Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 983: ?Half the Kingdom of Lordaeron is going to end?

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Stratholme's chaos began to spread, and it was out of control...

Prince Arthas and his more than two thousand troops, including a certain little wizard Harry Potter, were advancing at full speed on the sea on five Lordaeron medium battleships, sailing on the sea and sailing. , The cable was pulled straight, and they perseveringly hunted down the fast sailing ship in front of them that was galloping north, and the distance between them was so close.


In Stratholme’s port area, they had already defeated and "nearly" killed the demon Mal'Ganis, so when they saw the other party using magic to enslave and control a sailor on a fast sailing ship, they successfully escaped. 'After going out to sea, they will naturally continue to pursue them.

The reason why Arthas was unwilling to give up was to kill the source of the spread of the plague, to kill the evil devil who controlled the undead and spread the plague on the land of Lordaeron, causing at least nearly a million people’s casualties. Therefore, He definitely can't let that Malganis escape! And a certain Scarhead Little Wizard was purely for revenge, so the two hit it off and neither of them proposed to stop pursuing and return to the port.

And now, after chasing for a short period of time, the rear of their warships can no longer see the land. Therefore, it is even more impossible for them to give up halfway at the moment. They can only continue to chase down like this. As for Stratholme They can no longer take care of the current situation and the development of the city.

After all, even if they go back, they can't change anything at all, nor can they save the people of Stratholme who were infected by the plague.


"Harry and that Prince Arthas, the two of them are still a bit too young in the final analysis, even my old man can see that Malganis deliberately lured them to chase, that demon must have some conspiracy. , I think, waiting for their more than two thousand people, it will definitely not be a very good result..."

"It's a pity."

In the Great Hall of Hogwarts, after seeing Dumbledore here sighed heavily, he began to shook his head and whispered.

In the previous battle, especially the battle between Prince Arthas and Harry to besiege the demon, he Dumbledore could have already seen it, that Malgaines, the treacherous Dreadlord , It must have been deliberately feigning!

The opponent clearly possessed at least tens of thousands of undead in the city, and he could completely submerge the two thousand comers of Prince Alsace with human tactics, but in the end, the opponent only brought a few hundred of the worst zombies. They attacked the two thousand or so elites of the Prince Arthas...

After the defeat, he grabbed a boat and fled out to sea instead of flying away, let alone running to another place protected by the sea of ​​undead. Isn't that fraudulent and what? !

But unfortunately, Dumbledore also knew that no matter what he said, or no matter how loud he said it, Harry and Arthas, who were already in the set, would definitely not be able to hear, so he had to turn his head to look quietly. To the little girl next to his seat.



You are watching with God’s vision, and you are also looking at the two screens for comparison. Of course you can see it!


o(′^`)o hum!

However, although she was very disdainful in her heart, Annie just glanced at the other person, and didn't care about a bad old man who watched other people's excitement.

Because, she was watching the team rushing from left to right in Stratholme, struggling against the line of the undead, and seeing the Paladins of the Silver Hand who were about to rush out of the city. On the screen, the retreating Miss Hermione still kept burning the houses and barricades entrenched and roaring with the undead with'flaming flames', causing that large area of ​​occupied blocks to burn. Finally, it barely blocked the momentum of the undead's advance, and the Paladins who were chased in embarrassment won the chance to successfully escape from the city.

The current situation is obvious. Those cursed cults and demons have already planned, because they not only poisoned the city and spread the undead plague, but also laid ambush in the city in advance to control many The acolytes, followers and necromancers of the undead, plus a death knight outside the city, who suddenly rushed out of the forest with nearly 20,000 undead, was attacking inside and outside. The pitiful and scattered forces in Sor's hand were indeed defeated and completely hopeless.

"That one……"

"Professor Anne, you said, can Hermione and the others and the Paladins run away?"

Seeing that a group of horrified silver-handed paladins escaped from Stratholme’s gate, she saw Hermione set fire to completely burn and block the huge steel gate and walked from the king’s statue. Running on the arched bridge of Stratholme and escaping to the barracks, Dumbledore finally couldn't help but asked a little girl carefully.

Because, he thinks it’s still a bit long before the third project starts. If Hermione’s adventure ends so soon, I’m afraid the next days will be a bit boring...

As for Harry, Dumbledore didn't have much hope, because he had a vague hunch: I'm afraid that when the other party chases the Dreadlord, it will be the end of Harry and the soldiers of those warships?

"It must be able to run!"

|? ̄?ω ̄?)

Annie glanced at the other person again, but soon recast her gaze on the screen again.

When she saw the Paladins rushing to the barracks and preparing to pack things, she knew that there seemed to be nothing to watch next, because the fighting on both sides had stopped, and the other side was chasing at sea. 'Chasing' the enemy, while fleeing in embarrassment on one side, there is really nothing to look at.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


"Isn't their back road blocked by the undead? I'm afraid the undead won't let them escape easily."

The undead began to wreak havoc in the huge city to the north, and the number is believed to reach a terrifying number soon, and the road to the Kolin junction in the southeast, leading to Dahlone County and Andorhal, has been more than 20,000. The undead who were prepared were blocked firmly. In the situation of domestic and foreign difficulties, Dumbledore felt that Miss Granger had no better choice other than just using Apparition to escape a part. .



"Can't they still walk from the mountain road to the west, from the mine pit over the mountains and then run to Hearthglen? As long as they are willing to throw away the troublesome horses, it must be fine!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Annie still remembers that some guy named Alsace seemed to have taken a shortcut to Stratholme before?

Therefore, when there are undead in the north and southeast, those paladins only need to move faster and continue on the old Alsace road, running from the mine in the west to the direction of Hearthglen, then it must be no What will be too big a problem.


"Oh! Also, look at me, it seems that the age is indeed old, and I forgot that there is still this..."

Dumbledore nodded. If this is the case, then there should be no big problem. Next, even if Harry is quickly eliminated, then the rest of them will still find some fun in Hermione. Or else you can see something interesting.

For example, the great King City of Lordaeron or the magic of Dalaran?

Dumbledore knew it. The fellow Severus seemed to have learned the spell of the Frostbolt. As for the summoning of the water element, neither Dumbledore nor Severus did. Can learn... Maybe, because there is no elemental plane of water here on the earth, so the spells that are summoning have no effect?

But Dumbledore was not in a hurry. He felt that he must have slowly figured it out. He has time, because recently he is really quite idle, and he does not need to go to some tricky things. Worried.

But Dumbledore stopped talking soon, because he found that Miss Granger’s screen had begun to change. It seemed that the other party had apparated somewhere, and there began to appear on the screen something he had never seen before. He was a strange character, so he witty stopped disturbing a little girl, and started to look at it intently.



Little Annie recognized a certain guy, so she started to stare attentively now, if the other party dared to do something she didn't like, she would have to beat him again.





A city that can be claimed to be the largest city on the land of Lordaeron and even the Eastern Kingdom at the same time, it was instantly reduced to a **** of undead raging!

The original bustling streets were in a mess, full of corpses, stumps, blood stains, and even various undead zombies. A considerable part of the houses began to emit thick smoke and skyrocketing fires, and the rest did not catch fire. It was filled with various undead monsters and roared raging.

Uther's Paladins and troops have completely evacuated from the city, and those who did not evacuate in time are now horrible...

And outside the city gate, Stratholme's situation can also be described as a collapse of a thousand miles.

The two military camps outside the city where thousands of armies were stationed were ruthlessly abandoned by Uther and his paladins!

Due to the situation, the army evacuated in a hurry. They could not take care of many things. Except for some food supplies and materials, all the belongings and bulky items originally searched from Stratholme were all taken by them. It was ruthlessly discarded in those empty barracks, leaving only a sporadic undead wandering in it.

‘Apparition! ’

When Uther and others took the remnants of the Knights of the Silver Hand and the remaining soldiers and refugees fled to the west in embarrassment, preparing to evacuate Stratholme from the mountain road, on a high mountain not far from Stratholme, Suddenly, a black misty thing exploded, and then holding a magic wand, her expression was a little panic and cold, and it seemed that Hermione who was not so good had finally Apparated here.


When she came out, what she saw was not the sister Jaina who said that she could find someone here, but a strange, silver-white hair braid, but she was holding a piece that was taller than the other's height. A strange little girl with a strange staff much taller?


"Who are you little girl and why are you here? Where is Sister Jaina, where is she?!"

After looking around, Hermione couldn't help but feel a little anxious and started asking questions after she didn't find the Jaina mage.

She remembered what Jaina had said, saying that she came to this place to find a prophet to ask about something. Now, Stratholme's situation has changed drastically. Prince Arthas and the others have gone after the enemy, and Master Uther They were also retreating to the mountains to the west, so Hermione felt that it was necessary for her to come here to remind the sister Jaina, so as not to plunge into those undead piles when the other party teleported back.


However, the little girl who was very short did not speak, and no longer looked at the huge and chaotic human city of Stratholme in the distance. Instead, she turned her head curiously, frowning and surprised. The ground looked up and down a certain little witch who had just been apparated.

"I'm waiting for someone!"

"Also, I am not a little girl! As for the Jaina you mentioned, it should be the mage Jaina Proudmoore in Dalaran? I think you might need to ask him to know?"

for a long time,

When Hermin became a little impatient, the ‘little girl’ with her little silver braid and her head curled up frowned and said, pointing to a certain big crow that swooped down from a distance. What Hermione finds strange is that the other party's tone seems to have a little resistance and disgust, it seems that she doesn't like her just Apparition and is a bit impolite?

But without letting Hermione think about it, a familiar big bird rushed straight down from the air!

"Sorry to keep you waiting……"

"The situation in Stratholme is much worse than what I saw. Bronze Dragon. You are right. Some bad changes have indeed taken place in this world... There is no doubt that those stupid Paladins did. A big stupid thing. That kind of change made the situation here worse, and the power of natural disasters became stronger..."


"You are that little witch... why are you here?!"

A certain crow soon turned into a brown-robed hooded old man after landing. After he finished speaking, he finally noticed a certain little witch who shouldn’t be here, and then he couldn’t help asking in surprise. One sentence.


"I, I'm here to find Sister Jaina..."

"You were the ‘prophet’ that day? Why are you here? Also, who is she? You are meeting secretly here, what is the conspiracy?!"

Hermione felt that there must be something invisible to this strange old man and this even stranger little girl, and that these two people are not ordinary people. Therefore, because a series of events have just happened. The incident caused her to be a little nervous, so she immediately summoned her magic book, and was ready to turn her face or fight with the two of them.

Because, the kind of tragic tragedy that happened in Stratholme, while watching the entire city instantly became a plague land, countless innocent people were tortured by the plague and turned into evil undead, plus they are just now from the enemy She escaped from the chase, but her spirit was still extremely nervous...So, seeing these two unidentified guys appear here, but Sister Jaina was not here, which naturally made her think of it. Some bad things.

"do not worry……"

"Believe me, we have no malice against you, because no matter whether it is me or the lady of the ‘dwarf’ clan, either of us can easily subdue you."

The old wizard saw Hermione's small movements and directly addressed the other party with a word of comfort.

"As for Jaina Proudmoore, she may have left the Kingdom of Lordaeron now, because she had followed my advice before and returned to her Kul Tiras to prepare the warship. She will come back soon and Lead the suffering people of Lordaeron away from this continent that is about to sink..."

"Little Witch, if I were you, I would definitely try to persuade those Paladins to prepare as soon as possible, and lead their people to leave this doomed world as soon as possible?"

"This is my last kind warning..."


The weird old wizard Animagus with the cloak glared at Hermione with a strange look, and after she was instantly deterred and completely unable to raise any resistance, he turned to look aside. The Miss "dwarf" in his mouth:

"Stratholme has become like this, do you really want to interfere?"

No longer paying attention to the little witch, she turned her head and looked in Stratholme's direction for a while, and then sighed helplessly, then the old wizard faintly turned and squeezed a long staff. , The dwarf little Lori who stood there silently asked.

"Why should I interfere?"

Little Lori the dwarf blinked, then frowned and asked the old wizard.

"Because you are a bronze dragon, this should be the purpose of your appearance here, right?"

What exactly is the bronze dragon, the old wizard knows better than anyone else, because, in a sense, the other party is more like a prophet than his fake ‘prophet’! Although, what the other party did was not recognized by him to some extent.

"My purpose? Ha! That's not necessarily true!"


"Well, don't look at me with that kind of eyes. I hate you, just like you don't like me? I actually wanted to take care of it a long time ago. I have been thinking about it since I was in Darrowshire...but , If you are approached by a terrible little girl and caught warning and beaten up, please believe me, Medivh, you will definitely not dare to interfere in anything from then on!"

With a leisurely sigh, the little girl called the "Bronze Dragon" by the old wizard glanced at the old wizard who was still too scared to move by Medivh’s eyes. That is, Medivh in her mouth complained bitterly.

Because she knew that this timeline was the second timeline occupied by a nasty little girl and separated it from the endless torrent of time... Although she didn’t know what the other party used, nor She knew what she was thinking in another timeline that was already occupied by the opponent, but she only knew at this time that she could not beat the opponent, and even all the bronze dragons and eternal dragons were cleaned up by the opponent, so she He must not dare to interfere easily anymore.


Obviously, Medivh, who only saw some future clips, didn't know what the bronze dragon in front of him meant, so he had to cast a puzzled look at the opponent.


"Forget it! You don't understand after I said it, you should continue to save your world!"

"Sometimes you do well, but sometimes, everything is doomed, and what you do is just to push what has already happened to happen. I have seen it many times. But the time is very long. It's complicated, let's talk about it when we meet next time!"

Shaking her head, some tired dwarf little Lolita doesn’t seem to want to talk more, because ah, she’s already very tired now, and she’s not in a good mood, especially after being taken care of by someone. Interfering with the development of this timeline, she had no choice but to watch Stratholme's situation deteriorate.

As for the future, whether the world will develop better or worse, it really has nothing to do with her...


Medivh took a deep look at the bronze dragon little Lori, carefully savoured the other party’s words, and after not being able to find more valuable information and intelligence from it, he turned his head again and looked at someone. A little witch who was frightened by him a while ago, and now seems to have not recovered:


"Although your efforts have caused the plague on this land to be exhausted to a certain extent, you must believe me. Things here are far from over. On the contrary, it is just the beginning. The more terrifying enemies have not yet arrived. All the young prince can find in the north is death except revenge!"

"Their courage may be commendable, but the more they do that, the more they will bring him and his people into the abyss of destruction... and you are the same, your efforts are destined to be futile, listen to my advice, let them go early Leave here and go to Kalimdor across the sea. That is your only hope..."

"Remember what I said, if you can, try to convey it to those who can make decisions. You will be grateful in the future!"

After that, the old wizard named Medivh, the Animagus, without waiting for Hermione’s reaction, directly turned into the big crow again and flew away quickly. He plunged into the misty sky in the distance and disappeared completely.

"What a terrible look..."

"Then, what is that amazing magic?"

It wasn't until the opponent left, that the terrifying pressure that was engulfing her body gradually dissipated, Hermione finally took a breath, and looked at the strange name next to the one named'Bronze Dragon' with a frightened look. Little dwarf loli.

"You seem to know? That guy named Medivh, who is he?!"

When Hermione, who heard the dwarf Lori call the old wizard "Medivine", if she were a native wizard, then she would have learned Medivh’s name from some ancient books and knew who the other party was. ! However, she was obviously not, so she definitely didn't know what the other party's name meant.


Staring at the little witch for a while, in the end, little Lori the dwarf did not make things difficult for the other party and said leisurely:

"He is Medivh, the guardian of Azeroth..."

"Of course, it was self-appointed by the Tirisfal Council, but it has nothing to do with our guardian dragon clan!"

Although, there was a member of the Red Dragon Clan who had been involved in the Tirisfal Council long ago? However, for the guardian dragons, the so-called guardians of the world of Azeroth are indeed self-styled by mortals, and they really have nothing to do with them.


"He Medivh is indeed a genius, a genius who doesn't lose to his mother..."

Little Lori the dwarf remembered Magna Aegwynn, the genius female mage who single-handedly defeated Sargeras. It can be said that that woman is indeed amazing, because in a sense, the opponent defeated Sargera twice. It is indeed a supreme glory!

It's a pity that while defeating the enemy, she also planted a huge hidden danger between the two worlds because of being too conceited?

"It's just that the fate that happened to him is much crueler than his mother..."

"He has been exhausted since he was very young, to fight against those unknown and powerful demons, to guard the morning star at the top of the tower, and to exhaust his energy for the role of guardian..."

"Even if he died once, even if he is no longer recognized by others, he still chooses to silently guard the world..."

As if talking to herself, such as Little Lolita finished her evaluation of that Medivh.

"Little witch, I think you should really listen to him, because he is indeed always warning of disasters and resolving crises. Although he is not the last guardian in the world, he is not the best, but he He is indeed worthy of the title of the guardian on him."

"Well, if you don't listen, please, I'm leaving here. See you next time, mortal..."

Seeing the little witch, she didn’t seem to believe in herself, and her face was always hesitant. The dwarf little Lolita didn’t say much, she turned around and jumped into the air, and then transformed into a bronze head in a burst of strange energy light. The huge flying dragon fluttered its wings directly, and flew quickly towards the distant sky in the gust of wind.


"That's a giant dragon? But, isn't Animagus' Polymorphism usually limited to non-magical creatures? How could she dare to change into a dragon?!"

Seeing that the little girl turned into a giant flying dragon and flew away, she was shocked by the words of the two, Hermione, who was still a little confused, finally couldn't help but exclaimed.

You know, in the magic world of their earth, because wizard magic and magic creatures’ magic are essentially different in operation, Animagus’ Transfiguration is absolutely not allowed to become magic creatures. (Such as phoenix, fire dragon, eagle-headed horse-winged beasts, etc.) will bring unpredictable consequences to wizards, so what are generally transformed into ordinary creatures or insects?

Therefore, for the little girl just now, that little Lolita who was also Animagus could turn into a bronze dragon, Hermione was amazed and completely dare not imagine.


I don’t know what happened to Harry and the others...

After the two powerful wizards who said that inexplicable words to scare them left one after another, and they were the only ones left here, after amazed, Hermione turned around and looked at the fire in many places in the distance, and everywhere. Stratholme, who was raging by the undead, glanced at it, and he could only sigh sadly.

It didn't make any sense to stay here any longer. Now that it was certain that Sister Jaina had known and made a choice, it was time for her to leave here now.

‘Apparition! ’

With her last helpless sigh and a flick of the magic wand in her hand, her figure quickly turned into a cloud of smoke, which completely dissipated to the top of this mountain.


In the past two days, the number of people watching the movie in the Hogwarts auditorium has gradually decreased...

Because, there is nothing good to watch right now, the last two remaining screens, one of which is staged a scene of chasing "raging waves" on the sea. It is definitely not possible to fight for the time being, at least the teachers and students I know, it won't be until the two sides dock!

And let alone another screen, a large group of people running between the abandoned mines and deep mountains and forests, so what's so interesting?

However, even if that is the case, a certain principal who doesn’t need to go to work if he doesn’t care about anything is still sitting on his principal’s throne for a while, with his hands in his arms, lying deeply in his seat and watching. If it weren’t for the occasional professors or students who passed by and found his eyes slightly open, I’m afraid he would have thought he was asleep.


After a day of chaos and a night of escape, Uther, Hermione and the others finally escaped from the mines in the mountains west of Stanthor’s Fury, and then reluctantly repaired by a river, just those at the source of the river. The unpolluted river water was repaired.


‘Here you are! Eat something first. This is the Croford Paladin who just hit a spider in the mine. You can eat a little while it is hot, right? ’

A paladin brought a large wooden bowl in front of Uther Lightbringer. In addition to a large bowl of soup, there was a spider leg thicker than a human arm, covered by the dark shell and terrifying spider. The hair wrapped inside is the kind of tender spider meat that is exposed outside.

You know, there are many ways to cook spider legs in the Kingdom of Lordaeron. This is normal food, such as'crispy spider meat','spider cake' and so on. Therefore, this paladin gave Uther There is nothing wrong with bringing this big bowl of spider leg stew.


However, Uther did not directly enjoy the big bowl of delicious and warm spider leg soup, but just held it in his own hand with so much thought.

"Now, how many people have escaped?"

First, after taking a glance at the soldiers and refugees who were hiding in this forest to wash, cook, fetch water, or sit on the ground, Uther asked with some difficulty to the Paladin who brought him food.

Although he also knows that the final result will definitely not be too good, but there are some things that should always be asked. It will happen sooner or later, and he can't escape.

‘Lord Croford, they counted. ’

‘Most of the paladins of the Silver Hand are still there, about 1,500 in number, right? I don’t know the others for the time being. They may be separated, or...’

‘There are only less than two thousand soldiers left, and the specific number is between one thousand six and one thousand eighteen...’

‘There are also refugees and selected uninfected persons who followed to retreat in the west. There are almost three thousand people in total, and that’s all for now. ’

Having said this, the soldier did not dare to continue, because he saw it, Lord Uther closed his eyes in pain, so he also stopped wittily.

Excluding the more than 2,000 people taken away by Prince Alsace, there were originally more than 6,000 troops left, but now only half is left. The loss is not serious! If you count the people of Stratholme, it's even more terrifying: Stratholme, which claims to have gathered hundreds of thousands of people, including most of the refugees in the Western Plaguelands, eventually escaped less than 4,000 people. , This number can be a little frightening just thinking about it.


"It's too hurried. We probably don't have enough supplies to bring out. With so many people, it's impossible to rely on hunting for food. Have you sent someone to contact Hearthglen?"

Undoubtedly, at Stratholme, Uther was already a big defeat, and when he thinks about Prince Arthas, who is now missing, he feels a little bit more guilty...but no Way, since some things have happened, they cannot be undone. All he has to do now is to take care of the living people first. As to whether he has the face to return to Lordaeron to see King Terenas, that is his own business. Up.

'Yes! ’

‘Already sent, Griffin Rider replied that Hearthglen will send people to bring food to meet us along the way...’


"You go to rest first, and find the generals by the way. I have something to explain to them..."

'Yes! understand! ’

Seeing that the paladin responded vigorously and quickly turned away, Uther exhaled, and then sat down on the root of the tree where only the stakes were left after being defeated. Holding the big wooden bowl blankly, he didn't know what he was thinking.


"Wizard Granger, would you like to have some?"

Uther had no appetite, even if his subordinates thoughtfully left themselves the largest section of the cave spider's thigh, it was the same. Therefore, when he saw a certain little witch sitting not far away with a tired expression, he didn't know. After watching something in a daze, he thought for a while, then stood up, and while walking towards the other party, he also kindly handed over what was in his hand.


"No, no more..."

Seeing the big wooden bowl handed over by the opponent and the black spider legs with spider hairs in the bowl, Hermione was taken aback and hurriedly waved her hands to reject the opponent.

"Your Excellency Uther, you can eat it yourself. I have learned food making from Sister Jaina. I just made a lot of bread and sent it off. I also ate one, so..."

"You should eat it yourself, don't be polite to me?"

What's a joke, how could Hermione from the earth be curious to eat something that seems unappetizing? Although the Davy Paladin had asked herself to taste this delicious lobster that was said to be comparable to a large lobster, she still sensibly refused.


Seeing that the other party didn’t want to eat, Uther didn’t reluctantly. He just went aside and started to take out the dark stuff from the bowl and chew it in front of him. Hairy shells vomit everywhere.

However, Uther’s disgusting eating phase didn’t last long. Soon, when a general with a big name but not in good shape arrived, he had to Stopped and started their high-level meeting on the spot:

"The situation is urgent now. The situation in the Eastern Tirisfal Forest, which is also the Eastern Plaguelands, may become very difficult!"

"So I won't be wordy..."

"General Abidis, you immediately rush back to Corin Junction and begin to preside over the defense between Corin Junction and Tyre's Hand. The more than 20,000 soldiers there will be under your command from now on!"

"If you can't defend the Corin junction, don't defend it, and withdraw directly to the hand of Tyre, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Be sure to protect the Holy Light's Hope Chapel!"

Knowing that the Corin Junction, which is flat and without any fortresses to defend, may not be able to be defended, Uther did not feel too embarrassed and directly gave Alfred Abidis the worst-case order and policy. , And handed over all the forces of Kaolin Junction and Tyr's Hand to the opponent's hand.

'Yes! ’

‘I’ll go back down the river with my daughter later! ’

Alfred Abidis didn't say much, he nodded directly, and then stepped aside.

Before, he and his daughter Bridget Abydis came out of Tyre, and met Uther at Corin Junction, and finally went north to Stratholme together, originally wanting Bridget to experience some experience Yes, but in the end, nothing was done. I could only watch the situation deteriorating little by little. In the end, I had to detour back to Kaolin intersection in a desperate way. I have to say, what he thought before. Is it really a terribly wrong decision?

If he had been staying at Kaolin's intersection, he wouldn't have been so passive.

"Davy Croford!"

"Later, you will go with your people and General Abidis. Go back to Dahlone County and arrange the defense there. If possible, it is better to build it into a long-term stronghold for us!"

"The Holy Light told me that the battle with the undead and demons is protracted and we must prepare early!"

When Stratholme's situation deteriorated, Uther no longer dared to underestimate those evil undead and demons, because any of their carelessness or optimism could bring Lordaeron and this land Extremely serious consequences!

'Yes! ’

‘Master Uther, don’t worry, I know how to do it! ’

Davy Crowford nodded, stepped aside in silence, and readily accepted his order, even if he had only a few people left, even if the other party didn't send him more troops.

I am afraid that now, the more than one thousand militiamen and thousands of refugees in Dahlone County are all his Davy Crowford family property...but fortunately, some unexpected factors led to their defense in Dahlone County. Is the pressure less?

"I have other arrangements when the others return to Hearthglen! As for the front line of Andorhal, there are still a lot of undead there, and I will send the knights of the Silver Hand to clean it up!"

‘Which of you has anything to add? ’

After thinking about the Eastern Plaguelands and the Western Plaguelands, which are now divided into two places, after thinking about the Corin junction along the King’s Road, the Darrow County junction and the Andorhal line, there is nothing to arrange. Thrall looked at the paladins and generals present.

'report! ’

'No! ! ’

Many generals suddenly promised, and no one jumped out at this time as a stab or raised objections. After all, they did not have any objections.


"In two days, when I arrive in Hearthglen, I am going to return to Lordaeron to report the plague to King Terenas, Miss Granger, do you have any plans?"

As if it were for the generals, and as if it were for the witch who was standing by in a daze, Uther suddenly looked at the other's pretty face and asked.


"I, I don't know..."

"I am a little worried about Harry and Prince Arthas..."

Hermione knew that the other party wanted to take herself to Lordaeron, which was the meeting with the king and awards that the Lord Uther had told herself before, but Hermione, who didn't care about those things, thought about it. He decided to reject the other party first.

"Your Excellency Uther..."

"Maybe I will use the Phantom Shift to bring Davy Paladins back to Darrow and then I have to think about whether to go to Lordaeron or not..."

Hearthglen Hermione has never been there. She doesn’t know if it’s safe there. So, she decided to send a little kid, that is, the little Timmy, back to Darrowshire, and put it in the hands of Captain Redpath. Because she thinks it might be safer there now?


Nodded, Uther did not reluctantly, just waved his hand to indicate that this brief meeting was over and that the generals could disperse by themselves and no longer need to gather here.

However, a pair of heroic male and female generals did not leave, but smiled and walked towards Hermione who was a little confused.

"Hello, Lord Granger Witch..."

"I don't know, can you also send us to Long County? In that case, I think we can travel less?"

It turned out that this was the heroic Alfred Abidis and the beautiful Brigitte Abidis, the father and daughter and knights of the Knights of the Silver Hand came over.

Compared to the long journey from this barren mountain and forest without a mount, down the river and heading east to the intersection of Khao Lam, obviously, the two of them knew without a comparison that they took a witch’s ride and directly transported to Dalong. County, and then ride a horse from Dahlone County to the Corin Junction, it will definitely be closer.

"Of course there is no problem!"

"As long as you don't have a large number of people, I will definitely be happy to help!!"

Hermione was still very happy that her abilities were recognized by others, so without thinking about it, she agreed directly. However, that is not without preconditions, that is: the number of the other party can not be too many, if there are too many, she must be unable to take care of it.


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