Seven World Martial God

Chapter 433: Heaven and earth

"Oh! Did Shengzi go climbing the Shrine to Ryu? Well, interesting!"

In the glorious palace, the Dragon Emperor smiled, and he stretched out his hand in front of the void, suddenly revealing a mirror-like image, showing that it was the scene of Ye Tian climbing the Ascending Dragon Road. 【First Release】

"I don't know if the Saint Child who has been looking for so many years in Jiuxiao Tiangong can board our clan's ascending dragon road." The great elder of the Jiaolong clan said with a smile, his old eyes flashed with a star at this moment.

The elders below also stared at the mirror image of the dragon emperor's supernatural powers.

As the saint son who has been waiting for thousands of years in the Nine Heavens Palace, Ye Tian's performance on the Ascension Road affects everyone's hearts.

More and more children of the Dragon Clan began to gather toward the Ascension Dragon Road, crowding the entire passage under the mountain, and there were even many children of the Dragon Clan watching in the sky.

"Huh? Shengzi's speed is a bit slow!" Inside the palace, an elder of the Flood Dragon clan frowned.

Ye Tian's performance can only be regarded as average, similar to some geniuses of the Flood Dragon Clan, but such genius, there are many people in the Flood Dragon Clan, if this can also become the holy son of the Nine Heavens Palace, then this joke would be a big deal.

"Isn't it a fake?" Some elders who opposed Ye Tian's entry into the Dragon Tomb lightly hummed.

"He didn't use all his strength, look carefully, he looks very relaxed." The Dragon Emperor spoke, he looked into the fire, although he could not guess what Ye Tian was doing, he could feel that Ye Tian did not use all his strength.

"Not bad!" The Great Elder also nodded.

Some experts of the Jiaolong clan gradually discovered this problem.

Although Ye Tian didn't climb fast, compared with those geniuses of the Flood Dragon tribe, he seemed very relaxed, as simple as a walk in the garden.

On the other hand, the geniuses of the Flood Dragon tribe, every time they climbed a step, their expressions were very solemn, and sweat drips appeared on their foreheads, apparently trying their best to climb.

With such a comparison, it is conceivable whether Ye Tian hides his strength.

"Strange, what is this kid hiding?" The elder of the Jiaolong clan couldn't help but slander secretly.

On the Road to Shenglong, Ye Tian didn't know that the Dragon Emperor and other elders of the Flood Dragon were all watching his climb. At this moment, his eyes flashed with excitement, and his face was full of joy.

"That's it, these increasing coercion, like a melody, are arranged into a code of heaven and earth, as if the vastness of the whole heaven and earth are gathered...hiss!"

Ye Tian took a breath.

When he came to this result, he was stunned by his own conclusion. The ancestor of the Jiaolong clan simulated the vastness of the world by regulating the coercion, which is simply a method that the gods can possess.

"Why would he do this?" Ye Tian was shocked and couldn't help but feel a little confused. If he hadn't observed it carefully, the people of the Dragon Clan alone would have discovered this secret without knowing the Year of the Monkey. 【First Release】


Suddenly, a loud noise came not far from the next door.

The majestic momentum suddenly rushed in, as if the entire sky was suppressed, and a wave of mighty energy rushed towards a strong man of the Flood Dragon clan not far away.

"Roar!" I saw this Jiaolong clan expert roar, and climbed up strongly, taking dozens of steps in a row, leaving Ye Tian behind.

"So strong... this is a powerful man at the level of Emperor Wu, who can mobilize the power of heaven and earth, far beyond the realm of Emperor Wu." Ye Tian looked envious.

A strong man in the realm of Emperor Wu can control 10% to 50% of the power of heaven and earth, which is simply destroying the world, far from what the King Wu can compare.

Under normal circumstances, 10,000 Martial Kings can't beat one Martial King.

Because the Wuwang strong, including those below the Wuwang level, rely on their own energy, that is, their own small world power, and their own dantian true essence.

But the powerhouses in the Wuhuang realm rely not only on their own energy, but they can also control 10% of the world's power around them.

The more powerful the Emperor Wu, the more power of heaven and earth can be mobilized.

No matter how powerful the manpower is, it is impossible to shake the world. Therefore, Emperor Wu is far stronger than King Wu.

Like the Martial Emperor of the Flood Dragon Clan, he immediately mobilized the power of the surrounding heaven and earth, his strength soared to a terrifying level, and he climbed dozens of steps at once.

"By the way... the power of heaven and earth!"

Suddenly, Ye Tian stared at the powerful Jiaolong Clan Martial Emperor not far away, his eyes lit up, and a blazing divine light shot out from his eyes.

"Heaven! Earth! Power! Power!"

Ye Tian muttered in his mouth, his eyes were shining, as if he could see through the void, a vast universe of stars suddenly appeared in front of him.

The universe starry sky map!

Planets follow a certain trajectory, marching in the universe. A constellation of galaxies, as if formed naturally, are densely distributed between the sky and the earth.

"I understand!" Ye Tian closed his eyes and opened them again. Two eyes shot bright divine light.

In an instant, in the stunned eyes of everyone, Ye Tian quickly ran down from the original thousands of stairs.

It's difficult to get up, but very easy to get down.

When everyone reacted, Ye Tian had already walked down from the ascending dragon road and came to everyone.

"Why did you come down? Did you admit defeat?" someone whispered.

Everyone was also very confused, looking at Ye Tian with puzzled faces.

However, Ye Tian ignored everyone and turned to look at Shenglong Dao. He took a deep breath and stepped up the stairs again in the eyes of everyone more suspicious.

"What is this for?"

"Does it make any difference?"

"waste time!"


All the children of the Flood Dragon clan were very puzzled. They felt that the Lord Saint Son had a bad brain. Would it be possible to do it again, and the pressure on it would be reduced?

A joke, the children of the Flood Dragon Clan present, who have not climbed the Ascending Dragon Road hundreds of times, will always endure the same pressure.

"Junior Brother, what are you doing?" The Fire Dragon King also looked puzzled.

"Holy Son, I'm afraid there is something to discover!" The two Dragon Sovereign personal guards are powerful, and they are very close to Ye Tian, ​​and they have faintly noticed something, and they can't believe it.

Their eyes fixed on Ye Tian's footsteps.

Climbing as before, the speed is not very fast, but the two Dragon Emperor guards always feel that something has changed. The familiar fluctuations seem to come from the void.

"Impossible... he has just been promoted to King Wu!" The two Dragon Sovereign guards were shocked.

At this time, in the largest palace on Long Island, the Dragon Emperor and other elders of the Jiaolong clan were also discussing Ye Tian's sudden reaction.

"I said this kid can't do it, take a look, they all automatically admit defeat." A Jiaolong clan elder who opposed Ye Tian's entry into the dragon tomb laughed loudly.

However, before he finished speaking, the great elder of the Jiaolong clan snorted coldly: "Hmph, you are still a Martial Emperor, staring at your blindness. Take a closer look at the difference in his footsteps!"

"Huh?" The Jiaolong clan elder's face suddenly condensed, and he looked at Ye Tian in the mirror with a puzzled face.

Boom boom boom boom... Ye Tian took his steps naturally, as easy and simple as ever, but his speed was getting faster and faster.

Like a gust of wind, Ye Tian climbed quickly, stepping a dozen steps, dozens of steps, or even more than a hundred steps.

In the end, everyone could only see the shadow of Ye Tian, ​​and could no longer see his steps, the speed was almost like flying.

"This...this is impossible!" The elder of the Jiaolong clan changed a lot and roared in inconceivable expression.

Everyone knows that the Ascending Dragon Road is full of powerful pressure, even if the Dragon Emperor goes up, it is impossible to have Ye Tian's speed.

However, the facts are in front of him, and he cannot tolerate him not to believe it.

"Oh my god, what did I see? Is this still the way of ascending dragon?" Below the path of ascending dragon, a crowd of people were dumbfounded, their faces were all inconceivable.

The Fire Dragon King also widened his eyes and his face was shocked.

"Sure enough, it is the Profound Truth of Heaven and Earth. He actually comprehended the Profound Truth of Heaven and Earth on the Ascending Dragon Road. This is impossible, even the Lord Dragon Emperor can't do it!"

The two Dragon Emperor guards were shocked.

At this time, in the palace, the dragon emperor and the elders of the Jiaolong clan remained silent, and their faces showed shock, disbelief, shock, disbelief, and doubts.

"It is indeed the profound meaning of heaven and earth!" After a while, the Dragon Sovereign sighed in disbelief. Even a martial artist like him could feel his hands trembling.

"It's really amazing. Every step of his step is on the space node of this world, avoiding all the pressure, and easily climbed to the top." The great elder of the dragon clan looked surprised. .

The elders of the Jiaolong clan in the main hall were also powerful at the Emperor Wu level, and at this time they naturally saw the reason.

But they couldn't believe all this.

Only the realm above the Emperor Wu can comprehend a little bit of the profound meaning of heaven and earth, and they can only comprehend a little bit of the profound meaning of heaven and earth.

A martial arts superpower like Dragon Sovereign has a deeper comprehension of the profound meaning of heaven and earth, but it is impossible to find the space node of this piece of heaven and earth here.

In fact, only the Wusheng powerhouse who fully understands the profound meaning of heaven and earth can find the space node of this piece of heaven and earth like Ye Tian.

But Ye Tiancai is only the second-level cultivation base of King Wu!

It’s no wonder that the Dragon Emperor and the elders of the Flood Dragon Clan can’t believe all of It’s a little different. He seems to only see this space node on Shenglong Road, and can’t be seen in other places. Could it be... …" Suddenly, the Dragon Emperor above the hall stood up, and those old eyes shot blazing divine light instantly, piercing the void in front of him.

This is not an exaggeration. This time it really pierced the space. The elders of the Flood Dragon clan truly saw the space in front of the Dragon Emperor shattered.

This is a real shattered space, and only the strong in the realm of Wu Zun can break the barriers of space and create power that destroys the world.

"That's it!"

After a while, the Dragon Emperor retracted his bright gaze, his face was ashamed and helpless.

The great elder of the Jiaolong tribe thoughtfully, sighed and said: "I didn't expect that the ancestors kindly left the treasure, but I waited for the unscrupulous children and grandchildren to treat it as a waste, alas..."

The elders of the Jiaolong clan also understood the reason at this time, and all of them were ashamed.

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