Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 981: ? Stratholme whose situation has deteriorated?

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Stratholme has been completely blocked since yesterday, including the large port on the north side of the city on the sea!

Yesterday, Uther Lightbringer sent most of the Paladins of the Silver Hand, and asked them and soldiers to go to the city to maintain order and conduct a preliminary selection of the Lordaeron people infected with the undead plague. And evaluation.

That job was undoubtedly huge and complicated, so after one night, their work was not very effective, but they had to do it again! However, gradually they discovered that the preliminary data they obtained was surprisingly consistent with the data obtained during Alsace's blockade, or even worse?

Because at this time, the chaos in Stratholme has initially appeared...

More and more undead zombies began to appear, and they began to culminate all the living people around without warning, even the original relatives of ‘their’! And if there were not enough soldiers in the city and enough to react quickly enough to culminate the sporadic “converted” in a timely manner, I am afraid that large-scale riots would have radiated to the entire Stansor in an uncontrollable trend. The city is now.

However, even if the soldiers are trying to maintain the order in Stratholme, everyone knows that this situation is only temporary. Once the infected people are concentrated, the situation will be out of control!

After all, Stratholme is really too big. The Kingdom of Lordaeron, and even the "Pearl of the North" of the seven nations of mankind, this giant city that once undertook shipping, foreign trade, and trade with the elves of Quel'Thalas, can It wasn't that Uther's strength in his hand could be completely controlled.


‘I have to say something! ’

"Master Uther..."

‘The situation is really bad now! Some people have already begun to become zombies. Although our people quickly wiped out them, it will definitely not work if this continues...’

‘Once those undead plagues start to erupt on a large scale, it’s all over! ’

"From yesterday to this morning, our paladins and priests have already checked. From the random inspections of the blocks, there are only a handful of people who are not infected. Those who are indirectly infected can be rescued with the Holy Light. Dispelling those terrible toxins, but those who have eaten contaminated food and deeply infected people are basically really helpless... Once the plague in their bodies strikes, once they are transformed into undead, then Stansaw I'm afraid I will be ruined! ’

'correct! ’

'Also, there are so many paladins and priests in our hands, and the light is not infinite. The light of a high-level paladin may not be able to save a few people... So, unless we can now There is some kind of special antidote for them to eat, or else...'

Otherwise, the Paladin Davy Croford, who came to report and wait for the new order, did not say anything, because he knew that Uther would understand what he meant.


According to David Kloford, the current situation in Stratholme is really shocking. Although they have temporarily controlled the situation here, once the civilians infected with the plague become new The undead, think about their terrible base, think about their power after they become an unstoppable army of evil, even he, a veteran paladin who has fought countless blood battles with the undead, can't help feeling a kind of frightening fear.

To this day, for the Paladin Davy, who has begun to understand Stratholme's situation in depth, it seems that the fear, frustration of failure, and the crazy behavior of Prince Arthas yesterday are not the same. It's too hard to understand...

Although all of them know that directly and indiscriminately slaughtering a city is an extremely cruel and innocent crazy behavior, but in a sense, if it is to slaughter a city, it is indeed the most direct and effective way?

In short,

In terms of practicability and effectiveness, it must be much more reliable and efficient than the current method of blocking cities and identifying infected persons by Lord Uther!

Of course, Davy Crowford was just thinking about that kind of thing. He didn't dare to say it, and he believed that other paladins would also dare not say it, because no one could be like Prince Arthas yesterday. , Can make up his mind and dare to give the crazy'slaughter city' order.

‘Davy Paladin is right. The southwestern city area I am responsible for is the same. One day and one night passed, but dozens of confirmed uninfected ones were identified. As for the others...’

‘It’s the same on my side. Yesterday I personally went to check it out. There were three streets and thousands of people, and I only picked out less than ten uninfected ones...’

"It's really crazy. Those demons and the scum of cursed gods must not only start with the food shipped from Andorhal, they must have poisoned the fish in the farms and docks around Stratholme, no one can No food, no one is used to hoarding food for more than a month at home. This kind of thing is really terrible, and the Holy Light will not forgive them! ’

‘The same goes for the inner city area where we are in charge...’

'I also checked the warehouse at the dock. The fish boxes, the boxes and the salt bags all showed signs of contamination by the undead plague... Although my sailors prevented some of the merchants who were infected with the plague and wanted to escape Stratholme , But Master Uther, I'm afraid we can't stop it in another two days. ’

‘It doesn’t take two days, I think at the latest tomorrow, the situation may be completely out of control! ’


"I have a local ensign captain in Stratholme. His whole family has been infected. His grandparents, the heroic father who participated in World War II, and several brothers and sisters, the youngest is only seven years old, there is no one left. , They were all deeply infected and completely hopeless, I went to check it myself, and I don’t know how to tell him now...'


'Last night someone wanted to escape from the sewers and was caught by my soldiers. One hundred and thirty-seven people. Except for the two who were sure to be uninfected, the rest were all locked in a cage in the western barracks. Now, when I came, some of them had already become undead, and the rest might not last until the sun rises tomorrow. ’

'But I found that the initial undead monsters are not difficult to deal with. Their movements are slow, and they can't even break through the wooden cage made of logs. They are not like that terrible ghoul. Even a recruit needs to overcome the heart That kind of fear, in a one-on-one situation should be able to overcome them? ’

'what! Finally there is some good news! ’

‘Wake up, they won’t give you a chance for a fair one-on-one duel. In one or two days, their number is likely to be dozens of times ours! At that time, as long as one charge, our soldiers will be torn to pieces by them! ’


‘Everyone, I want to correct one thing: only weak and ordinary civilians can turn into slow-moving zombies, and those who are strong or who are originally powerful fighters are not necessarily. Moreover, unless their heads are chopped up, otherwise, ordinary attacks are completely ineffective against them! But our soldiers, as long as they are bitten by them, and are not treated by the Holy Light in a short period of time or use Holy Water to clean their wounds, they are in danger! ’

‘Holy water? correct! Didn’t we bring a lot of holy water into the city? How is the effect? ’

‘Not so good. It can only purify the toxins in the food and protect those who are not infected. As for those who are infected...’


A group of Paladins and Lordaeron’s generals were just like that. At first, you talked with each other in Uther’s Great Tent. However, judging from the content of their conversation, no matter what Whether it was Uther, who had an ugly face, or Hermione who was listening, could hear how bad the situation was.

"Okay! Stop talking..."

Finally, a strong voice uttered and interrupted everyone's discussion and reports, so that the barracks account was finally quiet.


Uther Lightbringer, the leader of the Knights of the Silver Hand, Stratholme and Marshal of the East Tirisfal Glades Endemic Area of ​​Lordaeron Kingdom, did not rush to speak. He was just watching in the big tent of the barracks. The huge simple sand table of Stratholme was in a daze.

Obviously, after a day and a night, after thoroughly understanding Stratholme's situation, he finally understood a little bit about why Alsace planned to issue such crazy slaughter orders yesterday. The heavy responsibility and burden and the serious frustration are indeed a bit overwhelming... However, unlike before, now that heavy responsibility has been his turn to Uther.

Moreover, no matter how difficult it is, no matter how bad the situation is, he must resist! The only good thing is that Uther is so old that he has seen any situation, so he will not be easily crushed or go to extremes like young people.

in those days……

Cruel and bloodthirsty orcs swept across the Kingdom of Stormwind, the entire huge kingdom collapsed, countless people were slaughtered, and some lucky refugees had to cross the oceans to flee to Lordaeron... the scene at that time, comparable The current situation of the undead plague is much worse!

Also, in the battle at Blackrock Mountain, Sir Anduin Lothar died in front of the battle, and the battlefield situation took a turn for the worse. He was about to be counterattacked by the orcs, and when he was about to collapse thousands of miles away, they still gritted their teeth. And successfully defeated the orcs and won the final victory of that epic battle?

and so,

The current crisis here in Stratholme is only the tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of evil undead zombies that may emerge, not afraid of death. It does not seem to be a big problem?

It’s a big deal. They just don’t want the East Tirisfal Woodland renamed the Eastern and Western Plaguelands. They ran back to Lordaeron to hold on, or went south to Silverpine Forest and Hillsborough. Ryder hills, and even ran to Arathi Highlands... He didn't believe it anymore, the undead plague or those cursed gods and demons could be stronger than the original orcs, and could they directly sweep the seven kingdoms?

Of course, there are no seven human kingdoms anymore.


"How is the selection process for infected persons? How many people have not been screened, and how many are mildly infected and suspected citizens?"

After thinking for a while, Uther, who felt that the worst was all-out defeat and retreat, finally took a sigh of relief and quickly regained his spirit. He looked at the person who had come to report to the work, and looked a little tired. Paladin general Davy Crowford.

"My lord, it's useless!"

"Our manpower is severely understaffed. Now that one day and one night have passed, we have only selected an urban area that is almost only one-tenth of the entire city. Among the tens of thousands of people initially selected, there are only less than two thousand uninfected people and Hundreds of lightly infected people who can be dispelled with holy light..."

"We did come too late..."

"Master Uther, I'm afraid our time is really running out, and the manpower is too few. We only have less than 10,000 soldiers in total. We must have more troops!!"

Davy Crowford and the other Paladin generals have calculated that now they need at least 10,000 people to participate in the selection process, and another 10,000 people to maintain order in the city and fight all those who may be transformed by the undead plague. Zombies, and then 20,000 or more troops will block the entire city and prevent the worst situation from appearing!

Otherwise, they would never succeed in preventing Stratholme's situation from getting worse! Once the situation gets out of control, the situation they will face will be something that no one wants to see.

"Huh! Okay..."

"Davi, pass it on, let the citizens who have not been selected return to their homes, don't go out, let them stay at home, waiting for the rescue of the knights and priests... Also, please be sure to explain to them and try not to Go eat those grains again, and make good use of the holy water! We need to impose a three-day ban on Stratholme. After three days, if there is still no attack, they can leave freely..."

Speaking of this, Uther's originally piercing eyes inevitably showed a bleak gloom, because he himself knew that after three days, there might be nothing left in Stratholme. How many living people have been dropped...

But no way, they have no choice!

Because they have no effective medicine against the undead plague, and no more manpower, and it is definitely impossible to count on the reinforcements sent by Lordaeron, after all, Stratholme is too far away from Citirisfal. Now, even if it is all cavalry, the marching time is at least one month or more! In fact, even the more than 20,000 soldiers of Lordaeron Legion at Corin's Crossing and Tyr's Hand would definitely not have time to come to Stratholme.

"and also!"

"Notice the whole city. Starting today, our paladins and soldiers will conduct guard patrols on the streets of Stratholme. All citizens are requested to return to their homes and lock the doors. It is strictly forbidden for anyone to go out. Anyone who dares to flee home privately will be treated according to the undead infected by the plague!!"

Finally, Uther, who hesitated over and over again, delivered his last order with a murderous aura.

Since there is no other good way at the moment, he can only plan to trap those citizens who are about to be transformed into undead zombies in their own homes one by one in order to alleviate the upcoming huge defensive pressure. Although doing so may trap innocent people in it, but... Uther has no other choice in this terrible situation now, although he does not believe that those houses can trap the evil. The undead, but, surely there will always be some effect when the time comes.


'Yes! ’

‘Yes! ’

‘Let’s go, hold on for another day or two...’


‘May the Holy Light protect all people! ’

The Paladins and the generals hesitated for a while, but in the end, they didn't say anything. They just responded loudly, and then quickly exchanged some information with the other generals in a low voice, and then quickly left. Here.


How could it become like this?


"Master Uther, there really is no other way? There are so many people in Stratholme, can't you think of a way to save them?!"

When the people in the big tent gradually disappeared, when the generals led out to continue their arduous tasks, when there was only the Uther Lightbringer who looked at the sand table with a calm face and did not speak, and a few resolute expressions. Hermione, who had been listening at the side of her guard, couldn't help but couldn't help but speak.


She heard what Uther had just said, so she could not imagine that with so many people in Stratholm, the other party really planned to give up, and really just watched them in those terrible plagues. The next one becomes evil undead?

"No, don't say it, everything is too late, we have tried our best."

"This is only for the time being. We can save one and count one. Our Paladin will try our best to do it. However, our understanding of the undead plague is extremely limited, and we can't do more. As for other things, we can only pray for the holy The light is sheltered..."

"Or, Miss Granger, do you have any good suggestions for this? If so, I will accept it with a humility."

After shook his head, Uther, who was a little frustrated, turned to look at the Granger Witch who seemed very anxious.

The current situation is heading for a worse and worse situation. A painful plague erupts in front of him, and Uther can only watch the countless people of Lordaeron become the minions of the undead and demons. , If he doesn’t feel sad, angry, or worried, then it’s definitely impossible!

However, he can't do it. In fact, no one can do it now. If there are other ways, he will definitely listen.



Hermione originally wanted to send someone to find a professional doctor and doctor to study antidote, research vaccines or other treatment options, but think about this is the world of Azeroth, not after the earth, she recovered. Soon, he closed his mouth directly, staring roundly, but didn't know what to say.

For that terrible undead plague, she only knows that it will make people die in a short time and re-resurrect into terrible undead monsters. She also knows that they are spread out from the mouthful of the plague steamer?? , As for anything else, I really don't know at all.

Besides, Hermione Granger is good at spells and memorizing textbooks, even if you recite it upside down. However, if she is asked to study potions or ways to deal with the undead plague, it will really embarrass her. Up.

"Miss Granger, do you know?"

"After understanding the situation in Stratholme, I even thought more than once that maybe Alsace’s previous decision was correct. Although it does seem cruel and crazy, to some extent, That is indeed the most advantageous option for people outside Stratholme now..."

"But, even if I knew it, I would not allow him to do that, or even allow anyone to do that. Even if I knew that things would get worse, we can only continue to stay here now and use our stupid Ways to make things worse?"

It's just that no matter what you say or do now is of no avail, anyway, Uther himself is already prepared for the worst.


"What happened?"

Uther, who was about to reassure the speechless Granger Witch for a few words, suddenly stopped because he saw that a paladin in the distance was riding his horse towards his big tent in embarrassment. He rushed, so, knowing that there must be something wrong with him, he didn't even think about it, just got up and walked out quickly, and when the knight got off his horse, he hurriedly asked.

'Oh no! ’

‘Your Excellency Uther! The patrol team just received a message that a terrible demon appeared in Stratholme. The other party didn’t know what means it used to accelerate the transformation of citizens. Now thousands of undead have been gathered and transformed, and the number is still expanding. In the middle, the vicinity of the North City Pier has almost all fallen! ’

'and also! Just now, His Royal Highness Prince Arthas also led his troops into the city. I heard that he was going to destroy the Dreadlord? ’

The paladin who jumped off the Malay didn't even think about it, and he didn't even give a bow, so he explained the matter clearly in the first time in the most urgent tone.

"what did you say?!"


Uther subconsciously glanced at the little witch who followed him and stood beside him. Obviously, both of them seemed a little unbelievable. At this critical time, at this critical juncture, the Dreadlord actually returned Did they really come to mess with them again? !

"No! Alsace and the others are in danger!"

"I'm going to see! Go, bring my warhorse~! And you! Go chasing Croford and them right away, let them prepare for the worst, and we must be ready to implement'that plan' at any time! "

After thinking about it, Uther, who was eagerly unable to think of any way, ordered his guards while resolutely decided: He must go to see the situation, if possible, he must stop Arthas and the others! Because, Stratholm is really too dangerous now, especially after the demon comes!

Moreover, he always feels that things are not that simple, but he doesn't know what's wrong...

'Yes! ’

‘Yes! ! ’

After a few guards responded, they quickly ran towards the stables, apparently preparing to go on horseback to chase after the Croford Paladins who had just left for a short time, and to convey the latest order of the Lord Uther.


"Your Excellency Uther, wait for me!"

I was taken aback for a while. I didn’t expect that at this time, at Stratholme, I could still encounter the terrible demon that was difficult and killed Fleur at the beginning. Hermione took a breath of air-conditioning and then did it. Soon it was decided that she would also go to see Lord Uther.

Because she also remembered, Harry seemed to be on the side of Prince Arthas's barracks, and she was also worried about him now, after all, that was her last companion in the world.



'Great! It's been many days, and finally it's about to fight again! ’

‘Hermione, come on! ’

"Long live Miss Granger~! ’

‘Long live Potter! Rush into the city and get rid of that demon, we are optimistic about you! ! ’

"Wow~! ! ’

'fast! Hurry up and call George and Fred and the others. The show is about to begin. They are training with the Hufflepuffs at the Quidditch Stadium! ’

‘Wait, why should I go? I don't want to call them! ! ’

‘They are your brother! ’

'So what? Why don't you ask Ginny to go? ’


‘Don’t make noise! Sit down Ron, you are blocking me! ! ’


In the Great Hall of Hogwarts, the teachers and students who were not too busy to watch the excitement immediately hustle, and then soon, one by one students quickly put away their homework or other things, and then quickly Sit down in your seat, and more professors and students who have heard the news hurriedly walked in from the hall of the auditorium.


And a certain "White Demon" Dumbledore had already sat in his seat. Compared to those students, his face didn't have much excitement, but a lot of sadness... Obviously, compared to the ignorance and ignorance, he always thought that everything was just a "illusion" and they watched it as a movie. This old man knew and thought a little more.

Therefore, although he is also very concerned about the progress of things, he will not show excitement or other untimely emotions like those ignorant children.


Suddenly, waves of arcane energy flashed by Dumbledore's side. A little girl who had not seen anyone before and did not know where she was running suddenly appeared on her seat, and then she was still holding a sea on her hands. Is the bowl of chowder noodles'sucking' and eating?


( ̄~ ̄) Hmm!


"Well, Professor Anne, I have always wanted to ask, like the undead plague, do you have any good solutions?"

"You know, I'm talking about treatment or prevention, like Stratholme now?"

Unlike those students who only know how to watch the excitement and would not expect more, Dumbledore is now extremely worried about the undead plague that is raging in the Kingdom of Lordaeron! Because he knows that those terrible plagues, they don’t just ‘exist’ on the screen!

And if there is any accident...

Thinking about a little girl who is not safe and reliable, Dumbledore always feels that his faint worries are probably not completely unreasonable.




( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

"At least there are no people in Lordaeron's world!!"

o(??^`)o hum!

Annie knew that if she was infected by the undead plague, she might be able to save a little bit, but if she ate it or was bitten, it would be basically useless. Even the Red Dragon Queen couldn't help it.

Because, the plague came from the Burning Legion, so no matter if it was the Paladins, the Kingdom of Lordaeron, or Dalaran, the capital of magic, they would not find any effective way to cure the undead plague.

Actually, the best way, as Alsace said yesterday, is to kill it all and then burn it, so that it will be a hundred! Anyway, those guys have been poisoned for many days, they must be hopeless! Even the moon **** Elune is useless!

Although her Professor Anne is definitely okay, there must be a way, but in the endless plane, the endless timeline, the people in Stratholme die and die, and they are still dying. Yes, she can't save her from exhaustion! So, let's do it for the time being. Anyway, those Stratholme people are already dead, and some things can't be changed easily.


"Then Professor Anne, that kind of terrible undead plague, shouldn't they spread to the earth?"

This is Dumbledore's concern. After all, those terrible plagues are really terrible. Once they spread to the earth, the people on the earth can't stand it!

Because the population density on the earth is really too dense, the kind of plague that will turn people into terrible undead monsters, once it is leaked, whether in the magical world or in the Muggle world, it will be deadly and terrifying. of.

"Of course not!"


Little Annie glanced at each other. She knew what Dumbledore meant to blame the old man. However, the other party's worries were destined to be unnecessary, because until now, the two who had died were directly pulled back by her to their souls and restore their bodies. Yes, it will definitely not bring any undead plague, so let the other party put ten thousand hearts!

Besides, if the undead plague comes out, Professor Anne can also cure her. What is he worried about?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Yes, Tibbers said that the little owner of his family’s approach to the plague is to burn all the infected, uninfected, and suspected infections, and then recast the body with the soul. It’s that simple, efficient and brutal. !)

"That's good, that's good!"


Hearing the assurance that the plague would not spread from the world of Lordaeron, Dumbledore finally felt a little relieved, but he quickly changed his conversation and asked about other things:

"Professor Anne, are so many people in Stratholme really unsaved? That's hundreds of thousands of lives, isn't it a bit cruel?"

Yes, in Dumbledore’s view, those demons and cursed cults openly released and spread the undead plague for their own selfish desires, polluting nearly half of the land of Lordaeron, turning countless living people into evil undead. It would be too cruel to turn villages and cities into waste!

What’s more cruel is that people like them know that the tragedy is happening to so many creatures, but they can only watch it, and even “observe” with a certain not-so-good attitude. That’s really too much. A bit too bad.

However, compared to the actions of the demons and the villains who cursed the cult, Dumbledore suddenly felt that Tom and the Death Eaters under the other side seemed much more cute? At least, the reason for those guys to kill and set fire is just to dominate the magical world and the entire earth, and they don't want to destroy the world frantically.



"Dumbledore blames the old man, don't you think that the'death' of life is really over, do you?"


Little Annie didn't answer the other party's question, she just glanced at the other party, and then she asked the other sentence a bit unnaturally.


"Oh! I see, it is true, I know, death is just the beginning of another adventure... Yes, I have thought about this before, and I am prepared for it... …Okay, Professor Anne, let's not talk about it for now, shall we continue to see?"

After discovering that the other party seemed a little impatient with his own question, and seeing that the old Paladin and Miss Granger on the'screen' had already caught up with Arthas and Harry who were about to enter the city, Deng Blido quickly apologized, and after sitting down, he watched attentively.




( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

Seeing that the exciting fight was about to begin, Little Annie only frowned slightly, then turned to **** and eat while looking up at the last two screens.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


In front of the arch bridge at the main entrance of Stratholme, Alsace led and gathered his direct army of more than two thousand troops who fought fiercely with him in Andorhal and Hearthglen, and began to walk slowly across the arched bridge of the moat. , Walked to the king of Lordaeron, the statue of Terenas Menethil II in front of the main entrance.


‘I also know that I should not go in at this time, but please forgive me, I have to destroy it...’

After silently looking towards his father, towards the tall statue of his father for a while, Arthas still waved towards the lined up army behind him, letting them pass from the soldiers guarding the gate. Slowly advance through the removed roadblock.

At this time, the only generals who followed him were his adjutant, Captain Farrick, the leader of the dwarf who followed him and the dead, Dajjal, and the vengeful wizard Harry Potter just like him. That's it.

'and many more! ! ’

Suddenly, when Alsace was about to wield his horse whip and let his mount follow the army into Stratholme, there was a loud roar behind him. Obviously, it belonged to Uther.

Click! Click!

As the heavy hooves of the two war horses hit Stratholme’s stone arch bridge from far to near, Uther and the witch Hermione soon came to Alsace and slowly The ground lowered the speed of the horse and finally stopped.

"please wait!"

"Alsace, I don't understand, you are..."

Looking at the other's expression, looking at the murderous army, Uther couldn't help but asked with some worry.

"I want to go to the city to deal with that dreadlord!!"

The indifferent and decisive voice uttered from Alsace's mouth, obviously, he seemed to have made up his mind, and there was no doubt about it.


"Alsace, the city is very dangerous now. That dreadlord will appear at this time. It is difficult for us to deal with him again, because he will soon have a terrible army. We should think of other ways. Don't mess around!"

Uther was a little anxious. He wanted to kill the Dreadlord who ran out to make trouble at this time more than anyone else, but he couldn't, because the opponent had already gathered an army of undead in a short period of time, and now he had occupied the dock. Area, and the number will continue to increase, so he does not want Alsace to enter at this time.

In fact, he didn't want anyone to come in. At this time, fighting the demons and the undead in Stratholme would obviously not be a good idea.


"You see, those demons, what the dreadlord Malganis and the Cult of the Curse have done to our homeland! The current situation, the plague may not be able to suppress, but I can still choose him Revenge, now is the only chance to catch him, please don't stop me, you can't stop it!"

"I'll leave Stratholme to you. I won't do stupid things again, but you can't stop me from revenge against that demon."

After speaking, Arthas flicked the reins and let his mount begin to take a step forward, slowly bypassing the statue of King Terenas, towards the huge gate of Stratholme and the forbidden city. Walking down the street without anyone.


"I remember what I told you: We are Paladins, glorious Paladins! Believe me, revenge is not something we must do. If we turn our belief and will into anger and hatred, then We will be as despicable as those cruel and bloodthirsty orcs!!"

Uther did not try to forcibly stop the opponent, because he knew that if he didn't want to use force with Arthas, he would definitely not be able to stop it! Therefore, he can only try to persuade each other with words.

"Do not……"

"Uther, yesterday I heard what you said and did not continue to go to the massacre, but now the situation has gotten worse... Therefore, you must never stop me from fighting the undead and the demon Malganis!"

Arthas paused, and after speaking, he continued to follow his army forward in silence.


"But, Alsace..."

"I didn't want to stop you, I just made the most correct and kind advice to you! It's really not the time to go shopping with that demon, at least not here in Stratholme, not yet!!!"

"Listen to me, boy, we can choose another time instead of here..."


‘Uther, I heard your suggestion, but I don’t take it! ’

Arthas's mount went farther and farther, and his voice became smaller and smaller, but his back was unusually firm and upright, and he never stopped or turned his head to continue to say something.


"Harry? You are..."

Seeing Prince Arthas and the opposing adjutant slowly leaving, Hermione, who also didn't know what to say, didn't even dare to say something, had to look at the black robe that was still shrouded in a worried look. Companion Harry in.

‘I’m going to help Prince Arthas, Hermione, do you want to come together? ’

As soon as he finished speaking, without waiting for Hermione's answer, Harry began to vigorously shook the rein in his hand, allowing his horse to follow Alsace's army.


"You are not Malganis' opponent at all, nor am I! That dreadlord is so terrible, even the magic book given to me by Professor Anne has no way to defeat it, at least in my hands. Don't stop it, you know it!!"

Hermione was a little anxious. She felt that to deal with that dreadlord Mal'Ganis, at least the power of most paladins, at least the power of Uther-sama! Because this time, the demon won't fight them with a certain purpose, and the other party won't be as easy to deal with as last time.

Last time, she knew that if the other party hadn't rushed to grab her book, she and Paladin Davy would have been defeated by the other party long ago!


'Hermione, Fleur died in the hands of Malganis. She died to protect me, and her soul was still tortured in his hands. It was hard to find him now, so no matter what, I have to Take revenge for her! ’

‘Maybe I can’t beat it, but I’m not alone...’

‘Prince Arthas is very powerful, and we still have many powerful fighters! Now that demon, he is making waves in the city, and we can't just watch outside like this... You know, there are many people inside, and they will surely kill them when they get enough troops! "

‘This may be my last chance, so please get out of here! ’



Hermione couldn't help but, after watching Harry and Prince Arthas who were going away, she had to ask for help and looked at Uther with a stern face, not knowing what to say to Uther.


"Alsace, the little wizard, please remember: No matter what time, don't let hatred blind your eyes, because that will only make things worse!"

With a sigh, Uther watched Arthas wait for a bunch of people and filed to enter and bypass the city gate. After entering the now extremely dangerous Stratholme, he could only give a loud warning at the end, and directly from his own The war immediately jumped down.

"Your Excellency Uther?"

Hermione, who didn't know what the other party wanted to do, had to ask anxiously.

She just wanted to follow Harry in, but reason told her that that was wrong! Moreover, she could also feel that neither Prince Arthas nor Harry seemed to be in the right state, and the eyes of the desperate Lordaeron soldiers were also terrifying, so she didn’t do that. Impulsive things.

"We must wait here!"

Uther smashed his warhammer to the ground fiercely. After smashing the thick rock floor to cracks, regardless of the staring and worried gazes of the guards around, he directly sat down on Tai hatefully. At the foot of the statue of King Renas.


"And then? We really do nothing?"

If that's the case, then Hermione must now consider whether to follow up now, because in that case, maybe she can help and protect Harry?

"No! Let's follow up!"

"But, I need to wait and gather the Paladins of the Silver Hand first, but, Miss Granger, what about the Jaina mage? Why didn't I see her just now?"

Suddenly, Uther remembered. In Alsace’s team just now, he only saw the Potter wizard, but did not see the female wizard who had been following Arthas. This strange thing made him Can't help but be curious.

"Sister Jaina said that a prophet was looking for her, so she went out long ago..."

According to Jaina’s description, Hermione knew that the prophet she was looking for was the weird one she had seen before, but what she didn’t know was that it would take so long for Sister Jaina to go out this time. It’s been a long time. come back.


"Huh! Those kind of deceitful guys are better to deal with them less! Miss Granger, the Holy Light will guide us, we don't need to believe those so-called divinations and'prophets', they are all deceptive madman!!"

After a cold snort again, UU read www. uukānshu. Com Uther closed his eyes and began to pray silently and regain his spirit.

After all, when the Paladins are assembled, they will go in and assist Arthas. It is impossible for him to let the other party become more and more dangerous now, especially when there is a demon that constantly transforms citizens into undead. Stratholm's adventure!


In fact, Uther also had a little bit of luck. He felt that if Arthas's actions went well, together with the elite paladins of their Silver Hand Knights, maybe they could really defeat the Dreadlord. And from the opponent to ask the solution to the undead plague?

"Actually, I don't really believe in divination and prophets, but..."

Hermione, who agrees very much with the other party’s statement, said that she didn’t believe it either, but the sister Jaina believed it very much. She had no good way to do it, let alone interfere... So she shrugged helplessly. Behind her shoulders, she thought for a while, and then jumped down from the saddle, preparing to join the Paladin Uther, waiting here for the Paladins of the Knights of the Silver Hand to complete the assembly.

in fact,

She had thought about whether to summon a powerful big guy when the situation was uncontrollable... But when she thought that Uther and others had already formulated and arranged related response plans, she thought that the big guy seemed to be unaffected by her. Control, and Stratholme was too big here, and after the opponent came out for a few minutes, she might not be able to burn it out, she reluctantly dispelled the dangerous idea.

Now, she only hopes that Harry and the others will not rush too fast, and that everything goes well...


ヽ(????????)?? La la la??, the update is coming, where is the ticket|??˙??˙)?

Wonderful book house

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