Seven World Martial God

Chapter 441: 3 consecutive upgrades

"Brother Broken, do you know what strong people are in this stronghold of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce? What is the highest level and how many strong people at the Martial Emperor level are there?" Ye Tian continued to ask. 【First Release】

He was secretly happy to save Duanyun, and replaced ordinary people. It was really impossible to know such details.

The Human Sword Gate is hostile to the Heaven Sword Sect, so naturally he is very concerned about the forces under the Heaven Sword Gate. Duan Yun sneaked out to practice this time, so he naturally prepared in advance and inquired about some of the forces under the Heaven Sword Sect in advance.

With the tactics of human swordsmanship, it is naturally impossible for these small forces to hide from them, so Duan Yun is very clear about this.

However, Duanyun frowned when he heard Ye Tian’s last question, and smiled bitterly: “Big Brother Ye, you are embarrassed by this. If you ask the headquarters of Fengyun Chamber of Commerce, I am still a little clear, but they There are many small strongholds, and I can’t know that in detail. However, depending on the scale of this island, there are at most three or five Wuhuang-level powerhouses, and the highest strength will never exceed Wuhuang's seventh level."

"That's it..." Ye Tian frowned. He also knew that this is a bit difficult for a strong man. Maybe someone at the knife gate knows the accurate strength of each stronghold of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce. But Duan Yun is just the young master, it is impossible to know so much, he doesn't have so much time to remember these.

"My current strength, at most I can compete with the first- and second-tier powers of the Emperor Wu, and surpass the third level of the Emperor Wu. I am afraid I am no longer an opponent."

Ye Tian couldn't help sighing.

He didn't expect that a small stronghold of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce had such a strong strength, and the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce was only a force under the Heavenly Dao Sect.

That real Heavenly Sword Gate, how terrifying.

"What's the matter? Big Brother Ye, will you have any enemies with Fengyun Merchant?" Duan Yun couldn't help asking as he looked at Ye Tian's frown.

He is not a fool, and Ye Tian will be so clear after being inquired from the bottom of the person, he must have no good intentions.

However, Fengyun Chamber of Commerce was also the enemy of Rendaomen, so he didn't care.

"Some of my friends were arrested by them to become slaves. I have to save them." Ye Tian said in a solemn voice.

Duan Yun's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately said, "Big Brother Ye, in fact, I have already sent out a distress signal when I was killed. I am afraid that in less than a month, a powerful man of the Wudi level will come to rescue me. Then I can ask him. Helping you to destroy this island, anyway, Fengyun Chamber of Commerce is also our enemy's swordsman."

Ye Tian couldn't help sighing, he deserves to be the young master of Rendaomen, and if something goes wrong, a martial emperor rank powerhouse comes to rescue.

However, thinking that I had already spent a lot of time on the road, now if we delay for another month, those people might be really in danger.

Ye Tian immediately refused.

"Forget it, thank you Brother Duan for your kindness, but I don't have that much time delay. (Starter) Let me go to Rendaomen to visit Brother Duan if I have the opportunity." Ye Tian arched his hand and said.

"Okay!" Duan Yun nodded in disappointment, but then asked: "Big Brother Ye, you haven't told which temple you came from? I will join the temple in the future. Tell me which temple you come from. I choose which shrine to choose at that time."

"Shen Yuan..." Ye Tian smiled bitterly in his heart. It seemed that he could only tell a lie first, and immediately said: "Zhenwu Academy!" He thought that since Prince Long was in this temple, it meant that this temple had no hatred against Nine Heavens Palace.

Ye Tian arrived for the first time now, but he didn't know that the Nine Heavens Palace had formed the hatred back then, so everything is better to be careful.

"Zhenwu Academy?" Duan Yun frowned, but didn't say much. After agreeing with Ye Tian that he must come to the knife gate to find him, he left alone.

"Looking at his expression, it seems that there is something wrong with Zhenwu Academy?" Ye Tian looked at Duan Yun's back, slightly thoughtful.

After not tangling for long, Ye Tian looked at the small island marked on the map, then his eyes condensed, and he flew away in that direction.

In the other direction, Duan Yun suddenly stopped, he took out a jade symbol and sent a message.

Then Duan Yun flew away in the direction where Ye Tian left.

"Big Brother Ye is really cautious, but such a person can live longer. With Big Brother Ye's talent, Wu Zun will be the worst in the future, enough to sweep the entire Sea of ​​Three Swords." Duan Yun's eyes flashed.

Such a peerless genius, he is not willing to miss it.

"Big Brother Ye obviously doesn't believe in the credibility of my swordsman. This time I will help you secretly. In addition to repaying your kindness, I also show you my swordsman's kindness." Duan Yun smiled and speeded up.

He had already agreed with the Wudi strong man who rushed over to turn around on the island where Ye Tian went.

With the Wudi level powerhouse, he was not afraid that Ye Tian would be in danger.

But at this time, Ye Tian didn't know that he had a tail behind him. While he was on the way, he was also investigating the trophies of the three old men in green robes that he had just killed.

"There are so many treasures of these three old guys!" Ye Tian explored the small world, and Sun Yun on the side was almost drooling.

"A lot of spirit stones, all of which are high-grade spirit stones. In our eighteen kingdoms in the North Sea, there is no high-grade spirit stone even for the king of martial arts!" Sun Yun widened his eyes and his eyes were hot.

For the powerful in the realm of King Martial Arts, only the high-grade spirit stones can help improve their cultivation. If it were not for the high-grade spirit stones, the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea would not have given birth to a martial emperor until now.

"Are you also mining high-grade spirit stones?" Ye Tian asked.

"There are both high-grade and medium-grade spiritual stones, and there are many low-grade spiritual stones. However, this is the first time I have seen so many high-grade spiritual stones. Usually, we only have a dozen high-grade spiritual stones after mining for a month. That's it." Sun Yun sighed.

The three green-robed elders are worthy of being disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and their combined high-grade spirit stones amount to more than 1,000.

"If so many high-grade spirit stones are absorbed, my cultivation base can at least be improved by several levels." Ye Tian was a little excited. He was suffering from a headache to improve his strength. He didn't expect a solution so quickly.

"Brother Sun, you can also take some practice." Ye Tian said to Sun Yun, then took some high-grade spirit stones and began to practice.

"I'll take ten yuan, these are enough for me to be promoted to the realm of King Wu." Sun Yun took ten high-grade spirit stones, and then retreated in Ye Tian's small world, preparing to attack the realm of King Wu.

Ye Tian nodded secretly when he saw this. Although Sun Yun lost his arms, he also had the opportunity to be promoted to King Wu. It was a blessing and misfortune.

Without paying attention to Sun Yun, Ye Tian picked up the high-grade spirit stone and began to refine it quickly.

His strength is very powerful. Although he is only at the second level of King Wu, his strength is comparable to that of King Wu. Moreover, the amount of lightning he possesses can refining spirit stones, which is very easy.

In less than half an hour, Ye Tian refined a high-grade spiritual stone, and his cultivation level improved a lot, much faster than he could absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

"It's no wonder that the Three Swords Sea Martial King is everywhere, and there are a lot of Martial Emperors. With such resources, even if the talent is poor, you can become Martial Kings and Martial Emperors." Ye Tian secretly surprised, he is not short of realm, only lack of cultivation. With these high-grade spirit stones, the cultivation base will naturally rise much faster.

"With my current ability, I can refine 50 high-grade spirit stones in one day, and I can refine all of them in more than 20 days." Ye Tian secretly calculated the time, and it would take him about half a month. To that island, before that, some cultivation level can be improved.

Although only increasing a few levels of cultivation base is not enough to increase Ye Tian's strength, it is better than nothing.

Moreover, Ye Tian already had a plan. He was going to enter the enemy first to see if the warriors of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea were still alive, and then wait for the opportunity to move.

In this way, Ye Tian was on the way while refining those high-grade spirit stones, and his cultivation was rapidly increasing every day.

If this is known to other warriors, you will be stunned. It will take more than ten days to refining a high-grade spirit stone if you replace it with another martial master.

Moreover, except for the disciples of the Three Martial Arts Schools, it is impossible for other Martial King level martial artists to have so many high-grade spiritual stones for cultivation.

More warriors only regard top-grade spirit stones as treasures when breaking through the realm, or as currency for purchasing other treasures.


It's currency.

In the Sea of ​​Three Swords, and even the entire mainland of China, Lingshi is currency.

Among them, high-grade spirit stones are the most common currency. Of course, there are also better top-grade spirit stones, but those spirit stones are even rarer and can only be owned by the strong above Wudi.

Therefore, like Ye Tian, ​​he can directly cultivate with high-grade spirit stones to improve his cultivation. That is simply a qualification only for the disciples of great families and martial arts.

Moreover, it is impossible for them to have such a fast refining speed as Ye Tian, ​​much faster than the average Wuhuang strong.

During this period of time, Ye Tian could even feel that his cultivation level had increased every day, and he had improved too quickly.

Three days later, Ye Tian was promoted from the second level of the Wuwang to the third level.

On the tenth day, Ye Tian was promoted to the fourth level of King Wu.

On the twentieth day, Ye Tian was promoted to the fifth rank of King Wu.

On the twenty-fifth day, Ye Tian refined all the high-grade spirit stones. Although his cultivation did not break through to the sixth level of the king, he reached the peak of the fifth level of the king.

"Unfortunately, there are no more high-grade spirit stones..." Ye Tian looked at a small island not far away with a hint of disappointment on his face.

If there are more high-grade spirit stones, even if he can't be promoted to the realm of Martial Emperor, he can continue to improve a few more cultivation bases, which is enough for him to fight against higher Martial Emperor powerhouses.

"However, there should be a lot of high-grade spirit stones on this island!" Ye Tian squinted his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his, killing intent was surging in his heart.

At the moment, he restrained his aura, made himself look like an ordinary Wuwang fifth-level warrior, and then flew towards the island.

No human smoke can be seen on the small island, there is no trace of man-made, like an ordinary desert island.

"Hiding underground is a good method. No wonder Sun Yun and the others didn't find it." Ye Tian sighed secretly. On the surface, this island is nothing special.

But Ye Tian learned from Sun Yun that all the people in this stronghold of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce were hiding underground.

Because the Lingshi Mine is underground, they simply live underground, which is convenient for digging Lingshi and can hide their tracks. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Ye Tian pretended to be resting here, he lighted a fire and leaned on a big tree with his eyes closed and rested.

It didn't take long for Ye Tian to sense the breath of two Wuwang-level powerhouses, and slowly probed from a short distance behind him.

"Hey, are you here?" Ye Tian's mouth was slightly tilted, revealing a cold smile.

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