Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 984: ?? The flames of Lake Dahlong Mill?

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The current lord of Hearthglen, Tyran Fording, accepted the soldiers and poor thousands of refugees who had fled from Stratholme, and began to actively operate the fortresses and defense facilities in Hearthglen to prevent the undead from attacking him again. This territory has never been truly captured by the undead.


If Prince Alsace and Uther hadn't come to support the last time, they were ill-prepared and poisoned by the undead, they might have already been captured by the undead?

Half a month ago, the paladins of the Silver Hand began to leave Hearthglen after Uther returned to Lordaeron to report on duty and report to King Terenas about the damage of the undead plague, and began to leave Hearthglen and frantically sweep those around the ruins of Andorhal The sporadic and endless undeads seem to want to reoccupy and manage Andorhal in order to resist the coming undead invasion?

However, it is a pity that, in the case of the residents dying or fleeing, and the kingdom has not re-deployed troops to station and consolidate defenses, with the more than one thousand paladins, it is obvious that a city and area as large as Andorhal cannot be controlled.

At the Corin junction on the front line of resistance to the undead, unexpectedly, the generals Alfred Abydis and his daughter Bridget Abydis, who originally thought the situation was the most difficult People’s tasks are unexpectedly easy...because, I don’t know why, after more than half a month, the army of the undead they imagined has never arrived. The undead seem not to be in a hurry to go south. And just like that has been entrenched in the area around Stratholme and the newly formed diseased forest?

Therefore, the two fathers and daughters, who hold more than 20,000 troops, operate their fortifications at the junction of Corinth and Tyr's hand, allowing various fortresses, strongholds, and outposts to rise up. Various ground thorns and traps are also scattered everywhere near the intersection of Kaolin, and when those fortifications will come in handy, it is not known for the time being.


A certain little witch who had followed certain paladins back to Darrowshire and had been stranded here was so free. Even, she still has time to follow Davy Croft and Captain Joseph Redpath who are also free to perform the task of investigating the source of the plague.

Because they obtained a very reliable and valuable piece of information from some channels. It is reported that:

The plague of the undead appeared from Andorhal from the beginning, while the plague of Andorhal originated from Lake Dallongmir, and the plague of Lake Dallongmir is possible and possible, or it can be said that it can only come from one Place, that's a big island in the center of the lake——Keldalon? !


After obtaining the information and after careful analysis, the Paladin Davy Crowford and Captain Joseph Redpath led some elite soldiers and scouts, as well as those who were idle in Darrow County. Together with Hermione Granger and the Witch, they set off from Dahlone County, took advantage of a heavy fog, and sneaked into Keldaron Island by boat.

And now, their group has been groping for a long time in the ruins of this big island, which is also a city that can accommodate tens of thousands of people in the county of Keldaron.


"Mr. Croford, and Captain Redpath, can you be sure that this is really the source of the plague? It is really the lair that cursed the cult? But, how do I see that there is only a ruin of the city here? , And those undead wandering in the ruins..."

Yes, as she slowly infiltrated this huge island of Keldaron, as she slowly approached the Barov family’s castle, Hermione herself saw nothing but debris and ruins all over the floor. There is no living person here, only the dead souls and evil undead monsters are wandering, just like they were captured by the undead plague a long time ago?

Therefore, looking at the dilapidated houses, the dirty streets and the broken castles, the rusty cannons on the walls, etc., Hermione who came here for the first time was more willing to believe: this Keldaron The city here is not like a base established after colluding with the cursed cult, but more like Stratholme after being captured by the undead. Is this another place poisoned and destroyed by the undead plague?

However, compared to the tragic Stratholme who fell more than half a month ago, it is possible that Kyle Daron has already fallen here.

Perhaps, in terms of time, the terrible undead plague may have really leaked from Keldaron and Lake Dalungmir, but if it is said that this place is controlled by cursed gods and demons, she will Can't believe it yet.

"Miss Granger..."

"In fact, we didn't believe it at all, but our scout found two informants who provided important information, so I think you will understand later."

Captain Joseph Redpath carefully led the way, because they sneaked in secretly this time, so if you can, try not to be discovered by the undead wandering in the ruins of the city, and if you are accidentally discovered , And also directly kill the opponent by thunder means, and never let the opponent send out any alarms.

Otherwise, they would have to run away in embarrassment...

After all, this is the home of the legendary cursed gods, and they must not dare to continue lurking in after being discovered by the enemy.


"Mr. Croford, can you tell me about the Barov family?"

"I don’t know why, I’m still a bit reluctant to believe: There are people in this world who choose to be with the undead, to fight with those evil beings, even at the expense of their own family territory, their homes and cities. Are all destroyed?"

Yes, Hermione couldn’t figure out why some people put up a great place like Dahlong Mill Lake and the paradise-like territories of Keldaron, and they just gang up with people who curse the cult, even Your own people, your own family and even your own territory have all given up?

That kind of terrible thing, for Hermione, can't figure it out, it's not like a group of normal people should do it.

"The Barov family?"

"Well, if it's Miss Granger you want to know, then I might as well talk about it!"

"However, because the Barov family has been very low-key in recent years, and their city has always had very little contact with the outside world, so I may not know much...Speaking of which, this matter may have to start from the First World War. It’s time to talk about it. At that time, I was just a little Paladin, a small captain from Dahlone County. Later, most of the content about the Barov family was also listened to by Lord Uther I only found out after talking about it."

Keldaron County is very big here. After entering the city, it may take a lot of time to explore the castle ruins near the Barov family. In addition, there are not many undead around now. If there is a problem, Joseph and the others should be fine. Easily resolved, so after thinking about it, Davy Crowford started the meeting and spoke in a low voice.


"I remember it was like this, and it must be said before the Alterac Kingdom was destroyed..."

Once, the Barov family was a rich and ancient family that held the vast land east of the Alterac Mountains! Whether it’s now Brill, Tarren Mill, Keldaron or the fertile Nanhai Town, etc., this vast area of ​​Alterac Kingdom’s plains and confluences are all owned by their Barov family. manor!

It can be said responsibly that the Barov family's wealth is comparable to that of the Alterac royal family. Whether it is territory, wealth or army, they can be said to be the country of Alterac!

Moreover, the Barov family still has the ancient ancestry of the Arathi people. They have lived in the old castle of the ancient Arathi nation in Kieldalon County for almost another thousand and two hundred years, and they have continued this An ancient and noble family bloodline of Arathi.


The outbreak of the first orc war completely changed the fate of Alterac Kingdom, and also changed the fate of the ancient family of Barov family.

At that time, no one thought that the betrayal Alterac King Aiden Perenold secretly surrendered to the orc army, and launched a counter-attack against the Alliance army behind his back?

During that period of darkness, Alterac, as a human kingdom, not only did not unite with other kingdoms to fight against the invasion of the orc tribes, but also constantly incited peasant riots and organized rebels in the alliance-controlled area. Repeatedly harassed the army of the Dalaran Kingdom in the Hillsbrad area, so that Dalaran could not fully support the Alliance Navy fighting in the south, which almost led to extremely bad military consequences!

Later, with the support and intervention of the Lightbringer Uther, the rebels entrenched in Dalaran were finally defeated, and the remaining forces of the Alterac Kingdom had to be defeated and flee to the lake in Dallongmir. The possessions of the Barov family fled to Keldaron.

Immediately afterwards,

The Barov family in Keldarron County, who had been watching, saw the opportunity at this time, and betrayed the Alterac Kingdom by opportunism and began to claim to be on the side of the Alliance of Lordaeron and actively cooperate. The elven fleet of Silvermoon City broke through the orc army that was trying to blockade Lake Daronmir, and packed the Alterac rebels and some orc captives who ran to Keldaron and delivered them to Los Angeles. Dan Lun Alliance's hands.

There is not much suspense about the next thing. When the orcs flee, under the counterattack and siege of Dalaran’s mages and the powerful troops of the Alliance, the Alterac Kingdom has almost no ability to resist and declares it to be annihilated, even, Even Alterac Castle, the stubborn mountain capital city, and that magnificent mountain city were razed to the ground by magicians in Dalaran!

As a representative of the wall-riding faction, the Barov family, who chose to join the Alliance of Lordaeron at a critical time, was lucky to escape the guilt and obtained temporary forgiveness because of guilt...

Yes, it is temporary!

Because, human beings are very fickle creatures, and ‘after the fall’ is a political technique that some politicians like and use.


"We all know what happened afterwards. With the complete defeat of the orc tribe and the end of the war soon, our king of Lordaeron, Terenas Menethil, made the final judgment. ..."

"The survivors and nobles of the Alterac Kingdom cannot completely forgive the Barov family’s anti-Geism behavior, and insisted on imposing a certain limit of punishment on them, that is: depriving them of Brill, Tarren Mill and The power to rule Nanhai Town and other elite places, and use this place as a support point for the orc prison Dunhold Fort, confiscated and managed?"

"In fact, all the escrows are all excuses. In fact, our cunning king disguised the lands that originally belonged to the Alterac Kingdom, except for the Barov family lands. Outside of the poor and no longer important county of Keldaron, all were annexed to the territory of the Kingdom of Lordaeron..."

"So when I came, I was thinking. If the Barov family has any reason to cooperate with the cursed cult and spread the undead plague crazily in Lordaeron, I think those things are probably the main reason for all this. Incentive?"

After speaking, the Paladin Davy Crowford sighed heavily, obviously in a heavy mood.

There is no doubt that in the subsequent handling of the Alterac Kingdom, the diet of King Terenas Menethil of the Kingdom of Lordaeron is indeed a bit too ugly, otherwise, it will not be It will happen that the Gilneas Kingdom angrily withdraws from the Alliance of Lordaeron and the High Elves also take the opportunity to withdraw.

As a result, these injustices in the handling of the Alterac issue severely damaged the interests of the Barov family, and immediately deprived almost half of the territory that the Barov family had inherited for thousands of years, leaving only one. The not-so-important Keldaron also allowed Barov to carry the name of the'renegade' and the betrayer and be scolded by people, so that Keldaron became increasingly deserted and no longer prosperous...

and so,

In the endless curse, resentment, and the people of the Barov family who stayed alone on the isolated island of Keldaron, they began to curse Terenas and cooperate with the cursed cult to fight against Lordaeron. Andorhal, Stratholme, and the entire East and West Plaguelands (East Tirisfal), the traditional lands and anointed lands of Lordaeron spread those terrible undead plagues, and the Hinterlands and Alterac The mountains and Hillsbrad hills did not break out of any plague at all, and it was no longer incomprehensible.


"If all of this is really done by the Barov family, I think the undead plague is really the disaster our King Terenas laid in dealing with the problem of the Alterant Kingdom. Because of..."

"However, Miss Granger, you shouldn't give a small report in front of King Reinus, saying that my paladin is secretly talking about his old man, right?"

Although Davy Paladin said that all he said was facts, and even after they completed the investigation and submitted the report to Lordaeron, everyone who saw the report would think of all the causal reasons and agree with him. The ones I just summarized, but the ones who said that the king is not behind the scenes are not "spreading rumors" or something. It's always wrong, even if what he says is the truth!


"When, of course not..."

Hermione didn’t think she would have the opportunity to meet the legendary King Terenas Menethil, who led the alliance of the seven nations and defeated the orc invasion, so after hearing about the Barov family After that, while she was hesitant in her heart, she also hurriedly responded.

She doesn’t think it’s wrong for the Paladin Davy Kloford to speak ill of the king behind his back, because if it is really that the king’s unfair handling of Barov throws himself into the arms of the cursed cult and releases the dead for revenge. If the plague...

Then, the king in Lordaeron’s city must be one of the culprits!

And the countless people of Lordaeron, those dozens or even millions of innocent lives who died tragically under the plague of the undead, their deaths and sufferings must be the King Terenas Menethil An unshirkable responsibility.

‘Everyone, be careful, we are almost there! ’

‘Master Davy, and the Granger Witch, you had better keep your voice down. This neighborhood is already very close to the Barov family’s castle. Look, that castle is there. We have to pay attention! ’

at last,

After Davi Kloford gave a general account of the nasty incidents between the Barov family and Alterac Kingdom and Lordaeron, Captain Redpath reminded him in a low voice, Their small team of more than a dozen people finally reached their destination after a short period of sneaking.

‘Pay attention to the movement under your feet, be lighter...’

'The ruins in front are Barov’s manor and castle. We can’t pass anymore, because there are many undead there, and it is said that under the castle is the base of the cursed cult, which is the manufacturing and dissemination mentioned in the intelligence. The Plague of Undead-School of Spiritualism! ! ’

Captain Joseph Redpath hasn’t confirmed whether it’s what he said, because he hasn’t been able to go in yet, and he doesn’t know what’s going on inside, but only the information and scouts he obtained Judging from the intelligence we investigated, it is likely to be exactly what he guessed.


"No! Someone found us!!"

Suddenly, just as Hermione wanted to take a good look at the seemingly dilapidated and empty Barov family castle, the ghosts of two humans, a man and a woman, floated straight toward them. , So scared that of course she took out her magic wand and prepared to use spells to deal with the two undead who had discovered them.

‘Wait! ’

‘Granger Witch, don’t do it, they are your own! ’

However, Captain Joseph Redpath lowered his voice to remind him and hurriedly reached out and pressed the head of her wand ahead of time, promptly stopping a certain spell she almost blurted out.

‘Good evening, you are finally here, young lady mages, and knight masters, I’m Aiva Sackhoff, and this is my husband Lusen. ’

‘Hello everyone, it’s nice to meet you...’

After the female ghost in maid-style clothing spoke, the male ghost in butler-style clothing next to her also spoke, and kindly nodded and smiled at the strangers who came to the Barov family territory to be'guests'. Tao.


"You, you are..."

Hearing the friendly question from the other party, and Captain Redpath pressed down his wand, Hermione was shocked and had to relax gradually.

Although in Hogwarts Castle, Hermione had already seen many talking ghosts, such as the Peppy who knows to make trouble all day long, the **** Barrow with a fierce expression, the almost headless Nick and The fat monk of Hufflepuff and Ms. Gray of Ravenclaw, etc... But, in this land of Lordin Road, this is the first time she has seen taking the initiative to talk and will not attack the living. The ghost of, this is really too rare for her.

If Joseph hadn't just stopped her with eyesight and hands, I'm afraid her curse would have hit these two ghosts!

‘They are the informants I just mentioned! ’

‘The information of the Barov family and the psychic college below the castle are the clues they provided to our scouts, so we are here today. ’

Seeing the Granger Witch was still a little puzzled, Captain Joseph Redpath quickly whispered to the two ghost couples who looked a little cramped and feared the witch.

'really? ! ’

Hermione felt a little unbelievable, but she never expected that the two ghosts in the Barov family territory would even confide in them outsiders. This kind of thing is really weird.

‘Of course Miss! ’

'Although we were once loyal servants in the Barov family castle, but there is no longer there. It is now called the psychic college. It is no longer the castle of our loyal family, so we don’t need to replace it. It keeps a secret...'

‘You may not believe it, I was the maid’s foreman at the time, and my husband Lusen was the butler of the master Barov’s house. ’

‘We have been working for the Barov family for generations, and we have worked here in this castle for decades, until...’

As he spoke, the expression of the ghost Aiva Sackhoff gradually faded. Obviously, she felt a little sad about what happened here or what happened to their couple.


"Aiva Sackhoff, and Lucen Sackhoff, let’s talk about the situation here first. Although the scout has conveyed some descriptions of your couple to us, since we came here in person, we just want to Know more and want to know what is going on here, can you tell us more about it?"

Time is running out, and the Paladin Davy Crowford, who came here to investigate the truth, directly reached out and stopped the two ghost butlers, and asked impatiently.

Before entering the castle for field trips, he just wanted to know more about the information inside, instead of chatting with two ‘friendly’ ghosts with memories of his life in such a dangerous place!

"Can you tell me something?"

Hermione also wanted to know the question about Davy's Paladin. Therefore, as she gradually relaxed, she rarely showed a kind smile to these two ghosts, because she knew that it was a very tragic thing to become ghosts. , These two must be frightened.

‘Oh, of course...’

'It’s terrible, miss, you may not know that Barov’s manor was not like this before. It used to be full of life, full of energy, like a garden, and this manor and castle belonged to the Barov family. The main residence in their distant kingdom...'

Aiva began to recall slowly, and soon, her words gradually attracted everyone's attention.

‘After the end of the war and the fall of Alterac Kingdom, things have changed...’

‘Lucen and I noticed that as time passed, the Barov family became more and more depressed and depressed. Paranoia, delusion, and rage enveloped the master and the ladies. At night, we often hear the Barovs arguing fiercely in the bedroom. They have been cursing Lordaeron and saying that the king robbed their family's inheritance and robbed them all...’

‘Of course, I have noticed the badges of Lordaeron on you. You should be from the Kingdom of Lordaeron, right? I know, there are only people from Lordaeron around Darlong Mill...According to our understanding, you Lordaeron and your master’s greed ruined everything, so to speak...’

‘It’s just that these are no longer important now, because everything is over...’

Even if it turned into a ghost, Aiva Sackhoff still seems to have certain prejudices against the people of Lordaeron. Otherwise, she would not have just stared at the present Dawei Sheng with that kind of resentment. The knight and others took a deep look.

The sadness, anger, and complaints under the eyes are not just pretends, but those emotions have been concealed by other more terrifying things.


"Please tell me the point, our time is very urgent, here may be discovered by the surrounding undead at any time, then I am afraid we can only leave you to retreat!"

Davy Croft was a little angry, because he could say that Lordaeron was not, and could even secretly say that King Terenas was not, but he would never allow others to say it!

Therefore, without waiting for the female ghost to continue speaking at her own pace, Davy once again arrogantly interrupted the other party, and motioned to the other party to focus on those points, because his patience was limited.


"Okay, Mr. Knight..."

Although very reluctant, whether for themselves or for the souls of this land, the Sackhoffs finally began to understand what they knew and why the Barov family’s Keldalon city and castle changed. The reason for this is explained bit by bit:

In the beginning, the Barov family was to protect their treasures and their ownership of the land before and after death, or to retaliate against the Kingdom of Lordaeron? They didn’t know when they began to reach a certain agreement with a powerful human mage named Kel’Thuzad, although, in the view of the Sackhoffs, their master was probably deceived and deceived by the cunning human mage. Used it?

But their opinions are not important, because the couple are just maid foremen and butlers, and they certainly cannot influence any decision of the host Barov family. Therefore, they can only watch the changes here silently... …

Soon, as more and more members of the cursed sect arrived, the couple was shocked to discover: Over time, as the cooperation between the two parties deepened, Barov’s castle was actually in that terrible energy. It became gradually aging... and even began to twist and deform, and darkness began to envelope the entire family's territory, so that it has become impossible for them to carry out some necessary maintenance of the castle?

Immediately afterwards,

The couple lost contact with the members of the Barov family, and were driven out of their castle by the cursed followers...

They don’t know what happened to the other servants or what they went through. They just heard terrible screams, all kinds of painful wailing, and they continued day and night, just like the sound from hell. ?

Therefore, because of fear, the couple found a hidden place to hide, and spent a full six months of sneaking and fearful long days, until the castle and manor of the Barov family happened again, which was frightening. Changes so far.

Those filthy and terrifying monsters began to roam the manor at will. Those dark believers who carried various rituals and sacrificial utensils with them were also scattered on every inch of Keldalon County. The two finally couldn't hide and were caught.

After being tortured tragically, after a villain named "Professor Serlin Kasdinov" completed the plague experiment, the Sackhoffs, the butlers loyal to the Barov family He was finally tortured to death and resurrected as an undead. Since then, he has been trapped around the Barov family castle and can't go anywhere.


"If what you said is true, then all of this is terrible!!"

That Kel'Thuzad Hermione said that he had heard it, because the other party seemed to be killed by Prince Arthas and Sister Jaina when he was in Andorhal, and was burned to a jar of ashes?

However, I still feel a little bit about the destruction of the Barov family’s jade and stone, and the fact that they would destroy themselves, destroy the entire Keldaron, and turn all the people into experimental objects in order to avenge the Kingdom of Lordaeron. Unbelievable.


"I see, both of you, thank you very much for the important information. Do you need our help?"

Nodded, and after looking at Captain Redpath, David Croford said that he was finally sure that this was indeed the place they were looking for, and the origin of the curse of the cult and the plague must be it's here!

Therefore, for the kingdom of Lordaeron, for the countless families and lives that have been destroyed, for those who are still alive, and for those who have died, they need to find a way to destroy this place anyway, and punish them at all costs. Under the castle, those villains hiding in that'psychic college'!


The Sackhoffs glanced at each other. Obviously, it was not without any reason or purpose that the two ghosts chose to help these strangers.

'We don’t feel anything right now, we are obviously dead, but we can’t go where we dead people should go, because our souls are trapped here, our bodies are still in the **** under the castle, we are finding us No one of us can leave until we let our souls rest in peace...'

‘So, all the knights present, and this lady mage, can you help us? ’

'If you can, we hope that after you kill the terrible butcher, try to burn the remains of Aiva Sackhoff and my husband Lusen Sackhoff and give our remains Thoroughly purify, then, we should be able to rest in peace...'

Yes, the souls of Aiva Sackhoff and his wife are indeed trapped here. If the enemy who tortured them cannot be killed, if the broken and contaminated bodies of the two of them cannot be completely burned. , Their souls definitely cannot leave here and go to the world where their dead should go.

Although the Barov family and those who curse the religion are incomparably obsessed with immortality and power, for the Sackhoffs, this kind of immortality, no warmth, no beauty, and the surrounding world is faintly filled with them. With endless hostility, and the body feels the icy cold'eternal life' is not what they expected, and this is why they choose to help these strangers.


"If the Kasdinov, the one who created the undead plague, and the one who killed countless lives is really here, I can assure you: he will be punished, justice must be done, and we will Find him and let him taste the pain he brings to those innocent people!"

"I promise you!"

"Furthermore, rest assured, we will surely let your soul rest in peace, and we will destroy your remains and everything in that psychic academy. Now you can go back and wait for my good news. !"

Paladin Davy Crowford almost clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and agreed to the two ghosts' request, and promised to do more now.

However, he did not say when to complete the task, because he still wants to go to the psychic college below to investigate it personally. If the situation is true, he will immediately report it up and wait for the army to come and calm down here. The one who cursed the cult’s lair.

'it's me! ’

‘Master Davy! Captain Redpath! ’

‘I just went to investigate. Those two ghosts didn’t speak. It should be here. There are many undead and cursed followers underneath, but I didn’t dare to go deeper. ’

After the two ghosts left, soon, following the twisting of the surrounding light, a masked stalker appeared in front of everyone and said in a low voice after he had known his identity.

"Are you really sure?"

Davy still hesitated, because this matter was very important and he had to know a little bit more clearly before he could report.

‘My lord, I’m pretty sure! ’

'But those undead are very sensitive to the breath of living people. I was almost discovered by them several times...Also, I advise you to stay away from here, because the energy of the Holy Light in you is too obvious. You are here. It's not safe. It's best not to approach that Barov family's castle. Those undead and cursed followers will definitely find the energy of the Holy Light in you fluctuates. ’

The stalker said quietly. Obviously, as a scout and stalker, he is not at all willing to get together with these paladins who are like big light bulbs in a dangerous environment behind enemy lines. He is more willing to execute it alone. Task, because it will be safer.


"What to do? Davy, shall we go back now and prepare to inform Master Uther?"

Prince Alsace has now gone to Northrend, so the main person in charge at the intersection of Darrowshire and Cowling is of course Uther, and the highest officials they can contact and determine I am afraid that only their veteran officer pays attention to this matter.

This kind of important matter is handed over to other bureaucrats in the kingdom, and they will not be relieved.

"But I just left, I always feel a little bit unwilling!!"

Because Dawei Paladin knows that Lordaeron may not be able to mobilize troops to attack Keldaron in a short time now, and when the troops begin to gather and attack, once they lose their suddenness, I am afraid that there will be cursed followers and undead here. The top executives had long been informed and ran away.

Of course, it is also possible that the army of the undead will first completely conquer the Eastern and Western Plaguelands and gain all the initiative in this area? You know, once the hundreds of thousands of undead troops near Stratholme start to dispatch, I am afraid the situation will immediately collapse and become uncontrollable!

‘What can I do now? ’

‘Would you like to go in and have a look? ’

‘No! We are still too rash to go in, there is no need! ’

‘But, just leave like this, I always feel a little too cheap, those villains...’



Soon, Captain Joseph Redpath, David Croft and more than a dozen people from Dahlone County began to discuss and argue.

It’s a pity that they can’t agree immediately, because half of them suggested to leave immediately so as not to provoke an alarm, while the other half strongly suggested to go in and see the situation. After all, they are all outside the castle gate. If you go in personally, you will always feel a little regretful?


"Everyone! Maybe we don't need to find someone else, we have a way to destroy everything here?!"

When everyone was arguing, Hermione's eyes suddenly lit up, because after thinking about the environment here in Kael Daron, she suddenly thought of a perfect way.

‘What’s the solution? ’

‘The Granger Witch? ’

‘Let’s talk about it, if possible, we will listen to you! ’

No way, the group of stubborn paladins, after discovering that no one could persuade anyone, could only turn their heads to look at their respected Granger Witch.

If it’s someone else, then there’s definitely no way to surrender or order them these proud paladins, but if it’s this witch, even if they are far older than the other, to a certain extent, they will Still willing to compromise or obey orders.

"It's easy!"

"Last time, we defended Dahlone County. I think, Davy Paladin and Captain Redpath should you remember?"

Hermione didn't clearly say what the idea was, but smiled thiefly and suddenly summoned her magic book, and shook it in front of the other side.

‘! ! ’

‘Granger Witch, are you sure you can still use it? ! ’

After Davy Paladin and Captain Redpath looked at each other, they were obviously a little bit ready to move, because they also thought it seemed like a good idea, and they could easily ruin it without the trouble of going back to report and move soldiers. Everything here!

"why not?"

"Anyway, there are no living people here, and there are lakes all around. It doesn't matter what happens here, right? Then simply burn it here and destroy everything here, without sacrificing more brave soldiers. Life!"

"Also! Only flame is the best way to deal with the plague and the undead, isn't it?!"

Moreover, Hermione still remembers that the big guy summoned at the time was very angry with the undead, and even forced to disappear before the anger was over, plus the last time he was in Stratholme Her suggestion to summon that fellow was rejected by Uther, so she felt that this time, if she summoned again, that big fellow would definitely come again.

‘It’s done! ’

'it is good! Just do it! Granger Witch, you are right, only flame can purify everything! ’

'What are you waiting for? ’

The Paladins thought for a while, and quickly gritted their teeth and responded.

They also felt that it would be better to completely destroy Darongmir than to send troops to suppress it! Besides, they don't seem to have more troops to send now, so, in order to have more nights and dreams, in order to prevent the enemy from escaping, is it more appropriate to destroy everything here?

‘! ! ’

‘I’ll go back to Darrowshire with you right now to get someone to prepare. If you use that teleportation spell, you shouldn’t waste too much time! ’

‘Then let’s find a suitable place first...’

‘Shall we carefully clean up the wandering undead nearby, and keep them away? ’

'Row! ’

‘Dear sir, then I will make some movement then to attract the undead from the School of Spiritualism? ’

At this time, seeing that the Paladins began to discuss, the stalker also said aloud, grinning grinningly and took out several large packets of dwarf high explosive.

Obviously, he had thought about sneaking into and planting explosives and ruining the psychic college! However, after thinking about those undead who couldn't easily blow up, even if part of it was buried underneath, it wouldn't be a big problem, he didn't dare to speak out his idea.

‘Just do it! ’

‘I’m going to send the Granger Witch back to Darrow County to get the materials first, and I’ll be back soon! ’

‘We promise to find a suitable safe place before then! ’

‘Others watch the surroundings before we come back. Remember, we only have one chance, but don’t be surprised! ’

'understand! ’

‘Don’t worry, Sir Croford! ! ’

‘Hush! Be quiet! ! ’


Soon, the Paladins, who were already old men in the army, discussed it within a few minutes, so when the decision was passed, everyone went to prepare.

About two hours later...

With a huge circle suddenly burning with red flames, and with a hasty spell, suddenly, in the ruins of the city of Keldaron, in this piece of undead raging, there is only a bleak land of death. Once again, a huge fire light ignited, and then, with the appearance of a huge body that gradually solidified, the undead here were completely awakened by the low explosions coming from the ground!

Then, of course, they rushed frantically from the gate of the Barov family's castle, successfully saw the huge and gradually solid figure, and then launched an attack!

‘This time, who is calling me again...? ! ’

‘! ! ’

‘? ? ? ’

‘Damn it! Stupid bugs, how dare you come to provoke the great Balrog King? ! ’

Just after being summoned out, the huge creature that was attacked by a large group of undead was furious, and the huge hammer in his hand, which was bigger than the house, slammed into the place where the undead came out!

‘Die! ! ! ’

Strengthen Sulfuras!


Boom~! !

Amidst the shaking and roar of the mountain, the ruins of the Barov family’s castle were completely in ruins, and it was still burning with raging flames. Even the exit was melted into billowing magma. As for the undead and It is not clear whether the cursed cultists and even the dean, the lich and the butcher were crushed or burned to death in an instant.

‘I am the King of the Balrog! ! ’

Sulfuras hits hard! !



Rumbling rumbling...

With another hammer, the huge flaming red figure slammed into the ruins of the Barov family castle on the ground that had been completely burnt!

In the next instant, under the action of the bursting flame energy, countless cracks, lava, and terrible flames exploded on the surface of his body that looked like a huge mountain. The ruins of the family's castle were completely smashed down at this time!

Countless terrible magma and flames began to fill it completely. The castle site turned into a deep pit, and the original underground facilities instantly turned into a magma pool. I want to come, those undead or cursed believers who stayed in it for research, even if they didn’t. It must be smashed or burnt into coke right away, right?

"Why bother me so many times..."

‘Kneel down, mortals, I will burn you alive! ! ’

Living meteor!


Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

As if venting anger, endless huge fireballs with flames began to be summoned from the sky and smashed down towards the entire Kaeldaron Island! !

"Let's burn it~! ! ’

The deafening roar like thunder rang out again, letting people know just by hearing that the mood of that big guy must be very bad. He is venting frantically, attacking the undead who he believes to be the initiator. With.

Shockwave! !



‘Other worlds, this world, all the worlds will burn...’


‘I’m going to turn this place into a Molten Heart, bugs, you will soon see the price of disturbing me, and witness the great power of Ragnaros! ! ’

"Huh ha ha ha ha..."


Ragnaros, who was teased again, and was besieged as soon as he came out, burned with anger in his heart, so he began to attack and squander his powerful and infinite power indiscriminately. Enveloping any movable objects it sees or objects on the ground it sees in flames...

'Well? ! ’

‘Die! Damn bugs! ! ’

Sulfuras hits hard!




A lich with chains around his body and dripping hot lava just teleported out in embarrassment. Before he could report his identity or question, he only saw a huge and terrifying warhammer falling from the sky. The frost armor around it couldn't resist even if it was 0.1 second, it was smashed directly into the magma cracked ground by the burning sledgehammer, and the death could no longer be miserable...


Five minutes later, when the violent Flame King had to gradually turn into a phantom and disappear without a trace, there was no longer an inch of land above Keldaron that was not burning with flames.

Everything turned into billowing flames or magma, and countless new fire elements happily jumped and cheered and ran above. The light of the fire reflected the sky above the entire Lake Dalungmir, even if it was as far away as Andorhal. The Paladins or some of the instigators in Darrow County also vaguely saw the terrifying fire from the sky of the huge lake.

As for those undead and cursed followers...

Sorry, Keldaron should be called "Island of Flame" or "Island of Lava". Those corpses of zombies, skeletons or rotten maggots must not survive in this environment.


In Hogwarts Castle, as the night's sleep time arrived, as Principal Dumbledore started to stand up and roared to drive people away with a loudspeaker curse, the students soon filed away with some intentions, and only left A slightly messy hall.

'Wow! ’

‘It’s really enjoyable, that Balrog Lord, that Ragnaros is even scarier than the legendary dragon! ’

‘Yes! Our Hogwarts Castle is probably not enough for it to smash...’

‘! ! ’

‘You said, that Granger classmate shouldn’t call it here at Hogwarts, right? ’

'Certainly not! Professor Dumbledore would not allow her to do that. ’

‘What if she did that? ’

‘Then I ran home with a fireplace for the first time. I have Floo fans. ’

‘Isn’t the fireplace in the common room not allowed to use Floo net? ’

‘Then I use Apparition? ’

‘Come on, apparitions are not allowed in the school, you will definitely be beaten to death, in fact we all will! ’

'Oh! Please, Hermione will definitely not use that dangerous summoning spell in school, and she doesn't have those materials! ! ’

‘Professor Anne said, it’s an illusion, and the things in it definitely don’t exist. ’

‘But that guy is so exciting! ’

‘I’m so happy to see the destruction of the undead and the academy that cursed the religion! ’

'me too! ’



While the students were talking loudly, they walked to the common room of their college under the leadership of their respective prefects and deans. Soon, only a little girl and a girl who looked at the badge appeared to be pulled behind. It's just a student of Wenclaw.

However, no professor or prefect dared to interfere with the two of them, because, ah, the little girl was their Professor Anne, and the other Ravenclaw student was the Mad Girl Luna Lovegood. !

‘Thank you for agreeing to turn our conversation into an interview and send it to my dad’s magazine. His "Singing and Singing" is selling very well, and you have written to ask me to thank you very much! ’

Luna Lovegood followed the little girl who was carrying the toy bear, shook off her arms, and stepped on the wide slate floor with her short legs, and said gratefully.

"You are welcome, you can write anything you want, as long as you don't write bad things about me in it!"


Little Annie doesn't mind the interview or something, anyway, she doesn't need to write it herself!

'correct! ’

‘Professor Anne, can I ask you? Why is that Pepi ghost so afraid of you? I just saw it. It was originally intended to throw me with a stinky egg, but it ran away as soon as it saw you...’

Pippi’s troubles are obvious to everyone in the school, and it is said that the other party is only afraid of Professor Dumbledore and the **** Barrow. Therefore, Luna is really true to the little professor in what way to clean up the other party. Is very curious.

If she can learn, I am afraid that in the future, she won't need to worry about the other party chasing her behind her, scolding her crazy girl and throwing her with rotten eggs or other things.



"As long as you catch it, sink to the bottom of the lake and live with a group of monsters Grindillo, who are noisier than it, for more than a month, it is guaranteed to run faster than anyone else after seeing you!"


Yes, after more than a month, a certain hapless Pepe ghost was finally released by the great Professor Anne, because ah, she felt that if there is no other person to bully, it seems that life at Hogwarts Castle will be less. Some fun?




'how should I do? Because we can't hurt a real ghost! ’

Luna was a little upset, because she obviously couldn't catch Pippi, and she couldn't hurt the other party even more, so let alone catch him and sink it to the bottom of the lake, UU Reading!

However, now she finally knows why Pepy Ghost disappeared for more than a month and still ran so fast after seeing Professor Anne! As for this matter, she intends to write about it in the next issue of Professor Anne's interview. She thinks that those readers who have ordered "The Contradictory" will definitely be happy to see these interesting things.

"If it can't hurt, just create an illusion that it is afraid of, and let its mind be hurt by a crit!"


Annie certainly wouldn't teach a student how to hurt a ghost, because it was too'humane', and the weird old man Dumbledore would definitely have an opinion, so she should do that alone. That's it.

‘Then what should I do to cause a psychic crit against Pepi Ghost? ’

Luna is puzzled. She is often bullied by Pippi due to her personality, but she really wants to know what to do.



"Do you know Bogut? I will teach you an anti-curse against Bogut. You can use it on Pippi, and then you can let it see what it fears the most..."


It is not difficult for Annie to make a new spell or something, but she is now wondering, after the new spell she gave to Miss Luna is pronounced, what Pepigui will see What about my own vision? Maybe, it will definitely be, right?

Of course, it could also be the terrible water monster Grindillo, or a rusty cannon barrel?


ε=(????`●))) alas




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