Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 982: ? Our undead are so powerful! ?

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In Stratholme's zoo, Uther and Hermione, whose expressions gradually became agitated, and nearly a thousand of the finest Silver Hand Paladins were waiting patiently by the fountain here.

Because, they have now lost sight of Arthas and others...

After all, Stratholme is a very big city, otherwise it would not be called the northern pearl of Lordaeron! Therefore, in order not to turn around and lead to the wrong path, and to empathize with the physical strength of the horses, they had to wait in this large zoo located in the center of Stratholme, waiting for the group of Paladins who scattered to search for the return Make plans after reporting.

Only after determining the location of Alsace and others, they could set off purposefully to rescue each other, or wait for an opportunity to spread the plague and cause the people of Lordaeron to suffer the boundless culprit, to that name Strike and capture the dreadlord of Mal'Ganis?

Of course, it depends on the situation in the end. After all, sometimes the plan is definitely far behind the changes, and what they can do now is to wait patiently here.



I don't know how Alsace and the others are now...

"Miss Granger, do you need to drink some water? Here! This is the holy water blessed by our Paladin with holy light. Drinking it not only quenches thirst, but also has some benefits for resisting the poisonous gas of the undead plague."

Standing by the fountain, looking at the house that was not far away, and listening to some kind of wailing sound from it, Uther sighed and took out the one next to his saddle. The kettle, sitting on the chair by the fountain, he was twisting the lid to take a sip. After thinking about it, he gently handed it to Gran, who was standing by and didn’t know what he was thinking. Jie little witch.


"No, no, I have it myself, thank you!"

After recovering, Hermione didn't reach out to pick it up. Instead, she turned her head and turned her head while looking at the house where the movement was coming from.

Because there is indeed a lot of holy water in her embroidered deep-sea bag, she can take it out at any time if she wants to drink it. There is no need to share the pot with Paladin Uther at all. It’s not hygienic... …

Moreover, what she cares more about now is obviously the house not far away and the bad news from the house.


"If you want to, remember to tell me, although I know that you mages usually have that kind of magical water creation technique? But my old fellow must advise you that you must drink holy water when you act in Stratholme! "

Seeing that the other party had rejected his good intentions, Uther didn't get annoyed. After making a little joke, Uther raised his head directly and started to drink.

Now the chaos in Stratholme has begun to appear, part of the depth of infection has begun to transform, and along the way, their elite group of silver-handed paladins have at least killed more than a thousand undead. Zombies! However, they didn't search for any of the houses they passed by during the search, so they rushed to here in a hurry.


Even so, they still lost Alsace and the others in the streets of the huge Stratholme city...

Uther and others only know that Alsace and the others may be at the dock in the northwest, or in the city to the northeast. As for where they are, it may take a while to find out after the search team comes back, so , Now he must maintain good physical strength and add water, because he feels that a fierce battle may soon come.


"Please don't look, Miss Granger, I can feel it. There are indeed a few undead zombies there, but they don't seem to open the door, so we can leave them alone."

After gulping for several mouthfuls of holy water, Uther turned her head and smiled and persuaded the little witch who was still staring warily at the house where there was a low roar from time to time.

And this is why he ordered the citizens to stay at home and not go out!

Look now, as expected, the poor guys who were transformed into undead due to the outbreak of the plague are really trapped in the house. Although the matter is temporary, if no one is there to help, they want to start from a strong house. I am afraid it will take a while to get out...Perhaps, they may have to wait until they transform into more terrifying ghouls before they can easily break the door or climb out of the window, right?

However, that is at least many days later, so he is not in a hurry now, but he has no small regrets and regrets in his heart.

"That's really cruel!"

"Master Uther, how many people have become like that now? Are we really doing nothing and just watching?"

Watching hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people perish in the plague, watching them turn from living people into evil undead, watching the huge city gradually become a dead place, Hermione’s Aside from anger, sadness, hesitation, and sighing, her heart was filled with all kinds of elusive thoughts. She wanted to do something for those people, but at the same time, she knew that she had everything right now. can not do this……

For example, along the way, the howlings and screams she heard from time to time were the same. Those things that first became undead and then killed relatives in the house were really cruel to some extent. a little!

"The Granger Witch!"

"The Holy Light can testify. Our people in this block have actually been checked carefully. There are more than 20,000 people in total, but there are only less than 300 uninfected people. Those people have been escorted out of the city in the morning. The screened out, and the ones who stayed at home..."

Speaking of this, David Croford, who had just intervened suddenly, sighed and shook his head regretfully. Obviously, he couldn't bear to continue speaking, and he believed that whether it was Uther or that one. The witch would know the fate of those people, and even he himself was a little numb.

However, his heart is still hot, and he is still full of boundless anger at the demons that have caused all this, the curse of the gods, and some of the people behind the curse! He believes that whether it is himself or other paladins, their boundless anger and sacred fire will one day burn and purify the villains who are poisoning Lordaeron!


‘Magic Slate! ’

After staring at the house that was attacked by the undead zombies from inside, and then the thick door panel could not keep shaking for a while, I felt that the door of that house might be a bit unsafe, or I couldn’t bear to see the poor ones rushing out from inside The fellows were beheaded by the Paladins in front of her. Hermione thought for a while, and waved her magic wand, causing a solid spell to directly hit the unceasingly vibrating wooden door in the distance, making it instantly change It must be as hard as a slate.


"Well, that's okay, originally I wanted to send someone to ‘quiet’ them..."

The Paladin Davy Crowford shook his head dumbfoundedly, and then he didn't comment on the witch's behavior. He walked directly to the side of the companions who were looking curiously towards the guys. Asked for the Xiabi tobacco found in Stratholm and started to vomit.

After taking charge of Stratholme, they found a lot of ‘ownerless’ property and goods, such as boxes of tobacco goods found in a warehouse with the emblem of Fras Siabi? And those things are now directly expropriated by them for free!

After all, the owner of the warehouse, the businessman named Fras Siabi, might have already become undead, even if they want to buy or ‘requisition for a fee’, it’s impossible.

In fact, the city of Stratholme now'hidden' a huge variety of wealth, and they had only collected some materials and the original financial warehouses and the vaults of major banks before, as for more. , They are temporarily powerless.


"Croford is right, Miss Granger, you should come and sit for a while, don't waste your magic power, there are at least tens of thousands of independent houses in this city, and you can't manage that many. ."

Seeing that the sound of the door flapping in the house continued, but the wooden door suddenly became extremely tough. Now that it didn’t even shake, Uther turned to the little one who had put away his wand. The witch smiled and patted the space next to herself and persuaded again.

You know, waiting for them later will be a big battle. He doesn't want a witch to waste precious magic power on the door of the house, because that kind of thing has no meaning at all. , Is doomed to be futile.

"I know!"

"But Lord Uther, I think I have to do something, or I might go crazy!!"

After finishing speaking, Hermione sat directly beside Uther Paladin with a little boredom, sat on the same chair of the other party, separated from the other party by the huge warhammer, and then angrily moved towards those around the fountain. The huge cage looked up.

Then soon, she was finally attracted by other things...


"Your Excellency Uther, may I ask, those two... animals over there? What are they?!"

Hermione rubbed her eyes and pointed at the monster trapped in the huge depression like those rockery ponds on the earth.

Because she discovered: They have huge eagle heads, and their bodies are all that kind of flat hair, but they have bodies larger than giant bears and sharp claws, and they still walk on their lower limbs?

"That? Oh! Those are two eagles..."

Uther glanced, and then quickly gave the answer directly. As the high-ranking noble of Lordaeron and the leader of the Knights of the Silver Hand, he is not unfamiliar with that kind of animal, because it is also found in the zoo of Lordaeron, even bigger and more!

"Bear and Eagle?!"

"So, what about the big guy over there? Is that a walking dragon?!"

Hermione didn't quite understand the weird spelling of the so-called "Eagle Bear" that the other party said, but she also probably understood what it was, so she pointed directly to the big depression on the other side like a hill. Monster.

"Giant, giant dragon?"

"No! That's not a dragon, that's a ‘lightning lizard’ or a ‘thunder lizard’! They are not a dragon, but a large, docile herbivore that cannot be attributed to dragons!"

If it were the ‘Dragon’, their people in Lordaeron would dare to lock them in Stratholme’s zoo unless they were crazy!

In fact, Uther can now responsibly say: If Stratholme’s people were really crazy and kidnapped a “dragon” and put it in a zoo for people to watch, I’m afraid it’s not the dead’s turn now. The plague came to destroy this place, and the dragon army had already razed this city to the ground with dragon's breath.

Although, there are often people in this world going to hunt dragons secretly, otherwise there will not be so many dragon weapon products and dragon skin armors on the market, such as the legendary ‘dragon stalker’? However, no one dared to put that kind of thing on the bright side. Whether it is dragon cannibalism or human hunting, there are certain tacit rules. Otherwise, the five-color dragon will definitely give it to you. A good-looking guy who is blatantly dead!

"Thunder lizard, this is the first time I have seen such a big lizard..."

Such a big guy dare to say that he is'docile'?

Anyway, Hermione said that she would never get close to that kind of big guy who looks terrible! Moreover, the name of the other party with ‘Lightning’ and ‘Thunder’ is definitely not aimless, should she stay away from similar guys in the future?


"Also! What about those over there?!"

Suddenly, Hermione pointed to another place, where there was a little lava and fire, and inside, there were a purple-red, twisted monster?

She didn't understand, what happened to the people here in Stratholme, why were they interested in that kind of tentacle monster that seemed to make people get goosebumps? Such things, just looking at them, made people feel cold. She couldn't imagine how they caught them and brought them to the zoo for people to watch.

"That's the Ooze Tentacle Monster..."

"It should be regarded as a kind of undead creatures, but they are different from the kind of undead plague we are facing now. An aggregate of twisted evil spirits formed by the power of the chaotic elements contaminated in natural conditions?"

"Fortunately, they are not too difficult to deal with, and they are not contagious."

If those zombies, skeletons, ghouls, and patch monsters are man-made monsters caused by the undead plague, then those ooze monsters are naturally formed undead creatures. Although they are all evil, they are not in nature. Too the same.

"Where did they get them? Are they native animals in Lordaeron?"

Hermione stated that apart from seeing all kinds of strange birds and small animals in the wild, she and Harry had only seen those terrifying elemental stone men, hordes of jackals, a small number of forest trolls, and All kinds of murlocs that can be found in places where there are almost rivers, etc.

"Should I get it from Kalimdor on the opposite continent or Northrend to the north?"

"Actually, I don’t know too well. Stratholme has always been the northern pearl of Lordaeron. The trade here was very prosperous before. Those merchants often have the kind of weird things that they get from other continents. thing."


Thinking of the pomp of Stratholme before, and then looking at everything in front of me, thinking that this huge city will soon decline completely, the holy water bag in Uther's hand seems to become less sweet all at once. The hand that was originally raised fell down unconsciously.


"There is really a continent called Kalimdor on the opposite side of the sea?!"

Hearing Uther talking about this kind of thing, Hermione was obviously a little surprised, because she suddenly thought of someone.

"Of course! What's wrong!?"

Uther was a little strange, wondering what was going on with this startled little witch.

"It's like this. When I went to Khaolin intersection, I heard the prophet say..."


However, Hermione could not continue to talk to Uther, because she saw a group of Paladins rushing toward this side, and they were sent out by Uther and others to search for Al. The Paladin squad of Sass and others.

'report! ’

‘Master Uther! ’

‘In the dock area to the north, Prince Alsace’s army completely defeated the dreadlord and his undead and won a big victory. Now they leave the port by boat to continue chasing the enemy! ! ’

When the team of paladins rushed forward on horseback and dangerously reined in the reins, the paladin in front of him reported loudly before he could even get off the horse.


"You said that Arthas won. Is this true?!"

Uther subconsciously exclaimed, because he was just thinking about knowing the whereabouts of Arthas and others later, and how to make a surprise attack after knowing the location of the dreadlord, but now, this Paladin is unexpectedly Come and tell yourself that the enemy has been defeated by Prince Arthas and others? !


"It shouldn't be?"

"In the name of the Holy Light, I fought the Dreadlord for several rounds at the time. If it weren't for Miss Granger, I would have been dead! Prince Arthas seems to be less powerful than me, Potter. Wizards are not as strong as Miss Granger, so how can they defeat that dreadlord so quickly?"

However, unlike Uther's surprise, Davy Paladin subconsciously felt that something was wrong and unbelievable, and hated to comment on Prince Alsace's ability in front of everyone.

Anyway, in his opinion, unless the dreadlord got frustrated and ran single-handedly to fight Alsace's forces, otherwise, it was absolutely impossible to be defeated so quickly.

Or, if the Paladin had just reported that Arthas was defeated by the opponent, he might be more willing to believe it?


Hermione didn’t say anything, didn’t think too much, she just had some doubts in her mind, she didn’t know why Prince Arthas wanted to chase the demon who would only turn into a bat to escape, and she was also very worried about Harry. Safety, after all, she has only one companion left.

"not good!"

"That must be a trap, hurry, send someone to stop Prince Arthas and the others!"

Are Alsace and the others crazy, they dare to chase after more than two thousand people? In a hurry, Uther subconsciously felt that things might be going bad, so he shouted.

However, soon he withdrew his order.

"Do not!"

"I'll go personally!!"

Knowing that others might not be able to stop the prince Uther, he planned to take a personal trip and chase the crown prince of Lordaeron.

‘But Uther Lord! ’

‘When Prince Alsace led the army to go to sea to hunt down the Malgaines, he took away all the warships and sailors. We don’t have any big ships and sailors to go to sea now! ! ’


It's over, it's over...

After listening to the paladin's supplement, Uther knew that something really wasn't going to be good now!

'report! ’

‘I found a large number of necromancers cursing the gods in the city. They are leading the undead to attack and destroy houses and transform citizens in batches. Now there are at least tens of thousands of undead zombies in the northwest city, they are attacking here! ’

"Report~! ’

‘Master Uther! General Alfred Abidis outside the city came to report and found that the death knight Masek who had attacked the intersection of Dahlone County and Collins, and they led more than 20,000 undead heading towards Stansor from the southeast. Here comes quickly! ’

‘The general told you to go back right away! ! ’

'report! ’

‘Master Uther! Riots have also occurred in the northeast city, where there are too many undead, our patrol team has been defeated and returned! ! ’

Almost at the same time, the embarrassed Paladins or messengers drove forward or backward from a distance, and at the same time brought a worse news than one.


"This is really a trap. Quickly, order all of us to retreat and leave Stratholme immediately!!"

Uther, who had judged how bad the situation had become, finally had to scream in pain, and threw away the holy water bag in his hurriedly picked up himself The warhammer is ready to step on the horse.

"Master Uther, do you want to implement that plan and burn Stratholme?"

Following the opponent on the horse, and urging the other paladins of the Knights of the Silver Hand to quickly prepare for a breakthrough, Davy Croft hurriedly asked Uther.


"It's useless, it's too late now...Quick! All of us retreat immediately and leave here first!!"

Now, whether it is the undead here, the citizens, or Alsace who goes directly to sea without asking, he can no longer take care of it, because once they walk slowly, then all of them will be Damn it!


"Assault south! The Holy Light is with us!!"

Uther was not afraid of death, but he was afraid that death would be worthless...

Because the undead of Stratholme, who are rapidly growing like a snowball, are combined inside and out. I am afraid that the remaining thousands of troops in his Uther's hand, including the elite paladins of the Silver Hand Knights, will do whatever it takes. They are not enough for the enemy to fight, and if they don’t withdraw now, they will probably all die here!

It's just that he doesn't understand why the situation is so bad in a short period of time? Perhaps Alsace’s plan yesterday was the most correct, right?

Uther, who hurriedly led the Paladins to evacuate the city to the south, couldn’t help flashing a trace of regret, but soon he didn’t have time to think about it, because a large group of overwhelming undead, that kind of terrible, just The'citizens' who were transformed into zombies appeared on their way to retreat south...



Wonderful book house

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