Seven World Martial God

Chapter 434: Big opportunity


"How could he be so fast? It's like flying. [For more exciting novels, please visit]"

"This is impossible. With such a powerful pressure, it is difficult for ordinary people to walk and climb, let alone running!"


Below Shenglong Road, the crowd was shocked and stunned.

On the Ascending Dragon Road, some of the descendants of the Dragon Clan who were climbing were also shocked, looking at Ye Tian who was whistling past him in an incredible way.

Gradually, they could only see Ye Tian's back, and could no longer catch up with Ye Tian's footsteps.

One thousand floors...Two thousand floors...Three thousand floors...

Ye Tian left everyone behind, shocked that some of the Dragon Clan geniuses who were climbing were dumbfounded, and couldn't help stopping, staring at Ye Tian's back with his mouth wide open.

too fast!

Like a sharp arrow, Ye Tian stepped through the steps to reach the top.

The huge dragon bell, shrouded in a layer of dust, seemed to be silent for thousands of years.

However, when Ye Tian set foot on the peak, the dragon bell suddenly vibrated, spilling the dust on it, exposing the golden bell body, shining with dazzling light.

"The ancestors left the backbone and imitated the origin of the heaven and earth. I hope that our younger generations can be inspired by it. Unfortunately, we are stupid, only knowing that we blindly climbed to the top and missed this big treasure, but now it is given to others in vain. Ugh!"

In the palace, the great elder of the Jiaolong tribe was ashamed and helpless.

The Dragon Emperor also sighed again and again. When he climbed the Ascending Dragon Road, he just wanted to climb to the top.

All the elders of the Flood Dragon Clan in the hall blushed and were extremely ashamed. Even the elders who had previously questioned Ye Tian bowed their heads and could not speak.

Ye Tian used his actions to conquer the entire Dragon Island.

"Who is this kid? Why is it so fast?" On the 8321th floor, a blond young man looked at Ye Tian's back in surprise.

He is one of the best geniuses of the Jiaolong clan. He has already stepped into the realm of Emperor Wu, and can leapfrog the power of Emperor Wu. Looking at the entire Shenzhou Continent, he is also ranked first.

Within the Jiaolong clan, he has always been just inferior to Long Prince. In addition, several other people, at best, are comparable to him and cannot surpass him.

Now, how can he not be surprised when he suddenly sees a person surpassing him on Shenglong Road?

However, the blond boy soon discovered that Ye Tian was a human being, not a child of the Dragon Clan.

"I heard that Xiao Wu, who guards the Nine Heavens Palace, is bringing the holy son of the Taiji Sacred Palace to Longdao recently. Is this this person?" The blond boy suddenly narrowed his eyes and guessed the origin of Ye Tian's identity. [More exciting novels, please visit]

He is one of the best geniuses in the Jiaolong clan, and his status is naturally extraordinary, and he knows many secrets.

Like Ye Tian's identity, it may not be very clear to ordinary Flood Dragon Clan children, but he has long known it from his elders.

After all, he is a direct descendant of a powerful elder with an extraordinary status.

"It's worthy of being the son of Tai Chi Holy Palace, this kind of climbing speed is far faster than Long Prince and me." The blond boy's expression was no longer shocked.

In fact, in the hearts of the children of the Dragon Clan, the Nine Heavens Palace has always been the most powerful inheritance. After all, even their ancestors were once the mountain guardian spirit beasts of the Nine Heavens Palace.

In this way, as the saint son of the Nine Heavens Palace, it is reasonable to be able to perform this way.

If it were replaced by someone else, the blond boy might not dare to be jealous, but for the saint son of the Nine Heavens Palace, the entire Flood Dragon clan would only admire him.

The super sects of the ancient times, under the fierce power of the guardian elders, even after tens of thousands of years, still make the entire Shenzhou Continent not underestimate.

The Jiaolong clan has guarded the Nine Heavens Palace for generations, so naturally they are more aware of the horror of the Nine Heavens Palace. The guardian elder alone makes them afraid to have any ambition.

"I'm here for today. I will find a chance to see this son... By the way, I don't know what benefits this son will get?" The blond boy wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked expectantly at the top of the mountain. .

Here he has reached the limit of his climb, if it is normal, he will continue to work hard. However, when he met Ye Tian today, he naturally wanted to make friends with the legendary son of the Nine Heavens Palace.

In addition, everyone knows that climbing to the top and ringing the dragon bell will gain benefits.

So what will Ye Tian get?

Not only the blonde boy, but at this time, countless children of the Dragon Clan, including the Dragon Emperor and the elders, all stared at Ye Tian on the top of the mountain.

Ye Tian, ​​dressed in a purple star robe, was standing in front of Long Zhong at this time. He raised his hand to make a fist and blasted away at the huge dragon clock.


At this moment, the world changed, and a terrifying force surged in the surrounding void.

In the face of this powerful force, any force looked eclipsed, vulnerable, and bowed down.

Because this is the power of heaven and earth.

"It's a holy son, in the realm of King Wu, he actually controls the power of heaven and earth. Although it is only a tenth of the power of heaven and earth, it is beyond imagination!" On the steps, the blond boy shrank his pupils, his face was full of wonder and admiration.

Now, he was truly convinced.

As everyone knows, only the emperor Wu and the emperor can master the power of heaven and earth.

It is not useless to be able to master the power of heaven and earth in the realm of King Wu. At least some geniuses of the tenth rank of King Wu, and even half-step Wuhuang genius, can also master the power of heaven and earth in advance.

But you must know that Ye Tian is only at the second level of Wu Wang, and he has mastered the power of heaven and earth. It is hard to imagine that it is nothing more than a genius.

Not only was the blond young man amazed, but the group of experts of the Flood Dragon Clan above the Martial King level who were watching were also immersed in shock.

"I'm not mistaken, it's the power of heaven and earth!"

"Shengzi has mastered the power of heaven and earth, he is only a second-level king of martial arts!"

"It's so amazing, it's no wonder that you have become the saint son of the Nine Heavens Palace."

"Even if it is our Dragon Prince, it is impossible to ascend the Dragon Road so quickly, and it is even impossible to control the power of the world at the second level of King Wu."

"The Nine Heavens Palace will probably return to its peak in this lifetime."


All the strong Jiaolong clan were stunned.

In the main hall, the Dragon Emperor and others were relatively calm. After all, they had already known the result in advance, but on the faces, they still couldn't hide their awe.

"This emperor knows that there are guardian elders, and the holy child chosen by the Nine Heavens Palace is absolutely extraordinary." The Dragon Emperor sighed.

"Yes, the super sects of the ancient times, even if they are in decline, are not something we can look at. I heard that there is also a holy son of the ice holy palace, and two holy sons appeared at once, even if the Nine Heavens Palace cannot be restored The glory of the ancient times, but it is enough to fight for the hegemony of the Chinese mainland." The great elder was full of excitement.

In any case, their Jiaolong clan belonged to the vassal of the Nine Heavens Palace, and if the Nine Heavens Palace became stronger, they wouldn't have to stay in this Beihai.

Although the Dragon Clan is not weak now, you must know that Nine Heavens Palace also has enemies.

An ancient super sect, in its development, naturally offended many enemies. If these enemies weren't destroyed by the Nine Heavens Palace, then what remained would be very terrifying forces.

After all, it is impossible to dare to fight against Nine Heavens Palace without any strength.

Nine Heavens Palace is not afraid of these enemies, even if it is now declining, there is also a super powerful guardian elder that prevents those enemies from attacking Beihai.

However, the Jiaolong clan did not dare to go out of the North Sea, otherwise the former enemies of the Nine Heavens Palace would ruthlessly destroy them.

For so many years, I have been holding back in Beihai, relying on the fierce power of the guardian elders to protect the ethnic group, making the dragon kings of all generations very aggrieved.

But there is no way, who told them that the Dragon Clan had not even been born a martial sage, and could not stand on the mainland of China independently, let alone face those powerful enemies.

You know, those enemies who dare to fight against the Nine Heavens Palace are at least those who are strong in martial arts.

"I think, no one will object to Saint Son entering the Dragon Tomb anymore, right?" Dragon Emperor squinted his eyes and looked at the elders who opposed Ye Tian's entry into the Dragon Tomb.

These elders suddenly lowered their heads and dared not speak.

"This kind of character will surely stir the situation in the mainland of China. If he is not killed by others, then at least he can become a martial sage." The elder showed excitement.

As long as Ye Tian became a martial sage, then their Jiaolong clan could also borrow the light to walk out of the North Sea and see the real Shenzhou Continent.

"I don't know what benefits the Saint Child will get?" The Dragon Emperor looked at Ye Tian who was about to ring the dragon bell.

Rumble...Under the madness of the power of heaven and earth, Ye Tian burst out with boundless aura, like a god, towering over the sky, exuding supreme power.

"This is the power of angels, I actually mastered the power of heaven and earth..." Ye Tian was full of joy and excitement.

The ancestor of the Jiaolong tribe is worthy of being a super power in the martial sage realm. He will simulate the profound meaning of this emptiness and let Ye Tian quickly learn it.

This is simply a huge opportunity, it can't be met, it's unimaginable!

Ye Tian couldn't admit that the children of the Jiaolong tribe had taken a misconception, picked up the sesame seeds and lost the watermelon.

No matter what treasure you get from ringing the dragon bell, it is not as strong as this!

At the second level of King Wu, he controls 10% of the power of the world, and it is destined that Ye Tian's starting point is higher than others, and higher than those powerful geniuses.

This is the life's hard work of a martial expert, and only the ancestor of the Dragon Clan can do it back then. His old man knew that he was going to die in the battle of the ancients, so he spent a lot of energy to pass it on for future generations to keep this promotion. Dragon Road.

It's a pity that all this is cheaper for Ye Tian.

Worthy of being the guardian spirit beast of the Nine Heavens Palace, UU reading can't forget to think about the saint son of the Nine Heavens Palace, Ye Tian secretly killed himself.

If the old ancestor of the Flood Dragon clan knew this was the case, he would probably vomit blood with anger. After all, this was what he left to his descendants, and it turned out to be cheaper for Ye Tian.

I have to say, really good luck!


With the infusion of the power of heaven and earth, Ye Tian slammed a fist against the huge dragon bell, and the heaven and the earth exploded, as if the nine gods thunder fell.

In the void, terrible ripples splashed out, and the power of destruction spread out.

"Roar!" A loud dragon roar sounded, shaking the sky and the earth, making the void tremble.

In the entire Dragon Island, countless children of the Dragon Clan, suddenly felt a boundless terror pressure. Including the Dragon Emperor, each one shuddered instantly and looked at the sky above the dragon bell in disbelief.

There, there is a huge body, slowly unfolding, filling the entire world, which is extremely shocking.

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