Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 974: The guardian who was successfully shot down by a zero attack and zero armor unit?

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Soon, before Hermione could react, another cry of pain rang...

‘! ! ’

'Ouch! ’

However, this time it wasn't the old voice that Hermione had just heard from the crow's beak just like a hallucination, but it was the little boy she knew Timmy called out?

When she turned her head around in doubt, she discovered in astonishment:

It turned out that at this time, in the grass on the side of the road, there was a strange old man wearing a brown robe and hood and holding a wooden stick in his hand. And that sound of exclamation was exactly what the other party had just used the wooden stick in his hand to knock on the forehead of a little Timmy who had shot down a ‘big bird’ with a slingshot!

‘Wow~wow~! ’

‘Sister Hermione, Brother Harry! There is a bad guy here, he beats me...’

Then, naturally, little Timmy, who was beaten on a stick by a stranger for no reason, ran back and started crying loudly toward the bullock cart where Hermione and others were sitting.

‘! ! ’

‘Enemy attack! ! ’

Immediately afterwards, the Lordaeron soldiers who saw the abnormal situation and discovered that the boy Timmy was attacked immediately reacted.

Cang! Cang! Cang!

There was a sound of sharp swords being unsheathed, and then the soldiers of Lordaeron in the march quickly removed the royal insignia shields on their backs and quickly formed a formation, carefully The weird who didn't know why he hid in the grass and jumped out to attack the little boy Timmy slowly surrounded him.

"Step aside!"

"Tell me, stranger, who are you? Why are you hiding here?!"

At this time, after hearing the movement behind, the Paladin Davy, who was holding a heavy hammer and riding a military horse, rushed over directly. When he rushed to the one with a hood, he looked sneaky and didn't look like a good person. After facing the front of the old man, he stopped by the reins, and after scanning the opponent up and down, he asked sternly in doubt.

Obviously, the leader of the Paladin Davy did not see what had just happened. He only knew that a stranger was hiding in the grass on the side of the road and suddenly jumped out to attack or scare a little boy for no reason. Looking at it, you know that the other party will definitely not be a good thing!

Moreover, the other party's outfit was also suspicious, causing him to subconsciously ring out some scum that made him feel bad.


Surprisingly, the old man with a brown hooded cloak and a thick wooden staff in his hand was not in a hurry to speak. He only used him after looking around without a word. The old but deep gaze locked on the three little wizards holding short wands who were walking by at this time.

Of course, compared to Harry and Fleur, his eyes were now on the little witch who was about fourteen or five years old.



"Dawei Paladin, you have to be careful! He seems to be a wizard!!"

At this moment, Hermione, who came closer, was stunned for a while, and quickly pulled away the crying Timmy, and after beckoning the other party to hide away, her expression stunned and she faced with a little nervousness. Said the leader of the Davy Paladin who was too close.


"He is a wizard?!"

Sure enough, after hearing Hermione's words, the Paladin Davy suddenly became nervous. When he subconsciously retreated two steps, the warhammer in his hand also began to burst out bursts of golden light...

Correspondingly, the heavy armored soldiers of Lordaeron around at this time also subconsciously raised their shields and long swords in their hands a little higher, and then more soldiers surrounded them after hearing the news. Coming over, he quickly surrounded the'witch' who had walked out of the grass in the middle.


"You don't need to be so nervous, I am not here to be your enemy..."

The old wizard spoke. He didn't make any extra moves, so as not to stimulate the nervous soldiers and make them make some bad misjudgments and reactions.


"Then why did you hide in the grass sneakily and attacked our...Little Timmy?"

Turned his head and looked at the little boy who was still touching his head, even with tears in the corners of his eyes. I thought it was an ‘attack’, right?

Therefore, Davy is very puzzled, because he thinks, in this kingdom of Lordaeron, there will not be any normal people who will hide in the grass to avoid them, Lordaeron’s army, and will jump out and attack suddenly. A little boy finally said that he wasn't here to be an enemy. What kind of joke was this?


The old wizard sighed and didn't know how to explain... After all, this matter is a bit difficult to tell, it is impossible for him to say: He did not hide in the grass, he just slightly punished the little boy because the other party was not careful Shoot down his famous... old wizard?

"Davy Paladin, actually..."

"Well, if strictly speaking, I think it was Xiao Timmy who attacked the old wizard first?"

At this time, after thinking about the things that just happened, clarifying her thoughts, figuring out what happened, and seeing that the old wizard in front of her was really not very hostile, Hermione was nervous about that. The Paladin explained, and couldn't help laughing.


"You said he was a wizard?!"

When the Granger Witch said that the old man was a wizard, Davy became more nervous.

Therefore, the warhammer in his hand began to emit a stronger holy light, and then he began to be fully guarded, ready to defend or counterattack... Obviously, he is now ready for battle and used a cryptic gesture to indicate Their subordinates quickly launched an encircling formation that was conducive to their battle, and directed a thick Lordaeron royal insignia shield at the old wizard surrounded by them.


"Everyone, I really don't have any malice towards you..."

After seeing the paladin's nervous defensive action and the soldiers' overreaction, the old wizard sighed again and explained patiently again.

He suddenly regretted coming here so recklessly. He shouldn't let so many people see his existence, because this will only make things worse?


"You want to fight a wizard like me?"

After speaking, the old wizard just tapped his wand in his hand, and was surprised: a wave of unknowingly spread suddenly to the surroundings, and then, in an instant, everyone including the Paladin Davy , As if seeing some terrible sight, had to step back a few steps, making the originally tight encircling circle sparser?



After a long time, the Paladin Davy was shocked, and the warhammer in his hand burst out with a powerful holy light, and he was ready to rush forward on the horse, and activate the old wizard who just didn't know what terrible spell he used. Blow.

"Your Excellency David!"

"Please wait! He has been merciful just now. It just seemed to be some kind of scary spell. Maybe, he is really not malicious?"

Hermione, who was also affected, first glanced at Harry and Fleur before they stepped forward again and shouted to stop the paladin leaders.

Because she knew that if the other party was really malicious, just now when all of them had their minds blank and retreated like seeing something terrible and lost the ability to resist, the other party could attack or leave calmly.


If it's someone else, Davy Crowford would definitely not listen, because he is the highest officer of the team, and everything here is his final say! However, when he saw the Granger Witch who made the noise, after hesitating for a while, he had to stretch out his hand, and when he planned to stop the attack, he also signaled his men not to act rashly.

Anyway, there are a lot of people here, and they have more advantages. They may not be afraid of such a lonely old wizard, so he is going to see what the Granger Witch wants to say, or look at the old wizard. What do you want to do?


"This old wizard, if I am not mistaken, you should be an Animagus?!"

I found that the old wizard’s gaze was mostly on him, thinking that the other party might be Hermione who came to him. After thinking about it, he took a few steps forward and got away from the Lordaeron soldiers. After the protection, he stood a few steps in front of him.

Just before the opponent was shot down, it seemed to have swooped down in her direction, and now the opponent's gaze had been locked on her, so it was not difficult for Hermione to guess that the opponent must have come for herself.


"No! Little witch, I am not an Animagus, I am actually... a prophet!!"

After frowning and repeating the weird address the other party had made to him, the old wizard shook his head and said his identity.


"First, the prophet? Ha! Don't try to lie to me, I saw that you are an Animagus!!"

Hermione said confidently, because what she saw was the big crow that looked like an eagle just now, and then Timmy gave a slingshot to the head and hit it down! And such a guy wants to pretend to be a prophet in front of her know-it-all lady. Isn't he dreaming?

You know, she has seen a lot of Animagus, such as ‘footboard’, ‘moon face’, ‘wormtail’ and ‘tip fork’? Therefore, if the other party thinks that they will transform into a crow and can run in front of her Hermione Granger and pretend to be the so-called prophet, then he is quite wrong!

"No! I am not an Animagus, I am a prophet!"

Although I don't know why the other party firmly believes that he is an ‘Animagus’, the old wizard shook his head firmly and reiterated his identity again.

Although his appearance was a bit embarrassing, he swears that it was really just an accident. He never thought that someone would attack him here, and he was still a little boy holding a strange object?


"Did you know? Of all the professors in our school, perhaps the one I dislike least is the professor Sybil Trelawney who pretended to be a prophet!"

"I hate divination classes and everything about divination, because it makes me feel that all the knowledge I have learned is useless..."

As if thinking of something bad, Hermione began to angrily face the one in front who flew in front of her and was hit by a stone, and the guy who still dared to pretend to be a prophet screamed.

Thinking of the divination lesson and the prophet, Hermione felt that her own IQ was seriously insulted! Of course, the reason why she has said that kind of words now and her temper has become so irritable is probably because a little boy has just exhausted all her patience?

"Say it!"

"This old wizard who knows how to transform Animagus, may I ask, what are you here for?"

After holding the magic wand and begging the surrounding Lordaeron soldiers not to be too nervous, Hermione was very rude to the guy in front of him who thought he would be capable of Animagus Transfiguration and wanted to pretend to be a ghost on the surface and dare to impersonate a prophet Asked.

That’s right, Hermione didn’t believe in “Prophet” at all, because her divination class had seriously lowered her average grade, and this kind of thing is for Hermione who is the master of “Miss Know-it-all” Unforgivable!

Therefore, even after hearing this guy who didn't know where he came from, said he was a ‘prophet’, she got cold on the spot.


"Can I talk to you alone?"

After the council was silent, the old wizard with a wooden stick and wand in a gray-brown cloak first looked at the surrounding soldiers and the Paladins who were waiting for battle with the warhammer. After he hesitated for a while, he tentatively moved towards His goal, the little witch asked.

Because there are some things that he doesn't want to be known by too many people, especially these ordinary mortals?


"This one……"

Hermione didn't know why this weird old wizard had to name and talk to herself alone, but after thinking about it, she felt that the other party didn't really have any malicious in addition to pretending to be a "prophet", and she was also very curious in her heart. After pondering for a while, she quickly made up her mind:

"Well, where are you going to talk about?"

Although Hermione agreed to the other party, she was completely unguarded. For example, her magic book appeared in her hand without a move with her left hand with a magic wand.

Although she didn’t know what the old wizard’s ability or interest spells were, she felt that as long as she was holding the magic book given to her by Professor Anne, she should rely on the life-saving passive magic spells above. There will be no big problems.


"I am waiting for you on the top of the high mountain in front..."

Frowning and looking at the magic book that the other party had summoned for a while, after wondering why there was an inexplicable look on his face, the old wizard who didn't know the origin first stared at Hermione's face meaningfully. After a while, he nodded, and pointed to the bald, rocky mountain with few trees in the direction of the team.

Then he didn’t see any spells or actions. He leaned forward and instantly turned into a huge eagle-like crow. Then he immediately fluttered his wings first. The one ahead didn’t look very much. It is far away, and flies slowly to the top of the high mountains that can be seen by the naked eye...

'what? ’

‘That bad old man, how did he become the crow I just hit? ’

At this moment, someone who was planning to continue picking up his prey before was hammered on the head with a wooden staff by the strange man, and now there was a small packet of Timmy swollen on it, he took him from a heavy armor of Lordaeron. The shield and sword soldier stuck his head behind him, and then asked curiously.

However, it is a pity that obviously no one here is in the mood to answer his questions.

"Sorceress Granger, the kind of old guy who has unknown origins and is sneaky and afraid to speak in front of others, I advise you to leave him alone!"

"Because we don't know if he is with the cursed cult, and we don't know if there is any danger on that mountain against you?"

Davy Crowford’s words made it clear that they were secretive to that god, and he refused to even tell the origins, and the old wizard who wanted to talk but avoided them had no good feelings, so she didn’t wait for the Hermione witch to prepare. When starting, he quickly exhorted.

Knowing the existence of the cursed cult, he is now full of strong hostility towards all spellcasters who are unwilling to actively reveal their identity, especially when he appears in the land of Lordaeron during this special period, but he is not active. Those guys who helped them!


"Chief Crowford is right. You shouldn't agree to him so lightly. I always think that the old wizard has a weird aura. It looks like the dark wizard in Knock Down Alley?"

"I want you to promise, I always think he doesn't look like a good person!"

Taking a look at the big crow that was flying farther and farther, Harry worriedly persuaded Hermione who seemed to have made a decision in his heart.

He also didn't like the mysterious Animagus, because the other person looked at them very strangely, and seemed to have a sense of superiority? Anyway, it was totally different from the approachable and kindness he felt from Professor Dumbledore. Moreover, if the other party is really not malicious, there is no need to hide it. If you want to talk, you need to find another place and avoid them!

"Hermione, why don't you stop going?"

Fleur is a little worried, because there is no doubt that the most powerful of the three is Hermione, and if they can successfully pass this terrible task this time and return to Hogwarts alive, it must be necessary With the help of Hermione's power, she and Harry alone had no confidence at all.

Therefore, she didn't want to see Hermione have any accidents again after Krum, that kind of thing was really fatal and terrifying to them!

"Don't worry, Harry, Fleur, and Mr. Croford!"

"I can see that he should really have no malice, and I have already promised him, plus I also have the means of self-protection, so don't worry!"

After speaking, Hermione grasped the magic book in her hand tighter.

At this moment, what she can rely on is what she is holding in her left hand! Moreover, she is ready. Once she finds out that the other party has any bad intentions, she will directly activate the lava shield and burn the opponent with the shattering fire, or she will simply apparate and escape, absolutely not in love!

‘Sister Hermione, where are you going? That bad old man really doesn’t look like a good person...’

'look! He swollen my head! ! ’

Little Timmy, who was carrying a slingshot, squeezed away the Lordaeron infantry who was watching, and rushed directly to his sister Hermione to remind him loudly.

Because the bad guy just knocked him on the head with a wooden stick, he took it for granted that he was not a good person! The reason why the other party hit him was actually because he was first shot down from the sky with a slingshot and pebbles, but he directly ignored it.


"Little Timmy, why did he hit you, don't you know?"

Hermione smiled and rubbed Timmy’s head vigorously with her hand. She wouldn’t tell the other party, officially because the old wizard only knocked Timmy with a stick when punishing Timmy, and the expression in her eyes had not changed much. It made her feel that the other party was really not malicious. Otherwise, if the other party didn't punish some mischievous kid like that, but frightened her with a sulky look, she really needed to think about it.

"All right!"

"Everyone, let me see what he has to do with me first. You can set off first, don't wait for me. We will be back soon after the conversation, please rest assured.


After speaking, Hermione was staring at the top of the distant mountain. After finding her target, she waved her wand calmly, without even saying the spell, and turned into a black smoke. Disappeared in the crowd...


‘Sir! ’

‘What should we do now, are we going to keep on going? ! ’

Seeing that Lord Witch had disappeared, and thought to have teleported to the high mountain in front, an infantryman walked up to their paladin leader Davy Crowford and asked.


"Everyone rests on the spot, wait until our Granger Witch comes back!"

Turning around and looking at the high mountain in the distance, knowing that it is still far away from there at this time, it must be unrealistic and too late to drive directly towards that place. David Croford grunted boredly. Later, he resolutely issued an order to rest on the spot.

In any case, the Granger Witch was also the lifesaver of Dahlone County and all of them, so he couldn't abandon the other party at will, and he certainly couldn't rest assured.

'Yes! ’

‘Attention everyone: rest in place! ’

‘Watch out for your surroundings and drive the carriage and ox cart to the middle...’

Soon, with the order of David Croford, and after a long time on the road, the already tired soldiers cheered and began to adjust the team in an orderly manner and rested to eat and drink.

Of course, there must be groups of soldiers who drill into the grove on the side to solve their physical problems.




"Hey! Dumbledore, what are they doing?"


At this moment, there was a burst of noise in the professor seat of the Hogwarts Auditorium, and then when Xiao Annie looked over there curiously, she looked at it for a long time without knowing what happened. After that, he asked inexplicably to a bad old man on the side.


"I think it might be because Miss Granger accidentally said something wrong? But don't worry, I think Professor McGonagall will take care of it..."

Dumbledore also saw the situation there, but he actually had no good way to deal with the sudden situation. He could only let Professor McGonagall to comfort and deal with it. Otherwise, what else could he do? Is it impossible to punish the warrior of Gryffindor who accidentally said the wrong thing?


Dumbledore didn’t agree with Miss Granger a bit, because he knew that Professor Trelawney was crazy most of the time, and he liked to predict death... But he couldn’t. Denial, some of the opponent's language is accurate and deadly!

Because Dumbledore knows Professor Trelawney’s another identity. As a descendant of an ancient family of magical and prophetic bloodlines, the other party’s predictions under certain circumstances are definitely not groundless. How much Miss Granger, who had just ranted on the'screen', didn't like each other or hated the divination class, so she couldn't deny certain things.

"very pitiful……"


For the professor over there who was so hot and crying, the curious little Annie blinked her eyes, she could only cast a helpless look at the opponent.


"Professor Anne, do you believe in prophecies in this world?"

Suddenly, Dumbledore, who didn't know what he thought of, suddenly asked the little girl, because the conversation between Hermione and the old wizard just now reminded him of a prediction made by Professor Trelawney again:

"The man with the energy to conquer the Dark Lord approached... was born in a family that had defeated the Dark Lord three times... Born in the seventh month... The Dark Lord marked him as a strong enemy... but he has the Dark Lord The power that the head does not understand... One must die in the other's hands, because two people cannot both live, only one can survive... The person with the power to conquer the dark head will be born at the end of the seventh month. ’

However, according to the current situation, it seems unlikely that the one who can defeat Voldemort is the prophesied Harry, but another Gryffindor warrior, which is the'Miss Granger of all-rounder' The odds will be greater?

Of course, Dumbledore believed that the little girl in front of him also had that kind of power, because the other party had easily defeated the poor "Little Tom" two years ago.


∑(??△`)? !

"Do not believe!!"

o(`^??)o Humph!

Little Annie, who is also very bad at fortune-telling and predicting magic, naturally doesn't believe in that kind of stuff.

"Then the old wizard who just spoke to Miss Granger, is he really a prophet?"

After a glance at the screen, Dumbledore suddenly changed the subject and asked directly about the identity of the old wizard who had just appeared abruptly.



"You can say yes, you can say no!"


"Why then?"

Dumbledore was puzzled, wondering why the little girl said that.

"If no one is there, it may be..."


"But it's not necessarily anymore now!"


The prophet or something, the kind of guy who goes to talk to other people because of the mismatch in intelligence, she is the most annoying!

So, Little Annie has decided: she will interfere more quietly to make matters of Lordaeron a little more complicated. At that time, see if the guy who pretends to be a ghost has the face to pretend to be a prophet?

I think at the beginning, an old guy who claimed to be a "prophet" even went to her palace when he was just from Quel'Thalas to Lordaeron and wanted to fool her when he was not familiar with the place of his life. , She still remembers...


(● ̄(??) ̄●)



In the blink of an eye, after the slight nausea and dizziness that she had gradually become accustomed to, Hermione finally apparated and arrived at the top of the rocky mountain that looked empty, with weeds but no trees.

Then, I looked around and there was no real danger, and then I looked at the distance. The crow probably would have to fly for a while to get here, and Harry, Fleur, and David Crowford were farther away. After the leader couldn't even see where they were, she thought for a while and found a clean stone to sit down and patiently waited for the old wizard to fly.

Of course, she didn’t do nothing. Before the other party arrived, besides watching the surrounding terrain, she also thought about certain spells to be used in case the situation was not right. She did it in a hurry. Well prepared.


After a long time, the gray-brown crow flew over without any haste, and soon turned into the mysterious old wizard holding a wooden wand and wearing a brown cloak hood.


"According to your magical power level, apprentice, you shouldn't be able to teleport spells..."

After staring at Hermione for a while, the old wizard finally spoke. Obviously, for the little girl who arrived here before him, and still used that kind of tall teleportation spell, he said that there was a little accident?

You know, his apprentice, that Khadgar who always amazes him at the same age as the other party, I am afraid that he will definitely not be able to do what the other party is now.

"Is it the power of your magic book?"

"Huh? No..."

After asking as if talking to himself, the old wizard quickly overturned a certain point of his own.

"Ah, I see..."

"It's like a basic magic trick... Although it's a little clumsy, it's undeniable. It's very effective, but there may be a certain risk?"

Nodded and shook his head again, as if he had understood the phantom teleportation spell Hermione had just used. He walked over and shook his head after the judgment was over.




Seeing the other's movements, she waved her hand hurriedly. When a golden barrier shield directly protected herself, Hermione sullenly stopped the old wizard who was still moving forward and approaching her.

Although she always felt that the other party really didn't mean anything to her, but that didn't mean that she would have no defense against a strange, unknown old wizard! So, for the first time, she cast a curse that she thought was safer, that is, use a ‘barrier’ to protect herself first!

In that case, no matter what the other party wants to do, she will always have a little reaction or time to escape, even if she thinks she probably doesn't need to do that?


"This spell surprised me...I think your teacher must be a remarkable existence, right?"

After seeing the other party's spell cast again, and seeing the other party's slightly nervous expression and movements, the old wizard himself seemed to have realized something. After thinking about it, he finally stopped, and separated from the opposite girl a dozen steps. Said the distance.

"Of course!"

"My teacher is a very powerful arcane archmage, and she taught us this'barrier' spell!"

Hermione expressed her self-satisfaction about her teacher and the fact that she could instantly activate the "barrier" shield, so she couldn't help but lifted her chin slightly, facing the one not far away who could only rely on flying Nimags said proudly.

"Oh? Arcane Archmage?"

"Heh! Believe me, the average archmage can't teach a wizard apprentice like you that kind of seemingly simple but in fact very complicated and profound magic... But forget it, that kind of thing and our meeting this time Nothing, and I still have important things to do..."

The old wizard who said some strange things suddenly shook his head. After stopping some topics, he finally looked at the witch who had been somewhat resisting and guarding him again with piercing eyes:

"Little girl, can you tell me where you came from? I am really curious about this, because in the future I see, you shouldn’t have appeared, and Dahlone should have been a few days ago. It has been completely destroyed..."

That's right, the old wizard who claimed to be a prophet was just because seeing things seemed to be a little bit wrong with the fragments of the future he saw when his soul wandered in the astral plane for many years, and he felt that terrible power led Lordan. After the land of Lun disappeared quickly, he had this meeting with the other party today.

"Are you really a prophet?"

Hermione did not answer the other person's question, but frowned and asked the other person in a suspicious tone.

Obviously, she is still skeptical of the other party's identity, especially the identity of the other party's ‘prophet’!

Because in the eyes of Miss Granger of All Things, those so-called divinations, prophecies, prophets, etc., things that cannot be explained by science or magic, are all deceptive things. , Was she abhorrent, especially in the last semester? !


"I once told the king of Lordaeron about the disaster that happened here in Lordaeron. I foresee the future and see the burning shadow that is about to devour this world..."

"But they don't believe me..."

"Now, you have also seen that terrible things are indeed happening in this kingdom and on this continent, and this is just the beginning, and more terrifying things are still behind..."

Having said that, the old wizard stopped talking, and sighed silently from the bottom of his heart.

Because, he could see that the little witch opposite seemed to be a stubborn fellow. From the disdainful eyes of the other party, he knew that the other party was just like the Terenas Menethil he had seen. He didn't take his words seriously.


"My name is Hermione, Hermione Granger! I'm from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am a fourth-year student in school, old wizard, what about you? Then who are you?"

There is nothing to tell about her identity, so after she frowned and stared at her for a while, she told her her name and origin in a generous manner. Anyway, she felt that many people already knew their identities and origins, although none of those people knew their school...

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?"


"I'm pretty sure, there is no such magic school in the world of Azeroth, don't are not from this world?"

Suddenly, the old wizard glanced at Hermione again for a while, and then said a guess that even he was slightly surprised.

In the Eastern Kingdom, the territory belonging to humans is not big, and there is an intersection with magic. Apart from his Karazhan and Dalaran, looking at the several human kingdoms, there really is no more place. Therefore, he knows better than anyone that there will never be a magic school called Hogwarts here in Azeroth!


"Do you still know that we are not from this world?!"

"We are from the earth, old wizard, who are you? Do you know where our earth is and how we can get back?!"

Suddenly, Hermione became excited, because, through this mysterious old wizard, especially the words of the other party, some urgent hope was ignited in her heart.


"It doesn't matter who I am, but I was the last guardian of this world..."

The old wizard sighed leisurely.

"Little witch, I’m sorry, I don’t know where your planet is or how to get you back. Although I am an astral mage, no one can cross the twisting void without accurate coordinates. Arriving in an unknown place..."

Suddenly, the old wizard shook his head again, as if he felt that he had said too much today, because he came here not to tell the little witch in front of him about these irrelevant things.

"Listen, boy, because I can't stay here for too long, so..."

"I must warn you: Although you have done some things and changed some of the future I saw before, but...I must remind you that this continent has fallen, and whatever you do will not change this. If you really want to save more people, you'd better persuade them to get through the sea as soon as possible and go to the Kalimdor continent to the west. That is your only hope for survival."

"and also……"

"Don't try to use your book to summon that kind of evil and terrible existence. Please believe me. I used to make the same mistakes like you, and I have always blamed myself..."

Looking at the book in the other's hand, the old wizard seemed to think of some bad memories, and strange expressions of pain and guilt appeared on his face. But soon, he recovered and became that again. Kind of a stern face.

"You mean..."

"That'Twilight of Lordaeron'?"

Suddenly, Hermione also remembered something, and then she asked tentatively.


"I'm surprised, little girl, it seems that you know a lot?"

"Since you know, you should persuade them to leave this place as soon as possible, because everything you are doing now has no meaning!"

This time, it was rare that it was the old wizard's turn to show that expression of astonishment, because the little witch revealed to him far more information than he had imagined.

"No! You are wrong, I don't know as much as you thought!"

"Also, I'm just a little Do you think their big men will listen to me? And, how do I know if what you just said is true?"

In fact, Hermione wanted to say that she didn't want to stay here, because they were all thrown here by their Professor Anne. They didn't want to stay on the plague-ridden continent of Lordaeron, nor did they want to go. What another continent, they just want to go home quickly and return to the castle of Hogwarts! !


"Remember my words, I think we will meet again, and then I will give you more answers..."

After speaking, after I understood what I wanted to know, and told the other party what he needed to know, the prophet who claimed to be the last guardian turned into a crow again, flew high again, and soon disappeared. shadow.


Is this gone?

Hermione said that she was still at a loss. How could this conversation be so sloppy? !

"Damn it! What's all this?!"

Sure enough, Hermione knew that all the so-called prophecies, divinations, and prophets could not be believed!

Although, from the short conversation just now, she knew that the old wizard was not easy, but she couldn't deny that the other party should be a guy who pretended to be a fool, she would definitely not believe the other party's words.

In her opinion, that old fellow is just like their divination professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Fortunately, she gave up the divination course at the end of last semester. Otherwise, she would definitely be Those messy fortune-telling and the damn, godly nagging stuff like'seeing the future through the fog' are driving crazy!


??)????Hello? Do you still have tickets? The recommended monthly ticket is everything!


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