"I was kicked out." When Mu Qing heard this, she thought of Xu Xiaoqing.

To be honest, her cousin is not that bad.

She just wanted to live a better life.

No matter in her previous life or in this life, she has never had any major events that hurt the world and cause harm.

Mu Qing thought about it and said with Zhou Tianze.

"Tianze, you are free tomorrow. Help me do one thing."

"What's the matter, daughter-in-law?" Zhou Tianze asked.

"You can ask someone to help you tomorrow to see how Xu Xiaoqing and the others are doing now."

"If they're okay, don't worry about it."

"If it's a miserable life, you should have someone help Xu Xiaoqing."

"And Mu Xue, she's already crazy, and I don't need to meet her."

"Daughter-in-law, don't worry, I will handle this matter for you."

"Well, thank you."

"We're a couple, what do you say thank you?"

"If you really want to thank me, you know how to make me happier..."

Zhou Tianze approached Mu Qing's ear and whispered.

Mu Qing's face turned red when she heard this, and even her eyes were dyed a blurred and gorgeous color.

She looked back at Zhou Tianze.

The tone was a bit depressed and wronged, "You bully people every day, haven't you bullied enough?"

"I'm almost dozing off in class."

"But my daughter-in-law, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, and I will be returning to the army soon after the New Year. The night is so short..."

"Oh, don't say it, you always play hooligans for me."

Mu Qing was so ashamed that she quickly stomped her feet and covered her ears.

Zhou Tianze looked at his daughter-in-law's cute and shy appearance, and wanted to tease his daughter-in-law even more.


Mu Qing couldn't help being called by Zhou Tianze, so she quickly grabbed his hand.

"You are not allowed to call like this outside, or you will have no benefits when you look back."

After Mu Qing said this, Zhou Tianze shut up very obediently.

As for Xiao Yan's matter, Mu Qing hadn't taken action yet, and Zhou Tianze's investigation was almost done when he came back.

It has to be said that Zhou Tianze does have a keen detection ability.

It's a soldier stuff.

Xiao Yan, Zhang Lao, and Sun Yingzhuo and his son are all under investigation.

The New Year is here at this time.

On New Year's Eve, everyone sat together.

Except for Zhou Tianze's father, Zhou Shuisheng, who was supposed to come, almost all of them have come.

After a few drinks, Jiang Yansong happily talked to Zhou Tianze.

"Grandson-in-law, everyone is gathered together today, and your father is missing."

"Let's see when you will bring your father to Kyoto as well."

"After today, our family Siyuan will be able to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau next year."

"Also let your father come and see if this kid from our family, Siyuan, is in his sight."

"Old gentleman..." Chen Siyuan called out, his face flushed with embarrassment written on his face.

Coupled with the steam on the stove, Chen Siyuan's skin was thin and tender.

Zhou Tianhui glanced at Chen Siyuan secretly, her face also flushed.

"Big brother, talk to me." Zhou Tianhui called Zhou Tianze in a low voice.

The longer she gets along now, the more she likes Chen Siyuan.

It's like... that kind of like.

Zhou Tianhui thought so, her heart beat faster and her face turned red.

Chapter 467

consider marriage

Zhou Tianze glanced at Zhou Tianhui and then at Chen Siyuan.

The happy expression on his sister's face was clearly written.

He Zhou Tianze was not blind, so he couldn't see the expression on his sister's hateful marriage.

Besides, Chen Siyuan is an orphan without a parent and no mother, and he is not afraid of his in-laws making trouble for his sister's second marriage.

The most important thing is that Chen Siyuan is the person beside Jiang Yansong, and Jiang Yansong is his daughter-in-law's grandfather.

Zhou Tianze completely believed her daughter-in-law's gaze.

So Zhou Tianze also answered very succinctly.

"Well, we'll make an appointment when the time comes."

"However, this son-in-law still has to go back and recognize his family."

"If you are free then, let the two of them go back together to show my dad."

"Grandson-in-law, your answer is fast, grandpa likes it." Jiang Yansong smiled happily.

Mu Qing was listening next to her, and suddenly thought of something.

She looked up at Grandma Joe and asked.

"Grandma, what about Grandpa Kong?"

"Grandpa Kong hasn't been investigated and released back?"

"Where is it so fast?" Grandma Qiao sighed.

"There have been so many things in the past two years, and it's not your grandfather's turn yet!"

"Besides, your grandfather Kong is a medical student, and there are few officials in the family."

"I guess I haven't thought of getting him back."

Mu Qing listened to it and thought about it carefully in her heart before turning her head and talking to Jiang Yansong.

"Grandpa, Grandpa Kong Hongbo used to take great care of me, Tianze

The broken legs in the past were all healed by him. "

"Can you take a look over there and let Grandpa Kong come back early."

"He's so old and still living in the cowshed. I don't know if he can stand it in the winter."

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