Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 992: ?(????)? Your eldest cousin is after all you...

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Lord Daval Prestor, who was once famous in the Alliance of Lordaeron, was the most powerful candidate for the throne of the Alterac Kingdom. After the Second World War, he was in King Terenas and other countries. The leaders are very popular among them, and have considerable influence on the decision-making of the alliance. He is almost about to become the little nobleman in the north of the Alterac king. He is back!


Just as he suddenly left without saying goodbye and disappeared for many years, this time, he suddenly appeared in the misty King City of Lordaeron at a critical time, and obtained the current acting queen of Lordaeron, Jiali The introduction of Ya Menethil once again appeared in the high-level social circle of Lordaeron, and once again spread his super-high influence on Lordaeron’s kingdom and even the alliance that was originally only in the legend.

Although, Lordaeron’s generals and some of the archmages from Dalaran were skeptical and cautious about the identity of Lord Prestor, and listed a series of'suspicious' or'speculations'. 'The so-called evidence that came out?

However, when the Lord Prestor did not mind to show his power, and attacked with hundreds of his powerful followers, risking a violent attack on the formation of the undead and natural disasters with magic and swords. , And also won a small victory. At the same time, I learned that the main force of the undead and natural disasters did not know when they had evacuated. At this time, not after the important information near Brill, there was no one in Lordaeron. Can continue to be suspicious of Presto's ability and identity.

Of course, even doubt is useless!

That's because, at this time, the quasi-queen of Lordaeron Jialia is very fond of and trusting the Lord Prestor who has suddenly appeared again. She did not find anything particularly obvious from the other party, or was particularly unfavorable to Lordaeron. Before the suspicion and significant evidence, no one had dared to deal with Lord Presto, who had a powerful force in itself, but was no longer deliberately concealed like before.

Therefore, what happened to that lord and the waves caused by him quickly disappeared.


In the palace of Lordaeron, Hermione Granger, the little witch and the heroic countess of Lordaeron, is assisting her majesty Caria Menethil, the quasi-queen of Lordaeron, in an attempt to deal with those problems. Too important government affairs.


Since Hermione is a rare female aristocrat in Lordaeron, a great hero in the Kingdom of Lordaeron, she has made great contributions many times, and she is also one of Jialia’s best friends, so of course , She who was the closest to the future queen, naturally became the queen's right and left hand, and often followed the queen's side to help deal with the affairs of the kingdom, even if she was also a novice?

"That one……."

Seeing the gradual reduction of complicated affairs, Hermione finally couldn't help it, so she tentatively opened her mouth and asked curiously:

"Your Majesty Queen Galia, I can see that you really seem to like Lord Prestor very much. You really fall in love with him. Am I right?"

In fact, now not only Hermione can see it, but also the high-level generals and nobles of the entire Lordaeron Alliance can see it!

However, given that the future Her Majesty is still single, given the great strength and unparalleled charm of the Lord Daval Presto, the other party was indeed favored by King Tenaris and promised to be better. Leah Menethil married in the past... Therefore, due to various reasons and the future Her Majesty's willingness, and at the same time the promise of King Tenaris, Lordaeron’s generals and nobles We must not dare to have any big opinions or complaints.

There is no doubt that the humans on this land of Lordaeron have always paid great attention to promises and oaths, and this may be precisely that Jia Liya has not been able to remarry for so many years, and His Majesty almost never Isn't it the reason for Tigaria's marriage?


In the few days that the charismatic Lord Prestor returned to Lordaeron, basically most of the Lordaeron nobles and high-ranking generals have been "fallen" under the trousers of each other. Most people are also satisfied with the handsome, polite, talkative, sociable, and super talented middle-aged nobleman who almost convinces everyone.

You know, Princess Galia Menethil, who is now the quasi-queen of Lordaeron, has long blonde hair, a slender figure, a slender skeleton, a delicate face, fair skin, gentle manners, and a pair of blue. The eyes of the woman are like the beauties from the old portraits, but they are more than two years older than the late Prince Alsace, and they are now almost twenty-eight years old...the pair For a normal human being, he has almost completed half of his life, so if he doesn’t want to find ways to get married, it’s really late!

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that no one will talk too much if they are not married. To do more is to give some strange eyes and gossip... But if it is Galia Menethil, if it is Lordaeron If the queen of Menethil is the last member of the royal family of Menethil, it will definitely not be a trivial matter not to get married and continue offspring!


For various reasons, the Lord Daval Presto, who had disappeared for many years and reappeared again, was favored by Jialia again, and that was what all Lordaeron generals and nobles would like to see! As for the rumors in recent years that Princess Jialia once had some flirting with a Lordaeron infantry, those nobles and generals ignored them.

They won't believe that kind of thing, after all, rumors are just rumors.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if it is there!

Because they believe that the ‘heroic infantry’ should be willing to sign up and participate in the forefront of fighting the undead! In short, that kind of trivial matter, you don't need Queen Jialia to worry about it at all, and the generals and nobles under them will definitely handle it properly.


"Hermione, we are friends. You can just call my name or my sister. I am not the queen now, but even if I am the queen, I don't want you to alienate me like that."

"Also, I know what you want to say, but..."

Jia Liya paused, sighed, and rubbed her neck before raising her head from the desk to correct Hermione's title. However, she did not directly answer the other party's question, but after hesitating for a while, she finally slowly began to speak like a memory:

"do you know?"

"That year, when my father decided to marry me to the Lord Prestor to join the marriage in order to increase the relationship between Lordaeron and the newly formed Royal family of Alterac, I was heartbroken, even I once asked Alsace to cry...because I had never seen the man named Daval Prestor at that time, and he had to be taken out by his father as a bargaining chip without knowing who he was. At that time, it was the first time that I was disappointed with my father, very disappointed..."

Thinking of what happened in the past, Jia Liya slowly stopped her work, and then the face that was slightly pale and tired because of the previous injuries and the successive accidents of her relatives had a rare trace of it. Silk blushing brilliance.

At that time...

She only knew a little bit of information about the Lord Prestor, knew the other's age, knew that the other party was not only nearly ten years older than her, but also had a daughter, and was just widowed? Therefore, she was extremely disgusted with her father's hasty and stubborn decision.


"When I was first arranged to meet the Lord Prestor who had to flee to Lordaeron because of the loss of territory, I was fascinated by him again... I never thought about him. It's completely different from what I imagined. It's a handsome, polite and talented young nobleman?"

Think about it, she was only sixteen years old, and the Lord Prestor seemed to be twenty-seven or eighteen years old. She was also young, handsome and charming. She was only then. Hui just glanced at it and was deeply attracted by the other party.

At that time, her weird feeling of falling in love and convincing at first sight was something she has never forgotten!

And she still remembered that it was in the year when she suddenly changed her mind, when she suddenly did not hate her father and went to rejoice, but the other party did not know why the stranger disappeared...Although, during the period, there were some things Shao had bad rumors that were very unfavorable to that lord, but Jia Liya herself had never believed it!

It was that year that she went to Dalaran to drop a wishing copper coin, and her brother Arthas Menethil joined the Knights of the Silver Hand and became an honorable Paladin.

Thinking of this, Jia Liya's expression can't help but feel a little lonely...

If her brother is still there and her father is still well, how good would everything be? Then, maybe they can all watch themselves and that one, watch her step into the palace of marriage and give her blessings... But unfortunately, some things have already happened and they can't be saved.

"But who knows..."

"In the end, when he was about to become the king of Alterac, and when his father was about to officially announce that he would marry him, he suddenly disappeared, and since then no news has been sent back... "

"Hermione, in fact, I also know that there are indeed some rumors in Lordaeron now that the lord came back suddenly after seeing that I was about to become a queen? But, I know, Lord Prestor is absolutely It’s not like that, because he was about to become Alterac’s new king, King Pilenod was deposed because of the orcs, and Lord Prestor became the new king. It’s almost an established fact. of."

"So, Hermione... I believe Lord Prestor!"

"If he was for power, he would not leave without saying goodbye. He only needs to wait patiently to become the king of Alterac! If he is greedy for power, he will not be in Lordaeron. The most dangerous, he will come back when he is about to fall and expose his veiled power to help me!"

At this point, Jia Liya's face flashed a rare red once again.

Obviously, the more she explained, the harder it was to restrain her strong feelings for the lord, and she firmly believed that he must have returned for her Jialia Menethil, and he came back to help her. Not for the other, this is enough.


With a sigh, Hermione felt that this princess sister and future queen Galia was really hopeless, and she had fallen completely under the charm of that old man.

It is undeniable that Lord Prestor is indeed very handsome and attractive, and at the same time very powerful. He is an extraordinary mage. However, in Hermione’s opinion, the opponent is still too old. The forty-year-old uncle does not seem to be worthy of her sister Jialia, the queen?

Of course, she must not dare to say that kind of thing directly in front of Jia Liya, otherwise, maybe the eldest sister who has been completely blind for the so-called love will definitely turn her face!


"Sister Jialia, you can't be angry with me when you tell me, because I have been very strange, I don't know why so many of you say that Lord Prestor is good, but I still think he is a little weird. It's weird, because he is indeed a bit too popular, like..."

"It's like he has a constant effect similar to a charm spell..."

Hermione doesn’t know why she feels that way. Anyway, she only knows that unlike ordinary people who are easily attracted to Lord Prestor, in her opinion, the other party is just a polite. And the middle-aged greasy uncle who is good at welcoming, how could sister Jia Liya say so well?

In short, she thought that guy was weird, but she didn't know where the other party's weirdness was.


"The fascination curse? What is the ‘fascination curse’?"

When the other party suddenly came up with a new word that she hadn't heard, Jia Liya couldn't help looking at the other party curiously and asked with her eyes.

"Do not!"

"It's nothing, Sister Jialia, let's finish the work first? Don't talk about your Lord Prestor for now, otherwise, if I accidentally said something bad, you will definitely blame me. ."

Shaking her head, Hermione didn't forget to laugh and tease a certain Jialia sister who was hating marriage.

In fact, she didn't know what ‘ecstasy’ was, but she knew that there was something called ecstasy, which was a potion, the most effective and powerful love potion in their magical world! However, ecstasy can't really control love. What it can bring is only a strong sense of obsession, just like the strange kindness that Hermione found from the greasy uncle lord now that others had him?

Of course, she just thought about it so casually, she was not too sure, and she even wondered if it was really just because she was not a person in this world, which caused certain concepts to be incompatible with the personality here, and there were also certain cultural and habitual aspects. These big differences, so you can't appreciate some of the special charm of that uncle?


So far, she has never been able to find or find in the greasy uncle lord who has thoughts and actions against Jialia or Lordaeron. Therefore, she had to temporarily give her the doubts. Buried in my heart.

"Dear Hermione, I will definitely not blame you!"

"By the way, can you pass me the seal and sealing wax over there? I have just signed these documents, can you help me read them again?"

She laughed for a while and shook her head. Galia, who didn’t plan to talk about that kind of thing at work anymore, gradually put away her feelings and smiled and gave orders to Hermione. Let's talk about it after work.

Speaking of it, Jia Liya, who has never thought about being a queen, has never been in contact with such a similar job, and it is the first time she finds that she will be so troublesome and tired when dealing with these simple government affairs. And if it hadn't been for the Countess Hermione to help her, I'm afraid she would have been exhausted.

"Of course, no problem!"


For Miss Hermione Granger, a schoolmaster from Hogwarts, apart from the illogical things such as divination and prediction of "who will die first" can stump her, everything else in the world, as long as It's something that can be handled with wisdom and logic, and it is absolutely impossible to stop her, even if she and Jia Liya are just novices in government affairs!

Moreover, she didn't know what was going on. She unexpectedly discovered that she felt very comfortable with handling government affairs, as if she had some kind of talent?


If there is still a chance to return to Hogwarts alive, if she lives in her world, after graduation, she will definitely enter the Ministry of Magic and see if she can run for the Minister of Magic? Being the best student, getting the highest grades and being the biggest official, has always been Hermione's goal. She has never changed that kind of thing.


What Hermione and Caria didn’t know was that while they were busy at work, outside of Lordaeron, they were leading their followers to wipe out the sporadic undead, and devote themselves to studying the kind of enough to destroy living things and pollute the earth A certain greasy uncle of the Undead Plague, Lord Prestor, unexpectedly encountered a big crow that fell from the sky!

However, he was not too nervous. He just stood in place, squinted, and watched the other person change not far away from him and others and became a man wearing a gray brown cloak, holding a Old wizard with a wooden staff.

‘? ? ’

‘Has an enemy? ’

‘! ! ’

‘Enemy attack! fast! Kill him! ! ’

Seeing that a wizard of unknown origin suddenly flew down, the followers of Lord Prestor who were present stopped collecting samples from the ground and different dead souls, and then pulled out their waists. The long sword in between and the exquisite heavy shield on the back are ready to surround the enemy.


"Huh! Don't be so nervous, you might as well see what he wants before you talk..."

After seeing the person who came, Lord Prestor chuckled and suddenly stretched out his hand, indicating and stopping the strong guards around him, wearing the heavy plate armor of Lordaeron, but wearing Puri Followers of the Stowe family badge tabard should not be so excited.

Because, if there is only one person on the other side, then Lord Tadaval Prestor will not be in the eyes for the time being! In fact, it doesn't matter who is causing him trouble, as long as the people who come are not the brothers and sisters he is most worried about.

"you guys……."

"Sure enough, it is a group of dirty black dragon people! Black dragon! Do you think you can fool me with this little trick?!"

The visitor was amazingly the great prophet and world guardian Medivh who Hermione had seen more than once, and successfully fooled Jaina and some orcs who fled to Kalimdor as deserters!

During this period of time, not only the bronze dragon Kromi noticed the changes in the land of Lordaeron, the changes to the undead, and other changes beyond the original trajectory, but even the continent of Lordaeron has been staring. The situation here, Medivh, who has been waiting for some terrifying existence to come, also noticed.


Medivh, who doesn’t know exactly where the problem or error occurred, so that things have been seriously biased from the original predetermined trajectory, after observing and studying in secret for many days, he finally succeeded in finding the biggest instability factor. The spearhead of the cause of the change was aimed at the one who suddenly emerged from Lord Daval Prestor and his evil black dragon wingmen.

He just saw it when he flew down. The other party was collecting tissue specimens of the plague and various undead monsters. He must be studying some kind of conspiracy to destroy the world, and it must not be wrong!


With a somewhat surprised sneer, he looked at the opponent, and after quickly seeing the reality of the opponent, Lord Prestor relaxed.


"Please pay attention to your attitude, Medivh. You who have lost most of your power are just a mortal now. If I want to deal with you, you definitely can't leave easily."

To be honest, even though he has been seriously injured and has not been able to heal, Lord Daval Presto is still confident. If he takes action, the Medivh on the opposite side has lost most of the guardian power before. The guardian of, will certainly not be his opponent.

It's just that he doesn't want to attack the opponent now, because his goal is a bit different from before, and there is no need to waste his power here.

"Say it!"

"Destroyer, the incarnation of death, the destroyer, the black natural disaster, the guardian of death, the shadow of blood, the existence of darkness, the destroyer of the worlds, the former guardian of the earth, the evil deathwing, the king of the black dragon Neltharion, you are not staying in your Deep Rock Continent now, and sneaking back to Lordaeron, what terrible conspiracy do you want to play?!"

After directly revealing the identity of the opponent, Medivh struck the wand in his hand heavily, causing a powerful wave of energy to surge out, as the guardian of Tirisfal, deterring the black dragon king in front of him And the surrounding black dragon guards who turned into human soldiers and were still ready to move.

And if it weren't for some concerns that he couldn't directly tell and reveal the true identity of the other person, how could Medivh force him to come to this terrible existence?

However, for the sake of this land and the survival of mankind, he himself, as the guardian, has to face and try to prevent any terrible conspiracy that may exist.


"Stop bluffing!"

His face was full of the look of gaze, Deathwing Nesario first looked at the opponent with disdain for a few times, then sneered.

"Medivine, do you think you can stop me with your current strength?"

He was amused, because the ridiculous energy fluctuation that the opponent had just exploded was not in his eyes, even if the opponent successfully frightened and blocked the useless elite dragons around him.

He knows that this Medivh in front of him is not the previous Medivh, nor can it be compared with the strongest guardian Magna Aegwynn in human history. Therefore, he knows the reality of the other party. Take to heart the pale and weak threat of the opponent.

"You can try it!"

With a stagnant expression, Medivh gritted his teeth and prepared to show the opponent a little bit of color, and the arcane energy in his hand began to gather, trying to guide an effective spell against the dragon.


"I'm afraid I won't have the turn of you, the former guardian who colluded with the Burning Legion and opened the Dark Portal to take care of me!"

"Or, do you want to face my true power?"

Seeing that the other party was really planning to cast a spell, Nesario, who was a little impatient, glared at him and released his deterrent dragon aura toward the other party.

‘My name is the Wings of Death, the guardian of the earth, the destroyer of the destiny, the terminator of all things, unstoppable, unbreakable! Shake in front of the Black Dragon King! ! ’

'because I! Is the embodiment of power! ’



Although the other party just looked at him, Medivh’s eyes were as if he saw a terrifying burning dragon with flames and heat gushing from under the black skin scales and roaring at him. It was really true. Is it really a powerful blow spell that interrupted him directly?



After staggering back, Medivh, who was interrupted by the spell and the island owner’s casting silence, knew the gap between him and the opponent in an instant. Therefore, he did not try to continue preparing to cast the spell, but held his hand tightly. The staff stared at each other with grief and alert.


"Go away, Medivh!"

"You are just a mortal mage right now. The world has changed. Some things are not as simple as you see... But if you dare to appear in front of me again, I will seriously consider letting you die again. The second time!"

After a cold glance at the opponent, Deathwing, the current Lord Prestor, slowly put away the terrifying and terrifying aura on his body.

In fact, he himself knew that his injury did not allow him to fight that Medivh here again, although he was sure that the opponent was definitely not his opponent? However, he also knows that now is not the time to fight, because he has more important things, and he cannot expose his existence and strength too much, otherwise, once his brothers and sisters perceive his existence and come If that is the case, I'm afraid there will be nothing about his Deathwing next.

Moreover, he has always had certain concerns in his mind, and has been trying to be suspicious of the strange changes that are happening in this world quietly, and feels that it is necessary to investigate.


damn it!

Knowing that he couldn't please today, and thinking that he might have discovered some of the other party's plots, Medivh sighed inwardly.

"You wait, Deathwing, the evil black dragon, I will keep watching you, and Medivh will never let your conspiracy succeed!!"

Therefore, after staring at the soldiers who are holding the sword, but are actually the elite black dragon men disguised as soldiers, approaching him, after weighing it, he feels that the current situation does not seem to be beneficial to him. Wen had to gritted his teeth, and after a final warning, he turned around and turned into a large storm crow and quickly fled towards the sky and charged up.


"As you wish!!"

Staring at the big crow flying away embarrassed in the sky, Deathwing didn't put too much emphasis on the other party.

Now, the only thing he worried about was that he was only afraid of being discovered by his brothers and sisters by using his power too much. After all, those guys would certainly not easily believe and forgive him... Besides, he also He didn't bother to explain to anyone or any dragon, why he himself, the Deathwing, suddenly chose to come to Lordaeron and chose to disguise his identity to help those mortals.


He is disdain to explain, even if he is misunderstood, even if he is likely to be found by his brothers and sisters again and come to the door for a gang fight, his pride also makes him disdain to explain to anyone or plead for mercy And forgive!


He is Neltharion, he is the wings of death, he is the destroyer of destiny, the terminator of all things, the guardian of the earth, unstoppable, unbreakable! !


‘My lord, what shall we do now? ! ’

Seeing that the enemy was leaving soon, and did not dare to disobey his master too much, the soldier in Lordaeron's heavy armor and Prestor's shirt quickly ran over to salute and respectfully face the already gradually Lord Prestor asked, who calmed down the terrible breath on his body.

Obviously, this ‘soldier’ was a little worried about the flying ‘crow’ and that the guy named Medivh would cause some kind of hindrance to their work.

"Leave him alone, if he knows well, he should know what to do!"

"Now, to continue to investigate and collect samples, we must try to get a good plague steamer as soon as possible, and then send the original plague samples to Heishishan! Tell me that incompetent son, stop the colorful dragon experiment first, let him Try to find a way to fight and eliminate the plague first!"

Although Nesario also knows that if he destroys and burns this land with his own power, it will definitely be able to completely disintegrate and eliminate the continuous erosion of the land by undead natural disasters! But that requires him to use a lot of power and a lot of time, and once the movement is too big, I believe that without waiting for him to implement it, his brothers and sisters who hate him have already led those troublesome things. People are coming...

Therefore, the injury is not healed, and I really don’t want to experience the tragic scene of the Battle of Grim Batol again. He doesn’t want to be beaten by the four dragon kings again, so he can only retreat and use something milder and concealed. To achieve his goal.

'Yes! ’

‘Please rest assured, master, we will complete that task as soon as possible! ’


When various changes and incidents occurred in Lordaeron, far north of the mainland, a storm was quietly brewing in Stormwind City...

In the past few days, His Majesty King Varian Wrynn suddenly ordered a part of the elite troops to be sent back to Stormwind, and at the same time some of the nobles’ private armaments were expropriated and sent to the Westfall. And the excuse is: he intends to send troops to help Lordaeron, so those nobles' arms are temporarily borrowed to defend against the rebels in the Westfall?

Now, the night is deep, but there is no moonlight in the sky, it looks gloomy...

And in this dark and windy night, the Grand Duke of Stormwind, Bolvar Fortagan, was walking fast on the dim rocky corridor of Stormwind Fortress, because the guards just came to send a message saying that he was the king. Your Majesty wants to summon him?

Therefore, he didn't know what was going on with Varian, so he ignored the armor or dress on the ship, just wore a linen dressing gown, and didn't bring any weapons, so he walked on the way to the king's study.

Because this is a safe Stormwind Fortress, it is a temporary new strong fortress, and the Royal Guards of Stormwind are heavily guarded outside and inside, so he certainly does not need to worry about his safety.



"Strange, what an honor, beautiful Ms. Prestor, why are you here?"

After nodding to the guards next to the gate, Grand Duke Bovar Fortagan pushed the door directly and entered. Surprisingly, he found that in addition to His Majesty King Varian, there was actually Standing the Countess Katrana Prestor who fascinated him?

So, without thinking too much, he smiled and said hello to the other party.

"Good evening, Lord Furtagan!"

Katrana didn't say much, but smiled and nodded towards the grand duke who came in generously and chuckled.



At night when this kind of imaginary fire is strong, seeing the other party’s bright smile in the candlelight, the Grand Duke of Stormwind feels that his bones are going to be crisp... Therefore, he even the other party’s kind of polite words to him Did not pay too much attention.

You know, in the past, that beautiful lady has been kindly calling him Boval...



Realizing that a certain grand duke didn’t say hello to him first, but just frowned at the countess next to him, a certain king’s face turned dark, and after taking a deep breath, he slowly put down the things in his hands and Coughed a little dissatisfiedly.


"Your Majesty King Varian, I don't know if you are looking for me at this time, what's the matter?"

Finally, the Grand Duke Bulvar Fortagan, who had finally come back to his senses, saw Varian’s face, and then awkwardly turned his attention away from the young, beautiful and charming Countess. He turned his eyes back, and looked at his King, waiting for his instructions.

"Bovar, I won't say much about the relationship between us, I believe you very much, even better than myself!"


"Forget it, you should watch it yourself!"

Varian, who wanted to scold or interrogate the other party a few words, suddenly withered when the incident happened. Then he grabbed the things he had just put down, stood up suddenly from behind the desk and walked to the other party's. In front of him, he walked to the window bitterly after squeezing it into the opponent's arms, and turned his back to the opponent looking at the night and fire in Stormwind City outside the window.

Of course, he is definitely not in the mood to watch the scenery. He is taking the opportunity to relieve his depression and waiting for the other party's reaction. He wants to see what else the other party has to say to his king.


The bewildered Grand Duke Bolvar Fortagan had no idea what his Majesty the King was up to, or what trouble he was having, so he directly took the other person into his arms in doubt. Watch it.


Then the bright candlelight in the study, after looking at one eye and ten lines for a while, Bovar Fortagan was shocked, then turned his head in astonishment, and looked at someone who was still smiling, standing in front of the king. At the desk, Countess Katrana Prestor who didn't know why the other party did that.

"Lana, what are you..."

Obviously, what he has in his hands is a large number of letters from various nobles in Stormwind, and there are also his Berval’s on it, because the anti-counterfeiting seal and lacquer must not be fake, and the ones he wrote are also All have an impression!

In addition to those thick letters, there is also a parchment confession and a shocking list. Judging from the handwriting, the confession and the list must come from this Katrana in the study. ·The handwriting of the Countess Prestor, and what is more terrifying is:

On that terrible list, the name of the Grand Duke of Bolvar Fortagan is impressively listed and at the forefront! ?

"Borval, you disappointed me so much..."

"Now, let's talk, what else do you have to say, if so, you can say it now, here are the three of us, I will give you the opportunity to tell me personally!"

After a long time, it was discovered that the Grand Duke of Stormwind behind him hadn't moved for a long time, but after silently holding the attributes and names in his hand, Varian suddenly turned around and couldn't help being angry. Chung walked in front of the opponent, staring at the opponent's gradually flickering eyes.


"Your Majesty, what do you want me to say?"

He sighed, although Bovar, who didn't know why Katrana would do this, finally did not dare to meet the king's eyes, but reluctantly closed his eyes and bowed his head.


"Don't you want to explain, saying that you are not involved in this kind of thing at all?!"

With his eyes widened in disbelief, Varian, anxious and furious, grabbed the front of the opponent's chest and pulled the opponent to his side, forcing him to look in his own eyes, and desperately hoped The other person's eyes saw the look that he wanted to see.


Varian quickly became disappointed, because what he saw now was not what he wanted to see...


"So, Bovar, all of this is true, are you really involved?!"

Seeing the other side turned his head, Varian stepped forward, and while letting go of the opponent, he couldn't help but stepped back two full steps in grief, and stared at the opponent with grief and disbelief. That face that has not dared to look at him.


"I'm sorry, my majesty..."

After finishing speaking, Bolvar sighed for the first time, confessed to a terrible fact, then let go of his hand, and let the iron evidence in his hand slip onto the new masonry. It didn’t take long for him to polish it too smoothly. On the stone floor.

Because, he was just re-arranging the original things, and then, he was surprised to find that... he himself, the Grand Duke of Stormwind, seems to have accidentally participated in the incident Among the terrible things that he has been scolding and hating?

Moreover, if you carefully sort out the whole thing according to the description in the statement written by Katrana, and then compare it with the letters that are really written by yourself, you will find a more terrible fact, then Yes-he really unknowingly became the leader of the whole thing, even though he has not been too informed?

But there is no doubt that he can't argue this matter!

"You have let me down too much……"

"If it weren't for Count Katrana's revelation, I might have been kept in the dark by you... Bovar, you are the Grand Duke of Stormwind, my right hand, and the person I trust the most!"

"I can't believe that you would go and fight with those despicable nobles!"

"Do you know that you can be said to have betrayed our re-established country and betrayed me!!"


After beating the opponent with his chest ups and downs, and almost venting the inexplicable grief in his heart by almost pointing at the opponent's nose, Varian finally took two steps back sullenly and called the guard.

Soon, the two Royal Guards of Stormwind, who had already prepared, pushed the door aggressively and walked in with their sword hilts.


"You really have nothing to say?"

However, before the guards came in and prepared to take someone, Varian felt that he had to give the opponent another chance, so he finally looked at the opponent with the kind of almost imploring eyes, hoping that the opponent could say An excuse for yourself to forgive each other, no matter how clumsy?

"I'm sorry, my majesty..."

"Although it is the first time that I know of my crime, I did participate. The words written above are not bad, but... I didn't expect things to become so serious..."

"Sorry, Your Majesty, I will not quibble. I fully admit the facts stated above.

Bolvar did not deny, he just glanced at King Varian like an angry lion with a dumbfounded expression, and finally glanced at the Countess Katrana Po who had informed the king over there with regret. Risto.

He didn't hate the other party, it's just that he was a bit complaining... If the lady could tell him that terrible thing in time, I believe it will definitely not turn into this in the end, so...

However, after thinking about it, after seeing the trace of innocent look on the charming lady's face, Bolvar quickly chose to forgive her. Because, even he realized now that he had discovered that kind of thing accidentally, and presumably, the other party must have only recently learned about it and had to report it to the king, right?

The other party is thinking about the peace and stability of Stormwind Kingdom, and he really has nothing to complain about the other party. Otherwise, this matter will not even involve the other party, so it is logical to report them.

"Sorry, Bolvar, I have to do that for the kingdom of Stormwind..."


"Take him down and put him in the dungeon first..."

After giving orders to the guards, he saw two guards wearing heavy armor and helmets with unclear expressions coming forward and pressing Bolvar's shoulders severely, before Varian slumped back to his seat. He waved his hand weakly, beckoning the guards to stay.


"Borval, I have to do that for Stormwind City..."

Seeing that the other party was about to be taken away by the guards, Katrana hurriedly took a step forward, silently watching the other party's face with tearful eyes and made a sad and last resort expression.


"I didn't blame you, I didn't even think that I accidentally did something that harmed the interests of Stormwind Kingdom..."

With a wry smile and shook his head, Bolvar, who didn't want to say more, was soon taken out by the guards...


At this time, more royal guards have arrested the nobles on the list according to the list. Although that would cause some turbulence in the Kingdom of Stormwind, Varian, who had been prepared for a long time, had a righteous charge and In the case of evidence, he did not hesitate too much.

Besides, Katrana is right, that is indeed the best choice for the Kingdom of He must do that!

"Carter, are you sure, can you handle the next thing?"

Now, Varian still doesn’t know what to do with Bovar. After all, their relationship is so close... However, although the first step has been completed, can the Kingdom of Stormwind be really settled next? , He is not quite sure.

Therefore, Varian had no choice but to look at the young and capable countess with inquiring eyes. Now, it seems that there are not many people he can trust.

"Of course no problem, my majesty!"

"The homes of those nobles will copy enough gold coins. Under the temptation of double their wages, I think those people from the Mason Union will put aside their previous prejudices and settle down in the West Wilderness. You just wait. Good news for me!"

After speaking, the countess Katrana Presto, who knew that the things brewing these days had basically ended, smiled, and after paying a salute to the king, she was about to leave.

Because she knows, the current Majesty Varian needs to be quiet, and there are some things that he can only figure out by himself, and she won't be annoying to stay here at this time.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, Varian spoke again to the Countess Katrana who was about to leave.


"What's wrong? My Majesty?"

Katrana turned and turned her head, and cast a not too annoying wink at the king.


"Don't embarrass their family members too much, as long as they surrender enough property to redeem the crime, as for the crime, wait until I return from Lordaeron..."


‘Okay, as you wish? "


(*^▽^*)?? Ask for tickets at the end of the month?? (*^▽^*)

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