Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 993: The new goal of the Lich King Ner'zhul?

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As early as many years ago, the former king of the powerful spider empire Azjol-Nerub was now the senior general of the Undead Scourge, Anub'arak, the crypt lord. He fought against the power of the Lich King in the Spider War and fought bravely , But unfortunately, it eventually died in the Spider War, and was quickly resurrected by Ner'zhul as the crypt lord of the Undead Scourge.


Crypt Lord Anub'arak naturally turned his head to attack the ancient spider empire, and eventually became the conqueror of that ancient empire, destroying the huge underground empire that it had personally guarded to the death.

Soon after, it was ordered by the Lich King Ner'zhul to lead a group of elite undead warriors into the Nerubus psychic tower now named Naxxramas, and gradually transformed it into A huge terrorist war machine, it is-floating fortress Naxxramas!

In Naxxramas, there are often tens of thousands of undead and natural disaster elites in the fortress, where demons dance, raging, and filthy... and the powerful will of the Lich King has been carried out from beginning to end. In the meantime and firmly control all this! Dark magic easily suspends the huge fortress high in the sky. All kinds of terrifying plague weapons and superior air power gather here, making Naxxramas the most powerful strategic deterrent force of the Scourge.

So far, looking at the entire Eastern Kingdom, apart from Dalaran, which has powerful anti-air magic strike capabilities, which can make the undead have scruples, there is currently no unilateral force that can fight against the Scourge Naxxramas. The ability of the fortress! Whether it's the Griffon Rider of Eagle's Nest, the engineering helicopters of Khaz Modan, or the Dragonhawk of Quel'Thalas, they can't!

And this is precisely where the Lich King and a certain Dark Lord wanted to destroy Lordaeron in one fell swoop.


More than half a month passed, the undead forces of the natural disasters had to slow down their final offensive against Tirisfal Woods due to various reasons, and the undead army who had already surrounded Lordaeron gradually retreated. He even withdrew to the north of Brill and gave up a large area near the core area of ​​Lordaeron, even if it would give the living people who were hiding in Lordaeron and lingering and dying to get extremely precious breathing time. Not hesitate?

What everyone can't think of is:

At this time, the giant floating fortress, the Naxxramas, was deeply jealous by the soldiers of Lordaeron, and even the strategic wizards who came to support from Dalaran felt weak. It's long gone over Tirisfal Glades in Lordaeron!

Although the Griffin Riders of Lordaeron and the Griffin Squadrons of Aaron's Nest searched a large area in the sky, none of them could find its trace, and they did not know the evil undead and natural disasters. Where did you move it, or secretly playing with some terrible conspiracy.


The inexplicable'disappeared' fortress of Naxxramas, which made the people of Lordaeron who were puzzled by the puzzle, was now quietly concealed on the back of a large thick cloud layer, and moved with the sea breeze and clouds. The direction is floating slowly, while trying to hide his existence, he is also overlooking and monitoring this vast sea area...

"Go away!"

Inside Naxxramas, the crypt lord Anub'arak, who looks like a giant shit-shell, is now in the ice dragon lair at the top of Naxxramas, pacing violently back and forth. , And finally stopped, and slapped a ghoul in the way with a paw, then stared at a certain current supreme commander of the undead natural disaster force with a very dissatisfied look, staring at the one who seemed to have nothing at all. How much power and majesty the Dark Lord Tom Riddle.

Just as those cave-dwelling demons never looked at it, Anub'arak, and always regarded it as a betrayer of the Spider Empire, it also didn’t even look at the one in front of him who didn’t know it came out of that corner. The little man is dead.

"Listen, little wizard!"

"I don't understand. The Lich King asked us to postpone our attack on Lordaeron to let us run here to see the sea! We have been here for almost half a month, but there is nothing here. Do you still want to Throw our pestilence barrel into the sea to contaminate the group of stupid sharks below?"

Relentlessly, Crypt Lord Anub'arak blasted the little wizard in front of him, who had never been respected before, unceremoniously, and he didn't mind the other undead present in front of them. Sir.

Because, it feels that even if it is temporarily unable to attack and destroy Lordaeron, or to perform the important task assigned by the Lich King, their powerful Naxxramas fortress should also use something else. Important places, such as: the silver pine forest, the Hillsbrad hills, the Hinterlands and even the Arathi Highlands spread the plague everywhere, creating more undead and adding chaos to the Alliance of Lordaeron, striving to contaminate the entire The alliance land north of the Saldo Bridge completely destroys the other's vital force?

In that case, I am afraid that those living people will soon completely lose the ability to resist, and their Scourge ruling the world is just around the corner.

"Enough! Wizard! I have stayed here enough!"

"I wonder if the inside of your little scarred head has been gnawed away by the ghoul, so I brought this fortress to this empty sea, staring at this piece of land every day. Stupid seas waste energy?"

Anub'arak roared loudly, his patience has been almost exhausted in this half month...

Because it knows, now their undead natural disasters can be said to have lost the most important opportunity. They have given Tirisfal Glades for nothing, and given more than half of the Lordaeron people in Eastern and Western Plaguelands. Month’s response and preparation time, so that the living people began to think about the chassis occupied by the undead who have been suppressed to counterattack them!

That kind of thing was something that Anub'arak couldn't bear. In short, he had had enough of all this, and he felt that such a good situation would definitely not allow a stupid little wizard to squander it.

"Jie Jie..."

"Anub'arak, I think, my decision shouldn't be your turn to dictate, right?"

The dark lord Tom Riddle, who has been sitting on the dark throne on the high platform in the middle, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, and stared at someone with scarlet and pale eyes behind his round glasses. The spider leader who just kept roaring and innocent accusing himself in front of him.


"I remember, you bugs not only don’t have hands and feet, but they also don’t have the complicated and beautiful structure of the brain. Except for some simple neurons, what else do you use to think? It’s your fat belly carapace. Or wings that can't fly?"

"You should take care of the cave-dwelling demons at your disposal first, although you have never taken care of them... Am I right, Anub'arak the Betrayer?"

Anub'arak doesn't like himself, he often questioned and disobeyed his orders, and sometimes even confronted openly. That kind of thing has long been accustomed to the Dark Lord, so, correspondingly, he kept talking to each other. With a gun and a stick, he didn't give any face to a certain Scourge veteran.

Because he is the Dark Lord, he is Voldemort, all these undead are under his command, and he only obeys the orders of the Lich King to act. As for other things, the big worm in front of him is not in his turn. Scream or question your decision.

His Dark Lord was only responsible to the Lich King, as for other undead, he had never seen him in his eyes.


"Despicable wizard!"

"One day, I will unscrew your stupid scar head with pliers, and then put it into my mouth like a jelly bean and chew the rotten meat on top, and finally put it on. Pull it out to the whole, let it and your soul rot in the maggots and the foul mud little by little!"

Crypt Lord Anub'arak roared angrily, and dragged its huge but not clumsy body to rush in front of the so-called Dark Lord Tom, opening its huge pair of tongs and Dao was threatened by a hideous mouth that was several times larger than the opponent's head.

However, that is not just a threat, because Anub'arak knew that if there was a chance in the future, it would do that. It swears, in the name of the ancient spider empire king?

"Jie Jie..."

"Really? But before that, I think I will blow you up with a spell, or use Frostmourne to chop off your head that is completely out of proportion to your body, and then sew it to one end. On the head of hatred with rotten bowels?"

‘I always felt that that kind of despicable existence might be more suitable for you? ’

Seeing that the opponent came to threaten himself again, the nominal supreme commander of the undead natural disaster, the Dark Lord also scorned the opponent a few words, and then unceremoniously pressed the handle next to his throne with his hand. The hilt of Demon Sword Frostmourne began to emit bursts of terrifying cold energy from above.

However, for himself, who are also undead, or Anub'arak, the big beetle in front of him who only dared to open his teeth and claws for the time being, that kind of power would not make them feel any discomfort.


"Damn wizard!!"

When the irritable Anub'arak was just about to wield his huge pair of tongs, daring to step forward and teach the other a little lesson... Suddenly, bursts of Ruo Ruo came from the Frostmourne No whispers, although the faint voice was almost inaudible, Anub'arak could still clearly perceive it.



Because that voice is the whisper of the great Lich King Ner'zhul, and it is a great existence that makes Anub'arak unable to bear the slightest rebellion or resist the will!


"Follow your orders, the great master of the Lich King...Yes, I promise I won't fight this nasty little wizard again..."

"Yes, Alabanuk knows..."

After being reprimanded in a whisper by the Lich King, there was no other way. Seeing Anub'arak, who was in a stronger situation than the worm, had to admit it obediently and retracted its huge body again, not daring to try to rush to it again. Go to the Black Throne to confront the little wizard who is fake and powerful.


At this moment, Voldemort Tom Riddle, who was holding the hilt of the sword, also stood up abruptly, no longer caring about talking with the big stupid beetle, but looking directly at the horizon of the sea beyond the window.

Because, condescendingly, at the top of the floating fortress of Naxxramas, he can now see the sea level far away through the misty clouds and see a large group that is slowly emerging from there. Silhouette of sailing fleet. And as soon as he turned his head, he also clearly saw the flags of those fleets from the projection of an eagle-eye-like remote detection magic platform controlled by acolytes in Naxxramas. Hanging from the mast of the ship and waving in the wind, it is the blue lion flag with a golden shield!

at last……

After floating fortress Naxxramas stayed in this vast sea for nearly half a month, he finally succeeded in waiting for their mission goal, and waited until Stormwind Kingdom went north to support Lordaeron's expeditionary force!

"Report the Dark Lord..."

'The fleet of Stormwind Kingdom has arrived. They have a total of 27 medium-sized warships and a large flagship. There are about several thousand to ten thousand troops. We also saw the emblem and flag of the Stormwind royal family, that stormwind city. King Varian Wrynn must be up there...'

At this time,

An undead whose eyes were shining with soul fire, and maggots appeared in the rotten flesh from time to time, crawling on the dark, filthy and rusty armor, slowly dragged his broken body and walked in. He said slowly in the hoarse and low tone that the undead belonged to.

"Very good! They finally arrived..."

"Anub'arak, what are you waiting for, don't you hurry to prepare? When their fleet comes to the front, our Naxxramas will rush down and smash their stupid wooden ships directly!"

The Dark Lord Tom Riddle sat down on his throne again with some ambition, and gave orders to Crypt Lord Anub'arak.

According to the information from the cultists who are spreading all over, Stormwind sent a message to Lordaeron about half a month ago, saying that it was going to send troops to help Lordaeron, and that King Varian Wrynn himself Leading the team, or by sea? Therefore, the Dark Lord knew at that time that his opportunity had come, and he could complete the seemingly impossible task assigned by the Lich King without any effort!

And the reason why he has been waiting here, waiting for half a month in the vast waters north of Dun Morogh and south of Hillsbrad Hills, is because of the fleet that is waiting for the opponent!

Because he knew that the northern bank of Tirisfal Woods was completely occupied, and it was not a good place to land in the territory of the Gilneas Kingdom that had withdrawn from the alliance in Fenmu Village, and there were no ports in the silver pine forest. The troops landed and marched. With the difficulties of logistics and supply, the people in Stormwind seemed to be the only place they could choose from Nanhai Town.

And this is why he has not chosen to attack Hillsbrad Hills and nearby areas even if he has been idle for a while, even if he has been waiting here to do nothing.

Looking at it now, his patience has indeed been rewarded, and he has easily waited for the goal of the Lich King... and he believes that on the sea, no matter how many soldiers the enemy has, no matter how powerful they are. Strong, the Lord definitely won't be able to exert any combat effectiveness!

Up to now, those wooden warships with weak air-to-air capabilities are like things in their undead slaughterhouse. No matter how hard they struggle, they will not be opponents of their Naxxramas fortress. Therefore, This time, they are set to win! The only thing he needs to worry about is that he needs to be careful not to let any enemy escape... Especially, the biggest flagship with the emblem and flag of the royal family of Stormwind?




There were bursts of inexplicable noises in his throat, and then the shameful and angry Crypt Lord Anub'arak had to snorted angrily, resisting all the emotions, and dragging its huge body to turn around, preparing Go out and prepare according to what the other party said.

It feels that nothing is embarrassing and embarrassing if the other party’s decision is found to be extremely correct after just insulting and mocking the other party... But even if it has to admit that the other party is correct But don't even think about making him Bala'nuk bow his head in front of the little human wizard who has repeatedly humiliated himself and his ancient empire, never!


"I think it is necessary to add something to you, Anub'arak..."

"Because I remembered that in our world, I have seen insects like you many times. Although your body shapes are not the same, please believe me... in our earth, like you Insects generally grow up by eating the feces of various animals..."

"So, are you interested in knowing the names of those who look like you?"

Seeing that his wise decision was about to achieve great success, the Dark Lord began to sneer, and provoked with interest the cave lord who had been reluctant to obey his orders, wanting to see what his expression looked like.

This matter was just as unpleasant to the other person’s eyes. He also couldn’t understand the big bug that relied on his strength and old qualifications in natural disasters to rebel against his orders. He had wanted to give him a sword more than once. Split it in half to serve as an example.

Of course, maybe it could be a shot of Avada's life, using the powerful power that the Lich King gave him to directly deprive him of the opponent's soul? At that time, he should be able to prepare the most fragile ghoul body for the other party as a vehicle, and then wear a collar and tie it next to his throne every day to tease, just like his previous Nagini?


"Wizard! You will pay the price someday!!"

Anub'arak paused, then stared at the opponent fiercely, with the urge to rush at any time...

However, in the end, after looking at the magic sword exuding bursts of ice and death in the opponent's hand, and feeling the terrifying breath from the Lich King in it, it angrily changed its hands and moved from the huge passage in front. Rushed out.

It decided to endure it for the time being, and vent its anger on the fleets of the Stormwind Kingdom, smashing all the wooden sailboats of the living people, and killing and drowning the Stormwind people in the vast sea. Elite troops, and resurrected them into the elite soldiers of the undead and natural disasters, and then turned to'support' those stupid people in Lordaeron who still wanted to counterattack their natural disasters?

Yes, Crypt Lord Anub'arak decided that it was going to do that, but at least it would have to wait until the sluggish fleet of living humans arrived under their clouds...


Things outside of the Valley of the Four Winds or the Mid-Levels Bazaar, Little Annie doesn't want to manage everything now, and she doesn't have the time or energy to manage it! Because, at this time, she has completely fallen into the food of the panda people, and has become a captive of the cunning panda people...

Yes, it is a prisoner!

Those hateful, seemingly honest and loyal pandamen uncles and aunts, especially those who use long spoons, kitchen knives, rolling pins, iron pans as weapons, and aprons as armor, they have used Those delicious things bound her Queen Anne firmly to the Mid-Levels Bazaar, and caused her to never want to leave again.

So far, before her taste buds have enjoyed enough, she doesn't want to go to other worlds to adventure, nor do she want to go out to hang out, let alone save the world or something... Her Queen Anne just wants to be a mixed food and so on. Dead foodies, just sleep when they are full, eat when they wake up, and continue to mess with others or go to the sun when they are full, that's all!

Besides, she has done enough things to this world, and she secretly helped the people in this world so much. If they still don’t play well for this kind of sake, then it’s really It's useless. If that's the case, it's better to die early... After all, she can't keep guarding them. In fact, no one can keep guarding them. Besides, she is not familiar with them. If you have nothing to do, save them?

Anyway, things on Lordaeron's side will be like that for the time being. The current situation is countless times better than in other timelines. Therefore, she now prefers to wander around in the Valley of the Four Winds, such as Go and talk to the pilot Xiaoya, and the little sister of the "Flying Wing" who is playing kites.

"Hi~! How are you! Sister Xiaoya, I'm here to see you again!"


"Do you want to have a crab? These are super delicious, because they are just made for me by the uncle Yan who just helped me. They are very, very fresh!"


Holding a large plate of freshly steamed fat crabs, Xiao Anni ran from the market at the foot of the Mid-Levels Bazaar to a certain young lady who was playing with the kite in one breath. , And generously invite each other to share with him.

However, the reason why she is so generous is actually not without any reason, because ah, Anne knows that there is a high chance that the other party will not come to share these delicious things with her, even if she is super The same goes for cravings.

"Oh! How about you, little Annie..."

"I don't need to eat anymore. I have to lose weight and maintain my current perfect body. If I become too fat, I'm afraid I won't be able to fly by accident."

After stopping the work in her hand, turning her head to look at the other party and blinking enviously, Xiaoya the panda hurriedly waved her hand to reject the other's kind invitation, even if she just couldn't help but swallowed several drools.



"Then you are really welcome..."


Seeing that the other party didn't dare to come over to eat, the heart that Xiao Annie was holding finally let go.

Then, she first glanced at the other person’s chubby body in surprise, and the chubby, thick bucket waist that was at least more than two hundred kilograms, without any figure at all, she really didn’t understand that figure. Little Annie, who had something to'keep', curled her lips indifferently, and directly sat down on the clean turf next to her, and began to enjoy her after-dinner'dessert' today, and watched the other side play the trouble there. Eagle head big kite.

"I said……"

At first, Xiaoya didn't even realize what the iron palm gang was in the other party's mouth, but when she remembered it, it seemed that the chefs in the Mid-Levels Bazaar were all those with the "iron palm" surname, with ancient After the masters of the inherited culinary school, she nodded clearly.

"Little Annie, how can you eat big meals every day? I remember, those masters, that is, the uncles and aunts of the iron palm gang you just mentioned, they should not let you spend gold coins. of."

"But why do they even make good food for you?"

Yes, Xiaoya is very envious of a certain human little girl’s appetite for eating and drinking without getting fat every day, because ah, she also wants to be like the other person, eat whatever she wants every day. Eat as much as you want!


It’s a pity that she can’t do that, because as a member of the Flying Wing, if she wants to control the kite and fly the wind freely above Pandaria’s sky, then she must be strict Control your own weight, because she is not like the other person, there is a huge dragon to travel at any time.

Of course, even if there is a flying mount, it is useless, because Xiaoya feels that she herself must not be able to support such a big, terrible big guy who eats a dozen sheep or several high mountain yaks a day!

"It's very simple!"


"Because I bought the rice noodles, the precious zebrafish was given to me by the kind'big voice' Uncle Ban Hong who was fishing in the river. The raw crab meat was given to me by me in Zhuojin Village and Krasarang, Kun-Lai Mountain. The beach in the southern part of the jungle caught a lot more over there! As for the white turnips, they were earned by my family’s rhubarb from work, so why wouldn’t they make them for me?"


Yes, after Xiao Annie did exactly what those guys said, she got the materials by herself every day, and she didn't spend money to buy them, so did the stubborn "Iron Palm Gang" bad guys. After charging her a small fee, she bit her scalp and became her Queen Anne’s dedicated three-meal chef.

Anyway, these days she has a good time. At the intersection market at the foot of the Mid-Levels Market, every day, there are chefs changing her tricks to make delicious food, and almost every day she doesn’t bring any heavy samples. Her little life has been so beautiful recently!


"It turns out that this is the case. You, cunning little guy, really has a way, but... forget it, do it with you, I think that's also good."

Xiaoya is noncommittal. She feels that since the chefs did not refuse, there is always some truth to her, and she shouldn't care too much.

Because, now she needs to try to check and fix her kite first. If she does not want to fly and just drops from the sky, this job must be taken seriously! For their "flying wings" flying in the sky, safety is the top priority in any case, but it is not sloppy at all.

"Sister Xiaoya..."


Seeing the other party busy there, and starting to eat the steamed flying crab in her own pot, Xiao Anni didn't forget to chat with the other party after she started to break her hands.

"What? Do you have anything else?"

In fact, Xiaoya doesn’t want to talk nonsense with each other now, because she is doing the important work of security inspection, so, if possible, she hopes that a little girl should go to the pot of crabs honestly and not to disturb her easily. .

And if, when she finishes her work and prepares to eat dinner, if the other party can leave her a few crabs, then she will be grateful and happy to have a good chat with each other.

"I want to know..."


"If one day, there is no wind in the sky, but when you really want to go on your way, what about your big kites?"


Xiao Anni was already very curious about this problem, because she knew that kites must be flying in order to fly, and they have strict requirements for wind in all directions and subtle control methods, which affect the pilot's ability and The so-called true qi has strict requirements, and once there is no wind, it is not very good.

Furthermore, she who has tried kite gameplay, for the kind of slow speed, she has no power at all, it is troublesome to change the course, and she relies on the wind to control the speed and height, and is also a super tiring flying method. I hated it a long time ago.

"You don't need to worry too much about this..."

"You may not know? The Valley of the Four Winds is called the Valley of the Four Winds because it has four different winds throughout the year, and there are even strong crosswinds in different directions several times a day. Because of this, the environment here will be so good, so suitable for growing crops..."

"So, for the little question you just had, our'Flying Wing' has never taken it to heart."

"Even if there is really no wind, we can actually run up to high mountains. With gliding and fine control of the kite, we can also reach far, far away."

Xiaoya didn't turn her head back either, and while tying her kite-driving eagle head with a rope, she smiled and shook her head to answer the other party's question.



"What if it was thunder and rain..."


Removed a crab leg and took apart the troublesome carapace. Little Annie, who was about to eat, suddenly felt that even if it was windy, in the event of thunder and rain, she would definitely be caught by the heavy rain when riding that kind of big kite. Did it come down?

"It's easier!"

"Because our'Flying Wings' never go out on rainy days, at least we won't go out with kites!"

"We can slow down our pace, wait patiently until the rain is over, and wait until the wind is sunny, before setting off, because we Pandaren are never in a hurry to do anything, we have patience."

No one likes to fly into the sky when the rain is heavy and be drenched into soup cats or smashed by lightning to turn into roasted pandas or brown bears that no longer have beautiful dark circles. So, the kind of weirdness for little girls Xiaoya did not appear to be too worried about the problems and worries.

Moreover, she would not tell the little girl that when necessary, they can actually set off in the storm and heavy rain, because they have special training courses, but their "flying wings" do not recommend it under normal circumstances. Just do that.



Well, hiding at home when it rains, this is indeed a good way. Anyway, the Pandaren in Pandaria don't seem to be too powerful natural enemies at this time, and they are indeed leisurely enough.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"and also!"


"Then what if your kite is broken, broken, or torn apart by high winds? Will you just fall off and give it a panda biscuit?"


This is not that Little Annie deliberately cursed the other party, but it should be possible, because even in other places, other worlds, such as the earth, such as advanced airplanes or more advanced universes. Spaceships and the like are also likely to crash.

"Little Annie..."

"Our'flying wing' has never easily fallen from the sky, even if the wind is strong, because we will observe the wind direction and predict or judge the danger in advance! Also, this is what I am doing now. The need to check the work in advance!"

"just in case……"

"You know, I'm just in case!"

"In case of a real fall, we are not afraid, because our'flying wing' pandamen all have simple landing devices, which can ensure that we minimize the danger when necessary."

After speaking, Xiaoya frowned involuntarily.

Because she seems to be a little impatient. After all, she is now doing this very important safety job. If something goes wrong after being interrupted and the problem is not discovered in time, maybe she really has a chance to become this year The only member of the Flying Wing that fell from the sky!


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

A certain mischievous little girl who started eating did not take into account the emotions or expressions of the other party. Besides, now that the other party is facing her back, she can't see the other party's face, right?

However, even seeing it is useless, because the other party is a panda, and the whole face is furry, and the skin can't be seen. She can't tell the expression on the other party's shaggy pancake face.



"People have always been weird. You obviously have a lot of flying creatures here, but why don't you go to ride those dragons? Isn't the big snakes without wings faster and more convenient?"


Anyway, when I was idle, I was idle. Little Annie continued to eat and asked indiscriminately. She said whatever she thought, even if she made a mistake, because she was a child, and children like to ask questions, and asked them wrong. No one will mind.


"Because I am not a member of the Cloud Serpent Knights, I am not qualified to ride the Serpent, nor have I learned how to control and train that Serpent!!"

When I talked about this, "Feiyi" Xiaoya felt twitching pains in her heart, and her hand movement could not help but slow down...

Because, riding the Cloud Serpent and becoming a knight of the glorious Knights of the Cloud Serpent, becoming a hero who protects the Pandaren’s homeland has always been her highest dream and wish, whether it was before or now. Yes! But it is a pity that after she was ruthlessly eliminated in several selections, she completely lost that qualification.

At last,

There was no way, but she really wanted to finish her dream of flying to the sky, so she had no choice but to step back and joined the "Flying Wing" and became a glorious flying kite manager. She was finally able to go to the sky freely. Into the ground, the wind flew.



"Sister Xiaoya, do you know where to get delicious raw turtle meat? Because they want to eat sea fog rice noodles tomorrow, but they don't know where to find the best turtle..."


Although Xiao Anni is very dissatisfied with those nasty diehards of the "Iron Palm Gang" who are unwilling to directly provide herself with big meals, but there is no way, she is not good at cooking, she is unwilling to learn, and is very Afraid of trouble, she can only slowly find materials on her own according to the requirements of those guys.

"Huh? Turtle..."

"You can try to go to the southern bay. There should be a place called Turtle Beach. It is said that our first panda explorer rode a turtle into the sea... at least, according to the legend. That said? So I thought, if you want to find delicious turtle meat, you can go there and try your luck?"

In the eyes of the Pandaren, it is definitely wrong to slaughter sea turtles to satisfy their appetite, but now I am busy with work, I just want to get rid of the other party’s Xiaoya quickly, after thinking about it, I told the other party honestly. come out.

Besides, the turtles in Pandaria are overwhelming. Even if the little girl does not hunt, the pandas themselves will often hunt. Therefore, this kind of thing is not unforgivable in the eyes of Pandaren Xiaoya, but she I prefer to eat beef, mutton and river fish.

"What about tiger skin silkfoot fish? Do you know where you can get it?"

∑(??△`)? !

This morning, Xiao Anni asked the'big voice' Uncle Ban Hong, the other party did not have that kind of tiger skin silkfoot fish, at least he had not caught it in the small river of the mid-level market, so she had to think for herself Way out.


"Little Annie..."

"What I want to say is...Please, I'm really busy, please go and annoy other people..."

Finally, the "slim" Pandaren Xiaoya, who couldn't stand up to a certain little girl's constant chattering problem, was totally unconscious to check and maintain her kite, broke out, she wailed, turned around and used that kind of semi-pleading The tone begged for mercy, and just wanted to let the little girl in front of me interfere with her work when she was full and had nothing to do with her work. Hurry up and go away to bother the idlers who have nothing to do!


The other party can go to the wild with the pandaren children in their mid-level market, for example, go to the fields to kill the bears, fill the rabbit-monster caves or smoke them, and then take a wooden stick. What?



"I still prefer to bother you today..."


If the other party doesn't say it, that's fine, but when the other party says so, she will not leave even more. She likes looking at the other party's crazy but helpless playful look.


"Little guy, don't you have other more meaningful things to do? I think you can develop a hobby, maybe you can ride your rhubarb to stroll around or watch the scenery elsewhere in Pandaria?"

The pilot Xiaoya, who feels that she must send the little guy away as soon as possible, finally plans to make a big move, that is: to direct the other party’s attention to other places, no matter where it is, it can’t be her own anyway. Here! !


"Have you visited the beauty of various places in Pandaria?"

"You don't know the Azure Dragon's Spine yet? It is a magnificent city wall that traverses the entire Pandaria continent. It was first built in the Mogu Era and it is very shocking... Maybe you can find time to go there and take a look?"

"and also……"

"The Wuxi Mountain in the Kun-Lai Mountains is the highest mountain in the entire Pandaria continent, and it may even be the highest mountain in the world. You can also let your rhubarb take you to fly there to see the scenery and other things. The places are not the same. Do you have to remember to bring more thick clothes before you go?"


"There is also the fog-silk plank road! It is a secret path connecting the Valley of the Four Winds and the northern plateau. The scenery is very charming. I have been there several times and I still want to go...Here, I would strongly recommend it to you An inn in, where the food is really good, the scenery is also very good, and there are many interesting scholars, don’t you want to visit it?

Xiaoya said all the things she found interesting and fun in one breath. She only planned to flicker away the little girl and let the other party leave here quickly, stay away from herself, preferably for several days. The kind that will come back!



"People don't want to go anywhere now, they want to watch Sister Xiaoya you work here now..."


Little Annie wouldn’t tell the little sister in front of her that the places the other party said were all visited when she first came to Pandaria, so now she doesn’t want to go. The kind of place I've been!

Besides, she now thinks it's really good to watch each other work here, and then chat while eating.


"God, who can come to save me..."

Finally, Xiaoya "Flying Wing" broke down a bit, because, this was the first time she discovered that this kind of human child was actually even more annoying than the naughty little guys in their Pandaren? !

"Sister Xiaoya?"


How to say, the other party started to cry?

This kind of thing made Little Annie feel very puzzled and fun...So, she was going to continue playing with each other until she finished eating her fat crabs.


ε=(????`●))) alas

(Tibbers said that the "perfect" Pandaren Xiaoya's state at this time can be felt by Tibbs, because it is much worse than the other party, and it has also been affected by a bad little master. This kind of weird question has been annoying countless times, and it is the kind that lasts for many years!

However, now it has gotten used to it, and a bad little master rarely disturbs it when there are outsiders to bother or have other things to do. This is the only thing it can feel fortunate. )


Above the vast sea, half a month ago, starting from the port of Stormwind, with thousands of Stormwind Royal Elite troops plus two to three thousand sailors, 28 large ships of the Stormwind Kingdom Expeditionary Forces totaling nearly 10,000. They are advancing at full speed with the help of the sea breeze on the sea, and they have no idea that their fleet is driving into a terrible and cruel trap.

‘! ! ’

‘His Majesty, how did you come to the deck? ’

On the deck, when a strong man in short clothes was about to continue to observe the sea conditions, he suddenly saw a man in casual clothes walking to the bow observation platform with his sword hilt, and then he hurried up to meet him.

Because that is the king of their Stormwind, and the commander-in-chief of this fleet, His Majesty Varian Wrynn.

"The weather is good today, so I want to come out for a walk..."

‘Captain, staying in the cabin every day. It’s been almost half a month. I think I’m going to get moldy. When will we get to Nanhai Town? ’

After taking a breath of the salty fresh sea breeze, King of Stormwind, and Varian, who is also a strong warrior himself, sighed and asked.

This kind of long-distance journey, in his opinion, is really too difficult...

Because, in these ten days, the only way to come and go was to wander on this small battleship, and he was about to master how many mice there were on the ship! That kind of experience is really too bad.

If there is a choice and the time is not so rushed, maybe he can choose to go by land on the return trip?

'almost! ’

"My Majesty, now we are in this sea area north of Dun Morogh. If everything goes well, and there is no headwind, there will be at most three days of sea road, we should be able to see the lighthouse of Nanhai Town. And the pier. ’

For the captain who knew this sea route, he didn’t need to go back to look at the nautical chart, and he said an accurate time, because it was not the first time he took the route of “Stormwind City-Nanhai Town”, but he knew this very well. Everything on the route.

‘Very good, I don’t want to...’

'Well? ! ’

Varian, who was about to continue talking to his captain, then passed the long sailing time, suddenly stopped, and then frowned and looked at the sky suspiciously.

Rumbling rumbling...


‘Captain, what is that thing in the sky? ’

Varian heard a loud noise, sounding like a roar of thunder?

Moreover, he also saw at the same time: The thick cloud above their fleet seems to have been stirred by the strong wind at this time, and the wind and cloud suddenly changed, and it still faintly carried bursts of lightning?

'That one……'

‘Looks like a vortex before the storm? But, this is not right, this kind of weather, there should be no such big storm...’

The captain was also taken aback. He almost thought that a terrible storm was brewing above their fleet, so that thick cloud was stirred up?

However, when he turned his head and looked around, looking at the windy and sunny scene in the distance, and then perceiving the sea breeze carefully, after not finding any traces that might brew a storm, he couldn't help but wonder again. , I'm a bit unsure what the situation is now, because this is indeed the first time he has encountered it.

‘! ! ’

However, without waiting for the captain to figure it out, King Varian, who had been squinting his eyes and staring at the thick huge cloud, finally found something wrong.

‘No, it’s the enemy! ! ’

‘Enemy attack! ! ! ’

After King Varian exclaimed, soon, as the alarm bell rang first on the flagship, not long after, more than 20 warships on the entire sea rang at the same time indiscriminately. Bronze bell for alarm on board.


They were quickly adjusted from the previous loose parallel formation of the two fleets to a dense'half-moon' assault formation, and a team of elite Stormwind Royal Guards wearing heavy armor and a large number of unarmored The sailors quickly rushed to the deck with their weapons and hurriedly prepared relevant battles.


‘That, that is...’

However, soon, including King Varian Wrynn, all the soldiers, generals, captains or sailors wailed in their hearts in despair...

‘! ! ’

‘His Majesty, hurry, go and take those griffins and escape! ! ’

The leader of a royal guard seemed to have noticed that the enemy’s arrival was not good enough and the strength of the two sides, so he ran towards the bow of the ship for the first time and began to pull the arm of their king, intending to force the opponent to Go to the animal pen at the stern.

‘! ! ’

'no way! I will never give up my soldiers easily! ! ’

I haven't seen who the enemy is, how could he Varian escape directly in the Griffin? Therefore, without even thinking about it, as a strong fighter, he easily asked his loyal guard captain with a light push.

'His Majesty? ! ! ’

However, without waiting for the captain of the guard to persuade them, they had no chance to argue again...

Because they saw:

A huge floating fortress, at this moment, broke through the thick clouds, with a trace of lightning ?? from the sky suddenly swooped down towards them... and almost at the same time, in that huge area While the shadow of's completely concealed their entire fleet, the necromantic cannons, ghost cannons, and other terrifying attack methods that could not be named slammed down without waiting for their reaction!

boom! boom! boom!


In an instant, the sea surface began to boil...

When King Varian’s flagship mast broke instantly and the deck shattered into a huge cavern, the soldiers were blown to pieces, a large amount of seawater poured in and continued to be subjected to successive malicious intensive and inevitable plagues and fel energy. While the bombardment continued, soon those large numbers of densely packed black monsters, those gargoyles and several terrifying frost dragons flew down from the huge fortress that completely enveloped the entire Stormwind fleet.

Intensive bombing and air-to-sea attacks that covered the sky and the sun continued...

It’s just a blink of an I’ve never seen this kind of attack, and there is no effective counterattack method. The artillery is even less likely to have an elevation angle close to ninety degrees against a sky. The Stormwind fleet bombarded by the huge fortress was finally disintegrated in an instant.

Including riding on King Varian’s flagship, most of the more than 20 warships turned into ragged wood on the sea in the first round of intensive bombing, and more were sunk directly to the bottom of the sea... …

Countless soldiers fell to the sea. Except for the sailors who were familiar with water or the lucky ones who were lucky enough to catch a large wooden plank, a large number of Stormwind soldiers in heavy armor just went down with their armor. On the dark seabed, even if they threw hard, even if they discarded heavy weapons and shields for the first time...

Now, a premeditated ambush, an absolutely empty massacre has begun!

No one could leave alive. The number of ships on each ship was originally extremely small. The Griffins used for communication simply had no time to untie the reins and take off, and were directly smashed into their animal pens.

Several warships that had escaped the first round of bombardment had not had time to drag their wounded hulls to flee or rescue their fallen companions, and soon fell into the second round of bombardment by the unknown enemy... …

Even the mages who accompanied the army had no time to rush out of the cabin and cast the spells that sent important people away. They were quickly submerged under the endless bombardment and the flying bites of terrifying undead flying monsters.


‘Is it the choppy of the Undead Scourge? Come on, follow me Vari???


|??)???? Hello? ??Ticket?? Where did it go?

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