Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 976: ?Night is coming...Mortals, your end is here...

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Corin Junction, it is an important town and transportation hub north of the huge Miredar Lake in the Eastern Tirisfal Woods of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. It shoulders the north of Quel'Thalas and the kingdom’s pearl of Stan. Somme area, east to the hand of Tyre, west to Daron County, Andorhal, and Lordaeron, the capital of Lordaeron, is an important transportation center in the West Tirisfal Woodland!

in the past,

Before the outbreak of the plague, whether it was transport convoys from Andorhal, Alterac, Hinterland or Silverpine Forest in the west, or from Stratholme in the north or from Quelsa Lass shed out'special products', minerals or caravans, etc. They all need to pass through the intersection of Khao Lam and habitually repair them here. Therefore, with this advantage, this place was originally just a small village. It gradually developed into the scale of this small town right now.

Although this place is very important to the Kingdom of Lordaeron, and it is also a must pass through the King's Road, but... It is a pity that:

This important place, this town that is very important for both the economy and the military, is built on this land of Mapingchuan, and there is nothing at all except the houses built along the roads. The city walls, there are no dangerous fortifications to defend?

And this is the dilemma that the Paladin Davy Crowford and the team he has gathered these days, including the wizard Hermione, Harry and Fleur, are currently facing.


With the rewards of the night, they had just taken the Kaolin Junction from the sporadic undead during the day. Before they had time to settle the refugees and arrange their defenses, they soon discovered to their astonishment that they were unexpectedly caught. The horrible undead who emerged, at least ten times as large as them, were blocked in the town of Kaolin Junction!

‘! ! ’

‘Where is the rejection? Move here first! ’

'fast! The warriors of Lordaeron, raise their shields and line up the shield wall! ’

‘The archer is here to get in place, bring the arrows here! Come on, there is kerosene over there, we need more effective rockets to deal with the undead! ! ’

"Beep~! ’

‘Reserve! Come here to gather! ! ’

‘You two, go! Evacuate the refugees to the house in the east. Stay away from here. I will give you fifty soldiers. You are responsible for protecting them... I know that fifty soldiers will not be enough, but Lieutenant, we are very tight now. I can only give you so much! ’

‘Come on, hurry up, take down the roof here, and use those wood and walls to build the most basic arrow tower! ’

‘Take down those windows too! ! ’

'set fire! First, the piles of dead souls over there are burned to me, don't let their necromancers use them to summon skeletons! ’

‘Who knows where Chief Cloverford is? ! ’

'at East! He has just passed by riding a horse, and I heard that undead also appeared over there! ! ’

'what? ! ’

‘Damn it! Come on, take my fate, first move the boxes over there to this side, and build a barricade and a second line of defense here! ! ’


On the west side of Corin’s intersection, those undead that also appeared to be crowded in darkness under the night, do not know where they came from, have completely blocked the retreat to Andorhal and Dahlone when everyone came. As a last resort, the officers of Lordaeron had no choice but to bite the bullet. After coming out of Darrow County, the soldiers who had gathered together less than two thousand soldiers built a simple building here relying on the outermost house. The fortifications, and the hundreds of refugees who were rescued were quickly resettled to the safer east.

Everyone thought that they had won today. After occupying the Corin Junction, they can have a good rest for a night in a clean house, and they can stay here for many days... However, the reality is cruel. When the undead appeared again, the people here had to fall into panic again.


"Harry, look, that big guy over there, what kind of monster is it?!"

Standing with Harry and Fleur behind the western line of defense at Collins Crossing, standing on the cowl of a large cart by the side of the road, watching Hermione in the distance, seeing the one faintly visible under the moonlight at night in the distance. The monster with terrible horns, claws, and huge bat wings asked nervously.

Because she could see that monsters that are very different from ordinary zombies, skeletons, ghouls and hatreds, etc., are definitely not good guys to deal with! What's more, when the opponent seems to be the leader of the undead group?

In short, I don’t know why. Hermione knew that just looking at the green and purple-gray mist in front of her body, she was exuding terrible energy fluctuations, and even the air seemed to have been desecrated by the other party. , I am afraid they are really in trouble this time!


"Sorry, Hermione, I don't know, it's the first time I saw that kind of monster..."

"But look at its wings, its horns and fangs, do they look like the ones we have seen in the book?"

Harry nervously held the wand in his hand. He said that it was really the first time he saw the kind of guy who seemed to be ugly, so he must not be able to answer Hermione’s question. Because when they followed the Paladins of the Silver Hand to Darrow County, they had never seen anything like that or anything like that.

"If only it was a vampire..."


"Be careful,, it's looking at us!!"

At this moment, Hermione had not had time to say something, her heart was excited, because she suddenly discovered that the monster in the distance, which was flapping its wings and suspended in the mid-air several meters high, suddenly used terrible and cruel She glanced towards them, scared her heart on the spot, but fortunately she resisted it, and was not scared to cast any curse to protect herself.


"Hermione, I just felt like I was being stared at by a dementor. You said, if we cast the'Patron God Curse' later, will it work?"

Harry was also frightened, and he swears that Fleur was the same, because now the other party had hidden behind him unconsciously, and didn't dare to look at the terrifying monster in the distance.


"You can try it later, but I can't guarantee it will work..."

Hermione felt that if the other party really only existed like a'dementor', it would be great. In that case, a'guardian of the gods' can solve the problem, and the curse of the guardian **** is exactly Harry's specialty. , That kind of spell that requires'you need to try your best to recall something happy' to cast a spell is obviously not Hermione's expertise, who is used to thinking rationally.

Obviously, she is more willing to cast or try those advanced spells that have more complex actions, longer spells, and more obscure and difficult to pronounce than the kind of magic spells that require happiness to be successfully cast.


Harry swallowed, fearing that the terrible guy in the distance would stare at him again, so he turned his gaze away in a jealousy.

However, he has secretly made up his mind, waiting for the enemy to start attacking, and after the monster rushes up, he will definitely try his patron saint spell! Maybe, when his patron saint, his beautiful silver stag can deal with dementors as well, maybe he kicks the opponent directly with one hoof?

"Harry, I don't understand..."

"How can they come so fast, why didn't we see them at all when we came here during the day?"

Furong asked with some fear and worry.

During the day, they followed the team to attack from the west, and successfully defeated the few undead entrenched in the intersection of Collins, and completely occupied this place... But what do you think, the undead came from their He appeared behind him, and was so blocked in their back road, and he was about to launch a fierce attack?

This kind of terrible thing was something she had never expected...

Looking at the dense number of them, those crazy and terrifying eyes, Furong couldn't help but shudder in her heart... If she was the only one here, she must have used hers directly. The not-so-skilled Phantom Shifting spell ran back to Dalong County or another safer place farther away, where will it continue to stay here, ready to fight so many terrifying undeads?


It’s a pity that they must not be able to leave now, because there are still a lot of soldiers here, and hundreds of innocent Lordaeron refugees gathered and rescued. There are some things, in this case she must be There is no way to be too selfish.

‘Call~! ’

"Huh! That's actually a demon!!"

At this time, the Paladin Davy Crowford finally rode his horse to endure his anger, rushed from the east quickly, and steadily, used skilled equestrian skills to stop beside the three of them, and said :

"Wizards, there is no doubt that we are in serious trouble this time!"

"This is likely to be a conspiracy. They must be deliberately weak during the day and let us lay down the Corin junction!"

"You may not know that in addition to the demon in front, there is also the undead knight who attacked Darrow County! They blocked our way to the'Hand of Tyre' outside the east intersection!"

"It looks like they have taken us down..."

Speaking of this, the leader of the Paladin, Davy Crowford, couldn’t help but let out a sullen breath, but if he hadn’t found that there were fewer undeads in the east, they seemed to be just trying to get stuck there, but they weren’t too If they have more desire to attack, I'm afraid they will really be attacked this time.

At that time, what terrible things will happen, and where they will fall, it is really not what he dares to imagine! And even worse: no one can save them now. Uther and the main force of the Silver Hand may have been fighting the undead near Hearthglen. It must be too late to send someone to ask for help, and the'Hand of Tyr' 'It's the same. Although there are strong troops there and there are some paladins in the Holy Light's Hope Chapel, it is indeed a bit far from the intersection of Corin, and it is too late anyway.


"What about the north? Are there any enemies in the north?!"

Surprised, Harry asked quickly. He knew that there was a big lake to the south of Corin's intersection. There must be no way to go. So now, it seems that the only way to go to Stratholme and the legend is to the north. The direction of the elven kingdom in China.

If not, then they may have to retreat to the north...

Anyway, Harry felt that now that their two thousand remnants were defeated here, it would definitely not be a good idea to smash the ten to twenty thousand undead army, especially when the Corin junction here is not conducive to defense.


"Sorry, I would rather fight the undead here now than to escape to the unknown north when being pursued by the enemy... I have heard that it is the hardest hit area of ​​the plague, unless it is Uther and Al Prince Sath and their army are coming, otherwise, believe me, Lord Wizard, it’s not really a good idea to go north."

Seeing the young wizard's suggestion, the dumbfounded Davy Croford didn't even think about it, and shook his head, extinguishing the other party's plan to suggest him to retreat to the north.


"Now we have no choice, we have to fight them first, you should better prepare first..."

After finishing speaking, the Paladin Davy Crowford rode forward and ran forward, because he still has more important work to do. Later, he will command troops to resist the attacks of the undead. He doesn’t have much. Time to talk more with the three young wizards.

If there were only their dozen or so Paladins and the 2,000-odd Lordaeron soldiers put together, they would definitely not be the opponents of those terrifying undead monsters. Davy knew the terrible monsters, especially It was when the other party became as big as it is now, that is really a terrible thing!

Fortunately, there are still three wizards in his team, especially the Hermione Witch. He had seen each other's power when he was in Darrowshire, so at this time, he still had a little bit of power. Emboldened, did not appear too panic.


"Hermione, what shall we do later?"

Harry must have no good way to deal with the undead whose number is at least 10,000 or 20,000, which looks densely packed, and only those shining terrible eyes can make him chill. After holding the somewhat cold hand that the other party stretched out, he asked a little nervously towards Hermione, the backbone of the current three.

"Sorry, Harry!"

"I don't know, now we can only play and watch..."

Try hard first, if it doesn't work, try to escape?

It's just that this thought just flashed through Hermione's heart, she didn't say it... I remembered the resolute Lordaeron soldiers in front, and remembered those behind that were blocked by the undead. The refugee in the middle of the town, she could only sigh from the bottom of her heart.

At the moment, she also had no good solution. After frowning and looking at Harry and Fleur, she could only summon her magic book directly, and held it tightly to herself. In the left hand.

Fortunately, her magic book is now full of 1010 Fragmented Fires, and that huge fireball with terrifying power must be enough for the undead to drink a pot! However, she hasn't figured out how to use them. After all, she only has ten in total, and she can't just waste them.



Thinking about it, it is true that Harry and Fleur have no other better way. After seeing Hermione’s performance, they can only grit their teeth and walk aside, preparing to wait for the enemy’s upcoming attack and see if they can Help the soldiers of Lordaeron who are in the front line.


Whether it was Harry, Fleur or Hermione who was preparing silently, what they didn’t know was that they had experienced the cruel combat before they knew it, and at this time they were able to face the battle with a calm attitude. Now, even if the enemy is far stronger than them!

Moreover, correspondingly, the combat skills and spell proficiency of the three of them is skyrocketing. Even Harry, who was the least basic of the original three, has now surpassed in the actual application of certain spells. Furong has a faint tendency to catch up with Hermione...

However, they can't do anything now, because the initiative of the battlefield is in the hands of the undead, and they certainly can't do more without the enemy starting an offensive.


In the Great Hall of Hogwarts, countless teachers and students are closely watching the situation on the screen, and are worried about the situation of their three warriors, because those terrifying undeads are about to Attack again!

Moreover, what is even more frightening is that the power balance between the two sides seems to be very different?

Therefore, many people are a little worried, for fear that soon, there will be a new warrior who will be like someone who has been depressed since being eliminated and can only sit on the representative seat of Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to cheer others. Like Rum, he was eliminated directly from the'Lordaeron', so that they can no longer watch that kind of interesting'big movie'?

"Ha ha……"

However, Mr. Dumbledore, who was watching the film on the principal’s seat in the best viewing area, was not worried. He just lay deep in his seat cheerfully and comfortably picked up the water glass on the table. Drinking a sip of water, waiting for the development of the plot on the screen.

Because he had discovered it a long time ago, some good phenomena are happening to Harry and Hermione, and they are quietly changing the two of them... this is what he is happy to see and saves him Many plans are very conducive to his future arrangements!

In short, what he had been worrying about before, now he doesn't worry much... Now, whether it is Harry or Hermione, they are very good, and once they can grow up smoothly, all the problems will be solved. Right?

And now what is happening on the'screen' is accelerating the growth of the two. From his recent observations, after cruel actual combat training, whether it is Harry or the Fleur, their abilities are apart from The magic power is still a little bit inferior, and the speed and response of casting spells alone are no less than the average Auror!

As for that Miss Granger...

Well, Dumbledore does not want to comment on the little girl who is very good in character and ability. Anyway, he feels that now, at the same age, even without the magic book, the little Tom of the year is probably far away. Far behind the other side.


How come time flies so fast, it's so late now?


After seeing his pocket watch, Dumbledore couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, because he found that it seemed that it was almost time for the students to sleep now?


Lifted and glanced at the pair of eyes sitting in the auditorium that looked at him either nervously, nervously, or complaining, Dumbledore didn't need to think much about why they looked at him like that.

at last,

He thought about it seriously, and it was rare to extinguish his original plan to stand up and drive the students back to sleep! Because, now a big battle is about to begin, and it is undoubtedly an inhumane thing to drive the students out of the auditorium now. Therefore, he, the principal, suddenly felt that tonight seems to be able to make an exception to extend the two-hour movie watching. Time, and then, tomorrow morning's class can also be postponed a little bit, or even all to the afternoon?



The principal who had made up his mind smiled and sighed with relief, and looked at the one in the distance, Professor McGonagall, who had winked several times, shook his head and gave him a calm look. Conveniently, he continued to sit on the throne of his principal.


No way, Professor McGonagall, who knew from the eyes of the attitude of Mr. President, had to sit back in her own seat a little angrily, dispelling her originally unkind behavior.


"Mrs. Maxim, what about Professor Anne? Why didn't I seem to see her tonight?"

Looking at an empty location, Dumbledore was a little strange, because now it is about to get to the most exciting part of the'movie', but a little girl has been missing? So, feeling a little puzzled in his heart, he asked carefully the lady Maxim next to him.

Dumbledore felt that if the little guy was here, maybe he could ask him in advance, what is the terrible thing that appeared on the "screen" above, which was called a devil by the Paladin. The presence?

"Mr. Principal Dumbledore..."

"She's not a professor at our Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. How can I know something that you don't even know?!"

However, a tall female principal impatiently and mercilessly gave Dumbledore a roll of eyes, and then his gaze quickly returned to the screen.

Because now is the most critical time, she doesn't want to miss something, and she is looking forward to the performance of the warriors from Boothbaton's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


"That's it!"

After a moment of stunned, then thinking about it, it seemed that what the other party said was reasonable, and Dumbledore, who felt that he was indeed asking the wrong person, had to touch his nose awkwardly and turned around.


Click! Click!

‘I just saw her! She has gone back to her lounge! ! ’

'how? Dumbledore, haven't you rushed the students back to sleep? You see, the time is much longer now, are you still sitting here? ’

At this moment, a mad-eyed man with a limping leg came over with a little unhappy, and asked a certain headmaster aloud, as if he didn't mind that the students in the distance turned towards him after hearing his words. The professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts cast that angry cannibal look.

"Haha! No hurry, no hurry..."

"I think that tonight is a special situation and can be extended a bit...Professor Moody, as elders, sometimes we can't do things too much. We always have to take care of the collective emotions of the students a little bit?"

After seeing who came, Dumbledore happily shook his hand, and signaled the crazy-eyed man to sit down in his place if he wanted to watch.

Because he has already made certain decisions, and even the usual strict Professor McGonagall has compromised, so now there is no need for anyone to question his president's decision. After all, in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, in this castle, Dumbledore had the final say.


"Dumbledore, you still spoil them too much!"

With a cold snort, it seemed that Moody, who was a little angry, was patrolling the outside blindly. He turned around hummingly, and hit his wooden leg forcefully against the stone floor of the castle, taking a few quick steps. He walked to his place and sat down hard.

When the fake eye in his eye socket began to move up and down, he took out his wine bottle for the first time and looked at the screen above the auditorium with the other eye while unscrewing the lid. Take a sip...

"Hehe, who made me a kind principal?"

Dumbledore glanced meaningfully at the crazy-eyed Moody and the bottle of'wine' in the opponent's hand, and then turned to the one on the other side, which seemed to have discovered something long ago, and was staring inexplicably at this moment. After smiling with his own Professor Snape, he continued to watch his movie as if nothing happened. baby

After all, a big battle is about to start. At this time, it is better to watch the movie seriously. As for other things, such as driving the students back to sleep or other things, wait until everything is over.

"Severus, would you like a bunch of cockroaches?"

It seems to have discovered that a certain professor has been locked in with his eyes, and there is no other way. He glanced at the screen and found that the terrible undead were not in a hurry to attack, but were still in formation, seeing both sides. After the fight did not start, Dumbledore took out a can of candy from his cuff without any haste. First he reached in and caught a messy "cockroach" and threw it directly into his mouth to chew. After getting up, he gestured the small glass jar full of'cockroaches' to a potions professor.

After experiencing certain scenes, for fear that a little girl would eat in public again and tempted him, the old principal's principal, she deliberately carried such a small jar of ‘cockroach’ candies.


"Huh! Thank you, no more!"

What a cunning old thing!

Seeing the old guy pretending to be crazy, Snape twitched at the corner of his mouth, and after taking a deep look at the opponent, he took his gaze back from the opponent and a professor in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Although he didn't know what Dumbledore was doing, since the other party knew it and was still pretending to be stupid, he didn't have much to say, so he could only continue to sit in his seat with a dark face, watching'ying What happened on the curtain...


At the intersection of Corinth, the undead who had been preparing for a long time, when their two huge and hideous meat grinders were finally pushed over from a distance by a few loathing, they were placed in front of the formation. After the huge abominations put up pieces of rancid plague meat that didn't know what kind of creature they were, the battle here was finally about to start.

But before the fight begins, some necessary work is still to be done, such as: spreading fear among those humans?

And that kind of thing is exactly what the dreadlords are good at and willing to do...

'Hum hum……'

‘Stupid mortals, I’m Mal’Ganis, the king of fear...’

In the distance, the demon flew slowly into the air, and then soon, following its opening, a gloomy and gloomy sound, which sounded like the penetrating sound of metal rubbing, came from afar, making The Lordaeron soldiers, Hermione, Harry, and others couldn't help but numb their scalps.

‘Night is coming...’

‘Mortals, your time is running out. Soon, your soul will belong to me, to the great legion! ’


‘Resist! Fight! Scream! ’

‘Soon, you will suffer that eternal torment, and your soul will be imprisoned forever in the twisted void and howl, and I will enjoy the joy that your pain brings me...’

‘Little mortals, your end is here, face the power of Nazrethm! ! ’

After Nazrethm’s dreadlord Mal’Ganis sneered and finished his not-too-long lines, he soon felt that there weren’t too many enemies or important people on the other side. He waved his hand and signaled that the undead army began to press on the enemy's ridiculous barrier. At the same time, the two hideous meat grinders also began to slam into the sky with a large amount of terrible The flesh of the green plague poison mist?

‘! ! ’

Carrying the warhammer in front of him, the grim-faced Paladin Davy Crowford, after watching the awful demon's botched performance, had not waited for him to say something to cheer up the soldiers' slightly low morale. , He was shocked suddenly!

"Not good! Watch out for the meat in the sky! Watch out for the meat!!"

Obviously, Davy Crowford has seen the power of those meat grinders with the plague, because those things thrown out'siege items' will not only destroy their weak fortifications. , At the same time it will spread a terrible vicious plague and severely hit the morale of the soldiers!

Because they are not something else but pieces of dead human flesh! It's no joke if the rotten meat stained with the plague and poisonous mist splashes on the soldiers.

‘! ! ’

‘Wadi Wasi! ’

‘Wadi Wasi! ! ’

However, to everyone’s surprise, at this moment, Harry and Fleur cast a spell together with eloquence, and accurately hit the two rotten and plague-poisoned pieces that fell parabolic in the air. The rotten meat of the fog knocked it down and flew back, and quickly shot down the undead who were slowly advancing and running at a slow pace to attack, directly smashing two rows of ground skeletons. , And smashed many running ghouls to the ground...

‘? ? ’

‘Is their mage? ! ’

The dreadlord Mal'Ganis was slightly surprised in the distance. However, before he recovered, he only saw that two huge fireballs quickly flew out of the Corin junction on the opposite side.

Whoosh~! Whoosh~!


‘! ! ’

Mal'Ganis was shocked subconsciously flicked his wings, and then flew high.

Next second...

Boom~! Boom~! !

Two violent explosions sounded, and Mal'Ganis who looked down was taken aback on the spot! Because, he saw the front of his undead army, those two meat grinders and a large area of ​​undead surrounding them were blown to pieces by the two groups of blasting art, and at the same time they lost the abominations. At least the elite undead who stepped forward?


Is it blasting?

Upon seeing this, Mal'Ganis opened his mouth, and his heart trembled.

He has never thought that there is actually an archmage in the opposing team who can release the terrible blasting art so quickly? However, this made him finally understand why a cunning undead knight said that he was reluctant to attack frontally, but had to do the kind of work that blocked the road.

However, if the enemy only has this ability, he still can't scare him Mal'Ganis!



Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!


Soon, without waiting for Mal'Ganis to think more, three more huge fireballs screamed and flew towards this side, and then one of them still aimed at him? Seeing this, he had no choice but to shake the demon's wings behind him again and dive quickly, finally barely avoiding it.

Boom~! boom!

Boom~! ! !

Three consecutive explosions sounded, and three huge fireballs exploded in the formation of the undead. While killing at least thousands of undeads in an instant, they also left three on the ground that watched to melt the ground. The huge fire field eased the offensive of those undead people.


"I see... is that the reason for that book?"

The old and cunning Mal'Ganis quickly noticed: In the distance, the magic power on that little witch is simply not worth mentioning, she can't unleash those five terrible blasting art in a row! However, the book in the opponent's hand is a bit different...So, he thinks, maybe, he can find a way to grab the other's book that he left?

‘Fluorescence flashes! ’

‘All care! ! ’

When Hermione started, Harry and Fleur did not stop either, and when Fleur shot into the sky, a "fluorescent flash" was used to illuminate the entire battlefield, making it convenient for Lordaeron soldiers to fight. Also directly facing the soldiers of Lordaeron's heavy armor and shield swords who were holding their shields, they blessed them with a layer of armor.

‘! ! ’

'kill! ! ’

‘Kill~! ’

"Drink~! ! ’

Seeing that the wizards on my side were so powerful, they blew up five large fireballs in the formation of the undead, burned countless undeads, and severely blocked the undead's attack. The soldiers of Lordaeron at the forefront were protected by the "enhanced" shield and illuminated by the "fluorescent flashing". They finally lifted their spirits and rushed to the ghouls, hatreds, skeletons, and The zombies knocked down together!

Immediately afterwards, the heavy armor and the heavy shield collided with the bone chopper, the long sword and the blood-stained filthy weapon collided, the bone arrows and the rocket flew in the air, the withered body fell to the ground and the screams of blood bursting began to become In addition to the theme of the battlefield, a battle between humans and the undead finally broke out here at the intersection of Kaolin.

At this time, the soldiers had no time to applaud the wizards’ performances just now, because now they must fight for themselves first, and stabilize their formation from the offensive of the numerous and terrifying undeads. Otherwise, all of them will have to die! !


"Except your weapons!!"

An abomination who was the first to break through the formation. When the terrifying iron hook in its hand was about to knock the soldiers of the Lordaeron shield sword in front of it, it suddenly discovered the chain with the chain in its hand. Hook actually flew out by itself, and even staggered involuntarily, almost didn't raise its head and fall?

Then, without waiting for it to react, the spear in the hand of a Lieutenant Lordaeron pierced its eye sockets, and then more soldiers rushed to quickly take its disgusting body. After the upper head and arms were chopped off, he stepped heavily on its fat body, re-arranged the shield forward, and quickly blocked the gap that was swept away by it.


Another curse hit the other abomination, making it stunned for a while, and then, as if going crazy, it gave up the shield wall of Lordaeron soldiers in front of it, and turned to Waving the huge bone cleaver and shackle in his hand, frantically attacked the undead around him?


"It's a shame! Hermione, you almost burned that demon to death just now!!"

Fleur, who jumped down from the heights behind that, and started to rush towards the front line together, only after two beautiful little spells helped the soldiers of Lordaeron did he face him. Min smiled and said regretfully.

What she just saw, Hermione shot five full of "Splitting Fires" in a row, and wiped out thousands of undead at once. The terrible killing power is that she and Harry are far away. Incomparable.

"You did a good job too, Furong!"

After seeing Furong's handy spell, Hermione, who knew that the other party had made great progress in the past, was not to be outdone. She waved her magic wand and pointed it at a large stone mill next to her, making her not aware that it was the previous one. The two pieces of "property" of the townspeople floated easily.

‘Yugadim Leviosa! ’

Then, as the wand in Hermione's hand flicked fiercely, the two stone mills were like cannonballs, slamming into the densest piece of undead in the distance, breaking their bones and shattering their limbs. Let the Lordaeron soldiers there relieve a lot of burden at once.

"Good job! Hermione!"

Seeing that Fleur and Hermione had already started performing, Harry certainly couldn't be left behind! Therefore, he has a better brain and is good at observing the situation. After seeing those archers behind who are wrapping arrows in cotton cloth, and then contaminating barrels of kerosene with the arrows, they are attacking the undead with rockets. A good idea came to mind soon.

‘Fire oil is coming! ’

Harry, who had already mastered the Flying Curse, shook the eleven-inch long, flexible wand in his hand made of holly wood, and also contained a Phoenix Fox tail. Around him summoned five large barrels of kerosene that had not yet been opened, and then controlled them to fly to the top of the dense formation of the undead.

‘Bone to pieces! ! ’

Immediately afterwards, the smashing spells accurately hit the barrels, and then countless kerosene was like rain, spilling on the undead below, and soon, the fire directly exploded by Hermione below Under the continuous attack of those rockets fired by the archers of the regiment and Lordaeron, countless undeads burned with the help of kerosene. The terrifying fire that occurred in the local area suddenly overwhelmed just now. Those'fragmented fires' that Hermione threw towards various positions.

At this time, at least three or two thousand undead were ignited. Those zombies and skeletons with weaker defenses were burned with the flames of fire and oil, and those withered bodies would soon break, even if it was a strong food. The ghoul and hatred, I am afraid the situation will not be too optimistic.


"Good job! Harry!"

Seeing that her companions were better than each other, Hermione felt that she too seemed to have to perform well, so as not to be compared by the two?

and so……

Hermione quickly focused on the short spears that Ann didn't know who put them there. There were at least a dozen bundles, and each bundle had at least hundreds of short spears.

She knew that those were powerful weapons used for throwing, and there were strict requirements for the soldiers' arm strength, but it seemed that no one was using them right now?

‘Ten thousand bullets! ’

Under normal circumstances, a burst of ten thousand bullets just makes the object shoot out and constantly attack the harassing target, its power is not strong! However, if it is to control a large number of terrible short spears to shoot out continuously, then it is not necessarily...

Isn't this?

When the demon in the distant sky was flying over here, he only saw that thousands of short spears, at this time, were shooting towards him at a terrifying speed? Seeing that situation, he had to stabilize his figure dangerously, raised his paws, and swung severely at the short spears that were shot at him.

Whoosh~! Whoo~! Whoo~!


A short spear flew quickly past him, but any threat to it was easily grabbed by it with its own sharp claws into pieces with smooth notches.

Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!


And those short spears that could not threaten him and were not crushed and smashed by him began to rely on their own weight and speed, writing fiercely and shooting down, and disgusting, ghouls, and Zombies, skeletons, and certain unlucky necromancers were cruelly nailed to the ground. Although most of them were not dead due to their own particularities, they might not be able to break free for a while.



Finally, I saw that the undead who had accumulated so hard had suffered such heavy casualties under the tricks of the little wizards. I felt that if they continued like this, there would be no more Malgar left until they broke through the defenses of the Lordaeron soldiers. Nice finally got angry.


"You succeeded in angering me! I haven't torn anyone out for a long time!!"

With bursts of purple-black and green energy black mist around her body, after protecting herself from the fel energy that can blaspheme the air, Mal'Ganis rushed directly into the distance. The midair turned into a black shadow, and rushed towards this side quickly!

From his perspective, his target seems to be the three little wizards who are causing trouble to his undead troops with various spells?

Although he felt that, apart from the previous few'explosive fire spells' among the three, he hadn't paid attention to the other spells at all, but he couldn't deny that the other party was under the cooperation of those mortal soldiers, even those Small spells can also kill his men in large quantities, so he must tear them up quickly!


Anxiously, Mal'Ganis, who was about to rush towards the three little wizards who were too late to guard, and was about to unscrew their heads, found a golden light coming from the side, and then he could only hurried back to protect him. Own chest.

Bang! !

A warhammer with a strong golden light slammed into the armor on his arm, arbitrarily interrupting his flight and diving posture, and forced him to fly sideways in embarrassment to the pile of broken pieces. Pile of wood.

'Humph! ’

'demon! Your opponent is me! ! ’

The Paladin Davy Crowford, who had been dismounted and was looking for a chance, finally gave the hateful demon a cruel blow, smashed the opponent with a crusade blow, and successfully took that one The flying enemy was forced to the ground.

Therefore, he didn't intend to miss the opportunity, so he rushed to the opponent with his warhammer again, and before the opponent stood up from the pile of logs, he slammed it down!

The verdict of the Templars?

Boom! ! !

With the sound of a powerful shock, the Lordaeron soldiers, Hermione, Harry, and Fleur who were nervously surrounding them, and even David Croft himself, were very surprised: That Mal'Ganis actually used a tightly clasped arm and the golden and green armbands above him to block the powerful and sacred blow?

However, judging from the opponent's slightly curved movements and the fact that the evil energy on his body is resisting the Holy Light, it seems that the opponent is not very well?

‘! ! ’


Suddenly, after discovering some of the opponent's actions, Davy Crowford dared not continue to wrestle with the opponent, and quickly tightened his hammer to protect him, but he was still hammered by the opponent's hoof like a cow and sheep. Shank kicked hard, causing him to fly upside down.


"You are not his opponents, go to the front line and give him to me!!"

As soon as he landed, before he stood up, Davy Crowford yelled at the Lordaeron soldiers who were about to rush forward. Then, he began to explode with a stronger light, watching The terrible enemy who has nothing to do with it, and is slowly walking from the pile of scattered logs.

The opponent is very powerful. It is the strongest enemy he has ever seen by Davy Crowford, so knowing that the soldiers will only die if the soldiers go up, so he stopped drinking in time. they.

"Harry! Fleur!"

"You go to the front to help them stabilize their line, and let me and the Crowford Knights here first!"

Hermione didn’t know whether the opponent was strong or not. Anyway, she only knew that the energy intensity emitted by the opponent’s surroundings was something she couldn’t even imagine, so she directly burned the magic book she was holding in her palm. Get up, she is ready to rely on the power of the book and the five fragmented fires remaining in it to cooperate with the Davy Crowford Paladin to besiege the terrible demon!

‘Tiny mortals...’

‘I am Mal’Ganis, I am immortal! You will soon discover that your resistance is destined to be futile! ’

"Heh heh heh..."

With a grinning grin, Mal'Ganis did not care about the little pawns who retreated or the two little wizards who hesitated to retreat. He only looked at the troublesome Paladin with interest before turning his gaze on Firmly locked the little witch not far behind the opponent and the burning magic book in the opponent's hand!

He is more certain now, that magic book is not simple, and the power of that witch, that terrible fire explosion technique obviously comes from it! And now, it is also burning, and is continuously blessing that witch with some powerful power?

So he felt that it seemed necessary for him to grab it from Mal'Ganis and study it carefully? That magic book looks good, maybe it is some kind of powerful artifact, like a treasure similar to "The Book of Medivh"? And things like that, obviously shouldn't be owned by a little witch.


(??ˇ?ˇ??)?? Ask for a ticket?? (??ˇ?ˇ??)

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