Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 997: |????)? Shu Mi, are you a badass? Then for...

When the Triwizard Tournament in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry ended perfectly, when a certain Nose Monster and his Death Eaters who had just had time to meet up for adventure were caught by Hermione and let them tragically After picking up the cheap Aurors and happily carrying them away, a little girl who felt that there was nothing fun in the magical world of Hogwarts, she left without saying goodbye again and came directly to this new strange world. .

What kind of world this is. Little Annie herself doesn’t know, but she only knows that this is a new new earth again, and then she once again came to this New York where nothing good would happen, and After discovering that there seemed to be magical powers and wizards, she was not in a hurry to leave. After hesitating for a while, she decided to stay here for a while?

Of course, in Annie’s world, eating, drinking, and having fun must be ranked first, so after a short stroll in the “familiar” city in this new world, she ran to another She offers a place where delicious sweets.

Because she is a child, and when a child is hungry, the first choice is definitely sweets. As for health or health, she has long been ignored by her gorgeously!


?? ( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

And now, I am tired of eating mid-levels fairs, Queen Anne, who hasn’t enjoyed the familiar and delicious desserts on earth for a long time, is eating alone in a dessert coffee shop on the side of this park street. Her ice cream and pudding are so sweet and greasy desserts that she doesn't seem to want to leave yet.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers originally wanted to remind his disgusting little master of some things, but after seeing that his owner didn’t seem to have enough, and at the same time, he felt that those things didn’t seem to be important, so he thought about it. I didn't say anything, until some two people came in the morning.)

‘! ! ’

‘Calder, look, she is there, do you need to evacuate the crowd first and then catch her? ’


‘Okay! She is just a little girl, don't make a fuss! ’

When Little Annie was eating happily in her seat, suddenly, two people walked into the door of the coffee dessert shop. Are they a big bald head and a guy who makes her a little familiar?

After they seemed to point to her in a low voice and communicate for a while, they rudely refused the waiter's invitation to sit down, and walked to her table without saying a word. After looking at her, He sat across from her.



Little Annie, who was busy eating, did not speak. She just glanced at the other person, then slanted her eyes to an empty table and chair next to her, and with a clear look, she signaled the other person not to sit opposite her casually. , Because it will prevent her from eating!

However, what surprised her a little bit was that the two of them didn't seem to want to leave, they were still sitting opposite her, just looking at her at a distance of more than two meters?

"Hello, little guy!"

"There are things we have to talk about, can we sit here?"

The muscular uncle bald didn't pretend to ask until he sat down comfortably with the companion next to him and leaned on the soft backrest.



"There are still many vacancies over there, why don't you go sit there?!"


Little Annie, who felt that the two guys in front of her were not like that kind of good people, directly rejected each other and pointed to an empty table and chair not far away. She doesn't like playing with strangers or talking to strangers, especially when she is eating.

"Bring me a glass of soda..."

'Oh! I don’t need it yet, thank you! ’

Seeing that the waiter walked over again and asked them what they wanted to order, the separate man in the priest's clothes asked for a cup of coffee, and the bald guy waved his hand and persuaded the waiter who rolled his eyes to leave.



"Weird uncle bald, did you two come to someone else's store to rub the air conditioner?"


Seeing that the other party didn’t go to another seat honestly, and didn’t plan to order something to eat or drink, one asked for a free soda, and the other didn’t order anything at all, Xiao Annie stared at them strangely. Looked again, and then deliberately asked this loudly when the waitress brought the water.


The little girl's words caused the waiter sister to stand aside hesitantly after she put down the soda, and looked up and down the two people who came in with that kind of extremely suspicious eyes.


"Sorry, this lady, we actually know each other, can we talk privately for a while?"

After finally dismissing the waitress who rolled his eyes and left again, but was not too rude or rushing, the bald man looked at the difficult little girl in front of them with a little irritation.



"Uncle, you're talking nonsense again, people obviously don't know you!!"


It's a pity that when Little Annie was staring at the two of them and she was sure to say something, the waiter sister had already gone away. Otherwise, these two guys who went to other people's stores to rub the air conditioner and asked for a glass of water for nothing Will be even more embarrassing, right?

"Okay! That's not important!"

"Let's talk, little guy, whose child are you and why are you here? Also, don't you know that wizards' witchcraft can never be used for humans?"

Randomly looked around and found that no one noticed his side, the bald-headed burly man was holding on to the table, squinting, and approaching the middle of the table with a serious expression and staring at Annie’s eyes to question. Writes.



"Oh! You mean that thing in the morning, right? But I really don't know if it can't be used..."


It turns out that these two people actually did it for the morning, when she just came to this world and punished some bad guys a little bit? Little Annie, who knew the reason, finally nodded her head clearly and finally solved the doubt.


"Didn't your parents warn you about this? Unauthorized use of witchcraft, and the target is ordinary humans, it is a serious violation of the law!"

In fact, if it hadn’t been for Dolan to investigate the origins of the guy who was killed by witchcraft by the little girl in front of him before, and know that that guy was a villain, now he would probably not be like this You're welcome.

Maybe, he had already started and grabbed the opponent directly, then took it to the Wizarding Committee and handed it over to the fellows of the Wizarding Alliance.



"Amoryn's mother only told people that if you want to bully the bad guys, you can set them on fire!"


In her Queen Anne’s place, there is no concept that magic cannot be used at all. In fact, almost no one can control her, whether it is her mother Amorim or someone else, she uses Magic or the kind of witchcraft that the other party said is not unnecessary because the other party is an ordinary person. As long as she feels it is necessary, she will naturally use it, and no one can control it.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers would not say to a strange bald human in front of him: In fact, its increasingly capable, awkward little master has long been out of the control of the Amoryn witch! In this endless world of planes, even if the Amorim Witch wanted to manage, she probably couldn't manage it.)


"Thinking like yours is very dangerous. The armistice agreement between the Wizarding Committee and the Department of Supervision stipulates that witchcraft can never be used for humans, nor can it be used in front of humans!"

"Oh! God, do you understand what I said to you?"

As he spoke, the bald-headed uncle was covering his bright head with a headache.

Because at this time, he has also recovered from the cute blinking eyes of the little girl. The one who committed the crime and sat across from them was just a little girl who looked only seven or eight years old, and he said The kind of thing that is too complicated, the other party will definitely have no way to understand.



"However, if people use it secretly, no one will know..."


Queen Anne said that she didn't know that this world actually has the "No magic in front of Muggles" rule like the Hogwarts world, so she can't be blamed for that! Besides, she had already burned the bad guy, and burned to ashes, so there must not be too many people know about it.

"But I know!"

The bald man said that what the little girls did was not confidential at all. Otherwise, he would not have been ordered to come here after knowing it. This was his duty.



"So, Shu Mi, are you with that bad guy?!"


Now that it’s all burned, what's the use of telling yourself something like that? So, Little Annie feels that if these two guys are also in the same group as the bad guy who met and was burned today, she might give them a shattering fire, or'forget it. All empty'?


"Little guy, we're not here to hold the injustice for that guy, but why do you ask? Do I look like a badass?"

Looking at the little girl in front of him, the bald-headed man didn't know why. He, who had almost never kept his hands on the evil wizard, became unusually patient.

Maybe it's because the other person looks a little like his daughter, right? After all, at that time his daughter was also this big, with long blond hair...



"People think that bald heads are generally that kind of bad guys!!"


That's right, this impression has gradually become a bit ingrained in Xiao Annie's understanding. The other party does not need to explain, and the explanation is useless, she will not accept it anyway.



The bald man opened his mouth, and then looked at the companion next to him dumbfoundingly. Obviously, both of them realized that the little girl in front of him seemed to have difficulty communicating?

"Isn't it a badass? Then who are you? Why do you come to tell me those strange things?"


Seeing that the other party did not speak, little Annie, who had already eaten and drunk and put down the knife and fork, made a beautiful hiccup, and asked casually, while touching her little round belly through her little skirt. , Seems to be slightly satisfied with this afternoon dessert?


"My name is Calder, this is my assistant, you can call him Dolan, and I am actually a wizard hunter!"

After retracting from the table and leaning against the back of the chair with his arms, the bald man began to explain, while showing his identity to the other party, although he knew this might scare the other party?


!? (??\'\'????)??

"Sure enough! You are just bad guys!!"


Her Queen Anne is an arcane archmage and a little witch at the same time, and the other party is a wizard hunter. Isn't that a badass and what?

Fortunately, the other party has not been very hostile. Otherwise, she had just smashed her face with a fireball. Will he dare to be a wizard hunter in the future? Before, she had always felt that the other party and the guy next to the other party was a bit obstructive, and it was not without reason.


Calder did not explain, but stared at each other impatiently.

"You are here, do you want to arrest people?"


After hesitating for a while, Xiao Anni tentatively said in an eager tone. Just waiting for the other party to say affirmative answer, she immediately gave the other party a few brains on the other party’s light head, which made him full. Bao, see if he dare to come and arrest her Queen Anne?


"It shouldn't be necessary for the time being, right? However, although we proved that those who were burned by you deserved the crime, but..."

In fact, Calder is a little hesitant now, but after thinking about it, he feels that some things still need to be explained clearly.

"If you can, don't catch it..."


Seeing that the other party was not too determined, and after thinking about it, I felt that I had just eaten and didn't look like the little Annie who was fighting with these not-so-bad villains, so she nodded, fattened to her, and dared to run to her. The wizard hunter who asked for trouble in front of Witch Anne persuaded her.

Because these two people are too weak. Although there are some strange abilities in one body, she is still too weak after all. She has no desire to shoot at all, and the other is just an ordinary person, so she does not have so much time to pay attention to it. They grin.


"Why? Little guy, are you scared?"

When Calder saw each other's expressions, he thought it might be the two of him, or his name frightened each other, he teased playfully.

(Stupid earthlings...)

ε=(????`●))) alas



"Because you, a light-headed fellow, don't seem to be too bad, so people don't seem to burn you, and you definitely can't beat them, even you can't even beat a claw of a bear! !"



??????????← Super fierce!

"Also, people don't like the guy next to you very much! They get angry when they see his face!!"


Little Annie looked disgusted.

If it weren't for this kind of public place now, or if she was in a good mood because she was full, she might have found a chance to beat the guy who looked like she couldn't help but dislike it.

"Many wizards actually think like you do, but most of them were caught by me, and the other part was destroyed by me..."

The wizard hunter Calder obviously didn't pay attention to the other party's words, he just glanced at the toy bear on the table disdainfully, and then again focused on the little girl.

Before he came, he had learned that the other party would be capable of a powerful fire witchcraft and suspected a certain kind of black witchcraft. Therefore, he must be more vigilant while improving understanding with the other party! Although he is not afraid of the opponent's witchcraft, it does not mean that the people around him are not afraid!


"Why do you hate him? He is my new partner. I always think he is pretty good..."

It's because the other party is a little girl. If he were to be an adult witch, Calder would have taken the other party back and take a slow time to get his body. How could he say so much to him?

"Because he looks very much like a scar-headed little four-eyed villain that others know, if he wears a round-framed glasses, it will look even more like it!"


Little Annie first tilted her head in disdain to look at the two standing strange creatures in front of her. After a glance, her sly beautiful blue eyes rolled, and then she suddenly jumped out of her seat and avoided. The other party’s big hand then rushed to the door of the dessert shop and hurriedly squatted on the window of a police car that had been parked there for rest. Some of the two bad guys anxiously asked for help.

To deal with bad guys or something, it is enough to find the police uncle directly. Why is it necessary for Queen Anne to use magic or witchcraft?

‘! ! ’

"Abducting a child? Kidnapping? ! ’

Bang~! Bang~!

Obviously, from a cute blond little girl with tears in her eyes and an expression of fear and helplessness, the bright, just and stalwart New York policeman must not sit idly by!

Therefore, they directly put down the fast food in their hands, and got out of the police car with a dark face. After slamming the car door, they pressed the gun handle on their waist with unkind expressions, staring at the ground. Standing in front of two suspicious targets who were suspected of'kidnapping suspects' or'abducting suspects' who had just been chased from the store.

‘Two! Please show your credentials! ’

‘If you don’t want to cause trouble for yourself? ’

Although the little girl's words may not be credible, since they have asked them for help, they always need to investigate and verify it first. Moreover, compared to the two weird combinations in front of them, a priest with wicked eyebrows and a muscular man, they are always relatively inclined to the cute little girl who knows to ask the police for help in time.




"Gentlemen, please don't get excited, listen to me, maybe this is a misunderstanding?"

The wizard hunter Calder saw the cunning little witch behind the two policemen, and also saw the little grimace that the other party was posing towards them...So, when he was a little upset and confused, he prepared to step forward. Are you going to grab the other person before talking?

‘! ! ’

‘Back! Bastard, you dare to go one step further, don't blame us, you're welcome! ! ’

After seeing that the other party received their warning, not only did they not hurriedly explain or pull out their documents, but also planned to step forward. This made the two policemen who were only a little suspicious and intended to interrogate them immediately became a little nervous.

As a result, they immediately took out the weapons from their waists, and at the same time the muzzle was pointed at the ground, they also began to sternly warn them.

"Hey! Okay..."

"Gentlemen, you may be really mistaken. Listen to me. She is actually our family. As you know, little girls are very stubborn and difficult to discipline, and she was still angry with us just now, so... ."

No way. Seeing the police's reaction, Calder had to take two steps back honestly, raised his hands obediently, and tried to explain.

He is not afraid of the two policemen in front of him, nor is he afraid of the weapons in the other's hands. In fact, ordinary weapons can't easily hurt him, even if he is burned into coke! However, given that it was a public place, he was afraid to directly attack the police and catch the little witch, so he had to compromise and plan to accept interrogation and investigation.



"He's talking nonsense. He doesn't even know the name of his family. The police can tell him what his name is?"


Seeing that the bald-headed bad boy wanted to quibble, Xiao Annie hurriedly mended his sword behind the two dedicated police officers.

That guy, just wanted to catch her, now look at it, catch it blind, right? After seeing him, will he dare to squeeze, or dare to run to her with a little ability to pretend to be a wizard hunter with a big tail wolf?


‘The little guy is right! Sir, since you said that she is your family member, then, please show your credentials and tell us what her name is, we can verify it now! ’

The two policemen glanced at each other, and while one of them continued to be on guard with a gun, the other casually took out a tablet-like instrument that was only one size larger than a mobile phone, and waited for the other party. Take out the documents and explain.

In this era when smart phones have long been popular, it is not too difficult for them to directly investigate the identities of the two suspects and confirm the relationship between the other party and the little girl.



The wizard hunter Calder and his new assistant looked at each other, a little troubled...

Obviously, they must not dare to take out their documents, because they will definitely reveal themselves after checking! Of course, they can't even say the little girl's name, because they just didn't seem to have time to ask?

"Uncle Police!"


"You have to be careful, I just saw it, that guy has a gun in his waist!!"


Seeing that the two men still wanted to resist, Xiao Anni blinked her eyes and thought about it, and then hurriedly whispered to the police officer who was holding the device in her hand to verify the identity of the other party.

‘! ! ’

‘Immediately turn around and hold your head against the wall! Gentlemen, if you don’t want us to shoot? ’

‘This is not a joke, this is the final warning! ’

‘Do as we say now! ! ’

Seeing the reaction of the other party, the policeman who originally only wanted to conduct routine investigations and inquiries, finally became nervous after hearing the little girl's magic knife.

Because, if the other party is really the little girl’s family, he will definitely not even dare to take out his ID, let alone the little girl’s name! What's more, the guy who is wearing the priest's clothes but looks scornful, if he really carries a gun on his body, his nature is unusual!

It's not that priests can't hold guns at all, but there will never be a priest with a gun on his waist when he goes out! Therefore, they felt that there must be a problem with the two of them, so they directly raised their guns, pointed them at their heads and sternly ordered.

Now they are serious, as long as the other party makes a little bit of digging, they are all likely to shoot!

"Mr. Calder, I think we'd better do what they say first, and let someone explain it to us later?"


"Damn it! You guy really has a gun?!"

No way, in this broad daylight, I would definitely not dare to rashly attack the police or use other cruel means, and Calder, who did not carry some of his documents, learned that his new assistant actually carried a gun. , He had no choice but to turn his head against the wall and hold his head to stand still, and then let the two policemen behind him come forward, twist their hands and handcuff them in handcuffs.

Then, Calder saw that one of the police officers actually took out a pistol from the waist of his new assistant...

"Hi~! Bad guys, goodbye~!"

??????(??????)?????? Not sent!

Seeing that the two brave police uncles succeeded in catching the two bad guys who dared to threaten to arrest them and locked them up and pushed them viciously into the police car, Xiao Annie waved her hands vigorously at them, and then Hastily turned around and ran away.


Because Annie knew that looking at the arrogant look of the two, it is likely that the policemen would be easy to help them. So, after thinking about it, she thought it would be better to run quickly, or not to join in the fun. Up.

'Hey! ’

'Hey! Little girl, you have to come back with us...’

Successfully arrested two suspects and was about to take the little girl back to the police station to take notes and inform her parents to pick up the two police officers. Just when they reached out their hands, they found the little girl rushing away with her toy. In the crowd there and disappeared soon.


"Man, please listen to me, things are not what you think!"

Seeing that cunning and treacherous little witch played both of her fiercely once, and seeing the two police cars locked their doors, Calder, who was helpless, tried to explain again. After all, he cannot be asked to say: They are really not suspects of kidnapping or kidnapping children, and the little girl just now is actually a witch, and she is a righteous wizard hunter?

But it’s a pity hasn’t waited for Calder to explain further, but the other party gave him a baton to smash his forehead, and then brutally smashed back his head that he was going to stick out of the car window. In the police car.

‘Shut up! ’

‘You two better be honest with me! If you have something, you should wait until you return to the police station to explain it slowly! ’

Bang! Bang!

After handcuffing the two and stuffing them into the back seat of the car, the policeman who was unwilling to talk nonsense with the other party quickly slammed the door and got into the car, and then directly ‘drip~uh~! Drop~ woo~! ’The siren rang and drove away...



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