"It was born by his lover outside." Zhou Tianze said.

"For the sake of his good reputation, he didn't make his daughter public."

"Before fleeing, he had sent his daughter and lover abroad."

"After Xiao Yan knew that her father had an accident, she secretly ran back from abroad."

"Secretly, she has been receiving help from the Sun family."

Mu Qing nodded, "No wonder Xiao Yan associates with Sun Yingzhuo."

"And..." Zhou Tianze continued.

"The person who bought and murdered you abroad is most likely the hand of Sun Yingzhuo's father."

"Xu Xiangyang and I are sorting out the information, and we are going to submit it anonymously tomorrow."

"It's much more effective to have a direct investigation from above than to appeal from below. Mu Qing nodded again, "Tianze, do whatever you want. Anyway, you are more familiar with this aspect than I am. "

As she said that, she raised her hand and stretched her body involuntarily.

The smile on his face also relaxed a bit.

Zhou Tianze watched from the side and breathed a sigh of relief.

He himself did not expect that so many things would be involved in one breath.

Fortunately, he is back, otherwise these hidden dangers will not be revealed, and he will not know how much harm will be caused to his daughter-in-law by then.

Zhou Tianze also took a breath, and he tightened the small hand inside the big hand.

"Daughter-in-law, let's eat."

"it is good……"

Zhou Tianze and Xu Xiangyang handed them all the information and clues they found anonymously.

When the person above happened to be watching, Jiang Yansong was also there.

After Jiang Yansong heard it, he threw something on the spot.

"It must be thoroughly investigated! It must be strictly investigated!"

"My granddaughter of Jiang Yansong, it's not the turn of others to bully me like this! It's so calculated!"

"I have suffered all my life and dedicated my life to the country."

"I will never allow my granddaughter to be in a precarious situation when she contributes to the country."

"If you don't give me a thorough result, don't use my granddaughter."

"This time, I want to find out, no one wants to fool my old man!"


Jiang Yansong's voice roared more and more fiercely in the room, causing the entire ceiling to tremble.

Everyone knows that Jiang Yansong has a heart attack.

Therefore, they dared not let Jiang Yansong shout so vigorously.

If something goes wrong, none of them will be able to escape.

Just as everyone appeased Jiang Yansong, Elder Zhang, who was beside him, silently retreated from the chair.

Just when Mr. Zhang was about to reach the door, Jiang Yansong who was inside suddenly shouted with the photo.

"Elder Zhang, what are you running for?"

"There is still evidence of your crime here!"

"You old boy, are you still shameless?"

"What about people in your 50s or 60s? You actually go to see a girl in her twenties."

"You just soak it, and you actually soak it in the opposite direction, and you still recognize her as a daughter!"

"I see that you are not a good person, you should be arrested too!"

Jiang Yansong roared like this, and everyone's eyes fell on Zhang Lao.

Zhang Lao's face was unprecedentedly embarrassing.

"I just...I'll go out and find some water to drink!"

After Zhang Lao finished speaking, the person sitting on the main seat slowly stood up.

"Elder Zhang, this matter is very important, you should stay here first, so as not to arouse suspicion."

As soon as this person said this, Old Zhang's face stiffened.

Because he knows that if this person can say these words, then his next life will be difficult.

Chapter 466

Discuss Zhou Tianhui and Chen Siyuan

In the evening, Zhou Tianze, who picked up his daughter-in-law from school, had a smile on his face that he couldn't hide.

After Mu Qing found out, she probably guessed it in her heart.

"What's so happy about it?"

"The letter was delivered?"

"You sneaked into a residential house illegally, and you also tied someone and tortured him. Wouldn't it be affected?"

"Daughter-in-law, you can't say I ordered it." Zhou Tianze couldn't help but smile.

"Now, they can't protect themselves, who cares about this?"

"You man and I, this is doing good deeds. This is helping the country to eradicate evil. If it is found out, I should be commended."

"Look at your patience."

"I can't stand it, can you marry your daughter-in-law?" Zhou Tianze asked proudly.

Then, he continued to talk to his daughter-in-law.

"Did you know? Your grandfather happened to be there when the anonymous report letter was handed over."

"The contents of the report letter were completely read by Grandpa, who made a scene on the spot."

"In the end, the surnamed Zhang was left on the spot."

"Just having a real relationship with a woman other than his daughter-in-law is enough for him to fall into a big somersault."

"Not to mention, Xiao Yan's sensitive identity."

"And the Sun family,

When I went to see it in the afternoon, the father and son had already been arrested. "

"All property under the name is seized."

"Your cousin, cousin, and the rest of the Sun family were all kicked out."

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