Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 970: ?Blood Battle in Darrow County (2)?

   Clang! !

A sound of metal collision sounded, when the long sword that was still stained with some kind of dark brown blood was about to smash into the forehead of Hermione, who was phantom out of the dark shadow and was caught off guard, a huge one. Warhammer blocked it dangerously at a critical moment.

   Afterwards, the owner of the warhammer just pushed slightly, and successfully pushed the stunned Darrow County militiaman, who had no idea what was going on, back several steps.


   "Your alertness is very high, which is very good... But, you almost killed our Silver Hand with a single sword just now, the only witch girl who can take us Paladins to help Darrow County!"

With a soft snort, bursts of golden dazzling light began to emanate from his body. After he slapped the reckless militia with a hint of reproach and admiration, Uther turned to suddenly burst out of the vastness in his body The Holy Light, made myself look golden, as if the gods descended from the earth. This finally made the soldiers of Darrow County who were equally nervous and didn't know what happened to recover their spirits and put them away. The kind of strong hostility just now.

   They teleported and arrived here without notifying anyone in advance, so it is normal for them to be surrounded and attacked by the defenders of Dahlong County for the first time. However, Uther felt that when the Holy Light burst out at this time, he would definitely let the defenders in the melee know their identities.

   However, after he swept around the anxious battlefield, he felt that what he did was not enough. Should he still have to do more?

   "I am Uther! Uther Lightbringer!"

   "We are blessed by the Holy Light, and the Holy Light shines on us!"

   "Knights of the Silver Hand, warriors of Darrowshire, join me in attacking! Destroy the evil undead!!!"

I took a look around and saw the precarious front line under the attack of the undead. Then I saw that the twenty Paladins that I had brought had let go of the hands that were just holding each other. The kind of teleportation felt as if the extreme discomfort squeezed from a tiny gap was recovered, Uther held up his warhammer again, causing bursts of warhammer to burst out from above. The golden light gave himself, his surroundings, and all the soldiers on the front line a blessing of strength and dispelled the wandering fear in their hearts. After increasing their boundless courage, they took the lead with the nineteen saints who came with him. The knights and the Darrow County reserve militia who were excited around rushed toward the front line!

Because Uther saw that, in front, there were a lot of Lordaeron’s Legionnaires, Paladins, Joseph Redpath and David Croft and their group were fighting the undead with a thin line. And they are struggling to support... Therefore, they have to go over to support them quickly.

'who is it? ! ’

  ‘The reinforcements really came, where did they come from? ’

  ‘Yes, it’s the Light Messenger! ? ’

'Great! Lord Uther is here, and we are saved! ! ’

  ‘Offense! ’

  ‘Come on! ! ’

  ‘For Lordaeron! Kill! ! ! ’

  ‘For the Kingdom of Lordaeron! ’

Although, including Uther Lightbringer himself, there were only 20 paladins of the Silver Hand who came to help this time, but the name "Uther Lightbringer" was for the defenders of Dahlone County. For those soldiers, militias, and the Paladins who had been here desperately defending and resisting the undead, the role and symbolic meaning of the leader's name must be unmatched.

and so,

When the soldiers saw that although it was a bit old, it was like a mighty prairie lion, exuding the holy light that made the undead scream and fear, wielding a huge war hammer that also shone with holy light, I rushed to the camp of the undead first, and knocked out several ghouls with a single hammer. A single "Crusade Strike" could smash a huge terrible suture monster into a meatloaf, and another Holy Storm would completely empty it. After leaving a large area before, and at the same time, the undead who stepped on the "dedication" light burning all around fled, the defenders finally cheered and followed the newcomer with great morale. The ten Paladins bravely rushed toward the front together!


  噗! !

Uther, who went into battle, didn’t care about what the soldiers behind and around him thought. First, he used a golden warhammer that fell from the sky to stun a suture monster in the way, and then rushed in three or two steps. He passed over, then roared, and with a hammer, he stunned the disgusting head and smashed it into the other's sad and disgusting body...

Then, without waiting for it to fall, he directly and quickly stepped on the consecration to burn the surrounding undead, and at the same time, he boldly moved forward and continued in the chaotic battlefield between the defenders and the undead army in Dahlong County. Charged forward indefinitely.

Because he saw: ahead, another high-ranking general of the Knights of the Silver Hand, that Davy Crowford is talking to an unusually large and sturdy body, about the height of almost two fighters, and the movement is still The extremely fast and vigorous ghouls are fighting hard, and the form seems a bit precarious?

   Therefore, his speed must be even faster, so he ran over to support the opponent!



At this time, Hermione Granger from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry still stayed behind in a daze, because she was almost hacked to death by her own people just now, so she is still a little dazed and needs more Take a moment.

Before thinking about it, she had just led the'Apparition', and she had just appeared here in Dahlong County. She had no time to use any other defense methods, and she was a little dizzy due to the long-distance teleportation. If the Lord Uther helped to block him, maybe he would be cut through by the simple and honest uncle who was holding a wooden shield and an iron sword just now, right?

   So, now she really needs to slow down...

Especially in this kind of chaos, there are shouting and killing sounds everywhere, arrows, short spears and rocks flying everywhere, flames everywhere, and soldiers and undead fighting in melee, blood and severed limbs. Locally, she needs to slow down even more.

   ‘Kill~! ’

After seeing the reinforcements coming, a defender of Dahlone County was extremely brave. After slashing a ghoul that had rushed into the defense line to the ground, he still yelled and kept facing each other. Waving the sharp sword in his hand, it seems that he would never stop without cutting the opponent into a ball of completely immobile rotten meat?

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Over there, stop them! ! ’

A group of fairly agile skeletons are crawling in through the sharp-horned gaps made of huge logs. However, they just stood up when they were hit hard with shields by several Lordaeron soldiers. In the past, after squeezing them to the refusal horse, without waiting for them to struggle, a long sword protruded from the back of those iron shields, and soon the skull heads emitting green soul light Cut to pieces...

  'Ah~! ’

  'Help~! ! ’

Suddenly, just as Hermione looked at the chaotic and terrifying large-scale battlefield around her with a little bewilderment, she didn't know if she wanted to do something or should do something first, on the other side, in Dalong. The town entrance was only thirty to fifty meters away from the battlefield. In that house, there was a panic-stricken exclamation.

It turned out that, I don’t know when, a lonely ghoul climbed to the top of the house and was climbing along the wood-stone structure wall and was still tearing the window. It seemed that it was going to break the window from there. Enter, attack the residents of Dalong County in the house and enjoy the delicious meat inside?

   And the scream just now was the sound made by the women and children in the house after they saw the terrible ghoul!

  ’! ? ’

'not good! There is a ghoul there! ! ’

  ‘Damn it! ’

  ‘Quick! Come with me! ! ’

It was not only Hermione who heard the screams. Many of the Dahlone County Reserve Militia and the heavily armored soldiers of Lordaeron who were still staying here to take precautions when they saw this, began to greet them, and then several A soldier and a militia armed with a long spear turned and ran towards the other side.


   Yugadim Leviosa!

Seeing that ghoul was about to break through the window, and seeing the soldiers speeding up and running past, but still a little overwhelming, Hermione finally didn't care about going up and thinking about it, and went straight to a Levitation Curse. He struck at the ghoul, and after hitting and controlling the opponent in an instant, he flicked his wand, so that the opponent could only grasp the broken window wood in vain and moved in mid-air and began to be there. Furiously and helplessly twisting and struggling...

"go with!!"

   When Hermione waved her magic wand once again, she slammed the opponent violently toward the distance, toward the pile of undead outside the logs!



Then, when the ghoul smashed several skeletons and smashed its neck into a twisted shape at the moment it fell to the ground, it could only continue to twist, flutter and struggle on the dirty ground. , But he couldn't successfully control its rotting body and stand up again.

'what? ! ’

  ’Yes, that witch? ’

'Great! ’

  ‘Quick! Let's check it over there! Go over there...’

The soldiers who had just rushed over and had no time to rush into the house to help stopped one after another, and then, after looking back at them, they knew who helped them, and soon they were ordered by an officer again. Next, he returned to his original post and checked elsewhere.


"that is……"

  ‘All petrochemicals! ! ’

Ignoring what the soldiers thought, I turned my head and found that there was a terrible one not far away. It seemed that countless pieces of rotten meat were stitched together, and a pile of twisted and disgusting insides flowed from the belly. The abomination exuding the stench and the terrible green poisonous mist was about to cross the horse, and before he was about to forcibly climb in, Hermione struck another petrification curse, making the other's fat and abominable body instantly stiff. To the top.

   Then, it was quickly and easily shot with a spear by a group of soldiers who rushed forward, and the same ferocious head was stabbed into a tattered sphere...


Looking around, Hermione felt that it would not be a good idea to rush to the front to help. After pondering for a while, she quickly chose the tall wooden watchtower in front as herself. Point of attack.

   Because she found that it was high enough, the field of vision was wide enough, and it was relatively safe, at least it would not be attacked by enemies in chaos?


   After thinking about it, she directly waved her magic wand, causing herself to instantly turn into a black smoke and disappear on the ground on the front line of Darrow County...


After seeing the warrior of Hogwarts, seeing that "Miss Know-it-all" Hermione Granger was saved from being hacked to death and began to fight fiercely in that Darrowshire, Hog The teachers and students in the Great Hall of Watts Castle, after exclaiming and discussing, became quiet again and began to watch the movie seriously and attentively.

   "Principal Dumbledore, your little girl at Hogwarts is really amazing. She is now better than many adult wizards, right?"

   "Is she really only fourth grade?"

Looking at the picture on the screen, Ludo Bagman, the director of the Sports Department of the Ministry of Magic, was amazed, and he seemed to have made up his mind. Based on the performance of the opponent, he waited until the second project ended. He must give the girl with excellent performance a full mark!

Of course, Harry Potter and Fleur Delacour, who are still following the knights of the Knights of the Silver Hand, performed very well, but compared with the performance of Miss Granger, A little bit inferior.

   "Oh! Of course, she is indeed only fourth grade now, because she is only fourteen years old. I believe you can see this too."

Dumbledore answered indifferently, because he just wanted to appreciate the battle that took place in Darrowshire and the performance of his student Hermione Granger. At this time, he was not with the next one. The hapless gambler Ludo Bagman was talking.


"Principal Dumbledore, I don’t understand. Is the teaching progress at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry so fast now? I’m afraid you have also discovered that many of the spells that Miss Granger mastered are only senior Or it can only be mastered by adult wizards... Isn’t it a bit bad for Hogwarts to let fourth-grade students learn those dangerous spells?"

   "Of course, I didn't mean anything else, nor did I interfere with teaching at Hogwarts. I was just curious to ask, really!"

   Seeing that Dumbledore turned his head somewhat displeased, Ludo Bagman hurriedly waved his hands to explain.

After all, although he was invited to participate and serve as a judge in the Triwizard Tournament, he also knew that his Ludo Bagman, the Director of the Sports Department of the Ministry of Magic, was in front of Dumbledore, regardless of his status or other aspects. , There must be no way to compare.

   "It's actually very simple, Mr. Bagman, you know, we at Hogwarts have no reason to refuse a hardworking student from the library to learn more spells and beyond grade knowledge."

   "Every year, there are always some talented children who are different from ordinary students, and it happens that our warrior is one of them."

Although the other party looked suspiciously, in general, Dumbledore must be proud to be the principal of this kind of thing, so he glanced at the screen above for fear. Missing the exciting part, he smiled cheerfully to the judge from the Ministry of Magic.

   "Not necessarily?"

   "Mr. Principal Dumbledore, I am very skeptical. Did you train that Miss Granger specially for the Triwizard Tournament?"

Hearing the conversation between the two of them, Mrs. Maxim interjected in a weird manner, because she now discovered that the gap between the warriors of their Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and that Granger was really getting further and further. , Whether it is a spell or actual combat, the gap has gradually manifested.

  Although, Furong has made great progress, but it is foreseeable that after everything is over, Furong's score will definitely not be able to compare with that Granger. This makes her feel annoyed every time she thinks about it.

   "Merlin can testify!"

   "Mrs. Maxim, we at Hogwarts never specially trained any student because of the Triwizard Tournament. I can assure you that we will never do that kind of thing!"

Dumbledore directly raised one of his palms to bet the curse, and then, he saw that Hermione flew to the top of the arrow tower with a beautiful Apparition, and began to use spells there to help guard The army beat the undead around the arrow towers and saw that the defenders gradually recovered their disadvantages and hoped to win, he couldn't help but learn to cheer and applaud like the students.

Although Dumbledore also felt that other people were fighting life and death on the battlefield, it was not good for them to watch the fun here, but fortunately, other than him and a little girl, other people Don't know, do you?

   After thinking about it, he slanted his eyes and glanced at the little girl next to him, only to find that the other person was only watching intently and didn't care about their conversation, before turning his head back.

   "Ha ha ha..."

   "Dumbledore, you are too cunning, I won't be fooled by you!"

   The tall and fat Mrs. Maxim laughed directly, then waved her hand, turned her head to look at the three screens, and didn't plan to continue to talk more with an old cunning man.


When she saw the other two screens, their warrior Fleur was still following the Potter in the carriage and saying'whisper', and still following the cavalry team so leisurely, she couldn't bear it. Lived with a sigh.

   Because she seems to have been able to see in advance that this time the Triwizard Tournament, their school will not only lose the game, but even everyone else? This is true, what should she say to that girl?

   "Principal Dumbledore, it looks weird like this, or, shall we make a bet?"

At this moment, Ludo Bagman's tall, round blue eyes of a gambler with short hair turned a little, and he approached Dumbledore and began to talk to him. A little something.



   Principal Karkaroff with a cold face did not participate in the conversation between Dumbledore and others.

  Because, Krum of their Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had been eliminated early. He now has no other thoughts other than watching and waiting for the long second project to end.



   "You guys, can you be quiet?"


   Finally, Little Annie, who was seeing the wonderful part, couldn't help it. She slanted her eyes and pointed at some old and undecent face with a smelly expression, knowing that the noisy guys on the side warned.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Professor Annie, I heard that you are very rich, how about it, do you want to participate in our little game? ’


   Seeing the little girl's expression, Ludo Bagman didn't mind at all, but Jin Jialong, who was still shaking a bag, tempted a little girl professor. Obviously, he must have invited many people to join his ‘mini game’ in a short period of time.



  Anni suddenly felt that these guys just sit and talk and don’t have waist pain. They must be panicking! Look, now she actually uses the competition she finally came up with as a way to play their hate game?


Just take a look, if the opportunity is right, she must throw them all inside, let them fight with the undead, and see how much they are capable of, or if they can be like this. You keep that kind of joking attitude?


  (● ̄(?) ̄●)


Unlike some professors and bad old men who are still thinking about playing with other people’s life and death scenes and are not too big of a problem, in front of the fortifications of Dahlone County, the Paladins of the Silver Hand and the militia of Dahlone County and A small number of Lordaeron garrisons have already begun counterattacks, and successfully suppressed those undead forces that were about to break through their defense.

However, the overall battlefield situation is still anxious, even if the human side has the upper hand, but for those who have no fear, morale, and fear of death, or the undead who have already died once, The battle will definitely not end easily before they are completely beaten down to the ground...

  ‘Except your weapon! ’

A strong, undead zombie holding a ferocious and blood-filled mace in one hand successfully smashed a Lordaeron sword and shield soldier, and is ready to make persistent efforts to smash the opponent's head protected behind the iron helmet Bian's strong zombie, suddenly, it was surprised to find:

   It had just been able to handle the weapon I was holding, but suddenly it let it go without knowing why, and then it flew out high, no trace? That kind of strange thing made it stop unconsciously, and then used it to be controlled all the time, with only a few instincts left, but not too much autonomous consciousness, head looking towards its empty right hand.

  噗! !

However, its rotten head must have no chance to think about what happened. Soon, the Lordaeron sword and shield soldier who was overthrown by it just used it before he could get up. With a fierce stabbing of the long sword in his hand, he directly pierced its head full of rotten flesh and maggots, and used the long sword soaked in holy water to completely disperse the green soul fire in its sunken eye sockets.

  ‘Fall to pieces! ! ’

The large size hatred of soldiers and paladins who had slashed and wounded a lot with the bone cleaver and chain hook in his hand, when he rushed to the side of the arrow tower like a man’s land, he finally ate solidly. A "split into pieces" spell, and then, under the control of a certain witch, it was horrified to find that the special stitches that sewed and fixed various parts of its body had fallen off by itself?


Naturally, even if it throws away the terrifying weapon in its hand for the first time in a panic, and wants to cover all parts of its body with its thick and powerful hand, it can only be in the sorrowful wailing. Looking at the pieces of meat and squirming intestines and so on in vain, just dropped to the ground?

   Then, it doesn’t know anything...

Because, a hateful paladin took the opportunity to ride his horse and rushed over. Under the horseshoe galloping, its head that had lost its body did not last long, and was soon trampled by the horseshoe into a messy ball. paste.

  ‘Flaming flames! ! ’

   Immediately afterwards, on the arrow tower at the forefront of the battle line, another fiery snake whizzed and burned towards the undead team in front...


However, a cry of exclamation sounded, and then Hermione reluctantly discovered that, without a fuel-supporting material, her fire curse was not only to ignite the rags or leather armor on the zombies, ghouls, or skeletons, etc. In addition to causing a lot of trouble to the defenders, it seems that there is not much effect?

   There was no way, she felt that it was not a good choice to set fire directly in this kind of battlefield, so she quickly stopped the blazing fire curse that wasted mana and had little effect. After all, this is not like the Firestone farm at the beginning, there are countless haystacks, farmland, houses, etc. for them to burn and encourage the fire!

At this time, Uther, who can be said to be the first batch of old paladins in the entire Azeroth world, finally rushed to the side of the paladin Davy Crowford, and knocked back the huge one with one hammer. The ghoul stopped Davy's **** fighting style with the opponent.


  ‘Uther, are you here? ’

Davy Croft actually knew that Uther and the others had appeared in Darrowshire, but they had been fighting with the terrible ghoul in front of him from the very beginning. Can't spare the time and opportunity to greet each other.

'Well! ’

  ‘Davi, you first step back and have a good rest, and let my hammer of justice compete with it! ’

Uther, who didn't look at Davy's injury, and didn't have time to look at, used his muddy eyes to keep a close eye on the one in front of him after being repelled by him. A ghoul who leaned over his huge body with unexplained growls in his throat.

  ‘Be careful, it’s amazing! ’

   David Croford didn't say much, he just nodded, and only after a sword smashed a skeleton that rushed towards him and flared his claws, he reminded Uther.

He had tried his best just now, although he was confident of defeating that terrible guy, but the other party also caused a lot of injuries on his body just now. Those scars pierced his thick plate armor, and cut in divinely. Inside his body... Therefore, he must stop for a while and use the Holy Light to treat and expel those plague toxins.

'come! The evil of the undead! ’

  ‘Come and taste the inexhaustible power given to me by the Holy Light! For the Kingdom of Lordaeron! ! ’

While the opponent leaped towards him, Uther directly put on himself a layer of'Holy Shield Technique' composed of three-sided golden sacred shields, and then swiped towards his head regardless of the opponent. With his claws, he directly swung the golden light of the warhammer in his hand, fiercely from bottom to top, and slammed toward the opponent's chest and abdomen.

   Holy Shield: Make yourself or the target friendly unit invincible and increase its movement speed by 20% for 3 seconds!

   That's right, Uther is just brazenly driving Invincible to fight the enemy. During the three-second period of the Divine Shield, every time he hits the opponent, he earned it!


   The huge and terrifying ghoul claws took a step ahead of Uther and grabbed his head fiercely! However, it was unfortunately blocked by the golden shield of the Holy Shield, and the sharp and hideous long claws were directly talked about.

  嘭! !

   In the next moment, the hammer of justice filled with holy light hit the ghoul's chest and abdomen fiercely, causing its subconsciously open and wailing mouth to burst out with a hint of golden light...

  'Roar~! ! ’

The ghoul roared, it hated the golden light, hated the golden things that burned it all the time, so, mercilessly, its other paw was slanted from top to bottom toward its eyes. The terrible old man waved over, vowing to make the opponent like those Lordaeron generals that he had killed, with one claw and two points?

  锵! !

   However, it was surprising that its invincible claws, the green claws that could easily break the shield and cut into the armor, were bounced away again?

  咚! !

   A muffled sound!

After smashing its chest, the warhammer lifted up high, and then followed the trend, hitting its shoulder directly, and instantly smashed its shoulder, which was obviously not good... …


   With a sob, the unconvinced ghoul simply opened its huge mouth, and bit down the head of the old man who had repeatedly caused it in front of him!


   After breaking a few teeth, it had to admit that there seemed to be weirdness on the opponent, so that it would always be blocked before killing the opponent?

However, it has no time to think about it, because when its mouth and the teeth that drove the mouth were just broken, the opponent’s nasty warhammer hit its jaw once again. While letting it shut its mouth instantly, it should also fly out directly due to the huge strength of the other party and smashed into a group of zombie skeletons...

'Humph! ’

Uther defeated the opponent with three strokes, and then, he did not rush over. It should be that the time for his Holy Shield technique has come. The golden shields surrounding him are gradually dissipating, and more undead It also stood in front of him, and he must not dare to rush forward casually.

   After all, even if he is as powerful as Uther, he must be afraid that a skeleton or zombie without eyes would stabb him in the melee.


After being smashed three times by Uther’s sledgehammer, the holy light in his body began to burst and crazily destroy the body. The ghoul finally couldn’t help it, so it got up in a panic and screamed , Just turned around and fled.

   That's right, it's scared!

Because it is different from the zombie skeletons who have no autonomous consciousness and are still controlled. It has its own more independent soul. Therefore, it does not mind at all when it is severely injured and knows it cannot be beaten. Ran…..

Originally, just now, it looked like it was about to defeat the Paladin who had fought it for a long time, and caused a lot of injuries to the opponent, and it was about to tear off the opponent's head... But who ever thought, it turned out again Here comes a stronger old guy? !

   Therefore, it is different from the ordinary undead who are controlled like walking corpses and have no autonomous consciousness. Now, after knowing that they are afraid, they decisively choose to escape. As for the necromancers, it can no longer care about those guys.


"That is……"

   Standing on the watch tower, Hermione, who has been condescendingly attacking the undead and watching the situation of the ‘fighting general’ in the distance, obviously also saw that unusual large ghoul!

It’s just that because the distance is a little far away, some whips are too long to help her with spells. At this moment, seeing the other party is about to run, she is anxious and resolutely activates the magic book in her hand, making it burn in her A string of flames lit up in the palm of my hand...

Among the ghouls Hermione encountered during this time, that one was obviously the biggest and gave her the most different feeling. Therefore, she felt that she could not easily let the other person leave anyway, so she decided to use herself. The killer!

  ‘Fire of Fracture! ’

Holding the book in the palm of her hand, after feeling its power and the magic it blessed for herself, Hermione waved her hand, and a fireball eye as big as a water tank suddenly appeared above her head. At the same time of the billowing heat and red light, as she quickly pointed in the direction of the escaped giant ghoul, it quickly flew out!



   boom~! !

A violent explosion and an expanding flame mushroom cloud followed, and then a large swath of undead over there was instantly submerged in the terrifying flames of the bursting and fragmented fire, and was instantly emptied. Blockbuster!


   It's a pity: The cunning giant ghoul, the opponent's movements unexpectedly agile, unexpectedly avoided dangerously at a critical moment, just carrying a back of the flame, still fleeing madly outside?

Fortunately, although it rushed all the way arbitrarily, the clumsy zombies and skeletons under it obviously blocked a lot of its speed, so that it could only stumble and run at a speed that was not too fast. And gave Hermione time to make up for it.

   "Want to run?!"

No way, seeing that the'fragmenting fire' turned out to be invalid, Hermione, who was angry from her heart to the guts, resolutely activated the last two fragmentation fires left in the magic book at the same time. When the magical fire ignited again in her surroundings, and two huge fireballs took shape in an instant, she was once again led by the huge ghoul who was fleeing frantically in the distance, one after another. Smashed past.


   boom~! Boom~! !

With two loud noises and two large groups of fires blazing, while the undead within dozens of yards around the area were instantly emptied, the huge ghoul was finally hit by the head and burst into a burst. In the fire, and never see it come out again...

  ’! ! ’

  ‘She, she killed the Ghoul King? ’

'Great! Horgus the Marauder was killed! ! ’

  ‘Victory! ! ’

  ’Long live Lordaeron! ! ’

Soon, when the leader was killed, when the undead began to be confused, when the necromancers saw a bad situation and quickly began to retreat on a large scale, the soldiers of Darrow County who knew what had happened, After continuing the **** battle and chasing the sporadic undead, they began to cheer loudly at the witch at the top of the arrow tower and at the unconscious unconscious souls who fled under the influence of the Holy Light.

   "Very good!"

   "Granger Witch, good job!"

   "Quickly, come here a few more times, and burn them all! Kill them and these evil existences without leaving them!!"

   Seeing that the ghoul was killed, and seeing a cloud of smoke bursting around him, and then the witch teleported down, Uther hurriedly urged the other side.

   He felt that as long as this witch came a dozen more times to completely disperse the undead, they could organize the soldiers to take advantage of the victory and chase and sweep the battlefield...

   "I'm sorry, Lord Uther, the Fire of Fracture is gone!"

However, Hermione did not start to cast the terrible fireball spell as the other party said. It was just a wand, even if one was chopped in half, it would be a zombie who would never give up and'scream' at her. After being blown to pieces, he cast a blank look at a certain Paladin next to him.


   "What does it mean to be gone? Is it because you run out of magic power, just three times, so fast?!"

  Uther was a little unbelievable. He felt that the magic power of this witch was too bad. There were three powerful spells in total. Although the effect was extraordinary, they were too few, right?

   "There is still magic power!"

   "But that kind of shattering fire is gone! It is a constant enchantment on the magic book that my teacher gifted me. It can only restore one amount a day, and the three just saved have all been used up!!!"

   Hermione said that although she would like to continue using it, where is there such a cheap thing in the world?

  If the ‘Fragmented Fire’ just now can be used indefinitely, there is no need for reinforcements from the Paladins. She can wipe out the army of the undead by running alone! But it is a pity that the recovery speed of that kind of enchantment is very slow. There is only one recovery amount a day, and there is really no recovery after playing!

  Although there is that powerful defensive spell ‘lava shield’ in the magic book, the magic power consumed by that shield is a bit too scary, she dare not use it casually when it is not necessary.

   "It turned out to be like this..."

After understanding the whole story, looking at the magic book still burning in the opponent's hand, Uther turned his head and stared at those in the distance due to the killing of the leader monster and the counterattack of Darrow County. The undead army, who had to flee in embarrassment, nodded regretfully, temporarily extinguishing the intention of leaving the defensive fortifications in Dahlong County and rushing out to pursue it.

   Now, Uther finally understands the origin of the conflict between the Granger witch and the goblin messenger Rosa.

However, he is not good to comment too much on this little girl using the magic book to deceive a goblin merchant. Although it was for a reason, it was to save people... But that approach is always with them Paladins The eight codes of conduct and ethics are seriously inconsistent!

Because, for the Paladins who adhere to the virtues of'justice, humility, honor, sacrifice, bravery, compassion, spirit, honesty', etc., there has never been greed in their world, and they have never spied on others. They always only use the proper way to demand what they need and necessary, nothing more.


   "Fortunately you came to support, otherwise, we here in Dahlone County may be dangerous! By the way, what about our other Paladins in the Silver Hand? Why do I only see you a total of a dozen people?"

   At this time, the man who had fought with the ghoul king Horgus for a long time, now covered in scars, David Croford walked over and asked curiously.

"We also relied on the Hermione Granger wizard to use teleportation spells to rush to support. The cavalry is still on the way. They estimate that there will be a day or two before they and the infantry regiment is still there. To the west of Andorhal, they need to defend against the direction of the King City of Lordaeron."

   "Why, Davy, we won today. Justice will definitely defeat evil. Is there any problem with this?"

Uther didn't think that the few people here would be afraid of the undead. It was just like that. Although their defenders here in Dahlone were far inferior to the evil undead, they managed to defeat each other in the end. He also killed their leader, so he felt that this was quite good. I believe that within a short time, the undead would definitely not dare to come again.

   And two days later, when their silver-handed paladins arrive, no amount of undead will be enough for their knights to charge.


   "Please believe me, they are more terrifying than you think! What you see is only a small part of their strength!!!"

   After an unexpected glance at the witch, Davy Crowford sighed helplessly at Uther. Because, he didn't know, before the arrival of the reinforcements, whether they could hold on here in Dahlone County, even if they wanted Uther Lightbringer to preside over the situation here!

During this period of time, they repelled the attack of the undead more than once, but as a result, more undead came, and if it weren't for they accidentally encountered the greedy goblin Rosa and used a lot of money to hire each other to help out to seek reinforcements. If it is, I am afraid that they would have been blocked in Darrow County where the news is blocked.


  ?(,?﹏?)?? Ask for a ticket??(?﹏?,)?


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