Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 991: ?? (?`???) Stormwind’s Dog and Skyrim...

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At the Mid-Levels Fair in Valley of the Four Winds, early in the morning, the industrious panda man farmer Lao Yu stood with his **** and stood beside his farmland that was planning to open up wasteland, and then he had a pair of black eyes with furry faces. The hair on the top was erected, and it was still a long time ago that he couldn't hold back a word, and he didn't know what to say.


Looking at the yellow one not far away, the little girl's flying mount'Rhubarb', the big guy named Giant Dragon roared angrily, was spitting fire in his wasteland, and began to claws. He raked the ground, his claws plowed deeply into the soil, and in the next second, no matter whether it was a hard rock or a hard block of soil, it was instantly turned out, and the red-eyed bunny demon who jumped out were burnt. After being shocked, the old farmer idiot reluctantly nodded, expressing his satisfaction!

To be honest, after observing this, he had to admit that he really couldn't find any better, more efficient and hard-working animal to plow the field... Whether it was the mountain yak or the plateau Mushan beast, or even For sturdy horned sheep or huge turtles, dragon tortoises, etc., I am afraid that they are not half as powerful as their counterparts.


"Really, really great..."

At first, his old fool was not really worried about the little girl who was being punished, so he planned to come early in the morning to see if he could help and supervise the work by the way. But what to think, now the little girl’s rhubarb seems to be the same Only the dragon can solve all the work, and there is no need for anyone to get in the way?

So Old Yu decided:

Wait until the big guy, when the rhubarb finishes that heavy work, he will take the old vegetable leaves picked from the bamboo baskets, the rotten radishes, the Maitai cabbage, etc. to entertain the diligent one. Big guy at work! After all, a bull like that big must have a lot of appetite, so he must prepare more.


"Little girl, your rhubarb works so hard, haven't you thought about helping out?"

Satisfied with the hard-working rhubarb and nodded in approval, the old man was going to go back to his home to have a few drinks, but before leaving, he subconsciously blamed a little girl who was overseeing I asked a question.

Because he thinks this little girl is too cunning, and children can't develop the habit of laziness since childhood. Since there is a chance, he must urge it. After all, yesterday, he thought this little girl would Do it yourself, and then he can take the opportunity to educate?


!? (??\'\'????)??

"People are still a child with little arms and legs. How can you, a bad man with a shabby face, let others do that kind of heavy farming work?!"


The poor, weak and helpless Queen Anne said that a little girl like her without the power of a chicken can definitely not turn the land and cannot grow the field, so ah, the kind of hard work is still the one that is given to her family. Let's do it with the rhubarb who is'working hard'.



She would not tell a certain old panda man that a certain rhubarb was originally unwilling to work, but after she shot it hard... after educating the other party, the other party quickly became honest It’s too much, and I ran up early in the morning to work, and I was ready to finish those days of work in one morning, and no one could stop it. If you want to help, you’re in a hurry. Kind?


"Little girl, you are very dishonest... I can see that you are as cunning as the nasty cubs in our Pandaren... But I won't care about you so much, since your rhubarb will soon be If we can finish that job, let's just forget what happened yesterday."

"But in the future, you must remember that you, a foreign little guy, must not make trouble for everyone here in the Valley of the Four Winds and the Mid-Levels Bazaar. We don't welcome that kind of dishonest clever kid!"

Old Yu, the farmer who planned to go back for a few drinks, didn’t want to waste his time on a little girl who had just met a day. So, after a few words pretentiously at the end, he shy his belly and patted He slapped his butt, carried the handle that was still very clean, and had no chance to get dirty with the hoe, so he trot in the direction of his home.

A few days ago, he just brewed a pot of good wine, so if you don’t have to go to work while you have time today, you have to drink a small cup...Of course, there may be several large cups?



"You old foolish man is not honest!!"

ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah!

After making a big grimace towards the chubby body and back of the other party and taking a slur, Anne only glanced at a certain'rhubarb' for the last time, and felt that the other party should not be able to **** and slip, then nodded in satisfaction. Turn around and walk to the west away from the Mid-Levels Bazaar.

"Hum hum……"


Queen Anne wanted to eat Flame Spirit salmon at noon today, so just now, she ran to talk to the master chef, Uncle Yan Ironshoe.

Although the other party agreed to her request and symbolically accepted one of her gold coins as cooking money, the hateful uncle panda also said at the same time: You can’t let her child develop a lazy inertia, you can’t let her She spends money from'others' too easily, so the emperor salmon and the fine scallions for cooking that'flaming salmon' must have her own hands, so he will help with the cooking?

However, Xiao Anni thinks that if the cunning pandaren didn't deliberately make things difficult for her, he must want to use her!

Because, the other party said that after seeing the big and flying rhubarb at her house, he would deliberately say that, and at the same time, please ask her to help him by the way before noon. Lao Nong Shanzhang helped him bring back several sacks of vegetables and other crops that he had already ordered?

Because of the other party's status as a chef and for her own future eating, Xiao Annie had to reluctantly respond...


She had already been to Laonong Shanzhang just after she woke up early in the morning to eat, but the other party’s crops were still in the field and had not been collected and packaged, so she had to fly back again and take some The bronze dragon who just wanted to sneak and rapport was rushed to harrow the ground...

And now, she was going to go to the field near the old farmer's mountain palm to the west. Of course, she was definitely not going to do farm work for the other party, but to help the pesky old panda man catch the chicken!

That's right, just catch the chicken!

Because the old guy said that he is in trouble. His award-winning hen didn't rush out of the cage yesterday and refused to come back. Now it must have ran into the flock of free-range chickens and other hens. , Pheasants, wild birds, and... some uneasy roosters mixed together?

Therefore, before the other party prepares the crops at noon, Annie needs to go to the west of the other party’s farm and south of the Motian Mountain ridge to find and catch the winning hen, and then the other party will take the goods of a nasty chef. And some good fresh onions for her to take back to make flame spirit salmon?

But well...


Little Annie is now thinking, does the winning hen taste different from ordinary hens? As a result, she is struggling now, wondering whether she is going to eat the homemade "peanut kebab" at noon, or continue to eat the "flaming salmon" that hasn't been eaten for a long time?


In short, that is a major issue worthy of her time to ponder. Maybe, when she sneaks into the field of the old farmer's palm, she can almost make a decision?

Although, she has already obtained a king salmon...

But she would not tell others that the fish was actually after she constantly harassed a pandaman fisherman who was fishing by the river, and threw rocks near the other party’s bait, and even threatened to fry the fish with magic. Only succeeded.



She is still struggling now, does she want to eat chicken or fish for noon? Or, is there any way to eat both chicken and that ‘flaming salmon’? !


Fortunately, it was morning and there was still a lot of time, so early in the morning, the birds were chirping and the sun was shining high, and she still had time to slowly figure out a solution.



There was a rustle in the grass on the side of the road, and then a monster almost half the height of Annie leaped towards her.


∑(??△`)? !

"Go away! People don't want to eat you now!!"

ヽ(ヽ`д′)┌┛★)??????????) Hit!

After kicking a certain red-eyed rabbit demon who suddenly jumped out of the cave on the roadside and waved the sharp bamboo in his paws and wanted to launch an assault on him, Xiao Anni spit and continued carrying it. The little bear leaped forward leaping forward.

"La la la..."

"I am a happy little master..."


Now she needs to take advantage of the time she is on the road, continue to think about the important question that she was thinking about just now, but at the same time it also made her drool.

And as for what to eat for dinner after I understand the problem of lunch...



Well, that kind of important and complicated issues should wait for her to think about it after having lunch, because she feels that she should continue to struggle with the question of whether to eat chicken, or whether to eat fish and chicken. Better?


ε=(????`●))) alas



When a bad little girl was stuck in the Valley of the Four Winds in Pandaria for some reason, and was about to chase the chickens, Lordaeron, who was completely forgotten by her at the far north of the Eastern Kingdom, At this time, he was still confronting the evil undead and natural disasters.


Quite strangely, at this time, due to the mismatch in intelligence, they were separated by a small half-day distance, about a dozen miles away, just like this silently confronting Lordaeron and Brill. Now, and it seems that neither of the two sides intends to engage in a large-scale battle, just maintaining a basic state of'peace' like that?

Therefore, the Lordaeron battle that everyone thought would be going on like a raging fire, or even the fierce battle that ended with the fall and fiasco of Lordaeron King’s City, stopped without warning and entered a temporary period. The confrontation stage finally gave the people of Lordaeron who were worried in their hearts an extremely precious breathing time.

after all,

If this stalemate persists for the time being, obviously, this is extremely beneficial to Lordaeron and even to the entire Alliance! Because this means that they can calmly deploy and deploy more superior forces, and gather the power of the entire Lordaeron Alliance and multinational forces to fight against the undead, instead of just using Lordaeron’s power as it is now. Remaining military power and some of the power of Dalaran and the dwarves of the Eagle's Nest to deal with in a hurry!

If the undead were able to give Lordaeron a month, or even longer time, arrangements and calm arrangements, maybe Lordaeron could even change from passive defense to active offense?

Of course, the people in Lordaeron must not dare to think of things like that now. Without sufficient intelligence to support them, they are still suspicious and random about why the undead haven’t attacked yet. Guessing, he was still worried about fear that those evil and terrifying existences were brewing some terrible conspiracy that they didn't know.


At this time, far south of the mainland, in Stormwind City at the northwest corner of the peaceful and peaceful Irvine Forest, in a beautiful stone mansion newly built, there is a young and beautiful, **** body and noble temperament. A Countess with straight down-shouldered black hair and beautiful black eyes, Katrana Prestor of Stormwind is lying comfortably on the chaise longue in the study of her own mansion, using Tasting in the goblet carefully the special aged wine from the East Valley, while teasing the pug next to him, who doesn't seem to be a very big dog.


However, the sight of her beautiful eyes was not placed on the wine glass, and even less on the pug dog who was very comfortable to her touch. Instead, she squinted slightly, not at all. Regardless of the focal length, she didn't know what she was thinking about that made her so focused.

at last,

She didn’t know how long it took, as if she had figured out something. After she raised her head and took a sip of the **** liquid in the cup, she turned with her slightly blushing delicate face. She looked at the puppy who was constantly scratching her chin and groaning from her throat.


"You said, what do you think if I give you to Anduin as a playmate?"

Although it was in a questioning tone, the Countess Katrana Presto knew that once she said something, it meant that she had already made a decision. The opinion of others or other dogs, then Obviously it doesn't matter.

‘Woo~ Wang! ! ’


The little pug wagd its tail and barked in a low voice, conveying its meaning to its owner.


"Why, do you look unhappy?"

The movement of her hand paused, and a certain countess seemed a little unsatisfied with the reaction of her dog? So, she slowly turned her head and stared at the ‘Krishto’ who was constantly wagging its tail and rubbing her thigh with the dog’s face.

"Wow~! ’


The dwarf pug wagging its tail again accurately conveyed its opinion to its mistress.


"But, do you know that Anduin is the prince of Stormwind Kingdom, he will definitely be the king in the future, as long as you follow him, you can drink spicy food from then on, without following me every day."

"Also, in the future, without me taking care of you, you can wander around in Stormwind City... I have seen it before. There seem to be many beautiful **** in the city, they..."

However, Countess Katrana had not had time to finish her words. The dog, who was scratching her chin casually, suddenly aroused her spirit, and then ran directly in front of her and swung vigorously. Nodding with tail and tongue?

‘Wow! ! ’


Its meaning is obviously very clear and straightforward, because it was persuaded by its hostess, and certain conditions issued by the other party made it completely impossible and unreasonable to refuse.


"I'll find a chance to send you out in a few days!"

"However, you must remember that you must protect him well for me. Also, I don’t want his character to be too strong. I hate that Varian, so I don’t want his son to follow him. Similarly, you have to guide him appropriately, do you understand it?"

The countess, who was more satisfied with the other's knowledge, stared at the stupid dog in front of her for a while, and then warned with a slightly threatening and horrible look.

What didn't say, the reason why she sent the dog named "Krishto" in front of her was definitely not without any reason! In fact, everything she did Katrana Prestor was efficient and justified, otherwise, her plan would not go so smoothly now.

‘! ! ’

‘Woo~ Wang! Wang! Wang! ’


Don’t care about anything, and don’t care if he can finish it. Krishto, who only knows that he promises and then rubs it well, shakes his tail vigorously, and then rubs the hostess’s calf repeatedly, indicating that it is completely gone. Any problem, guarantee to complete all tasks assigned by the other party.


"In that case, don't let me down, or else, I think you know the consequences yourself..."

After glancing at the other party, Count Katrana stopped saying much, and regardless of the other party's vigorously shaking his head and wagging his tail and courting him, he just drank the wine from Donggu leisurely in his own home and hooked his fingers. With the help of a simple wizard's hand, the bottle of wine placed on the table flew by itself and poured a full half of it into his glass.


Now that Krishto’s affairs have been decided, then she should think about other things, such as...the Westfall, and the Blackrock Mountain. Some of her nasty guys don’t have it. Less trouble for her in the Redridge Mountains and Burning Plains, especially in Lakeside Town.

Although she has suppressed the matter, she also knows that it will definitely not work if such a thing has been suppressed and ignored. She must find a way to solve the problem or find out. If the troublesome person is killed, you will always have to choose between the two.

Just as the Countess Katrana continued to drink wine from the East Valley leisurely at home, continued to tease her stupid dog, and made up her mind to think of a better solution as soon as possible to solve the problems of Lakeside Town, suddenly, A spark rose from the candlestick on her table, and then a small dragon-shaped fireball suddenly ignited in front of Countess Katrana, and flew around her in the air, scaring her and The dog in front of her jumped!


After a moment of stunned, and then quickly remembered what the thing was, Katrana hesitated for a while, then gently kicked a certain stupid dog who was still planning to rub her calf and graciously shouted:

"Silly dog! Go out and go shopping by yourself!"

With a look in her eyes, a certain stupid dog named Krishto turned around and ran out, and soon disappeared, and he didn't know where he went.


Subconsciously turned her head and squinted and looked at the left and right, only when she found that there was nothing unusual around the room and the house, Katrana frowned, stretched out her slender hand and tapped it lightly, still walking around her The small candlelight in the shape of a dragon.

puff! !

The moment Katrana’s finger touched it, it exploded on its own in vain. Then, a piece of parchment with black fire on the corners fell out of the small dragon-shaped fireball that exploded, and the top , It is surprisingly written some content in some kind of mysterious ancient text:


‘The plan changes, immediately help the Kingdom of Stormwind to calm the unrest, and urge the Kingdom of Stormwind to send troops north to support Lordaeron...’

The black-fired parchment at the corner waited for Katrana’s sight to be scanned twice, and it was confirmed that after reading the content, it exploded again, burning directly in the white and tender hands of the countess, and soon there was nothing left. There was a mass of burnt ashes.


Katrana didn't mind the black fire burning in her palm, and she easily grabbed it and the ashes into a ball with a fist.



With a cold snort, Katrana was 10,000 dissatisfied with a certain old guy who hadn't moved for a long time, but now suddenly sent such an inexplicable new information and instructions!

"Damn it! What does that old man mean?!"

Katrana had no idea what was going on, she just gritted her teeth and cursed secretly.

You know, she managed to force VanCleef and the Masons Union, and she was about to plunge the Kingdom of Stormwind into intense internal friction. Her plan had already been arranged, and she even did some preventive measures for the future. But now, the old guy suddenly appeared again, and said that she should give her full support to Stormwind Kingdom, and stabilize Stormwind City as soon as possible, and then send troops north?

What did that guy think of her, he suddenly came out and completely denied the result that she took the risk and worked hard for many years, so why? !


After the initial consternation, shame, and upset, Katrana gradually calmed down and began to rack her brains to think about what she should do next.

"damn it……"

However, she soon discovered that besides complying, she seemed to have no better way?

After all, she didn’t dare not listen to the old guy’s orders, so she had to compromise and started to think about what she had to do to clean up the mess that she had made in Stormwind as soon as possible. Then go to complete the task in an old guy's letter?



It is actually not difficult to solve the problem between Van Cliff and the Mason Union. She Katrana thought of two good solutions in the blink of an eye:

First, the most simple thing is to get rid of the Van Cleef guy, and then let the king and nobles send troops to suppress the Mason Union, but this may be time-consuming and labor-intensive. I am afraid that it will not be subdued within a year and a half. , That stubborn King Varian might not be willing to do that.

After all, defaulting on the wages of the Masons’ Union and then sending troops to suppress the extermination is indeed very bad and inhumane. Otherwise, the other party didn’t just expel the Masons’ Union from Stormwind.

Then, I’m afraid there is only another way...

After thinking about it, Katrana rummaged in her drawer. For a long time, when she picked out a few letters from it, she smiled triumphantly, because a fairly perfect plan was gradually being laid on her Under the heart of brewing and gradually perfecting.

"It seems..."

"I need to go to Stormwind Fortress..."

Although it is very late now, Countess Katrana Presto, who feels that the matter is ‘important’, feels that in the event of an emergency, it seems appropriate for her to go there overnight?


Stormwind Fortress, this huge fortress is located on the top of the cliff in the northern part of the city. It not only guards Stormwind City, but also provides a residence for King Varian Wrynn and other nobles in the city.

At this time,

King Varian Wrynn was dealing with the messy military affairs in his study alone, and didn't know what to do.

Now, although he received the alarm and request from Lordaeron, Varian said that as a king, he had no way of doing anything...

Because Lordaeron is still too far away from Stormwind City after all. Moreover, things within Stormwind City and the Kingdom of Stormwind are still messed up. They are overwhelmed with self-care, even he is in turmoil, plus Stormwind City has just Soon after the reconstruction was completed, the national power was extremely weak. With only defense, how could he send troops to help Lordaeron so quickly to deal with the deadly plague that is said to be very powerful?

If there is peace in the Stormwind Kingdom, no matter how difficult it is, Varian will immediately lead the largest army to board the ship and go back to help Lordaeron. Such a thing, he will not hesitate! However, he couldn't do that now, because once he dared to mobilize the elite guards of Stormwind and Darwin Forest, maybe, before they arrived in Lordaeron, I feared that Stormwind would be captured again.

And now, the thing that made the Kingdom of Stormwind the most embarrassed and faceless was that Edwin VanCleef and the other side's Masons Guild had a mess! !


Varian, who sighed, could only rub his forehead, and slumpedly pushed aside the help message from Lordaeron's messengers.

Lordaeron must send troops to support him, but he may not be able to do so in a short period of time. He only hopes that the other party can hold on for a year and a half longer so that they will straighten out the domestic affairs of Stormwind Kingdom first, and wait until there is no Talk about it when you worry about it?

And now, the thing that bothers him the most is not too complicated, it is all caused by one thing, that is-money!

Yes, it is because of the Kingdom of Stormwind, or it can be said that Varian Wrynn, the king of the Kingdom of Stormwind, has no money! Now, their military and administrative expenditures in the Kingdom of Stormwind are already in deficit! And the Stormwind City and Stormwind Fortress they are rebuilding now are even more on credit!

As for the object of the credit, he no longer wants to think about it...because, once he thinks about it, things will return to a **** thing, that is, money!


Varian had agreed with the nobles at the beginning. Maybe he had promised various conditions and benefits, but he didn’t know what was going on, let alone what went wrong. At a critical time, in Stormwind City. After the completion and acceptance, when he felt very satisfied and unable to fault and was ready to pay the wages...the greedy nobles suddenly repented and refused to pay all the wages of the Mason Union at one time, but chose deduction and unlimited Deferred payment? !

To be honest, if you change that kind of thing to him, Varian—Wryen himself, he will definitely not be able to accept it. Therefore, for the rioters, for the thugs who killed his queen, for the riots in the west. The stonemason guilds of the wilderness, he will take maximum tolerance.

Therefore, Varian, a sad king, really has no money, and the rich nobles do not know what medicine they have taken wrong and deliberately make things difficult for denial and are unwilling to pay the money. Under the situation of that big salary to support his family, the conflict between the two sides broke out, and the king, who was still confused about the development of the matter, became the center of the whirlpool...


Before Varian didn’t react, his cherished queen died unexpectedly in a riot. Then, angry, he expelled the Masons’ Union and expelled the mobs who resisted violently. City, expelled from this magnificent city built by themselves.

Then, there is no need to say more about the next things.

Now, the guild members who were driven out of Stormwind went to the Westfall together, and it didn’t take much time to turn the Great Western Granary in the Kingdom of Stormwind into a place of chaos, and the other party was still struggling with a lot of opposition to Stormwind. From time to time, the thugs also came to Irvine Forest or Stormwind City to attack and make trouble, and gradually developed into the point where the tail can't drop.

In addition to the Lakeside Town and Karazhan and the Cursed Lands that need to be constantly monitored, there are so many external things entangled in the Kingdom of Stormwind. In addition, under the severe civil strife, he even knows what happened in Lordaeron, but What can we do?

Up to now, his original choice has firmly bound him and the Kingdom of Stormwind...


As a staunch supporter of the Alliance of Lordaeron, Varian, who had received a lot of care from Lordaeron in the past, did not completely say that he did not intend to support it. Therefore, he would not sleep all night at this time, and was thinking about it. Various possibilities, want to solve those problems as soon as possible and find a way to send troops.


Varian sighed heavily again...


"Earl Prestor, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, Wrynn heard the sound of opening the door, and when he looked up tiredly in frustration, and saw that the person was the young, beautiful and capable Countess Katrana Prestor, he couldn't help asking with some curiosity. One sentence.

He knew that with the identity of the opponent, the guards outside would certainly not make things too difficult for him to meet him.


"Your Majesty, I have a way to quickly stabilize the affairs of the kingdom. I wonder if you would like to listen to it?"

Seeing the king Varian sitting behind the table, who seemed to be in a bad state of mind, looked forward to His Majesty, Katrana suddenly smiled, stepped forward and picked up the kettle, and poured a cup of refreshing hot drink for the other party. Then smiled and asked softly.


"what did you say?!"


(*^▽^*)?? Ask for a ticket?? (*^▽^*)

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