Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 954: Ron Weasley’s blackening process...10%?...

Ding Ding Dong~! ????

The bell rang after class, and soon the students began to leave the large classrooms in Hogwarts Castle one after another.

Undoubtedly, judging from the excitement on the faces of the students who left, this open magic class at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry hosted by Professor Anne is definitely the most successful and successful school ever. The most popular spell lesson among teachers and students!

Although, even so far, that kind of ‘open class’ is only the second session?

Because today, in this public class, both students and professors have unexpectedly learned a real and effective one that can successfully fight against the most terrifying death curse of the three unforgivable curses, and against the'ah Vadaso's super multi-purpose protective spell spell-'Barrier'!

This kind of thing must be a powerful shot for the British magical world, which is now becoming more and more nervous by the Death Eaters! I believe that at the latest tomorrow morning, the new issue of the Daily Prophet and other major wizarding newspapers will be full of descriptions of the "barrier" curse and the special appointment of Professor Anne at Hogwarts. Large-scale report.

This kind of thing will happen with certainty, certainty, certainty and absolute certainty! !

Even some professors who are leaving the classroom are still thinking about whether the Ministry of Magic will nominate Professor Anne for this and send a Merlin Medal and related honors? After all, publicizing and teaching a protective spell that is proven to be effective and capable of resisting the unforgivable spell is an achievement, but epic, no worse than ‘discovering the twelve uses of fire dragon blood’!

Of course, this kind of thing is just thinking about it now, because now whether it is students or professors, they are more immersed in the new spell that has just been learned and is not yet familiar. The spell has just started from Hogwar. Ci used the hands of students or professors to slowly spread to the entire magical world. As for what kind of storm this will cause, it will be the earliest thing that will be known after tomorrow...

After all, communication in the wizarding world basically relies on owls, so it is slightly behind in terms of timeliness, and the authoritative "Daily Prophet" is updated every day. Therefore, it is natural to wait for an afternoon and evening brewing. Of it.

'wrong! ’

‘You’re wrong! ! ’

At this time,

Not far away, in the corner of the classroom, Granger Miss Hermione, who knows everything, did not leave the classroom, but was using her wand to show and teach Na Ron and Harry to two of her friends. The two cast spells.

The three of them did not leave directly with the ringing of the bell, nor did they surround Professor Anne like Principal Dumbledore and other teachers and students, did not pester a little girl to explain more points, but just Then practice on your own.

‘Ron! ’

‘Your gesture is wrong! ’

‘It’s correct technique is: you must turn the wand quickly three times clockwise with a radius of no more than one foot in a second, and then raise the wand to the top of your head quickly while finishing the spell...’


‘Didn’t you find out? The larger the radius, the greater the mana consumed, and the greater the barrier shield when successful. For a kind of protective magic, if you are not to protect others, you must not do that, because that It will only waste your magic and time! ! ’

‘That’s to say, the smaller the circle you draw, the better, because your magic power is far from the maximum that can sustain a one-foot radius! ’

‘Also, it’s three clockwise turns, half a turn or even a quarter turn will not work! So your speed must be fast and accurate! Before the spell??ναεμπ??διο is finished, you must raise the wand above your head and complete the cast! ’

‘! ! ’

‘Harry! Don't try to take tricks, your wand is not spinning at all, you are swaying from side to side, it is strange that the shield can be released normally! ’


‘I know you want to save time as much as possible, and then it will have actual value...’

'But it’s like you can’t swallow a big chunk of pork chops in one bite. You’d better not try your little time-squeezing ideas until you’re not fully proficient with them. If the curse is quick or instant, then it's all based on incomparable proficiency! ! ’

‘Furthermore, why do you think Professor Anne taught us that we must turn three times? Is it fun? ’

‘You should have learned the principles of geometry, right? ’

‘Well, it doesn’t matter if you haven’t learned it...I think Hogwarts should add a basic math and geometry...’

‘I’m telling you now, its principle is: first quickly turn three times clockwise, use magic to build three concentric circles with different sides, and then diverge magic power to build a whole ball with these three concentric circles...’

‘In the end, lift up the magic wand and envelop yourself or the people around you in this constructed sphere...’

‘You have to remember that the speed must be as fast as possible, otherwise, the newly constructed ball will soon collapse. At that time, even if the spell is pronounced, it will cause you to fail to cast the spell! ’

‘Now, do you guys see me demonstrate the last time? ’

‘First turn three times, then...’

‘??Ναεμπ??διο! ! ! ’

With the sound of the spell and the raised stick made of vine wood, a golden light suddenly lit up at the tip of the wand containing the tendon of the dragon's heart, and a spherical shield instantly appeared on the young man. The fourth-grade witch appeared around the body of Hermione Granger.

There is no doubt that her casting is very successful and perfect, and she can no longer pick up any flaws.


"It's an amazing level of comprehension and magic. Some of what she just said didn't even think of me... Principal Dumbledore, I bet Miss Granger must be the most talented in our history at Hogwarts. s student!"

"You may not know that in my class, she has always been the first to successfully use the spells I taught the students..."

Looking at the three students in the distance, hearing each other’s conversation, especially after hearing that Hermione’s words and seeing the other’s textbook demonstration, here is the demon standing next to Dumbledore. Professor of Mantra, the Professor Felius Flitwick sighed and shook his head at the President Dumbledore in front of him.

In his opinion, if Hermione was not too young, and many of the empirical problems were not at his current level for the time being, I am afraid they really had nothing to give to that wonderful witch. .


"It's true, Flitwick, you are right..."

Dumbledore touched his nose with some embarrassment, not intending to comment more on it.

Because, he would not tell Professor Felius Flitwick: The reason why the little Granger girl behaves so well, why she can master the'barrier' spell so quickly and fully comprehend it, In fact, it's all because the other party just secretly copied his Dumbledore's notes, and has been learning to practice for most of the class?

Of course, even if it was because the other party copied his notes, but I have to admit that that Hermione Granger was indeed the one he had seen Dumbledore, the best student ever at Hogwarts. none of them!

As for the reason, it is because of the factors taught in advance by the little girl, Professor Anne, that is temporarily unknown.

However, seeing that Professor McGonagall is asking the little girl and some eager students to follow up some small questions, Dumbledore wittyly did not ask the other party whether he had taught the Miss Granger'barrier' spell in advance. The thing, no matter what, that kind of thing is not important.


After thinking about it, Dumbledore turned his head and looked at Snape, who was still in the classroom without time to leave:

"Severus, you were so rash just now..."

Actually, just in class, when the opponent used the death curse to attack Annie, Dumbledore still subconsciously exclaimed...because he felt that Snape aimed directly at Annie and The aggressive behavior is still a bit too radical.

After all, in that case, the opponent can rub the shield side to make a tentative attack. There is no need to be so true, because in that case, it doesn't matter if the shield is broken by accident?



"Mr. Principal Dumbledore!"

"At that time, I got your authorization. If I don't do that, how can I prove to the students the true effect of the spell?!"

After speaking, Snape turned around and left.

Because get out of class is now over, he has got what he wants, and he has personally tested and experienced the spell called the ‘barrier’, so now he has no need to stay with other professors and students.

As for the long-winded and somewhat old stubborn Dumbledore and the other party's complaining about himself, he did not take him to heart.


‘I don’t understand you people...’


‘Is there any difference between setting fire to directly burn people to death and killing the enemy with Avada’s orders? ’

‘Avada can leave a corpse anyway, it should be a milder spell, right? And if I burn it with fire, it will turn gray. How can it be called the Unforgivable Curse, but it’s not a raging fire? ’


At this time, when Dumbledore watched Snape leave with some sorrow, before he had time to say something, he heard the voice of the little girl Annie who was talking about something with the group of students and professors. .

Obviously, now that Professor Anne seems to be arguing with McGonagall and the students around her on certain issues?

So, let me leave here early, go back to drink some mead or eat some cockroach piles, and then take a good afternoon rest to recharge and prepare for the official start of Halloween and the Triwizard Tournament in the evening. He had to stop that tempting thought and had to walk towards the crowd.

‘! ! ’

!? (??''????)??

‘You are talking nonsense! ’

‘What kind of black magic and white magic are there in magic? What you can use and what is useful to you is good magic! ! ’



"Professor Anne, please be a little cautious when speaking? Well, kids, it's late, you should go back..."

When the dispute among the crowd became more and more intense, and when he discovered that a little girl professor was spreading some bad thoughts, Dumbledore quickly pretended to cough outside the crowd and directly interrupted the group of teachers and students. Arguing and started rushing people.

"Professor Anne..."

"Today's debate will stop here for the time being. Although your point of view just now is very new, I think... the students may not understand and accept it for a while, so... If you can, I hope you better not Feel free to express those opinions that are likely to confuse students?"

"Because that kind of thing is very bad, very bad..."

In Dumbledore’s eyes, the little girl in front of him, as a professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, is now openly spreading the black magic to his students in the classroom, which is'relatively just' The thinking is obviously extremely wrong!

After all, that kind of thinking is seriously inconsistent with the mainstream cognition of their British magic circles and the teaching philosophy of Hogwarts!

What's more, there are representatives of the Ministry of Magic and some teachers and students from Boothbatten School of Witchcraft and Durmstrand School of Witchcraft and Wizardry who came to participate in the Triwizard Tournament. If they are accidentally heard by outsiders, If it causes a misunderstanding, it will be bad after all...

You know, Hogwarts has never been the Durmstrang who is more tolerant of black magic. Some things definitely require a little attention, especially if the person who expresses his opinion is a Hogwarts. Of the professor?

"Okay, just do whatever you want..."


Seeing a certain principal, a bad old man, came forward to stop herself, Xiao Annie thought for a while and did not continue.

Because now, she still has more important things to do. If she can, she really can't wait to leave here immediately, so she just followed the other party's words and shut up.

Actually, she herself hadn't thought about teaching these dumb guys magic well, and now that some of her goals have been achieved, then all other things will become less important.

"Ha ha……"

"Thank you very much for cooperating with the work of this bad old man of mine."

Nodding, seeing that the other party didn't continue speaking, Dumbledore smiled with satisfaction...In his opinion, the truth is sometimes a beautiful and terrifying thing, so it needs to be treated with extreme caution?

Therefore, he didn't want this Professor Anne to instill some bad ideas or concepts into the students in the school, even if they were extremely correct! Because, that may cause some students to go on a crooked road. After all, a terrible student has already appeared in his school, and he does not want a second one.

‘! ! ’


Realizing that there was nothing of his own here, Dumbledore, who was about to leave, suddenly turned his head hesitantly and looked in the direction of the front door of the classroom, because he now found that there was a rapid and heavy footsteps coming towards this side. Come, listening to that weight, it seems to come from Hagrid?

'call! ’

"Teach, Professor..."


"Professor Deng and Dumbledore, big and big things are not good!!"

Phoo~! Phoo~!

He strode, hurriedly ran into the classroom, and ran in front of Dumbledore. The panting Hagrid first supported his knees and evened his breath twice before wiping his fullness. It was the messy hair and beads of sweat dripping on the big face of the beard, while anxiously wailed at the Dumbledore who was much shorter than himself.

He just ran all the way from his hut on the edge of the Forbidden Forest to here, without a break in between, so that the shirt in his tight jacket was completely saturated with sweat...

"Huh? Hagrid, you are"

"What the **** is going on? Okay, take a breath first, and slowly tell me, what the **** is going on?"

Seeing the other side, Dumbledore did not act too anxiously, let alone nervous. He didn't even pay attention to the professors and students who were curiously surrounded and watched the excitement because he did not leave. He just stretched out his hand. He patted Hagrid's thick arm lightly, and then asked in a calm tone.



"Yes... it's like this! It's those pegasus, the rune horses from Boothbatten School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They... one of them is missing!!"

After taking a breath, a certain big guy here, Hagrid, suddenly subconsciously looked at a little girl who was also looking at him curiously. However, he quickly shook his head again and turned towards The principal turned around.

Hagrid knew that this matter should not have been done by the other party, because although the other party had full motives, there was no time to commit the crime, and there was evidence of complete absence, and it was almost the majority of the teachers and students in the school. Can we all testify for it?

"You mean..."

"One of the giant flying horses that only drink pure malt whisky from Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is missing?!"

He opened his mouth and said'Oh', and then nodded. Dumbledore quickly figured out why the other party was so anxious, and finally his eyebrows with reading glasses began to wrinkle slightly unconsciously. stand up.


"Professor Dumbledore, those pegasus of Mrs. Maxim, just now!!"

Although those beautiful big pegasus were not his own, to Hagrid, after taking care of them for one night, they looked like his children. As for the big things that one of them is missing, he is of course extremely nervous, and he may even care more about them than the Mrs. Maxim who is still temporarily unaware!


"Hagrid, when did this happen, can you tell me a specific time?"

The disappearance of a Pegasus at Boothbarton’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is indeed not a trivial matter. So, Dumbledore also subconsciously looked at a certain little girl, but... he quickly dispelled the outrageous Thoughts and doubts, after all, the other party has been teaching them all the time!

And the way to make each other appear in two places at the same time, although it is not without, but that kind of magical things, such as the time converter that Miss Granger had applied for last semester, that interesting little pocket watch, now It had already been recovered by the Ministry of Magic, and it would definitely not be in the hands of that Professor Anne.

"Just now, about half an hour ago! When I followed Mrs. Maxim's instructions to let them go out and fly around for a while!"

Having said that, Hagrid was a little anxious...

You know, those pegasus were good at going out, there were seven in total, he swore he had counted them seriously! But when they flew for a while and came back, there were only six left?

At first, he thought it was the last one that might have been delayed and came back a bit late, or lost his way because of unfamiliar place, but he waited, waited, waited, and finally waited near Didn't see the missing Pegasus come back for half an hour?

So, when he finally realized that something was going to happen, he could only hurriedly lock the remaining six pegasus and make sure that they all stay in the stables and not run around, so he hurriedly came here to look for Dumbledore. Hope the other party can think of a good way for yourself?

After all, this thing can be big or small, and the rare Pegasus is not their Hogwarts home, and once the Bussbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is not reluctant, I am afraid it will be difficult to handle!


Hagrid had heard that that kind of Pegasus is very precious and a symbol of the auspiciousness of Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Otherwise, Mrs. Maxim would not have repeatedly told herself to take care of them! And, think about it again, the school badge of the other side's school is two pegasus, from this we can see what those beautiful animals mean to Busbarton!

Therefore, there are some things he dare not imagine now.

"Don't worry..."

Dumbledore reached out his hand to stop the other party's plan to urge him, and began to think...

He was thinking and excluding one by one, wondering what other creatures would attack that beautiful giant creature in the area of ​​Hogwarts...

The little girl who was most motivated to commit the crime and had a'criminal conviction' was first ruled out by him, because he knew that this would definitely not be done by Professor Anne. The other party has been here since two o'clock in the afternoon until now. , Never left, there must be no time to commit crimes!

Could it be that those Ye Qi made it?

However, although Yeqi is an omnivorous animal, it also likes blood and raw meat... However, Yeqi can basically be regarded as a subspecies of Pegasus, and the other party will definitely not attack the rune horses of Mrs. Maxim Yes, besides, they are not necessarily the opponents of Rune Horses, no matter their number or size.

Could it be the eagle-headed horse-winged beast?

It is indeed a very ferocious carnivore, but that carnivore mainly preys on small animals such as insects, birds, mice, deer or ferrets. I have never heard of them preying on Pegasus. Body size prey!

After all, their size may not be able to beat those runes! !

The most likely thing was the spiders that Hagrid used to raise in the Forbidden Forest. The eight-eyed giant Aragog and its descendants are indeed the most suspicious, because their greed and predation ability are obvious to all. ! Of course, the premise is that they were not burned to death by a little girl two years ago, and then they were wiped out by horses even with their eggs and nests?

What a pity...

You know, the venom of the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider has always been one of Hogwarts' stable sources of income, and he Dumbledore has not lost it...

Well, that kind of thing has nothing to do with the Tianma he needs to deal with now, so don't think about that kind of boring thing that has become the past tense for now.


"You said... Could it be that it got lost?"

After pondering for a while, after excluding all possibilities, I felt that such a horse could not have disappeared for no reason, and it was also unlikely that Dumbledore would be preyed by other magical animals. Hagrid comforted.

"Absolutely not!!"

"I saw it. The Pegasus who came back are not as quiet as they usually do. They are very nervous. They must have been attacked or frightened by something! You may not know, Professor Dumbledore, I am worried now that I have not returned. For the safety of that Pegasus, you should think of a way!!"

After thinking about it, Hagrid quickly shook his head with messy, fluffy hair and beard.

If possible, Hagrid really doesn’t want to come to Principal Dumbledore for his negligence and such trivial things, but there is no way, because this is beyond his ability, and this is not only their Hogwarts magic. The school’s own management issues also involved the Boothbatten School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that came to participate in the Triwizard Tournament, so he really had nothing else to do now.


"Well, let me see with you, and see if I can use traceability magic to see what they have gone through?"

After thinking about it, and thinking about it, it would not end well if it was caused by Mrs. Maxime. Therefore, after Dumbledore pondered for a while, he decided not to go back to rest, and talk to the sea first. Grid went to the stable by the Forbidden Forest to see if he could find some useful clues?

Although, Dumbledore is not very good at magical animals or tracking life...

But to be honest, Dumbledore really hoped that those pegasus were captured by some beasts or just lost their way. Otherwise, he might not be able to explain to the headmaster of Boothbarton later. ? After all, this kind of thing happened to them at Hogwarts, and as the principal of the school, he really had to take on some ties.

"Annie, I'll go ahead if I have something to do. I am looking forward to your next class?"

After turning his head to Professor McGonagall and the students and nodding his head, Dumbledore smiled and said this to the little girl. Then he couldn't reply to the other party and signaled Hagrid to lead the way and just follow. The opponent walked quickly outside the classroom behind him.

Now, looking at his swiftly walking and gleaming spirit, where is the old feeling when he asked the Weasley kid for a place before? And if the other party still wore a long white beard, no one would believe that he was an old man in his 110s, right?



"Goodbye! Good luck to you?"


After raising her cute bear's paw to say hello to the two, little Annie didn't care what doubts the professors or students were there, she was impatient, she was leaving the bear and After picking up some of his items, a flash disappeared in a dissipated arcane blue shimmer energy...


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Once again, Tibbers, who was selectively forgotten on the podium by an unscrupulous little master for some reason, said: It will not tell the stupid wizards and wizards, the so-called Pegasus, just It was definitely not stole by its little master!

Because the little master of his family never steals the things of the master. The little master of his family just carried out a hunting operation in the sky in a normal, reasonable, and standardized manner, and finally successfully captured a random flying Just prey? )


at night……

No one cares how to deal with the disappearance of the Pegasus at Boothbatten School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. No one cares. The news was only forgotten by the teachers and students of Hogwarts after it spread in a small area, because they had only one Practical spells can distract them and allow them to talk happily. There is one more important thing for them now, and that is the Triwizard Tournament! !

Relatively speaking, this Halloween party was quite successful. Anyway, the funny pumpkin lanterns floating in the air in the auditorium are very popular with students! In fact, no one will refuse this kind of treatment if you can eat a big meal for two consecutive nights!

So, when the students were full and full of smiles, Dumbledore finally stood up and clapped his hands to let Hogwarts house elves. We took the desserts, fruits, delicacies, tableware, etc. on the long tables all at once and cleaned them up thoroughly.

"All right!"

"Classmates, professors, and guests from afar..."

"Now is an exciting time. I think everyone already knows... Yes, it's the Triwizard Tournament! Now the time is coming, our Goblet of Fire will make its decision soon, you must be very Expected?"

"Anyway, my old man is looking forward to it, so..."

Therefore, Dumbledore suddenly took out his wand, and then he didn’t know what spell he was casting. All the teachers and students in the auditorium were surprised to find: With his big wave, except for the pumpkin lantern Except for the candles inside, all the candles and the bonfire were extinguished at the same time, and then the entire auditorium fell into a half-bright and half-dark state in an instant...

Then, of course, everyone's eyes were all attracted by the flame goblet in front of Dumbledore that was burning and bursting with sparks, and was attracted by the blue-and-white magic flame burning from its mouth. It caught the eye.


"The time should be up!!"

Dumbledore put away his wand, he didn't care about the reaction of the students, he just took out his pocket watch and checked the time.

Because now, the students are concentrating and holding their breath, and staring at the goblet of fire with all their attention, for fear that an important link is missed, so that the entire auditorium is silent, only the kind of'rustling' and the like when the candle burns. The loud noise from time to time completely eliminates the need for him to maintain order.


Suddenly, the goblet of fire exploded violently, and the originally blue-white magic flame suddenly turned into fiery red, and then a piece of parchment that had been burnt a little black flew out of it.

"Ha! Let me see who is the first warrior?"

Dumbledore quickly took the parchment with his eyes and hands, and handed it to his eyes. While holding his reading glasses, he looked into the flame of the goblet.

"It's a warrior from Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! His name is—"

"Viktor Krum!!!"

Wow~! !

Following Dumbledore’s shout, the entire auditorium soon burst into lively and relatively fierce applause. Obviously, the legendary Seeker from Durmstrang was still very popular. Many students in Gwarts welcomed it.


"Please keep quiet!"

However, Dumbledore’s iconic sound reinforcement magic soon suppressed the cheering students and the Krum who stood up to accept the fans’ congratulations, because at this time he already had the flame in his hand. The second piece of parchment from the cup.

Obviously, the second warrior of the Triwizard Tournament has been freshly released...

"The warrior of Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! Her name is—"

"Florence Delacour!!!"


The lively applause sounded when the seventeen-year-old young girl who resembled a Veeva and was fascinated for her life stood up and saluted gracefully, but the applause soon stopped, except for some that were fascinated by the other party and continued to applaud subconsciously Except for the boys, most of them continued to pay attention to the Goblet of Fire in front of Principal Dumbledore and the opponent.

Because the exciting time is coming!

Their Hogwarts Warriors are about to be selected, and the Triwizard Tournament, which was resumed for the first time in centuries, will officially begin soon. Many people are beginning to speculate about who will be the lucky one to be selected. ?

puff! !

As expected, the Goblet of Fire spit out... two small pieces of parchment? Of course, it is very likely that it is only one sheet, but maybe it was burned for too long and only came out at the end, so it was burned in two?

Anyway, the teachers and students who saw Dumbledore reach out to catch the two pieces of parchment thought that way. They didn't think too much, but once again concentrated and held their breath, wanting to hear them quickly. The principal pronounced that exciting name!


However, without knowing why, their Principal Dumbledore did not read the two pieces of parchment in his hand immediately, but raised his head in embarrassment and embarrassment. Look at the students in the auditorium?

‘? ? ’

‘Harry, what’s wrong with Professor Dumbledore? ’

'do not know……'

‘Hermione, what do you think? ’

‘Maybe it’s too badly burned. Professor Dumbledore can’t tell whose name it is? ’


‘That’s too bad...’

For a long time, when the Hogwarts students waited for a long time without hearing their principal utter the name, they finally began to behave like Harry, Ron and Hermione, whispering and a little malicious. Guessed.


Finally, some Dumbledore, who was struggling to get off the tiger, turned his head and glanced at the professors on the teacher seat behind him, as well as the two principals and the representative of the Ministry of Magic, Barty Crouch, before he had to bite the bullet and read:

"The warriors of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, they are—"

"Hermione Granger and... Harry Potter?!"

Obviously, even Professor Dumbledore was a little surprised by these two final lists, so when he read them out, he seemed a little lacking in confidence, and he still had a questioning tone?

Therefore, after looking up at the students who were dumbfounded under the dim light of the jack-o-lantern, he could only cast his innocent old eyes on the extinguished goblet of the flame of the cup It has been extinguished, and there is no parchment left in it, so he seems to have no choice now?

You know, before the next Triwizard Tournament begins, the ancient magic on it will never rekindle flames...


‘! ! ’

'what? How are they two? ’

‘How can there be two warriors? And still a fourth grade student? ’

‘Are we Hogwarts cheating? ’


‘It’s incredible! This is big international news! ! ’

'Ruined! We have a big event at Hogwarts this time. It must be a huge scandal! ’


‘Never mind that Granger, she is really amazing, many seniors in the seventh grade admire her, but what is Potter? ’

‘Yes! Yes! His grades are worse than mine...’


‘It shouldn’t be like that! ! ’

‘Someone must have cheated! ! ’

‘Is it impossible? But this is too messy...’

‘When did Potter and Granger sign up? ’

'I do not know……'

Soon, the entire auditorium became noisy with Dumbledore’s announcement... and then, two of the parties, namely, Hermione Granger and Harry Potter, can only be seen by you I, I see you dumbfounded by the pointing and watching of the classmates.


"Harry, Hermione, have you thrown your name in?"

Finally, a certain Ron, who was envious, jealous, and inexplicably shocked, subconsciously questioned his two friends, despite the mixed feelings in his heart.

‘! ! ’

'I do not have! ! ’

Harry shook his head in a hurry, his mind was blank now...

‘! ! ’

'I do not have either! I swear! ! ’

Hermione was very sure, she did not sign up!

Although, when she heard that her name was pronounced by the principal, she was also very excited, surprised, proud, and a little bit proud...but she is not a person who likes to show off. She is just a little proud at best, she will never say her name and throw it into the goblet of fire!


‘You two liars! ! ’

Finally, after seeing the performance of Harry and Hermione, Ron turned his head with a cold snorted face and a grimace.

He decided that he would never pay attention to these two people this semester!

Because these two guys even taunted him at noon and persuaded him not to sign up...

Can you see it now?

It's okay now, these two guys turned out to be the same before and the other behind?

It's really unforgivable...

These two hypocrites were really villains who knew not to let him sign up for Ron, but in private they secretly carried him behind their backs, and then they didn’t even know what methods were used to select Hogwarts together. Warriors, this is really outrageous!

The two of them, what do they think of him as Ron, let them tease the mocking clown? !

This this……

This is really disgusting!

In short, Ron felt that he was going to be blown up! He now only feels that the whole world is his enemy, even the best and most trustworthy friends who he originally thought were the best! !

This world, for Ron, is really full of malice...



While the students were arguing and arguing, Dumbledore in the professor's seat, the principals of the two schools, and representatives of the Ministry of Magic also began to have urgent consultations!

After all, is there really a little accident in the Triwizard Tournament? Therefore, it must be necessary to discuss out-of-the-box regulations, otherwise, the game does not need to go on.

"No way!"

"Why can Hogwarts have two players? It's not fair!!"

"I strongly protest and suggest: Either we will re-elect immediately, or we can directly cancel the quota of one of the warriors at Hogwarts!!"

"Or, we have to add another warrior!!"

Karkaroff, the headmaster of Durmstrand School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, roared angrily, and he almost pointed at Dumbledore's old face and abused him as shameless.


"I agree with Principal Karkaroff's suggestion!"

That Mrs. Maxim was also holding her arm and looking at this side coldly. Obviously, she was very dissatisfied and dissatisfied with Hogwarts's open cheating as the organizer! !

Besides, she was in a very bad mood now, because Hogwarts had lost one of their precious Pegasus? Although, Dumbledore promised to pay compensation, but the loss of a Pegasus was not something she was willing to bear.



"Yes! You canceled his name because he is too bad. Even if he can be selected, someone must have cheated!"

?? (??`▽????)╭??

Little Annie showed no face at all, and pointed directly at the Harry Potter who was being pointed at by others on the long table of Gryffindor in the distance.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


However, Dumbledore didn't talk, he just glared at a little girl.

Because as far as he knows, and if he didn't guess wrong, today's result must be inseparable from a little girl who is clamoring now! At least, he thinks Miss Granger's name was added by the other party?

However, now is not the time to pursue that kind of thing. Dumbledore intends to temporarily stop the anger of the two principals at Boothbarton and Durmstrang School of Witchcraft. It doesn't help, they have to negotiate a result as soon as possible.

"I'm sorry, I know, you won't believe it even if I say I don't know anything about it..."

"But, Principal Karkaroff, and Mrs. Maxim, you have to know...The magic of the Goblet of Fire is ancient and has contractual effects. Once the Warriors are selected, they must be contested, and they can no longer repent or flinch. ..."

"Otherwise, it will have extremely serious consequences!"

Dumbledore thought for a while, UU read www.uukanshu. Com decided to give up this old face. Anyway, the election was selected. Although part of it was beyond his expectations, what else can he do now?


"Think about it, your students are seventeen-year-old senior wizards, and ours at Hogwarts are two fourteen-year-old fourth-graders..."

"If that's the case, you shouldn't be too disadvantaged, right?"

While beckoning Barty Crouch of the Ministry of Magic to persuade the two, Dumbledore racked his brains to persuade the two principals in a way that might be acceptable to them.

In any case, as long as the contract of the Goblet of Fire is still in place, the Triwizard Tournament must go on. Otherwise, Dumbledore believes that the result of the breach of the contract caused by this is that everyone present, including the warriors, is unwilling. To bear it!



Karkaroff and Maxim obviously have a certain understanding of Goblet of Fire, after all, they are the heads of a school! Therefore, although I don’t know what despicable and shameless means a certain Dumbledore used to interfere with the Goblet of Fire selection, after knowing the importance of the matter, after looking at each other, they could only hum and hum together. Go too far.

Obviously, under the influence of some extremely ancient magic contracts, they had to compromise for their students...otherwise, what else could they do? Is it possible to take their students back directly and let the power of the Goblet of Fire contract cause unknown harm to the students?


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