Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 953: Remember the school where 1 **** occupied 2 positions 2 years ago...

Since the end of the dinner last night, Principal Dumbledore announced and explained related matters and precautions for the Triwizard Tournament, and placed the trophy burning with magical flames-the "Goblet of Fire" in the foyer of the auditorium so that All students who are willing to participate in the election on behalf of their respective schools can reach it, and after throwing the parchment with their names into its flames to participate in the election, there hasn't been a moment of quiet here until noon today.

Countless students who want to participate in the'Triwizard Tournament', whether out of curiosity in the competition or out of confidence in their own abilities, have come here without exception or openly, or surreptitiously, and will write about them The parchment of the name was thrown into the goblet of fire, and the parchment sheets were turned into ashes in the flame of magic, becoming one of the many candidates for the Triwizard Tournament.


Of course, in addition to those confident and brave students, there must be those guys who are not enough in age and ability to make up the number.

However, it’s lunch time, and there are actually very few people in the hall of the auditorium...

Because most of the people have already gone to lunch, those who want to participate in the Triwizard Tournament have already signed up last night or in the morning, plus that it’s Halloween tonight, and three schools will be announced at that time. The list of elected candidates, so only a few sneaky "ulterior motives" and a few reserved guys are left here to sign up until now.

For example, earlier, two twin brothers who hurriedly left the scene with their chins under their wits, those George and Fred who like to make funny and sell strange things? Of course, some of the lower grades who were directly bombarded by the age line of the Goblet of Fire must be indispensable.

After all, according to the age line set by Principal Dumbledore and surrounding the Goblet of Fire, students who are under-age are definitely not eligible to participate in the dangerous Triwizard Tournament, and under-age is equivalent to learning magic and mastery. The relevant knowledge obtained is not enough, so there must be no way to freely cope with the various difficulties that appear in the Triwizard Tournament...After all, the Triwizard Tournament is not a game. Once a mistake is made during the competition, the most serious The situation is really fatal directly, it can't be used as a joke!

Isn't this?


With a horrible cry, then, after a short silence, the hall suddenly became noisy again!

It sounds like someone tried to register illegally, and was mercilessly bounced off by the age line of the Goblet of Fire?

'Ah! Is he okay? ’

‘It’s okay! But it’s definitely not too good...’

‘Let’s just say, he’s only fourth grade, how could he be qualified? I know him. He is Fred and George's brother. Hasn't he yet learned the lessons of his brothers? ’

'do not know……'

‘Okay, it’s getting late, let’s go back quickly. ’

‘Yes, it’s time to eat, I’m almost starving. ’

"Let's go..."

However, after bursts of uproar and gleeful laughter, perhaps because it was the time of lunch, the place finally calmed down.

Anyway, that kind of thing has happened many times since last night, but many Hogwarts students don’t take Mr. Headmaster’s warning in their eyes... So, they only now It was just a ridicule, and he didn't pay too much attention to things that had been seen many times.


'hateful! ! ’

When the people in the hall were gone, a guy who had just been bombed got up again and tried several times. However, he found that there was no way to throw the parchment with his name into the flame. After it was in the cup, he finally shredded and crumpled the paper into a ball, annoyed, and threw it into the wastebasket on the side.


'it hurts……'

The boy who was ridiculed and overwhelmedly signed up was Ron!

He touched his cheek and found that his face seemed to have just scratched him because of the wrong landing posture. While feeling annoyed in his heart, he could only look at the goblet of flames bitterly and with some dismay. And after a glance at the age line around it, he turned sullenly, and walked directly out of the hall.

He must leave here as soon as possible before more people come to the hall of the auditorium and see his embarrassment, otherwise, he will be jokes again!

Although, he is not the first and will not be the last to try to sign up... However, he fought with his brothers and then came to sign up for the Triwizard Tournament and was rejected by the Goblet of Fire. The less people know the better.


'Hey! Hermione, today is awesome! ’

'We just had a big meal last night, but it happened to be Halloween again today. I saw Hagrid just now. He commanded several large carriages to bring a lot of super big pumpkins, presumably tonight. The dishes must be very rich, right? ’


"I don’t think there’s anything to look forward to. The house elves at Hogwarts just had a busy day yesterday, and today they have to prepare Halloween dinner for us. It’s not fair to them at all. ! ! ’

'what? ’

"But Hermione, the house elves are happy to do that..."

'Do not! Harry! ’

‘You are not them, how do you know that they are willing to do that? Look at them, they are all skinny, they have no salary, no holidays, no new clothes, no one even cares about how they feel! ! ’


‘Hermione, you’re not a house elf, how do you know they’re unhappy? Maybe they liked to work in the first place...’

‘Also, they really don’t like new clothes...’

The two of them walked all the way from a distance to this side, and then at the same time you were talking about something. Soon, after Harry’s last sentence with a slight lack of confidence, the two finally arrived. Outside the hall of the auditorium, I saw a slightly embarrassed figure rushing out of the hall, almost hitting them who had just passed by here.


"Ah! You... Ron?!"

Obviously, Harry and Hermione were taken aback by the other party's sudden rushing behavior, and while exclaiming, they hurriedly reached out to hold the look before the other party nearly hit the corridor guardrail. Some embarrassed opponent.

"Ron, what are you doing?"

Harry was a little strange. He hadn't seen Ron just now when he and Hermione went to eat. He was still a little strange in his heart, but who would have thought that the other party had hidden here?

However, what made Harry somehow puzzled was: the other party did not go to dinner as usual during lunch time, but came here, what is it?

"I said Ron, you are really..."

"and many more!"

"Strange, you just came out of the hall...Ah! I think I know, you actually signed up for the Goblet of Fire, are you really crazy?!"

"Did your face just fall?"

After Hermione and Harry looked at each other, they exclaimed directly.

Because the two of them saw Ron’s gray-headed face, and even got a scratch on his face. It looked red and it seemed to be broken, and then think about what is in the hall, and I saw a similar situation this morning. Why didn’t the two of them know what the other did when they didn’t go to eat and hide here? !

Obviously, Ron must have signed up for the competition, and the result is self-evident. The injury on the opponent's face speaks for itself.

"I'm not crazy!"

"I...I just want to try it, it doesn't matter if I try it anyway..."

Ron opened Hermione's hand that wanted to check his face, and refused to check the injury on his face.

Because he felt that there was nothing wrong with him, at most it was just a little scratched skin, and felt a little a moment, he immediately went to Ms. Pomfrey's and asked the other party for some medicine to apply. That's it, it shouldn't be a big deal, you don't need to be ashamed in front of these two friends!

Besides, he is not the most serious.

In fact, many of the Hogwarts students now look like him, because they were bumped and injured by the protective magic of the Goblet of Fire after they went to vote. It's really nothing strange... And his Ron’s two twin brothers, George and Fred, are even worse. They each used a drop of ageing agent to trick the Goblet of Fire, but they still have a goaty white beard and even Pomfrey. There is no good way for the lady, so she can only wait for the effect of the medicine to disappear on her own. She doesn't know how long she will be ridiculed, let alone when she can eliminate her beard!


"Ron, you really dare to think and do..."

Hermione sighed and shook her head when she heard that the other party really hurt her face because she went to sign up for violations.

You know, their friend Ron’s ability, she and Harry know clearly, and now even her Hermione dared not sign up, and Harry is even more the same, and how did he Ron? Dare to do that?

That's really messy...

'Hi! ’

'Hi! How are you Harry and Hermione? ’

'Ok? Ron, what's wrong with your face? ’

At this moment, the twin sisters Parvati Petil and Padma Petil came over, talking and laughing. They first said hello to Harry and Hermione, and then looked curiously at them. Ron, who was hiding it, looked over and asked strangely.

Because they saw that the other party was hiding, it seemed that the face was hurt?

‘No... It’s not...’

"I... I fell accidentally, the road was slippery, so... wait, what are you going to do?!"

Ron was vague, then quickly changed the subject and asked back.

"Why do you all..."

Because he discovered that now whether it is Harry or Hermione, or the two sisters Padma Pettil and Parvati Pettil, they and more students seem to be heading here. Come, and still have notebooks in your hand?

This kind of thing makes Ron feel very strange...

Because he knows it, lunch time has just passed, it should be the free time for lunch break, and he chose to sneak here when there are few people here now and plan to sign up for the Goblet of Fire to participate in the top three. The contestants...but right now, why are so many people coming here in a hurry?

Could it be that they, like Ron, want to sign up?

If that's the case, he can tell them responsibly: Dumbledore's age line and protective magic are very effective. If they dare to approach, they will be ejected before they can throw their name into the goblet of fire. of!

Moreover, it is useless even to throw it in from a distance, because the Goblet of Fire will also spit out the parchment with the name written on it. He has just tried many ways he can think of, and the final result is all it's the same.

‘Of course we are going to take up positions! ’

'what! ! ’

‘Parvati, don’t talk about it, let’s hurry up. If you are late, the good position will be occupied by others...’

‘Sorry, let’s go one step ahead! ’

After speaking, the expressions of the two twin sisters all changed. After thinking of something, they hurriedly confessed to the three of them, then hurriedly left hand in hand, and continued to trot away.


"What's the position?"

Ron was still puzzled, because it was Halloween and there were no classes in the afternoon, so he didn't know which seat the two were going to occupy. Besides, even if it’s going to class, there will be no shortage of seats. At most, it’s just that the remaining seats are not good because of the late arrival?

For example, if the seat is too far forward, it is easy to be spotted by the professors when doing small movements or being distracted?


"Hurry up! Harry, and Ron, let's hurry up too!!"

Finally, after seeing the back of the twin sisters hurriedly leaving, Hermione also exclaimed on the spot, and then hurriedly did not want to say more. After greeted Harry and Ron, she went straight forward. People ran away quickly.


"What's wrong with you?!"

No way. Seeing that Harry and Hermione were the same, Ron, who was confused, could only follow curiously, planning to go to Madam Pomfrey to help him see the wound on his face later. .

"Of course it's Professor Anne's open class!!"

"The time is at two o'clock in the afternoon, so we have to get a good spot ahead of time, maybe we have to stand in the aisle when we are late..."

"You should have an impression of Ron, how popular Professor Anne's public class is!"

After speaking, Harry didn't explain any more, and left the sluggish Ron directly, and walked forward by himself, chasing Hermione who had already turned the corner.

Because Harry had seen it too, at least a few students had just walked in the direction of the large classroom ahead. If they were to go late again, they would be really out of position.


"That Professor Anne really started class again? When did I know what happened?!"

After an exclamation, Ron hurriedly ran forward at the same time, he also expressed some doubts in his heart, why he didn't even know this important thing? When was he excluded from the mainstream Hogwarts message again? !

"just now!"

"While we were eating, Professor Anne suddenly wrote the notice with magic at the entrance of the cafeteria! I guess, maybe not many people know it now?"

"So Ron, we have to be faster!!"

Harry explained without looking back as he chased forward.

What Hermione just said was right, they had to hurry up, or it would be too late when more classmates recovered! And, this time, there may not be a headmaster with two buttocks to reserve a place for him. He can't pin all his hopes on others!

And besides, this is just to occupy a position, and you can go first after the occupation, and it doesn't cost much. There is no need to trouble the Professor Dumbledore he respected for such small things.


"Harry, wait for me first..."

Just as Ron was about to run over, he had to quickly pull up the robe of his school uniform to cover his face.

Because of what he saw, one of the guys he hated the most, the Slytherin dark wizard Malfoy and Gore, were walking graciously from the opposite side. It seemed that they had already Take the position?

‘! ! ’

'Well? ’

‘Aha! Gore, look at him, that Weasley guy, what happened to Ron? ’

'Hey! ! ’

‘Look, tsk tsk, look at his face, wouldn’t he be thrown when he signed up for the Goblet of Fire? ’

Draco Malfoy knew that the front of the road was the hall where the Goblet of Fire was placed, and at this time the enemy Ron happened to be here, with fresh scars on his face. I didn’t say why the other party did it. It's not too hard to guess if it is injured.

'Definitely is! A lot of people fell today! ’

'what! Even an idiot like him wants to be a warrior at Hogwarts. Is it April Fool's Day today? ’

‘He’s so stupid...’


The Slytherins, who had guessed the cause from Ron's embarrassed appearance in a few words, began to stand in the corridor, blocking Ron, who was unable to retreat, and laughed unscrupulously.

It's a pity that there are not too many students here, and occasionally a few come over and rush to the front after a hurried look at them. They didn't mean to stop and watch, making their behavior of mocking opponents become boring. less.

"Get out of me!!"

Ron, who didn't want to stay here for a moment, was annoyed in his heart, he covered his head and roared in annoyance, and then rushed directly from the people on the opposite side, and it was the turn. After stopping in front and looking worriedly at his own Harry, he hurried to the direction of the big classroom.

As for the unbridled and unbridled laughter behind him, what else could he do besides cursing a few words in his heart? Anyway, he has gotten used to it, as long as he quickly finds Madam Pomfrey and eliminates the evidence on her face later, as for the rest, just leave it alone!

After all, Ron was not the only one who was injured by the Goblet of Fire today and last night, he would not be afraid of being laughed at by those brave little snakes! Besides, it's not the first time he has been ridiculed. What can they do about him?


Hidden in this diagonal alley in the busy city of London, this wizarding market in the British magical world is still as busy as usual...

Because today is Halloween, wizards in different costumes bring a variety of weird magical objects and magical animals to and fro on this not-to-long street, buying the holiday items they need. However, compared with the bustling scene of Diagon Alley when the students at Hogwarts need a lot of shopping in the few days before school starts, it still seems to be a little worse?

And at this moment, in the Knockdown Alley adjacent to Diagon Alley, the person is just like that lifeless look...

However, if you think that Knockdown Alley is sparsely populated and there is no business to do, then you are very wrong!

You know, Knockdown Alley is a place where dragons and snakes are mixed. It is a black market in the British magic world. It is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Because, here is the business that a humble shop is operating, it is likely to be the sum of the turnover of the regular shops in the diagonal alley outside for several months, or even more?

At this time, in a small shop in Knockdown Alley with a'suspended business' tag, an old shopkeeper with a gleaming spirit was quietly opening the door with a wizard who was covered in black robes. Talking.

'what happened? ’

‘How come you came to me today, what happened? ’

The old man first looked at the outside of the shop vigilantly, then took out his wand and lightly tapped the doors and windows, letting a layer of black mud-like things slowly flow down from the eaves, when they completely sealed the doors and windows and emitted bursts After the misty black mist, he turned around and asked first to the middle-aged wizard who had just taken off his hood.

'boss! The situation is not good, we seem to be targeted by the Aurors! ’

As soon as he opened his mouth, what the visiting middle-aged wizard said shocked the old man who had just taken security measures.

‘Where was the Auror staring at? ’

‘Is it from North America, or from Europe, or from the Ministry of Magic in the UK? ! ’

It may be that the business has touched too many places, so the old man was taken aback for a moment, but he couldn't come back to his senses all at once.

‘Both! ! ’

‘The Magic Congress of the United States and the French Ministry of Magic have notified Barty Crouch, and asked him, the director of the International Magic Exchange and Cooperation Department, to convey to the Auror office, and now they have reached a cooperation! ’

'boss! ’

‘They’re in big trouble this time, if you stop now, maybe it’s still too late? ’

Obviously, the middle-aged wizard looked a little irritable, but he had to patiently advise the old wizard.


'How did you know? ’

The old man felt a little strange, because he didn't hear any wind...Moreover, the cargo at sea was still safe, and there was no signal to be intercepted.

‘Today the people from the Ministry of Magic sent me a message saying that the U.S. asked them to cooperate in the investigation? And they agreed! ’

'You know the nature of that fellow Rufus Scrimgeour. Although they demanded strict confidentiality and took action, they would not have thought that my friend is an Auror, and he has already sent information and all Tell me...'

'boss? ’

‘Or, let’s abandon those goods temporarily and let them withdraw quickly? ’

Having said that, after making things clear, in this small shop shrouded in black mist, the middle-aged wizard once again persuaded the old wizard.


‘It seems that it’s really a big move. If it weren’t for you, I’m afraid I won’t receive any news...’

The old wizard did not rush to respond to his subordinates, but chuckled and sighed without knowing what his mentality was.

'boss? ! ’

The middle-aged wizard asked again. Obviously, he seemed to be a little impatient!

After all, who knew that the Aurors of several countries had united and watched the cargo on the sea, and prepared to trace their heads along the way, he would definitely not be able to calm down! In any case, they are all for Jin Jialong, and they are still dragging their family. They are not desperadoes such as Death Eaters. How could they clearly go to the Ministry of Magic, even several The Ministry of Magic fight in this country?

Therefore, the best way now is to stop the loss and get out of the business, cut off all the clues, and temporarily stop for a while, and the matter will end on the smuggling ship!


'I'm afraid not! ’

‘That’s a huge long-term order, you know, that money alone is enough for us to spend hundreds of years, can you live for another hundred years? ’


‘Not to mention, that is the order that was ordered, what are we afraid of? ’

Although this dark wizard didn’t know the proverb, “the sky is falling, there is a tall man against it,” but he still knew the meaning, that is: someone will clean up the mess for them. Delivery, and then hold that big man’s thigh tightly!

Of course, they can also take the money and hand over the goods and just run away, throwing the buyer to the Ministry of Magic?

Well, that is the last choice. He will definitely not do that until he is forced to do so. After all, it is a long-term huge order, and no one will have trouble with Jin Jialong, and it is only just beginning. , He didn't want to cut off his own money.

'This one……'

"Then you mean..."

Obviously, the old wizard's words touched the middle-aged wizard, he has been persuaded and shaken by the opponent.

‘Humph! ’

‘Let’s assume that we don’t know for the time being, we will wait until the goods are shipped ashore! ’

‘Since they chose to cooperate and did not intercept our cargo on the spot, it proves that we still have several days to think about a good way...’

Obviously, the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic must have only focused on that ship, so they still have a chance. As long as they operate well, they can make money and protect themselves. At that time, won't it be the hunt for a hundred Aurors?

He believed that the big man would definitely not give up the goods, and he would definitely help them! So now, what they have to do is to protect themselves and continue to hide their identity.

It’s just that the line on the North American side may not be usable in the future. The action this time is really too big, which is inevitable... But this kind of thing is not urgent for the time being, everything can wait for the limelight Go back to sort out.


‘Then I’m going back first? ’

The middle-aged wizard saw that the other party had made up his mind. After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and nodded, and prepared to stand up and leave.

'and many more! ’

‘There are two hundred jinjarons here, take them to your friend in the Ministry of Magic! Tell him, keep the information smooth, after the event is done, there will be his benefits! ’

‘This is the other two hundred Jin Jialongs, which will be used as your activity funds for the time being. ’

Suddenly, the old wizard yelled to the opponent, and then reached out and touched his counter for a few times. After a long time, he took out two large pockets and threw them directly to the opponent.

'understand! What else do you want? ’

The middle-aged wizard put on a hood, hid himself in the dark and put away the two bags before asking finally.

‘No more, go back! ’

The old wizard waved his hand, not wanting to say more. At the same time, he stretched out his wand, sprayed a small lightning from the tip of the wand and struck the thing that exuded black mist like black mud, they actually slowly contracted again. Above the eaves?

‘Then I’m leaving now...’

The middle-aged wizard did not dare to wait any longer. He pushed them directly and walked out of the small shop in Knockdown Alley, letting the small'suspended business' tag behind him quack on the dilapidated doorknob. Dangling.

'Hum hum……'

After sending the guy away, the old wizard hummed a few times, then slowly got up, paced to the door, and took the small sign away.

After all, business is still to be done, and no matter how small a mosquito is, it’s a piece of meat, isn’t it?

As for the matter just now...

He didn't care too much, because he believed that before long, the Ministry of Magic would be restrained by something more important! By then, the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic probably won't have the mind to take care of their smugglers.

After all, their level of harm is very low, compared to some evil ‘dark wizards’, at least they have not endangered the peace of the wizarding world and the authority of the Ministry of Magic?


Ding Ding Dong~! ?

On the afternoon of Halloween, as Filch rang the bell, the second magical public class taught by a little girl from Hogwarts finally started again!

With the ringing of the class bell, professors such as Dumbledore, Snape, McGonagall, and Flitwick, who were late in the end, had to find embarrassingly that this time, this large classroom seemed not enough, because At this time, the students had already filled up all the seats, and even the aisle was full of people. No one had ever thought about preparing a few front seats for them as professors?



Seeing this, professors such as Snape, McGonagall, and Flitwick looked at each other helplessly and walked directly to the other side of the podium, ready to stand and listen to a lesson like that?

Although they thought that they could use magic spells to make chairs, but when the classroom is crowded with people and the space is extremely limited, the chairs still occupy too much space, so it's better to stand still.


However, Principal Dumbledore did not intend to stand and suspend classes like Snape and the others.

So, his deep and gleaming presbyopic eyes looked around, and found that there was no empty place, so he had to look at the students in the front row and quickly locked in the front row. In the middle, sitting on the Weasley kid next to Harry and Hermione.

That position is so good. If you don't give him a seat for the old man, Principal Dumbledore, I'm afraid everyone will have a conscience.

Therefore, he walked directly towards the Weasley boy in the surprised gaze of Snape and other professors standing opposite.


"Student Ron..."

"Excuse me, can you give me a place for this old man? I think you know that, my old man is already very old, and my legs are a bit awkward, unlike your young man who can stand for so long..."

This is also impossible, because no one thought that this time, no one reserved a place for the professors... Therefore, if you don’t want to stand aside like Snape and the others, it’s a lesson. What else can he do besides playing up the ideas of his own students?

You know, he is not only the head of a school, but also an old man who is over a hundred years old. Can the Weasley children bear to watch and dare not give him a place? Besides, who let the opponent occupy this position so well, but it is the front row and the middle position? !



It never occurred to me that I had sat down properly, but now, Mr. Dumbledore, who was in front of me, had made such an unreasonable request? You know, this time, he managed to grab the spot by himself!


"Okay, okay... Professor Dumbledore, would you please sit down?"

No way, I looked at the left and right, it seemed that there was really no other place. At this time, almost all the classmates looked at him, and Dumbledore deliberately named his name. In no way, Ron would I had no choice but to pretend to be generous and a little wronged to stand up and give the other side a place.

Then, with a bitter face, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh, so he walked to the side of Professor Snape who was staring at him with a dark face.

The other party is the principal, Dumbledore, and also named himself, what else can he do? If he dared not give up his seat to Principal Dumbledore, he would definitely receive several roaring letters from his mother Molly tomorrow?

That kind of thing, surely it will happen! !

He can even make up for the content of his mother's screaming letter, such as:'Ron, you disappointed me so much, how dare you not give up your seat to the principal, you are a scum and moral of the Weasley family The lost, the scum...' etc.?

"thank you very much!"

Anyway, he was very old and hadn't had a good life for many years, so Dumbledore felt that it would be useless to keep his face, so he smiled and nodded to Ron who consciously stepped aside and thanked him. , He completely ignored whether the students would have any opinions, or the kind of sneer gaze that Snape had cast, and he sat down in the front row where Ron was sitting just now and was still warm. The best position in the middle.

"Hello, Miss Granger, and Harry. Nice to meet you?"

After sitting down, Dumbledore felt that this position was comfortable, so he lowered his head and nodded and smiled at Harry and Hermione who were sitting side by side on his left.

Sure enough, there is nothing more comfortable than being able to sit comfortably and listen to other people's lectures... You know, after so many years as a professor and principal, Dumbledore does not have many opportunities to sit in class. I listened to other people's lessons.

‘Hello, Professor Dumbledore! ’

‘Hello, Principal Dumbledore...’

Glancing at the poor Ron in the distance, Harry and Hermione looked at each other and cast a helpless look at each other before turning their heads and turning their heads helplessly towards someone who was old and disrespectful. The guy reluctantly said hello.

To be honest, they really felt that Ron was unlucky today. First he failed to sign up, and then he was laughed at by the Malfoy group for a long time. Now he finally occupied a good position in the front row, but in the end he was killed by Dumbledore. Did the principal ask for it?

This is really...

What else can the two of them say? !

Huh! !

Suddenly, everyone was very surprised: with a burst of blue magic light flashing, everyone thought that a certain professor who was bound to be late used it very punctually when the class bell rang not long. A magic similar to Apparition arrived in the classroom?



"Good afternoon everyone~!"


Yes, Annie arrived on time and was preparing to give her second public class on magic at Hogwarts. As for why she was so punctual today, it was not enough for outsiders.

What? What?

"Let’s start class now. I’m here today. I’m going to explain a very magical magic directly to everyone. Its name is—"




After finishing speaking, I went directly to the subject. The little Annie who was not procrastinated at all stretched out her little finger and tapped it in the air of the large classroom. Rows of words composed of flame or appeared above, and made sure that all Teachers and students can see them clearly.


? Put a shield on your body, absorbing 115-455 (depending on the individual ability of the caster) real damage for 2 seconds. ?

?Damage calculation point formula......?



"Well, Hermione, do you have any questions?"


Little Annie, who was just about to explain, saw the hand held high by Hermione, she reluctantly nodded the other party's name, wanting to see what the other party had in doubt.

"Professor Anne!"

"Excuse me, what is real harm?"

Hermione does not want to study the complicated formula for calculating the damage points, the data that seems to be related to the individual's magic power level, age, casting skills and other related data. She just wants to know, what is the real damage?



"True damage is the kind of damage that will surely cause invasion by ignoring and passing through armor and magic resistance!"


"As long as it is a spell that can hurt oneself, no matter what spell, whether it is a spell energy attack or a physical entity attack, the shield can resist all, until the strength of the shield is lower than the strength of the opponent's attack and it is broken by the opponent. until!"


In short, that spell is probably like this, as for more, Annie didn't want to explain more to them. Because her task today is to teach them that ‘barrier’. As for other things, what does it matter to her?

"Professor, does this also include the Unforgivable Curse?"

Hermione, who did not sit down, directly asked the second question. Anyway, she has a good relationship with the other party. It is good to ask more while the other party is in the lecture. If it is private, it is not easy to meet the other party in a good mood and willing. Good time to explain to her.

"Heart-cutting and Avadasuo's life are definitely possible, but I am afraid that the effect is not very good when dealing with Imperius?"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey?

Just after Annie's words, she discovered that the students and professors under the podium started to whisper to each other. The whole class suddenly became messy. It seemed that they didn't completely believe her words?



"If this is the case, then I will give you a direct experiment!"



After finishing speaking, when there was no way and no obvious movement of Annie was seen, a golden shield quietly appeared on her body. It was like a golden bubble or a sphere, knotting her. It is firmly wrapped inside.

Because, Annie still has very important things to do, or is she doing it? So, she doesn't have time to explain so much to these guys, so it's better to show them in a more direct way.

"Now, I'm ready. Does anyone want to try and see who attacks me?"


"No matter what kind of curse is okay, even if it is an unforgivable curse! However, for the time being, it is only limited to the harm type of curses, and those of the control type are not used, otherwise, I will definitely be beaten back! "


In fact, Little Annie is not very good at lectures, and she doesn’t want to give too many lectures. So, let’s do it for the time being. Anyway, she has other purposes. Now she only needs to spend time in this class !



However, the students in this large classroom are just you, see me and I see you, and no one dares to stand up directly, even Hermione, who is usually the most active in class.

"Ha ha……"

And a certain unscrupulous principal didn't mean to move at this time, just watched Professor Anne's performance with a smile.

After all, he is Dumbledore, a first-class Merlin Medal winner, chairman of the International Federation of Magicians, chief wizard of Wisengamao, has been nominated by the Minister of Magic for many times, and is recognized as the greatest wizard of our time. It is the top and most powerful kind of existence in the British magical world and even in the world, so if he plays, if he can't even beat him, then his old face can't be put off.

"No one is coming up?"

∑(′△`)? !

"Please rest assured, my ‘barrier’ shield is very strong. If anyone can break it, there is a reward!!"

"What do you think of a thousand Jin Jialong?"


Although Annie knew that no one would be able to break it, she still tempted the students who hesitated.

Huh! !

After that, countless students raised their hands high and high almost at the same time. After all, it doesn't matter if you try it.

"Go away!"

"let me do it!!"

However, a cold shout directly interrupted all the students' fantasy.

Because, at this time, Professor Snape in the potions class had already squeezed Ron who was eager to try next to him, and then took a few steps forward with a cold face, and walked directly to the podium of the large classroom, at a distance from that Annie The professor stood still a few steps away.

"Professor Anne, are you sure, any magic is fine?"

Professor Snape did not rush to attack, nor did he take out his own magic wand. He just held his wrist in front of his stomach, and stared at the little girl and the shield on the opponent with cold eyes.

Snape felt that there was no better candidate to test the shield, because here, except for Dumbledore, he had the strongest magic power! As far as he understands, Mr. Principal will definitely not play, so there is really nothing more suitable than him.

"That's right!!"



"Shen Feng Wuying!!"

After getting the affirmative answer from the other party, suddenly, Snape pulled out his wand among the flames of the calcium carbide and finished casting the spell instantly.

The whole process was completed in one go in less than a second, and when the students heard a faint ‘poof’, they reacted. It turned out that Professor Snape had already attacked once?


'Hey! He just used magic? ’

'I do not know……'

‘I heard the figure, as if it really didn’t break the shield? ’

'should be……'

‘But Professor Snape’s movements are so fast, I didn’t even see how he made the rod, it’s amazing! ! ’

‘What kind of curse is that? Shenfeng Wuying? Is there any spell? ’

'Have not heard…….'

Soon, after Professor Snape completed the first attack, the students, whether they knew what was going on or not, all exclaimed and whispered to discuss.

"Ahem! Classmates!"

"Please be quiet, please watch and listen, remember, this is very helpful for your defense against the dark magic!!"

At this moment, Dumbledore screamed, and finally stopped the noise.

Then, he gestured at Snape to make the other party use a more intuitive magic instead of the one created by the other party... You should know that the students have limited knowledge, and some things should be taken care of. Yes, after all, this is a classroom, not an arena.


"Flame raging!!"

After seeing the look in Dumbledore’s eyes, Snape quickly changed a spell that the students themselves would also have, causing a fire snake to spray from the head of his staff and hit the golden shield of Professor Anne. Past!


He soon discovered that the flame magic was completely ineffective, and he couldn't break through that ‘barrier’ shield at all!

‘Bone to pieces! ’

The smashing curse was hit, and the red light hit the golden orb, and quickly dissipated into form...

‘Fainted! ’

Was successfully resisted...

‘All petrochemicals! ’

‘Awesome! ! ’


After trying the offensive spells that students often come into contact with, Snape didn't continue to try, but put away his wand and started thinking.

"Why don't you fight anymore, continue?"


Annie said that the opponent's spells and offensive magic are really too few and too few...there are just the few back and forth, less lethal, so she hopes the other party will continue to fight more?

"Professor Anne, are you sure, it can really resist the Unforgivable Curse?"

Obviously, Snape was planning to use the Unforgivable Curse, but, in order to avoid accidents, he still had to confirm or warn him a little?

"of course!"



"Avada Kedavra!!!"

After a moment of silence, before the students had time to react or exclaim, Snape directly shouted the terrible spell, and then a green light burst out of the head of his staff, directly hitting the golden The shield and the little girl in that shield!

Then, the dazzling green light directly illuminates the entire classroom, causing many students to subconsciously examine their heads and close their eyes...

puff! !

However, soon, as the green light disappeared, the teachers and students present found that the terrifying death curse of Professor Snape just now, it seemed that nothing happened except for a strange sound and a strong light. ? And now, the Professor Anne was still standing inside that seemingly tough shield with a smile.

‘Merlin’s beard, the Unforgivable Curse was really blocked by her? ! ’

'How can this be? ! ’


‘Professor Snape really took Avada’s life just now? ! ’

'of course! ’

‘I’m not right, I’m not saying, the Avada’s Mantra cannot be resisted, it can only be avoided? ! ’

'who knows? Don't ask me! ! ’

Soon, the students screamed and clamored again, and the classroom that was already full of people became like a busy city again. And the attacking Snape, after hesitating for a while, after all, he didn't say anything, and he turned and walked to where he was originally standing.



At this time, the Dumbledore sitting in the front row did not scream again. He just frowned, holding his reading glasses, his eyes gleaming, as if he was studying some basic structure of the shield?

"Professor Anne..."

"Then, this shield, this spell named'barrier' and the technique used, do you know?"

Finally, Dumbledore looked at him for a while, but couldn't understand everything, but knew that he had a trace of divine power, so he hesitated to ask the most important point.

Because he knows that no matter how powerful the ‘barrier’ is, it’s the opponent’s, as long as he or his students learn it, they can become theirs. This is very important!

"Of course I do!"


"Otherwise, what am I doing now?!"


As she said, Annie stretched out her finger, and the spell of the ‘barrier’, the spell and the 3D holographic gesture that she had compiled according to the spell-casting habits of the wizards of this world directly appeared on the blackboard and continuously demonstrated automatically:

?Magic barrier, spell: ?ναεμπ?διο! ?

?Basic technique: Turn the wand three times clockwise with a radius of no more than one foot in one second, and then quickly raise the wand to the top of your head while finishing the spell. ?

"You have to remember!"


"Although the barrier can withstand the life of Avada, I don't recommend that you try it lightly, because ah, the strength of the barrier is limited, especially when your magic power is not strong, once you are broken by a powerful guy, Then you will be miserable..."


After reaching out and tapping the key points on the blackboard behind her, Xiao Annie cancelled the barrier shield on her body that would never be broken by any wizard, and then directly from the podium very close to the blackboard. Jumped down.


Dumbledore nodded in satisfaction and took out a small notebook on the spot, and wrote down all of what he had just seen, what he had observed, and what the other party had written.

‘! ! ’


"Miss Granger, you are really cunning..."

Soon, Dumbledore discovered that the Hermione Granger next to him had actually craned his neck to look at the notebook in his hand, and seemed to give all his experience and experience that he had just written. Copied it?


"Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Principal!"

Hermione closed her notebook nonchalantly, anyway, with a good memory, she said she had finished copying now.

And she suddenly felt that next time, when Anne started classes again, she would have to occupy a place for their Hogwarts School, the beloved Principal Dumbledore, and must be by her side. ?

"Today's lesson will only teach this spell for the time being. You can try it now. Anyway, it is not an offensive spell. You can use it at will. If you don't understand it, please hurry up and ask! Otherwise, I can Regardless of you!"


It's good now. She finished the content of the course and performed it. Now, it's time for the students to practice on their own.

As long as you wait for the students to practice more on their own, and then say a few words when they have time, even if this public class is fooled, it will save some people who think that Professor Anne is lazy at school, but she is completely paid. Not working?


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


(*?′╰╯`?)? Ask for a ticket? (?′╰╯`?*)

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