay attention to Ye Tian, ​​just feel that Ye Tian is just an ordinary climber.

Even those below who knew the origin of Ye Tian's identity could not help but sigh at this moment, feeling very speechless.

This is the Son of Nine Heavens Palace?

Too weak!

It can't be said to be weak, after all, Ye Tian's performance is comparable to a genius of the Flood Dragon clan.

But compared to the terrifying Nine Heavens Palace of the ancient times, this saint son, who was born in thousands of years, is really weak.

You know, in the ancient times, the saint son of the Nine Heavens Palace, which one was not the enemyless thing that crossed the Chinese mainland.

Basically, at that time, as soon as the Son of the Nine Heavens Palace came out, it would definitely shake the world, an invincible peerless figure of the same generation, and even the strong of the older generation would be willing to go down.

Even the **** son of the five great temples, encountering the son of the Nine Heavens Palace, loses more and wins less.

Although the Nine Heavens Palace has fallen, but in the hearts of the Jiaolong Clan, they still feel that the Nine Heavens Palace is very terrifying, and this is the contribution of the guardian elder's shock.

However, seeing Ye Tian today, all the children of the Flood Dragon Clan had to admit that the Nine Heavens Palace was truly in decline.

They are so embarrassed that an invincible heritage has just decayed like this?

The Fire Dragon King and the Dragon Emperor's guards were also greatly puzzled. The former knew that Ye Tian's talent was definitely not so bad, while the latter discovered that the Saint Child who was valued by the Dragon Emperor was so unbearable, which was extremely disappointing.

No matter what everyone thinks, Ye Tian at this time is still climbing slowly.

Thirteen floors...51 floors... Ninety-four floors...One hundred and thirty-two floors...Three hundred and fifty-one floors...

The more he climbed, Ye Tian felt the more terrifying the pressure that enveloped him.

Of course, with his strength, he can indeed climb faster. But Ye Tian had his own plan. He needed to study how this coercion came from and how it would change according to a person's cultivation level.

In order to study this, Ye Tian deliberately slowed down and felt the pressure change step by step, so that he was misunderstood and felt he was unbearable.

Of course, Ye Tian didn't bother to pay attention to everyone's thoughts, he had already made some surprising discoveries.

"This is a rhythm. These pressure increases are regular, as if following a certain rhythm..." Ye Tian's eyes gradually brightened.

Under his induction, these increasing pressures are like the beating notes on the piano, with a certain unknown rhythm.

Only human warriors would find this problem. Children like the Dragon Clan, even the Dragon Emperor, are fanatics who like to fight. No one like Ye Tian, ​​will step by step observe the way in which the power of Shenglong Dao increases and Variety.

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