Mu Qing said, her eyebrows couldn't help but worry.

She couldn't help but blame herself.

How could I forget about Grandpa Kong.

Really shouldn't! It shouldn't be!

What Grandpa Kong said, she was also her first teacher here.

After Mu Qing said this, Zhou Tianhui even more blamed herself.

This Kong Hongbo is still her master. She has been in love with her career this year, so she is very happy.

She actually forgot her master.

Thinking of this, Zhou Tianhui silently wrote it down in her heart.

When I look back, I must greet her master more, and send her master something more by the way.

"Okay, grandpa, let's take a look." Jiang Yansong agreed.

The whole family happily ate a reunion dinner.

After dinner, the fire in the living room burned vigorously, making the whole living room warm.

Zhou Tianze didn't know where he got some whips for children to play with. At this time, he was playing with the three of them in the yard.

In the living room, everyone sat together nibbling on melon seeds and chatting, and before you knew it, it was 12 midnight.

As soon as 12 o'clock arrived, the sound of "Boom! Boom" suddenly sounded in the sky.

But it turned out to be bunches of fireworks that exploded in the sky.

The three little guys saw it and widened their curious eyes.

"Mom, Huahua!"

"Flying flowers!"

"Flowers in the sky!"

The three little guys found something interesting and immediately rushed into the living room, pulling Mu Qing out.

The direction of the fireworks is in the outer city.

Those of them who have public office, don't dare to easily come up with these things.

Besides, Jiang Yansong's heart disease can't stand this threat!

So, they all went outside the yard.

The fireworks in the distance rushed into the night sky and bloomed brightly!

The sound of "Boom Boom", eliminate the old and welcome the new!

Chapter 468

The power of long legs

After the New Year, it heralds the countdown to Zhou Tianze's holiday.

Mu Qing passed the second year of junior high school, and when she arrived at the third year of junior high school, she went to school to report again.

Therefore, there is not much time left for the couple to accompany their children to play.

They hurry up and take the three little guys out for a walk.

On the morning of the third day of junior high, Zhou Tianze sent Mu Qing to school as usual.

Just a year later, the feeling in people's hearts is completely different.

In more than a month, the three little guys will be 2 years old.

It has been almost two years since Tianze went to the southwest region this week.

Zhou Tianze's voice came back from the front of the bicycle.

"Daughter-in-law, it's been a year, and it feels like time goes by so fast."

"The three of us are almost 2 years old."

"Do you think you are getting old?" Mu Qing smiled and approached some Zhou Tianze.

"Yes, daughter-in-law, you are still so beautiful, but I feel a little old."

"Old man!" Mu Qing immediately threw it to Zhou Tianze.

"Haha..." Zhou Tianze knew that his daughter-in-law was joking with him, so he didn't care much.

"Yeah, the old cow eats the tender grass, and a pear tree presses the begonia!"

"Bastard! Take advantage of me." Mu Qing pinched the flesh on Zhou Tianze's waist very unhappily.

Seriously, she didn't have the habit of pinching people before.

It's just that after being with Zhou Tianze, this woman's small temperament has been cultivated a lot.

Just like now, this pinching technique is also first-class.

And pinching, can secretly excited for a while.

This damn abnormality made Mu Qing very embarrassed.

Zhou Tianze was already familiar with the way to school.

Even if you close your eyes, you can't go wrong.

I saw his feet on the pedals, but his hands touched the hands of his daughter-in-law.

"Daughter-in-law, you are so busy, you said that you can still come to see me during the summer vacation?"

"This, I'm not sure." Mu Qing could not guarantee.

"This year is a critical year for your tenure. Let's focus on doing a good job in our business."

"In this way, we will be able to be together next year."

Zhou Tianze listened to his daughter-in-law's words and nodded in agreement.

He can't delay the happy days in the future because of temporary greed.

Soon, Zhou Tianze sent his daughter-in-law to the downstairs of the school's computer department.

Just as Zhou Tianze turned to leave, a figure in ragged clothes rushed out from nowhere, and suddenly bumped into Mu Qing's direction.

"Daughter-in-law!" Zhou Tianze rushed back immediately upon seeing this.




However, just as Zhou Tianze turned around, a long leg swayed in front of him.

The person who rushed to his wife was kicked five meters away by the long legs.

As the man fell to the ground, a dagger fell from him.

Immediately afterwards, the man vomited a mouthful of blood with a "wow" sound.

But it turned out that the strength of the long leg was too strong, and it directly kicked the person to vomit blood.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Tianze couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

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