Seven World Martial God

Chapter 442: sneak into

On the nameless island, Ye Tian pretended to close his eyes and rested, leaning on the big tree to rest. [More exciting novels, please visit]

In the woods at the rear not far away, two figures, one tall and one short, slowly sneaked in. One of them was at the eighth level of Wu Wang and the other was at the ninth level.

"Big brother, there is a fish, hehe!" The short man looked at Ye Tian not far away, his eyes flashed, and he laughed in a low voice.

"Shhh! Be careful, don't let him find out." The tall man said solemnly.

"What are you afraid of, a boy of the fifth rank of King Wu, can he escape in our hands?" The little man was full of disdain.

"Be careful not to make a big mistake, our guards are so strict here, and there are three Wuhuang adults sitting in town, and the kid escaped last time." The tall man snorted coldly.

"That kid was lucky. He happened to meet three Martial Sovereigns in retreat, otherwise how could he escape. Alas, since that happened, the three Martial Sovereigns were furious and killed many slaves. The output of the mineral veins has been reduced. No, even we have to come out to catch slaves personally, and there is no time for a stable practice." The short man sighed.

The two approached Ye Tian cautiously. When Ye Tian was approaching, Ye Tian'finally' noticed something unusual and couldn't help but open his eyes.

"Do it!"

The tall man shouted.

"Who are you?" Ye Tian suddenly felt two powerful breaths, his face suddenly changed.

"Boy, let's catch it!" The short man smiled coldly, and when he shot, he released a big net, covering Ye Tian's whole body.

The tall man suppressed it with a palm, and the terrifying palm prints formed a big hand covering the sky, trapped by the net.

"What are you doing?" Ye Tian's face was'paniced', and his true essence broke out as he roared, but he couldn't get rid of the big net.

"Hey, this is forged from the silk, and you want to break it with your strength? Huh!" The little man sneered, as if he was looking at a hunter.

Ye Tian was furious and burst out with all his strength, but he couldn't escape.

At this time, the giant hand that covered the sky blasted down, causing Ye Tian to suffer severe injuries, could not help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and immediately fainted.

"Cut, I thought it was so powerful, you can't even catch a palm of your big brother." The short man snorted disdainfully, grabbed the big net and carried Ye Tian behind him.

"Let's go, take him back." The tall man said faintly. He had a good sense of proportion, but he knocked Ye Tian unconscious and didn't do anything to him. After all, they still need Ye Tian to mine.

The two immediately brought Ye Tian, ​​who was in a coma, to a big mountain.

When it was weird, they directly crossed the current stone wall and entered the mountain. 【First Release】

There are caves in the mountains, dark passages, I don't know where they lead.

At the corner of each passage, there is a strong guard of Wuwang level 7 or above, and there are patrolling figures from time to time, which can be described as tightly guarded.

Soon after, the two took Ye Tian through the passages and came to a stone house.

"Hey, two brothers, Zhang Long and Zhang Hu, you are very efficient. You will bring another fish in a few days." The door of the stone house opened and a middle-aged man with a cold complexion walked out and said gloomily.

"Hey, this is not the blessing of trusting the king to take care of your old man, or our brothers wouldn't be so lucky." The short man said with a grin.

The cold-faced middle-aged man suddenly showed a smile on his face, haha ​​smiled: "You kid is sweet, don't talk nonsense, this is your reward." After all, he threw a bag of spirit stones to the short man.

The short man was overjoyed immediately, put away the spiritual stone bag in one hand, and thanked him, "Thank you, Wang Guan."

"Do well for the Chamber of Commerce, your benefits are indispensable." The cold-faced middle-aged man nodded.

"Yes, yes!" The short man nodded repeatedly.

"Manager Wang, this new kid will be handed over to you." The tall man arched his hands and left with the short man.

Wang Guanshi watched the two brothers Zhang Long and Zhang Hu leave, and then cast his gloomy eyes on Ye Tian who was in a coma, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Just stand up when you wake up and pretend to be in front of the steward. You don't weigh your own strength either." Guan Shi snorted coldly.

On the ground, Ye Tian moved his body and then opened his eyes.

He calmly scanned the surroundings, and finally looked at Guan Shi Wang with a look of fear, and said angrily: "What is this place? Why did you arrest me here?"

"It's pretty calm, not bad!" Guanshi Wang narrowed his eyes, looked at Ye Tian, ​​and nodded.

Ye Tian clenched fists with both hands, his face was full of anger, but his eyes were also full of tension and worry.

"Very well, I like smart and calm people, so I don’t have to worry about it a little bit." Wang Guanshi put his hands on his back and smiled sullenly. In my hands. Either do something for me or die immediately, you choose."

"What do you want me to do?" Ye Tian took a deep breath, tried his best to suppress the anger on his face, and asked coldly.

"It's easy, mining!"

Guanshi Wang said with a smile: "Mining for me for a hundred years, then let you go."

"Mining? One hundred years!" Ye Tian's face suddenly sank after hearing this, his eyes full of anger.

"Hey, don't be angry, this is actually good for you. You should know that the aura in the veins is the strongest. While you are mining, your cultivation level can also be improved very quickly. Moreover, wait until a hundred years After that, you can also join our forces. Not only can you regain your freedom, but you can also get many rewards like the two just now." Guan Shi said with a smile.

"Can I have other choices?" Ye Tian smiled bitterly.

"You can also choose to die immediately!" Guanshi Wang sneered.

"Okay, I agree, I don't want to die yet." Ye Tian said quickly.

Guan Shi suddenly smiled, everything is under his control, with a cultivation base of the Wuwang level, who can live for hundreds of years, who wants to die!

The longer the person lives, the less willing to die.

Many of the captured slaves are not blamed to mine for them in the end.

"You made a smart decision, come with me!" Guan Shi snorted and took Ye Tian away from here.

Soon after, they came to an underground mining area, and Ye Tian saw a few words on the third mining area on a wooden board erected nearby.

After entering the mining area, Ye Tian saw a lot of mining people, including men and women, old people, and middle-aged men. Most of them were martial artists above Wujun level, and there were as many as dozens of Wuwang level.

The word'numbness' is written on everyone's face, and they are like walking dead, mining.

Some people looked at Wang Guanshi who walked in with extremely resentment. Of course, they also looked at Ye Tian sympathetically and sighed again and again.

"Go in, pay the mines on time on the 15th of every month, remember, don't be lazy, otherwise, you will die." Wang Guanshi pointed to the mine in front.

"Also, don't think about running away, don't be afraid to tell you that there are three Wuhuang adults sitting here." Wang Guanshi reminded Ye Tian with a gloomy expression.

Ye Tian nodded, then picked up the tools on the side and joined the mining team.

Guan Shi looked at Ye Tiangui's manner, nodded in satisfaction, and left after a while.

"Isn't it difficult!"

The corner of Ye Tian's eyes stared at Guan Shi who was leaving, and a sneer appeared on his face.

Everything was in the plan, he successfully mixed in, and now he only needs to secretly probe the whereabouts of the warriors of the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea.

"Brother Sun, which mining area were you in?" Ye Tian asked Sun Yun in the small world.

"The first mining area!" Sun Yun replied, and then he asked which mining area Ye Tian was in now.

"The third mining area?" Sun Yun frowned. He shook his head and said, "Every mining area is closed. It is impossible to go to other mining areas. Last time they asked me to go out for delivery, I had a chance to escape."

"Really?" Ye Tian couldn't say anything. He glanced around and found that there was only one entrance. There are two Wuwang tenth-level strongmen, four Wuwang nine-level and ten Wuwang seven-eighth-level strongmen.

Such a guard, even if hundreds of people rushed out of the entire mining area, would not win.

Ye Tian explored the martial artist's cultivation base in this mining area, and the highest was the seventh rank of Wu Wang, with only five people.

The difference in cultivation level is too large, and it is useless to have more people.

More importantly, there is only one entrance and exit. It is simply impossible to get out without knowing it.

Moreover, Ye Tian didn't know when the three Wuhuang strong men would explore the mining area. The Wuhuang strong man possessed divine minds, and the entire mining area could not be hidden under a sweep.

"It's hard!" Ye Tian frowned suddenly, and the situation was more difficult than he thought.

"Hey, newcomer, don't hurry over to visit our boy brother." At this moment, seven or eight miners walked not far away, and one of them pointed to Ye Tian arrogantly.

Ye Tian frowned and looked around, and found that the miners around him were hiding from this group of people, with a faint feeling of disgust between his brows.

"What's the matter?" Ye Tian asked coldly.

Among the seven or eight people, the leader is a Wuwang sixth-level powerhouse, no wonder the people around him will be afraid.

Except for those two Wuwang 7th-level powerhouses, he is the strongest, and naturally no one dares to provoke him.

It's just that they found the wrong person today.

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Ye Tian's, squinting his eyes, looking at these guys.

"Yeah, I have a personality. I don't talk nonsense with you. You are a newcomer. You must have a spirit stone. Hurry up and give it to our boss." The young man who had spoken before looked sad.

The others hugged their arms and looked interested.

The leader of the sixth rank of Wu Wang was full of arrogance. He really didn't know what he thought. He was just a miner, and he felt so superior.

"There are spirit stones." Ye Tian said lightly.

"Really! Hmph, if you are acquainted, hand it over as soon as possible." Hearing the words, the six powerhouses headed by Wu Wang were overjoyed and said anxiously.

"But I don't want to pay it!" Ye Tian still said lightly.

"Huh?" The headed Wuwang sixth-level expert suddenly sank, and his two cold eyes stared at Ye Tian fiercely.

Those of his men immediately surrounded Ye Tian.

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