Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 975: ?Colin Junction?

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Tonight, quietly...

The moon in the sky was very round and bright. The bright moonlight shone diagonally from the cloister, illuminating the lighted side of Hogwarts castle like daylight, and even the candles and bonfires in the corridors and aisles looked dim. Minute.

As always, students were hardly seen walking and frolicking in the corridors. Even if I saw one or two occasionally, they came and went in a hurry.

It is natural at this time, because since the second project of the Triwizard Tournament, students’ entertainment activities have mainly been concentrated in the school’s auditorium, except for a few who need to go to the library or in their respective colleges. Except for the students in the common room who are rushing for homework, most of the students have already ran to the auditorium during the time after dinner in the evening and before going to bed. In the aisle outside the castle corridor.


Little Annie unexpectedly did not go to the auditorium today, because, ah, she has been watching the scene about three guys using magic to fight the undead at the intersection of Corin for several days. Every day, she fights zombies. Using magic spells to fight the clumsy zombies controlled by King Witch Meow is nothing great at all!

Therefore, she felt that there would be no change for the time being, and she felt that there would be no danger for the three guys to follow the increasing number of Lordaeron soldiers and Paladins to sweep near the intersection of Corinth, and she didn’t make it for granted. Into that messy auditorium.



Little Annie was very happy today, and she was walking around the corridors of Hogwarts Castle...

In fact, for her carefree little girl who has basically nothing to bother about except eating, drinking, and having fun, almost every day is very comfortable, and if she is not happy any day , That would be miserable!

Because, for a powerful bear child like her, once someone deliberately provokes her and makes her unhappy, she will always follow her "law of conservation of happiness" to make her unhappy. The "emotions" are transferred to others, and then those who dare to provoke her in exchange for a "happiness".

For example:

Today, she went to fish in the lake, and met the Peppy ghost who was thrown into the lake by her many days ago. The other party was still tied to the cannon and inserted diagonally into the mud at the bottom of the lake. His body was still covered with water and grass. She still scolded her afterwards! So, seeing that the other party’s mental energy is still very good, and there is no sign of depression, she kindly did not put that nasty little ghost up, so that it can continue to talk with the tentacles on the head in the lake. Monster, go to play with the Grindillos who wander around it every day?

"Oh oh oh..."


Annie liked the seemingly empty castle now, because it meant that no one would bother her when she was happy.


In fact, she still didn't like the slightly dim Hogwarts Castle and the damp corridor.

Because, certain dead and stubborn wizards who don't know how to work, why they are not willing to pull a few wires and install brighter lights in this castle? And life and death have to go to the expensive kerosene torches, bonfires and candles that are expensive and easy to smell, and there are safety hazards. The whole castle is smoked and all the smells are all over the body. Now, that kind of annoying thing is really outrageous!

Maybe, it's like a bad bear in her family said:

If there are no more campfires and candles, and no more materials consumed, how can some evil school seniors earn more gold from the ‘fire consumption’? After all, this castle is so spicy that it must consume a lot of materials such as kerosene candles for lighting every day, right? So, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry's material suppliers, purchasers, cashiers, and even the principal and other related professors, etc., can all benefit from it?

So, this is how a wicked chain of corruption interests has been created?

However, little Annie would definitely not ask about that kind of thing. She just complained in her heart because the corridors were too dark. So, why do those stubborn old guys have to light things up? Don't want to worry about it! Besides, she owns more Jin Jialong than all of them, so she won't be rare!


∑(??△`)? !

Little Annie, who had just turned a corner of the castle corridor, stopped suddenly.

Then, she thought for a while, and blinked those big blue eyes again, and after hesitating for a while, she finally walked backwards on tiptoes and backed two steps slowly without turning around, just like that. At the corner, he retreated backwards.

Because, what she saw, on the railing of the castle corridor she just passed by, there seemed to be a girl with a waist-long head lying quietly on the railing over there, hiding on the stone pillar. Beside, quietly looking up at the sky outside?

If Annie hadn't just subconsciously swept the corner of her eye when she was turning, maybe she was so close that she could not find the other person?



After observing in secret and staring at the other party's back for a long time, she was curious, and at the same time she was a little itchy. She wanted to know what the other party was looking at and finally couldn't bear it.

Therefore, she just turned around and quickly jumped toward the other side's position.



"This classmate, who are you, what are you looking at here?!"


First, she said loudly, as if to scare people, and after asking the other person, before waiting for the other person's answer, Xiao Annie eagerly leaned to the other person's side, learning the other person's appearance, from the pillar. Poke his head out of the railing, and began to scan around the sky outside.

Unfortunately, she looked at it and looked at it, but she still didn't seem to find anything interesting or something worth watching for a long time.


"Origin, it was Professor Anne?"

The blonde girl who made people yell from behind, and was shocked right now, turned her head for the first time. When she found out that the person was a little girl, she fixed her eyes and found that the other party was not a certain pair. After she was a prank girl in the first grade, but the funny little professor at the school, Luna in the third grade quickly introduced herself politely:

"You, hello, Professor Anne."

"My name is Luna, Luna Lovegood, and I am now a third-year student in Ravenclaw. I am very happy to meet you here..."

Obviously, Luna's tone in the third grade sounded a little cramped. It seemed that it was because she was a little surprised and a little uneasy when faced with this young professor who had almost never spoken to herself?

So, after she finished speaking, she directly took back the hand that was holding the railing. She did not dare to stay here quietly as before, and silently looked at the one outside that belonged to her. A person's beautiful moonlight.

"you're good too!"


"But Luna, you haven't answered me yet. What are you watching here? Why don't you go to the auditorium to watch a'movie' with others?"


Looking outside, she still couldn't find anything nice in the sky outside, so she retracted from the guardrail again, and asked rather unhappy.


"I actually watched the moon here, because the moonlight tonight is beautiful...Of course, there are those beautiful black flying horses, but they have already flown away before you pass here..."

"As for the auditorium..."

"I don't like going to the auditorium very much, because some classmates don't seem to like me too much, so I don't go there too often..."

Yes, Luna herself may prefer to read the content and photos she likes from the newspaper or the school magazine of the Triwizard Tournament rather than going to the auditorium.

Because, she is Ravenclaw’s famous mad girl Lovegood, and the mad girl is notoriously out-of-group, doesn’t like to join in the fun, doesn’t like to cheer with others in the auditorium, and then at the same time Will always be used by others to make fun of, alienate and incomprehensible objects!

Therefore, it is normal for her to hide here to watch the moon by herself.



"It turns out that you are looking at that dark and thin Ye Qi?"


Little Annie thought that the other party was watching something nice or interesting. After hearing that the other party was actually here just watching the moon and the night skating, her enthusiasm suddenly waned, and there was no need to continue watching. interest.

Because of the moon or something, she usually only went to see it when she thought about Amoryn’s mother, but when she knew that certain guys never thought of her actively, she stopped going too much. Miss each other!

o(`^??)o Humph!

In short, she Professor Anne, Head Anne and Queen Anne are very busy, so she won't think about a bad mother!


"Excuse me..."

"Ann, Professor Anne, can you really see Ye Qi? You know they exist, don't you think I am a crazy girl?"

However, unexpectedly, the crazy girl Luna Lovegood suddenly exclaimed at the little professor next to her.

To be honest, she was actually prepared just now, thinking that the other party would be like other classmates, that her head is abnormal, that her head is not clear, that she is a crazy girl, and cast her strange and mocking eyes. Of it.

"Isn't it Yeqi? What's so great about that kind of skinny guy who doesn't have any flesh on his body, looks dark, and makes people feel super disgusting?!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Professor Anne said that the kind of animal that is tall and rugged, completely dark, with a dragon head and horse body, and a pair of broad wings on the back, can fly at high speed in the air. She has seen it since she came to Hogwarts two years ago. She didn’t pay much attention to the kind of magical animals that knew no meat at a glance and were excluded from her recipes for a long time.

"Can you really see them?"

"But, why can you see them too? I told many classmates about them, but they all said they didn't see them, and they said that I was crazy and that my head was abnormal..."

While speaking, Luna's voice gradually lowered.

I remembered that in the past two years or so, I was rarely accepted by my classmates at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and then I was gradually labeled as Mad Girl Lovegood, Mad Girl, Abnormal Head, Mad Men, etc. The title, thinking about it, even as strong and peaceful as her Luna Lovegood could not help but lower her eyelids in frustration.

However, she quickly became happy!

Because, according to her father Xenophiius Lovegood, the whole Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and even the whole magic world, the most powerful one is probably this Professor Anne in front of me! And it is very possible that even the Dark Lord is not as good as the opponent? And now, her Luna has actually obtained the recognition of the other party, which makes her feel more excited than anything.



"That's because Ye Qi is special. The appearance of that kind of magical animal has a special energy fluctuation, which will cause them to be'invisible'. Only those who have witnessed death with their own eyes and are killed by humanoid creatures at close range Only people who have interfered with or washed away from the'soul' energy can see them, so most people will definitely not see them!"


This kind of question is definitely not troublesome to her, Professor Anne, so she didn’t think much, so according to her own thoughts and inferences, she directly explained the reason why ordinary students could not see Ye Qi. Fan.

"So it's like this..."

Nodding, Luna, smart and well-behaved, as a Ravenclaw student, quickly expressed that she understood and understood this.

"But, Professor Anne, have you also seen death?"

"Ah! Sorry, Professor, I have forgotten some things, I remember, you were in Gringa at that time..."

Just after asking, Luna quickly covered her mouth and changed her words to apologize.

Because she suddenly remembered that the other party had made a big fuss in Gringotts two years ago. Not only did he burn to death the adult Ukrainian iron belly of Gringotts, but it is also said that he also burned a lot of goblins?

Although no one told Luna how many greedy goblins were burned to death by the Professor Anne in front of them, one thing is certain, and that is: there must be some goblins burned to death, otherwise, neither will the other party. Like her, you can see the beautiful and beautiful night skewers.

"It's not about Gringotts thing!!"


Little Annie said that she had been to many worlds, but there were too many bad guys who burned, killed, played to death, or accidentally "stomped to death", and the reason why she could see Ye Qi is really irrelevant. Some fairy things in Gringotts back then!

Besides, even if she has never seen ‘death’ or burnt a fairy, there is no mystery in her eyes for that kind of Ye Qi. She has a way to make it easy for others to see them.


"Professor Anne, do you know that there are bubble snot monsters and crooked snorers in this world?"

Luna, who was rarely recognized by others, began to excitedly ask the little professor who came over to talk to her, because she felt that she seemed to have some common topics with the other party?

"Bubble snot monsters and horned snorers?"


"Where is that strange thing?!"


Little Annie will definitely not care about things that you know you must not eat just by hearing the name, especially the "snot monsters", but that does not prevent her from talking to the one in front of her when she is bored. Interesting young lady chat more.

"It's said to be in Sweden!"

"They have always lived there, and my dad always wanted to take me to Sweden on vacation and capture them, but recently the work of "The Contradictory" is very busy, so there has been no time to take me there..."

Having said this, Luna sighed sadly. She knew that her father’s magazine sales might not be very good recently. Although his father said that everything was okay, she knew that it was not as easy as what he said. Up.

"In Sweden, it's too far, forget it, then don't catch them..."


If it's near Hogwarts, she might still catch it for fun, but if it's in the north of Europe, then forget it, and she won't go for that kind of weird thing.


"If only there is a chance to visit Mr. Newt Scamander, he must know how to find and capture them, and then everyone won't say that Dad’s "Singing a Singing Tune" is made up. ."

Luna sighed. She has always been very concerned about the fact that her classmates have been unwilling to believe in "Singing the Tune" and denying the existence of the bubble snot monster and the horned snorer, but there is no way, she seems to be too There is no good way.

After all, without real evidence, she definitely can't ask others to believe her.

"Newt Scamander? Who is it then?"


"Professor Annie, don't you know?"

Unexpectedly, the little girl professor in front of her didn't even know which famous person, Luna couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Who is he, is he famous? And, why do people need to know him?!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Little Annie said that she was most concerned about delicious and fun things and things. As for someone or something, she would definitely not put it in her heart.


"Mr. Newt Scamander is the most famous expert in magical zoology in the UK, and the author of the textbook "Where are the Fantastic Beasts" for our first-year Hogwarts freshmen. He was awarded the Merlin Sirens in 1979. The title of the second-level magician, he is said to be the first wizard to successfully capture Gellert Grindelwald!"

As she talked, Luna couldn’t help but dreamt about it, hoping that one day she would be able to visit the existence that is very proficient in magical beasts, and want to ask the other party about the bubble snot monster and the snoring beast, and on "The Contradictory" Do the magical creatures that have been reported really exist?

But unfortunately, she only knew that Newt Scamander had retired and was living with his wife in Dorset. As for where she was in Dorset, she didn’t know, after all, like The residence of such a legendary figure would certainly not be easily found by ordinary people.

However, she believes that she will definitely have the opportunity to visit that gentleman, definitely! !



"Who is Gellert Grindelwald?"


What did not say, this student Luna, those personal names and deeds that the other party just said, she doesn't seem to know any of Professor Anne, and she doesn't seem to have even heard of it?

Of course, it is very likely that he has heard of it before, but because the other party's importance is too low, she may have forgotten it or left it behind.


"Gellert Grindelwald is the most dangerous dark wizard in the world. He is the first generation of the Dark Lord defeated during the World War. The chocolate frog card has his photo printed on it. He is one of the most famous characters. , Professor Anne, you don't even know him?"

Luna said it was really surprised that Professor Anne didn’t know about the Dark Lord of the previous generation, because, just as the entire magic world knew the Dark Lord Voldemort, the Dark Lord of the previous era was almost a household name. of.

"Fortunately, he is now imprisoned in the prison in Newmontgard, and it is said that Headmaster Dumbledore defeated him..."

Luna has heard of it. Her father, Mr. Xenofilius Lovegood, once told her that it is said that Dumbledore and the Dark Lord of the last era are related to the Gellert Grindelwald. close? However, she didn't dare to publicize such things casually, especially when it was about Principal Dumbledore.



However, Little Annie did not listen, because whether it was the Dark Lord Gellert or the White Devil Dumbledore, she definitely didn't want to care about that kind of thing, because she cared about some other more important content. .

"Let's talk about the Newt Scamander you just mentioned. Do you know him?"


"Yes, Professor Anne, did you have anything to do with him?"

Luna must know the legendary miraculous zoologist, but it's not necessarily true if the other person doesn't know her.

"Of course it is to discuss the capture techniques of magical animals..."


"Professor, you also like magical animals?"

Suddenly, Luna became a little excited slowly, because she suddenly remembered that she seemed to be able to write this conversation with Professor Anne into a manuscript, and then send it back to her dad for him to write in ", it will definitely get a lot of attention?

"Of course I like it!"


But Annie wouldn't tell the classmate Luna in front of her that what she likes is the kind of magical and magical animals that can be eaten...Of course, she also likes to raise them, because some magical animals can only be eaten when they are fattened.

"Really? I think..."


"Ah! It's Professor Moody, you, hello..."

Originally, Luna wanted to continue chatting happily with this Professor Anne. However, soon, when she found that a familiar figure was staggering towards her place, she stopped quickly and hurriedly moved towards the one that told her. Some frightened Mad-Eye Professor Moody said hello.

'Well? ’

‘This classmate, it’s so late, almost going to bed, what are you doing here? ’

Missing a leg and replaced it with that wooden artificial leg. After stopping on the crutches, Mad-Eye Moody used his real eye and another big, round, round, A bright blue false eye was constantly looking at the little girl Luna, and she was also reprimanded with a grudge.


"Is it so late? I'm really sorry, I just didn't pay attention to the time...Professor Moody, and Professor Anne, then I have to go back to Ravenclaw's lounge first..."

Seeing the fierce Professor Moody staring at and reprimanding herself, Luna, who dared not wait for a moment, hurriedly sighed to the two professors, then hugged her own things and hurriedly left this place, which was illuminated by the moonlight. The extremely bright castle corridor disappeared at the end of the corridor before long.



Seeing that it was the pesky'Professor Moody' who was bothering me, and seeing that the young lady named Luna had left in a hurry, she had no choice but to sullen her face, carrying her little bear and turning around, she also planned to leave. This suddenly boring corridor, go back to his room at the top of the castle.

'and many more! Professor Anne? ’

However, she had just jumped a few steps, and before she could go far, she was yelled by the nosy ‘Professor Moody’.


∑(??△`)? !

"what are you going to do?"


For the bad guy who is unfamiliar with herself and doesn’t like it at all, Annie must not have much patience. However, given that the other party was specially reserved by the strange old man Dumbledore, she thought After thinking about it, I finally reluctantly resisted some kind of urge to beat someone.

"Is such that……"

"Professor Anne, I want to ask, when will our warriors, that is, Miss Granger and Mr. Potter, come back?"

After struggling for a while, Mad-Eye Moody suddenly picked up his small hip flask, and after taking a sip of the weird-smelling liquid in it, he pretended to ask indifferently.


"Maybe before the start of the third project? Anyway, it's still early. Time should be too late."


"What's wrong? Professor Moody, is there any problem with this?"


There are still more than three months before the third project starts, that is, the evening of June 24, so Annie feels that it must be too late!

It’s just that, what makes Annie a little confused is that this'Professor Moody' is just a professor of defense against the dark arts, and he is not the principal, judges, or the organizer and supervisor of the Triwizard Tournament. I am concerned and asked myself what this kind of thing is doing, and I will go straight to the auditorium to watch the movie soon.

And if the other party really wants to see that Potter so much, it's not impossible, because he can go and pray to their Merlin, so that Harry with glasses will come out of it sooner?

"No, no! No problem, I just ask casually..."

The crazy-eyed man waved his hand calmly, but the subtle expression on his face and the false eyes that kept turning around had betrayed him.

"Professor Anne, if it's okay, I'll go to another place to patrol. Today it is my turn to patrol. Dumbledore asked me to pay attention to the cubs who sneak out without sleeping at night..."

After humming and arbitrarily explaining a few sentences, Professor Moody, who was on one leg, continued to support his crutches and walked lightly in a different direction in the corridor where Luna had just left. Disappeared in the complicated Hogwarts castle passage.



(Little master, that guy has a conspiracy!!)

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers saw through the crazy-eyed Moody, knowing that the other party just came to ask his little master about the end time of the Triwizard Tournament 2 and the Harry Potter little human thing, it must be bad intentions! So, It rarely reminds its little master, although that kind of thing has nothing to do with it and its little master?)

"Of course I know!!"




"Forget it, Tibbers, let's go back, let the messy old man Dumbledore worry about it! It's their adults, UU reading, let's leave it alone!"


Little Annie didn’t want to take care of Dumbledore’s affairs. She didn’t want to run out again and whispered that she was not her, so she didn’t care about the conspiracy of Professor Moody. Without the reminder of Tibbers, his little bear, he just continued to walk along the corner of the corridor just now to his room on the top floor of the castle.


There is no one in this corridor, which is so brightly illuminated by moonlight. Only the candles on the wall and the red light from the torches are still swaying with the wind, and continue to use them. The dim light stubbornly competed with the moonlight slanting from outside for the right to light up this corridor...

Unexpectedly, when Little Annie bounced to her room, when she thought that nothing would happen in the auditorium, the principals and professors who were present were still intently watching the movie. At this time, the relevant personnel of the Ministry of Magic and the students took a breath for their three warriors!

Because, they saw from the screen and from the sight of the warriors: a terrifying-looking monster with horns and wings, like a demon described in myths and legends, is leading a group that looks densely packed. The undead surrounded their camp, and surrounded them at the Kaolin intersection that was not too big before they had managed to capture and clean up during the day!

A battle against Lordaeron by the undead is about to break out at this time in the middle of the night...


(*????╰╯`??)?? Ask for a ticket?? (????╰╯`??*)

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