Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 971: ?? Die! Stupid bugs! ?

The soldiers and civilians of Dahlone County did not last long with the arrival of the Lightbringer and the joy of victory, because the situation quickly took a turn for the worse. By the time the night came, the situation was already going to be so bad that it was even the hands of silver. Uther himself felt a little desperate...

According to the information provided by the scouts in Darrow County and the two sneaking thieves mercenaries under the goblin: In just one afternoon, the undead began to gather outside Darrow County again, and their numbers are very likely. It has surpassed more than 10,000, and is approaching 20,000...In short, their number is terrifying.

And according to intelligence, they also have a large number of meat grinders, ghouls, haters, and those acolytes and necromancers who curse the cult with evil spells. Of course, it is said that there are a lot of them that can follow The death knight against which the most powerful Paladins!

Obviously, the repeated defeats of Darrow County and the previous fiasco seem to have made the undead be determined to take down this difficult small bone of Darrow County, even if the geographical location of Darrow County is actually not. Is it not too important and the population is not too large?

Faced with more and more enemies that are still being assembled, the population of only a thousand people in Dahlone County is composed of a small number of Paladins, part of Lordaeron's sword and shield infantry, Dahlone County militia, and a large number of armed farmers. The miscellaneous defenders of, they must be unable to defend, even if they have once again recruited those strong young men from the refugees of Lordaeron who fled to Long County and armed them and incorporated them into the defense. After the army, the number once reached more than two thousand people is the same!

Some people even can’t help thinking: When the 1,000 most elite Silver Hand Paladins arrive, I’m afraid it’s only possible to defeat the opponent or confront each other at best, wanting to wipe out the undead and end Dalong completely. The terrible situation of the county being besieged should still be a bit difficult.

  ‘Have been found out! ’

"After the predator Hogus was burned to death, after the undead were defeated, it should be the death knight, death knight Mashak controlling the undead, the paladin we went to scout recognized that terrible guy, he would have a lot of darkness Evil spells, and a terrifying rune sword, I am afraid that apart from you, Uther, no one of us is its opponent!'

  ‘They are now gathering in this place, and their forces are increasing. According to the current situation, they are likely to launch an attack tomorrow morning, or at noon at the latest! ’

  ‘The time left for us is running out...’

In a makeshift shed on the front line of Darrowshire, the Paladin Davy Crowford is explaining to Uther, Captain Joseph Redpath, and other Paladins and a witch who are meeting here. The terrible situation they are currently facing in Dahlone County.

Although it’s getting dark now, none of them, who were born and raised in Dahlone County, have the same idea as those militiamen who intend to hurry home and reunite with their families for a while, but are still here. I rack my brains to lay out the defense lines and think about countermeasures.

  ‘If we can get rid of it, it will be very beneficial to us! However, it is a pity that it is very cunning and has been hiding under the protection of the undead. It must have heard about Horgus, so it has taken precautions in advance! ’

   Having said this, Joseph Redpath could only shook his head helplessly. Obviously, he must not think of any effective way now.

  ‘Everyone! ’

'Look, here is easy to defend and difficult to attack. We can actually deploy a new line of defense here urgently. It only takes half a night to complete, and then the soldiers can take turns to rest for half a night, which should be able to stop. The attacking speed of the undead bought a lot of time for the arrival of reinforcements. ’

   At this time, a Paladin officer of the Silver Hand stepped forward and said to an intersection on the sand table of advice.

It is an intersection with cliffs on both sides. Although it is not too high, it is still very beneficial to the defending party. If you can build a few arrow towers on both sides, it would be even better. But now, the time is urgent. Obstacles should also be a good choice?

   So, after he finished speaking, he looked at their Uther with expectant eyes, hoping to get the other's approval.

   "You can try!"

  Uther nodded. He felt that adding a line of defense was not a bad thing. He recognized the idea, but he quickly looked at the witch Hermione Granger again. Obviously, he seemed to have other ideas?

   "Wizard Hermione, can you still use that powerful fire magic? Even if there is only one shot, maybe we have a little chance to kill the evil knight at a distance!"

   Unsurprisingly, Uther struck up the idea of ​​the little witch in front of him again, thinking that the terrible flame magic that the other party poured out today might be the key to defeating or repelling the undead? You know, he saw it. As long as it hits, even that powerful ghoul will be burnt to ashes in an instant. It must be a death knight and it shouldn't be a big problem.


"No way! Lord Uther, didn’t I tell you? The'fragmented fire' has been used up by me, that is not my spell, it is my teacher’s constant enchantment on the magic book, today There are only three shots left. It was time to deal with the terrible ghoul before. It will automatically recover one after noon tomorrow..."

Although Hermione wanted to help these Paladins, and also wanted to help them protect this Dahlone County, but now she really has no good way, because the'Fire of Fracture' is indeed gone. And those curses of her own, I am afraid that she can only hide behind and get rid of the black hand, definitely can't expect too much.


Uther did not speak immediately, because he was indeed lost now. Although he is a'bringer of light', what he can do in this kind of large-scale battle with few enemies. It is indeed extremely limited.

  ‘When will our reinforcements arrive? ’

  ‘The earliest is almost noon the day after tomorrow! ’

  ‘The goblin Rosa said, there are too many undead on their way forward, and their speed has been seriously delayed! ’

  ‘They are basically fighting while advancing. Those evil undead must have known their intentions, so they have been harassing them! ’

  ‘Damn it! ’

  ‘The day after tomorrow? The day after tomorrow I’m afraid it’s too late...’


  ‘Can’t this witch continue to use that teleporting spell to bring our Paladins? ’

'Yes indeed! If it can be transmitted...’

   Hearing the officers' discussion, Uther did not speak either, but turned his head again to look at the young witch.

   "No way!"

   "The burden on me with twenty people for apparition is already heavy, and my magic can only go back and forth once at most!"

  Hermione didn't think that bringing twenty more people over would be of much use. It might as well leave it to her to cast other spells or fight it!


  ‘But, Wizard Hermione, is there really no more powerful spell in your magic book? ’

  At this time, Joseph Redpath, the captain of the Dahlone County militia, suddenly pointed to the magic book that Hermione had been holding in her hand, which was said to be very powerful.


   "What do you think magic is, can it be released by turning a book?"

Hermione rolled her eyes at the other party. Although there are indeed more powerful spells in the book, it is a pity that she can't release them, nor does she have the ability to cast them. After all, she is just a Hogwar. It's only a fourth-grade student in Ci, and really can't expect too much from her.

"Is not it?"

   Without waiting for Captain Joseph Redpath to say something, David Croford on the side joked like a joke.


   "When we Paladins need strength, we only need to pray to the Holy Light."

   Davy shrugged his shoulders. In fact, their Paladin did exactly that.

   For the Paladins, the more pious you are to the Holy Light and the stronger your faith, the more power you can gain! Of course, there are other relationships, such as: the physical quality must be high, the upper limit of the light that can be accommodated must also be large, etc...After all, although the light is good, once the amount is large, it will not harm the enemy. Or before it is used for other purposes, it is possible to hurt yourself first, and that is more than the gain!

   "Darlung County is really dangerous now, we probably won't be able to make it tomorrow night..."

   "So please, Miss Granger, your magical wizard, is there really no other way?"

   Joseph asked sincerely again.

  Anyway, now their Paladins are completely gone. Apart from guarding and fighting to kill the enemy, their only way is to wait for reinforcements! However, according to the description of the goblin, their reinforcements would not arrive until noon the day after tomorrow at least, because the undead on the way were constantly harassing, even the Paladins of the Silver Hand could not come too fast.

"Really do not have……"

   "Wait! There seems to be a way, you guys wait first, I want to see first..."

Suddenly, after thinking of something, Hermione slammed into something, and then asked the paladins who looked at her curiously and expectantly to wait before she quickly flipped through the magic book, and then Soon, she found the content she was looking for on a certain page based on her own excellent memory, and quickly browsed and confirmed it.


   "I think, I really seem to have another way, but I don't know whether we should use it..."

   Finally, after reading it, Hermione, who felt that there should be no problem, spread out her magic book and put it in front of the Paladins.

   It was a while ago, she accidentally found it when she accidentally flipped it shortly after school started. She didn't even know if it was originally there, or she missed it for various reasons when she flipped through it before?


  ‘What is this again? ’

  ‘Looks like some weird circle? Is it a powerful spell? ’

  ‘I can’t see what it is...’

  ‘That’s why I hate reading. The Holy Light is better. If you don’t understand, just pray! ’


   After watching for a while, the Paladins had a rare joy in suffering and burst into laughter.

   Obviously, the Paladins must not easily recognize that kind of weird stuff of wizards, let alone the weird symbols and formations drawn in a deep magic book?


   "Hermione, can you tell us something?"

After pondering for a while, Uther, who obviously couldn't understand, had to look at the little girl with questioning eyes. Because of the tight time now, he obviously didn't want to continue guessing, he just wanted to get the answer he wanted quickly. .

   "This is a note for summoning spells. It should be a pattern and rune hand-drawn by my teacher, and as mentioned above, it can summon an extremely powerful existence..."

   "So I think, we have no other way anyway, maybe we can try it first while we still have the opportunity?"


   But what Hermione didn't say, because she was still a little uncertain, after all, these were the notes of their Professor Anne. God knows what the other party will put into this magic book.

  ’! ! ’

'What are you waiting for? Hurry up and get ready? Useful but useless, after trying it, it is better than waiting to die! ’

  ‘Joseph is right! ’


  ‘I know, I’ve seen that wizards like Dalaran will summon water and earth elements. If Miss Granger can be sure that it is more powerful than that, just try it? ’

  ‘The Holy Light will protect us...’

   After listening to Hermione's description, the Paladins all roared, no matter what the other party wanted to summon.

After all, the situation is urgent now, and there may be a chance to try it. If you don’t try it, when the undead’s siege equipment is ready, when they rush in frantically, they may not be able to hold on to tomorrow evening, let alone The reinforcements at noon the day after tomorrow.

   So, no matter what the method is now, they, the first-generation Paladins who had turned from warriors, would definitely not be so pedantic.

   "Don't make trouble!"

   "Hermione, is it written on it, what is it to summon?"

  Uther stretched out his hand to stop the crowd's clamor, and after a while, he asked their witch cautiously.


   "Sorry, I don't know! Because it is not clearly written above, it only says how to successfully summon ‘it’..."

"I don’t know what it is, because it’s really not written on it. This magic book was originally my teacher’s notes, not mine! And it’s written on it. It can only be summoned in the material plane of Azeroth. , But what it is, I really don’t know..."

Before participating in the Triwizard Tournament and coming to the Kingdom of Lordaeron, Hermione didn’t even know what the world of Azeroth was. However, she now understood and finally knew that she wanted to try this summoning circle before. Why can't you find the strange raw materials?

   Because, it is not a summoning circle that can be used in Hogwarts at all, but it must be in the world of Azeroth!


   "The thing that was summoned, is it powerful?"

   frowned and moved closer to the book again. After reading it for a while, Uther, who couldn't see anything coming, confirmed it again.

"I do not know!"

   "In fact, every spell in this book is very powerful, but I don’t know any of them. This may be the only spell I can find!"

   "But it should be very powerful, because my teacher is not easy to summon things, even if she needs a magic circle to summon, it will definitely not be something simple.

  Hermione said honestly, if she knows some of the spells in this book and has enough magic power, where will the 10,000 or 20,000 undead outside be taken care of by her? For example, the kind of terrifying meteorite spells, one hit will be a piece, just ask those undead are afraid?

   But it's a pity that Hermione doesn't know those advanced things, she can only think about it...

"last question!"

   "After summoning it, are you sure you can control the thing that was summoned?"

Uther stared at the little wizard named Hermione Granger, because, as the leader of the Silver Knights and experienced two wars, he knew some spells better than anyone else. scary! Therefore, there are certain things he must ask clearly in advance.

"I think……"

"Should be ok?"

   Yes, in Hermione’s perception, the summoned objects must obey the order of the summoner. It shouldn’t be a big problem?

"you sure?"

   Apparently, Uther saw the fluke in the eyes of the little witch, so he repeated it again.


   "Your Excellency Uther, I'm not sure! Because there is also no way to control it. There are only summoning spells and formations and those runes that I don't understand too much..."

   "And now, I have no way to check with our teacher!"

   Hermione rolled her eyes somewhat innocently. Even though she wrote it down, she didn't specify anything. Perhaps only their Professor Anne could do it.

   "But it says: The effect of the summoning seems to be only five minutes, which is three hundred seconds? Hmm...It is probably the time when our heart beats hundreds of times when our hearts are calm?"

   Hermione scanned the description above again, and then nodded firmly.

   Then, she looked at the spell again. It was very short and the formation was very simple. The rune could be traced, and she was sure that she could memorize it accurately in one go!

However, she doesn’t know if the spell is related to the summoned object, but according to Hermione’s understanding, just as they have many spells related to Merlin, it shouldn’t be of much significance. .

   "Is that so?"

   "Well, you let me think about it first..."

   Uther felt that if the summoned object only lasts for five minutes, it might be worth his consideration?

   But Uther also knew that if instead of relying on the power of this witch, and instead relying on the Hand of Silver, Dahlone County would have no hope! Even the most elite paladins of the Silver Hand have learned the information and are rushing to support them, because even if the reinforcements are all cavalry, they will not be able to come here before noon the day after tomorrow!

   "Joseph, you go to arrange a place for Hermione to go to rest first, whether to summon that thing, I have to think about..."

  Uther still failed to make up his mind, especially when there were too many uncertain factors, so he had to discuss it with others.

   "Miss Granger!"

   "Please come with me, I will arrange a comfortable place for you..."

   Seeing that there is nothing wrong here, Captain Joseph did not refuse. He stood up and stretched out his hand, indicating that the witch who wanted to continue to say something would go with him to the town of Darrow County.


   "Oh huh~!"

  ? (′?`*)

   "It seems that there is no good show tonight. The battle should not start until tomorrow morning, but there seems to be class in the morning..."

  ? 乛? 幛?

Pretending to be inadvertent, after speaking in a tone that ensures that most of the students can hear, a certain messy little girl slanted her eyes and looked in the direction of the long student table. After going over, then, as expected, bursts of noise rang out.


  ’! ! ’

'How could this be? ’

  ‘Oh no! Merlin’s beard...’

  ‘Why don’t their undead attack now? ’

  ‘God, curse those undead! ’

  ‘Damn it! They are already cursed! ! ’


  ‘I hate class! ! ’

  ‘We are protesting and suggest that classes be closed for half a day tomorrow! ! ’

  ‘That’s right! We protest! ’

'To shut up! George and Fred, do you want to deduct points from Gryffindor? ! ’

Seeing that the warrior Hermione Granger on the screen had been taken by Captain Joseph to Darrowshire, and seeing Harry and Fleur on the other two screens still sitting in the carriage and optimizing Wandering on the road, I was sure that there might not be anything good to see tonight, and tomorrow morning, as a certain professor said, after the class, the students started to noisy.

However, their riots and protests were destined to be in vain, because the prefects and deans of the various colleges quickly "suppressed" them, leaving them all staring at them, even if they have a stomach of complaints. hair……



(Little master, this seems wrong. Didn’t you give the book to the Hermione first before going to the world of Azeroth? Why now, her book still says that summoning Azeroth What is the formation of Sibi?


  ——After pondering for a while, Tibbers, who felt that something was a bit wrong, directly asked his own horrible little master who was teasing the students. )



"Let me see……"


Thinking that it was also Little Annie, she stretched her hand directly into her pocket, reached into the bag with countless things and searched it, and then soon, she actually took out another copy of " "Super God Magic Book" exactly the same magic book?

   Then, after she turned to a certain page quickly, she quickly closed it again with a ‘pop’!



   "Maybe because after coming to this Hogwarts world again, that copy directly reproduced the extra content on it?"


   For such small things, Annie, who wants to understand the reason, actually doesn't care too much.

Because, that formation was indeed written when she entered the world of Azeroth for the first time, and she planned to find a chance to summon the big guy and find a chance to kill him... Then, something happened later. The formation was of no use to the matter, but how can I think that it was discovered by the hardworking Miss Hermione now?

   (It turned out to be such a thing, you actually gave her a fake copy?

  (● ̄(?) ̄●;)

  ——Tibbers nodded clearly, he basically understood the whole story, and finally knew the reason why the content in that book could not match the time logic. )

   "It's not a fake!"

  O(`^′)o hum!

"That's called re-engraving. Do you know about engraving? It's the synchronized real magic image. It can be said to be fake, but it can also be said to be true... Forget it, I won’t tell you, anyway, it’s magical. Xiongxiong, you definitely don’t understand, because you don’t know any magic, even the easiest and simplest!"


   Seeing that there is no good show to watch, she was going to go back to sleep, and then Annie, who hurried early tomorrow, didn't intend to explain more to a certain bad bear, because she knew that no matter how it was explained, it would be useless.



   (Respected little master, although the little one can't make magic, but the little one can eat people, set fire, and use fire to burn himself to play!!)

  ????? ← Super fierce!





   "You shut up! Tibbers!!"





   "Well, Professor Anne, can I ask first, what is the one Hermione wants to summon?!"

Seeing a little girl who seemed to stop watching the screen that hadn’t been her head anymore, but instead got into trouble with her little bear. It seemed that she wasn’t too busy, and felt a little irritated by Deng Bu. Lido finally couldn't help but ask.

   He felt that if Uther was not stupid, he would definitely agree to Hermione's call! And as the head of a school, it would be a good idea to know in advance what wonderful scene tomorrow will be from this little guy's mouth? Moreover, he believed that the other people around must also think so, otherwise, they would not look over here together.


  ∑(′△`)? !

   "You...want to know?!"


Seeing the face of that bad old man Dumbledore, and then looking at the faces of the principals and professors around them that looked like curious babies, Little Annie thought for a while, and then moved towards Dumbledore to blame the old man on the right. Asked quietly.

   "Of course I do!"

   Dumbledore said confidently, and looked at the other person expectantly. This kind of thing definitely does not need to be confirmed. Otherwise, what did he just ask this question for?

   And, if he can’t know in advance, he will be like those students in the tumultuous middle school, he will be itchy and unable to sleep all night, right? And the kind of thing in his heart that can't sleep well is really a painful torture for him, an old man.



   "I didn't tell you!!"




   After speaking, before waiting for the other person to say something, Xiao Annie got up and ran towards the hall of the auditorium! Anyway, there is no good show to watch right now, so she can go out for a walk first, and then go back to bed quickly, and try to get up a little earlier tomorrow?


  Ε=(′?`●))) alas


Dumbledore was a little anxious, but after thinking about it, he quickly made up his mind: that is, from now until noon tomorrow, he will be stationed here, and he will not go there, just doze in the auditorium. If he doesn't believe it, he won't see the result that makes him irritated!



When it was dark, there were a lot of professors and students in the Hogwarts Auditorium who could not take care of their meals, and since classes had not yet officially started, there was no one to chase away certain people who shouldn’t show up. The little guys here.

As some bad old man named Dumbledore thought, in the end, the Paladin Uther Lightbringer agreed to Hermione to summon the thing that didn’t know what it was, because they didn’t have anything better. The choice is to go to the hospital in a hurry and generally have to try everything.

   But, maybe it was a fluke, or maybe it was for other reasons?

Anyway, Uther finally did not directly ask Hermione to summon the'powerful presence', but set up a line of defense at an easy-to-defend and hard-to-attack place farther outside the intersection in Dahlone County, and then went inside. Even bigger, before that, a second line of defense was laid on the front line of the battlefield. When the first line of defense could not be supported, it was planned to retreat to the second line of defense, which is outside the gate of Dahlone County. Min went to summon the thing that didn't know existed?

   And if the first line of defense can hold on, of course they don't have to take the risk to summon the unknown existence. And if they can't hold it, what didn't say, after they retreated to the original line of defense, they immediately summoned the existence and handed it over to the undead!

   Now, this can only be done.

After all, if things are really bad that no one of them wants to see, then, no matter what they do, there will be no big difference, even if the summoned things will resist the undead. , Or whether they will be destroyed together.


   It is still early, the sky is still bright, and the undead have not formally attacked, so whether it is the Paladin who has already been on the front line or the wizard Hermione in the back, they still have a little time...


  What is happening on the front line, Hermione doesn't know, but, judging by the faint shouts from the front, the battle must begin soon, right?

Presumably, Hermione sighed and looked at the little girl who was following her **** with some doting eyes... She was Pamela, a cute little girl who was very much loved, with pink cheeks and light. Shallow dimples, blond hair jumping like a mischievous sunshine elf.

Her full name is Pamela Redpath, and she is the daughter of Joseph Redpath, the guard captain of County Dahlone, because when he was resting last night, Captain Redpath invited her to rest at his home. And arranged for her to sleep in the same room with the cute little girl in front of her, so she and the little guy in front of her are already friends.


   "Miss Hermione, can we really defeat the undead?"

   Followed Hermione to look at Pamela in the distance of the town of Darrowshire. After watching for a while, she finally couldn't help but asked timidly.

"of course!"

"Certainly possible!!"

   was taken aback, and after rubbing the magic book in her hand for a few times, Hermione nodded vigorously towards Pamela.


   "Dad and they will come back to see Pamela? Many uncles did not come back yesterday..."

As she talked, Pamela lowered her head sadly, because she saw that many of her children had been crying since last night, and she had also heard about it, that their father, who was Many of Pamela's uncles will never come back.

Just now, when it was still dark, she saw that many uncles lined up in a neat formation, holding long iron swords with shields, and following the paladin uncles to the intersection further outside the town. I don’t know what it is now, have you defeated those bad guys?

"Do not worry!"

"Your dad will come back, he will definitely come back again! They may be a little later... But, Pamela, my sister is here to assure you that after defeating the undead, all of them will definitely come back. ,for sure!!"

   "So, Pamela, you must be brave, okay?"

   Looking into the distance, Hermione's heart twitched slightly...

To be honest, she had never thought that war would be so cruel. This is nothing like the fairy tales that princes and warriors triumphantly triumph after defeating evil enemies... In a real war, every word, every sentence, every inch of land is filled with the blood of countless people, whether it is soldiers or innocent civilians!

Even the evil undead gathered outside, before they turned into that terrible and hateful existence, were they not the originally respected warriors, paladins, and innocent Lordaeron? What about the people?

and also!

If Dahlone County is lost today, if they can’t keep it here, I’m afraid that countless people here, including the lovely and smiling Pamela in front of them, will be slaughtered by those cruel and ruthless undeads. Right?

   After all, although Darrow County is easy to defend and difficult to attack, there is also no way out...

   There are undead in front, and mountains around and behind that are difficult to climb. On the left is Lake Dalongmir. With so many people, where can they retreat? You know, the beasts in the mountains are no better to deal with than the undead!

  Dalungmir Lake, let alone. According to intelligence, Keldaron Island has been a step ahead of Andorhal and was completely captured by the undead...

   So, Hermione has secretly made up her mind:

If things are really irreversible, she may not save Uther and the group of Paladins away, but she will definitely save Pamela and her mother and more innocent villagers around. She will do her best to protect every cute smiling face here, and protect their little hopes...

   "Well! Pamela has always been brave, but Pamela has never cried!"

"Also, Pamela knows that Dad is the bravest and most powerful person in the world. He went outside to beat bad guys. He will definitely come to pick me and my mother soon! When I'm alone, Playing with my doll, I never cry."

   At this point, Pamela smiled and raised her doll, which was made by her father for her. She has always liked it and brought it by her side, and never littered it.

   "So good..."

"Pamela, do you know? Actually, my teacher, that amazing Professor Anne may only be three or four years older than you. She also has a'beautiful' doll just like you. Take it everywhere..."

Think about the hideous and ferocious face, when it grows bigger, it will be more ferocious and terrifying, and the toy bear Tibbers, who is not at all'pretty' or'cute', can't help Hermione's mouth twitching slightly. To smoke...Perhaps, just think that'Tibbles' is'beautiful' right now?

   Anyway, Hermione felt that this shouldn't be considered a deception to the lovely little sister Pamela.

   "Miss Hermione's teacher?"

"Is she a very powerful wizard like your sister? She is really only three or four years older than Pamela. Isn't she the kind of grandfather who is very old, sloppy, doesn't like cleaning, and doesn't brush his teeth? !"

After hearing Miss Hermione’s words, Pamela expressed her curiosity, because she didn’t quite believe that someone who was only a little older than herself, like those little sisters in Darrowshire, could be in front of her. This Sister Hermione's teacher is also a great wizard... She always finds that kind of thing very magical. She always thought that Miss Hermione's teacher would be an old man with a long beard and a sloppy beard!

   (Dumbledore in the movie:???)

"of course not!"

"The kind of grandpa who is very old, sloppy, doesn't like cleaning, and doesn't brush his teeth is the principal of our Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Our Professor Anne is really a little older than you, but she is bigger than ours. The principal is ten thousand times more powerful?!"

Hermione thought for a while, and felt that her description should not be too ridiculous, because she had a very good relationship with their Professor Anne. If the other party accidentally told her all the truth, then she should not be able to It's a coax to the children.

   (Dumbledore in the movie: Okay...)

   "Then she will come to help us drive away the bad guy Anxi?!"

   Hearing that the other party's teacher was so good, Pamela couldn't help but yearn a little, and continued to ask timidly.

"of course!"

   "Look, she gave this magic book to me, and today, the magic in it is likely to help us drive away the bad guys!!"

   Hermione said confidently in an uncertain tone, as a way to cheer herself up, or as a hope for the little girl in front of her. After all, besides doing this, she really can't do more.


   "Then Miss Hermione, can I also learn your kind of magic?"

  Pamela looked at each other expectantly.

   She heard Miss Hermione say it last night. The other party said that Pamela also has that kind of magical power in her own body. So, when she is eleven, she can also learn magic?

   "It must be possible!"

"After the war is over...Pamela, I will definitely take you to Hogwarts to learn magic at that time, and then when you grow up, you can also become a powerful wizard and use very powerful magic. , And then defeat the bad guys outside!"

   Although, Hermione didn't know whether her promise could be honored, but now she can only try so hard to appease each other.


   "Let's go around! Whoever lies is a puppy!!"

   After hearing Miss Hermione’s affirmative reply, Pamela, who had forgotten everything a long time ago, quickly stretched out her little finger, and looked at each other expectantly with her little flushed face.

"I promise you that!"

   "But Pamela, remember, you must stay at home with your mother and don't go anywhere. Otherwise, you may not be able to find you when Dad and I come back. Do you understand?"

 After Hermione and the other party hooked their fingers, they hugged each other forward, and then kissed the other party's forehead vigorously. Yes, she needs the other party to stay at home all the time, so as not to find her at a critical time...because she has made some plans now.

   In the distance, there is a militia from Dahlone County waiting for her. It seems that they have already prepared the things she needs. She must quickly draw the magic circle! And apart from her, I am afraid that no one in this Dalong County can do that task.


"Pamela won't go anywhere, Pamela and mother, and Aunt Marion, and this doll. We have been at home waiting for you and father to come back to see us, Pamela will not go anywhere!! "

   After pulling the hook, Pamela nodded vigorously.

"That `s a deal!"

   After rubbing the other's soft blond hair hard for the last time, Hermione exhaled, stood up and turned around and walked outside.

   Now, Hermione suddenly missed her teacher Anne...

   The opponent is so powerful, even a huge adult fire dragon can be defeated in an instant, and even more than a hundred Aurors are not looked at. If it is not said, the undead outside are definitely not opponents! It's just that her teacher is not here now, and all she can rely on seems to be the magic book that she is holding in her hand and doesn't know what can be summoned.

   "Miss Hermione! Pamela is at home waiting for you to come back~!!!"

  In the distance, after Pamela waved her hands and said loudly, she hugged her doll and ran to her own home in small steps...

  Because she was going to be obedient, she stayed at home with her mother. No matter what happened outside, she should not go out easily.


When Hermione finished sketching the magic circle that wasn't too complicated, and when she painted the gourd with fresh blood donated by someone who didn't know who it was, and painted those obscure flame runes, finally, a whole body Lordaeron sword and shield soldiers covered in blood ran up to her and stood still outside the huge magic circle.

  ’Report! ’

  ‘Granger Wizard! The front line is about to be defeated, Uther-sama and they want you to prepare quickly, and soon they will be withdrawn! ! ’


   "How can it be so fast?!"

  Hermione always thought that there was still a lot of time, but look now, it's still far from noon, and the front is about to lose? !

   Now, she has no time to try or review the magic circle to see if there are any omissions... And if her magic circle does not work, I am afraid that it will not last night here in Dahlone County, right? Let alone insist on the arrival of reinforcements until noon tomorrow! I am afraid that when the time comes, Harry, Fleur and the paladins can only collect their bodies for them!

  Of course, it may not be necessary to collect the corpses, because the undead will definitely take them away, or their corpses will ‘self’ go...

  ‘Granger Wizard? ! ’

   Seeing the opponent stunned, the soldier urged anxiously again. He wanted to run into the formation, but he didn't dare to touch the strange symbols that might be related to the life and death of the entire Dahlong County.


   "Just say I know, you tell them, Lord Uther, that I am ready, and they can withdraw at any time!"

  Since there is no time, since the front is defeated so fast, Hermione glanced down at the ground around her surrounding ground, and gritted her teeth, ready to go.

'Yes! ’

'I understand! ’

   After saluting vigorously, the soldier, who was covered with dirt, blood stains and scratches from various terrible creatures, hurriedly turned and rushed back toward the front line again...


   "flaming flames!!!"

When the soldier ran out of sight, he lowered his head again to check the formation, and felt that the symbols should not be wrong or missing. Then, Hermione gritted her teeth, exited the formation, and stretched out her wand to say a spell According to the instructions above, the lines and runes of the entire formation were lit, and the fiery red runes blazed ablaze, directly bursting into flames one foot taller.

   "I hope I can succeed..."

To be honest, Hermione didn’t really know her heart at all, because she really didn’t know what was going on, she didn’t know if she could be summoned successfully, she didn’t know what it was she was summoned, let alone Is the other party willing to listen to her caller's orders as she thought?


However, soon Hermione didn't have time to think about it, because she saw that in the distance, Uther riding a horse, they were leading hundreds of people to run back at a high speed in embarrassment, and behind them, It's the large group of dark, terrifying undead.

   Countless ghouls, rotten zombies, skeletons, abominations, and death knights riding skeletal war horses, etc., are pounced behind them! Those dense green or pale soul-fire eyes could make Hermione's heart numb just by looking at it!



Uther, who had obtained a war horse from County Dahlone, was staying at the end of the retreating team with several Paladins. He first smashed several of the fastest ghouls with a charge before running along. Coming over, shouted from afar.

"I know!!"

   Blazing flames!

Another flame sprayed from the head of Hermione’s rod, quickly igniting the huge magic circle and spreading to the periphery, making the circle look a little bigger, and then she opened the magic book and turned it over to the fold. On that page, she was going to borrow the power of the magic book to summon the existence that didn't know what it was.



  ‘An existence older than the world itself! Give in before Him! Give in before your doomsday! ! ’

Although I don’t know why the spell is so short, but after reading it strictly according to the description on the magic soon, Hermione saw that as the magic book draws a gourd to her After the huge magical array rushed past the powerful magical power, the entire formation blazed up and burned...


   "Not good! Run everyone! Get out of town right away!!"

Seeing the even greater fiery red phantom appearing in that huge magic circle, Hermione was shocked right now, and then, with boundless fear coming from the bottom of her heart, she couldn't even think about it at all. Without intending to control the other party anymore, he directly greeted the Paladins and the soldiers of Darrow County who had also been stunned, and asked them to run quickly.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Everyone! retreat! ! ! ’

Obviously, Uther also saw something, and then he acted decisively and gave orders to all the soldiers and Paladins who were still waiting to let them give up the second and last line of defense, directly embarrassed. The ground was withdrawn to Darlon County...


  ‘Who wants to wake me up, is Exotus? No, not that idiot! This Shanknox? But why, why do you bother me? ! ’

'and many more……'

  ‘No, where is this again? ’

   gradually solidified, and the flames were getting bigger and bigger, even the huge guy who felt the terrifying temperature while hiding in Darrow County looked at the surrounding environment, and then it was stunned, because it found:


  (*?′╰╯`?)? Ask for a ticket? (?′╰╯`?*)


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