Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 998: ?(·'?'·)?????? This is not yet...

In the witchcraft bar, in this secret bar dedicated to receiving wizards, groups of wizards in modern costumes are in groups in their respective boxes and seats, roaring and flying with the brisk music... …

Their expressions are sad, happy, contemplative, or comfortable. They talk quietly or are intoxicated by the little couples floating with weird witchcraft steam patterns or magical drinks sparkling like misty star clusters. This kind of delicacy that only wizards are qualified to enjoy.

Because, here are not just ordinary drinks and snacks, but also a variety of strange things, such as:

The magic potion that can resist fear, the tranquilizer potion that makes people calm and fall into beautiful things, the bliss fruit that makes people very happy even if they are sad, and can make people fall into memories, see Knowing that I have experienced in the past, but accidentally gave those magical "memory cherries" that were forgotten in the corner.


Under normal circumstances, ordinary people are not received here, and ordinary people will never find it here, because it is protected by hidden witchcraft, and only wizards can see and find it!

Of course, in addition to wizards, some special people who are not wizards can also be found here. It's like being caught in the police station a few days ago due to suspected'child kidnapping' and almost locked up in it overnight. Some legendary wizard hunter Mr. Calder?


Tonight, just as the wizards in this wizard bar were immersed in their happiness, sadness, or various thoughts, suddenly, a sound of metal rubbing came from the railing at the entrance of the second floor, and then waited. The wizards enjoying here were awakened, and after looking at the place where the sound was coming from, they got up from their seats in horror, and then prepared to take their way and flee in panic.

Because, at this time, most of them had already seen clearly who was the person who was rubbing the steel guardrail with something and making a violent ear-piercing noise!

‘! ! ’

'not good! ’

‘Quick, go! It was the terrible wizard hunter who came! ’

'what? Is it really him? ! ’

‘Uh wow~! ’

‘Run everyone! ! ’

‘Chloe! Come on, let's run too! ? ’

‘? ? ? ’

‘No way, Miranda, this is our shop, do you even want to run? ’

'of course! Chloe, hurry up and come with me, or it will be too late for him to see you! ! ’

‘This is our shop. We didn’t commit any crimes. Why should we be afraid of him? ’

‘Because he is a wizard hunter, he will chop off your head abruptly and put it in his waist pocket! ! ’

‘Come on, Miranda, that’s just to scare the kids! ’

'Do not! It's not all to scare children... Anyway, you better listen to me and get out of here! ’

‘? ? ’

'Hey! wait! ’


in fact,

A wizard hunter or something is not too terrible for wizards... But if it is a wizard who cannot be killed by any means, has lived for hundreds of years and has killed or captured countless wizards, Even the wizard hunter who once killed the legendary witch king is really terrifying!

Moreover, the wizards know that the other party not long ago, shortly after returning to New York, put another dark wizard named Eric in the wizard prison? Therefore, wizards who don't want to be the opponent's next target, and don't know who the opponent's next target will be, there really is no better choice other than to run away.


A good night scene scared all the guests away when the crowd just started. This made the lady boss who was called Chloe by the tattooed female clerk who just ran away was very angry.

You know, those people did not pay, and now they are all gone, who will compensate for her loss? Moreover, it is still a visible loss, and now it is even worse: once the news of a wizard hunter has appeared in her place, she will probably no longer have to do business here in the future! Because, for a long time, the influence of the other party will continue to hang over her place, and no one will want to come again.

"Hi~! Hello, beautiful lady?"

A certain bald-headed wizard hunter completely ignored the wizards who looked at him like a tiger, leopard, wealthy wolf and fled in embarrassment. He just skimmed past the boxes and walked to the front of the bar, facing the person with a cold face, as if The female boss who did not welcome him greeted him.


"Calder, right? The wizards who came to us are very disciplined. There are no dark wizards you want to find. You have seen them. They are all scared away by you. Are you still going? We only allow wizards to come in here, I think ordinary people like you are strictly forbidden!"

Chloe glared coldly at some wizard hunter who had disturbed her business, because she believed that she had never done anything illegal, so unlike others, she was not afraid that the wizard in front of them would come to them. Talking about the guy like a nightmare.

Because she didn't believe the kind of speech that Miranda just said to deceive children, and she didn't believe that the other party would cut off her head abruptly and put it back in her pocket to soak in a glass jar!

"really not bad!"

"Your place is indeed very beautiful, but I am no ordinary person!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Calder, the bald wizard hunter, ignored the female boss's glaring and chasing words. Instead, he still stayed in front of the bar with a large number of them, and did not intend to leave.

"thank you!"

"Although you are not an ordinary person, you are not a wizard! We only accept wizards here. So, if you have nothing to do, you can go out now, gentleman, because our business has just been disrupted by you. I'm not going to continue business late."

The female boss Chloe said coldly, she is indeed planning to close the door and go back to sleep, because she was in a bad mood at first, but now it is even worse!

"Not urgent……"

"By the way, how do you charge the Wizard Bar here?"

Calder, a bald hunter, knew that the other party did not welcome him. However, given that he has a valid reason for coming here today and has lived for nearly a thousand years, his face is thicker than the ceiling of this basement bar. He has not achieved his own. Before the goal, where will you leave?


He took a deep breath and stared at the other party for a long time. The female boss Chloe, who didn't know what the other party meant, thought for a while, and then slowly opened her mouth and asked:

"It depends on what you want..."

Her attitude is very bad. In fact, no one will have a good attitude towards a villain who comes to drive away his guests! If you change to a bar run by ordinary people, if you have such a provocative customer, I am afraid that I would have drawn a 12-caliber Remington from under the bar and pointed it at the other side's bare head, right?

Although there was also an M870 under his bar counter, Chloe, who knew that the weapon was ineffective against the opponent, was very witty and didn't take out any trouble.

"I want to buy a "memories"!"

Knocking on the bar with two fingers, Calder used a frivolous tone to order the young and beautiful witch proprietress as if he were going to relax in other bars.


"Five hundred dollars!"

After hesitating for a while, an outrageous price came out of Chloe’s mouth. She directly increased the original price tenfold. Although that could not fully compensate for her loss, she just wanted to drive the opponent away with a high price. That's it.


"I'll wait for you over there, you can bring it directly later, right?"

After placing the order, Calder, the bald hunter, finally looked at the third person in the bar besides the two of them, and, surprisingly, he discovered that the other party seemed to be an'acquaintance' of him, so, He thinks it seems that he can solve his own problems while having a good talk with the other party?


"Wait! I just said the wrong price and missed a zero, so its price should be five thousand dollars!!"

Chloe hurriedly quoted a new price. In fact, she would not tell the other party that the original price was only fifty dollars?

"no problem!"

However, Calder, the bald hunter, waved his hand, and walked forward recklessly, directly accepting the merchandise that would seem incomparably outrageous whether it is in this wizard bar or any ordinary people bar in New York. price?


"Since you want it so much, let's go for fifty thousand, because those materials are very rare..."

In astonishment, Chloe gritted his teeth and again quoted an even more outrageous price.

In fact, the female boss didn’t want to sell at all, she just wanted to hurry away! Although she didn't know the purpose of the other party coming to her tonight and ordering a ‘memory’, she only knew that the other party must have no good intentions!

Therefore, she just wanted the other party to leave here quickly and never come to her again.


Finally, after the third outrageous price was spoken, the wizard hunter who had been very calm finally stopped and slowly turned around. Then, when the female boss Chloe thought that the other party was about to beat herself up, Or when she was swearing and shaking her hand to leave, she unexpectedly found that the other party still had that polite and relaxed expression on her face, and she seemed to be disapproving of her lion's open mouth behavior?

"Then fifty thousand, can you start making it now?"

Calder said that he has lived for more than eight hundred years and has a formal organization of the "Holy Axe Society", and the reason for the squid curse has always been disease-free and disaster-free, and does not need to bear his own medical care, and does not need to be heavy. He is under the pressure of his mortgage, and he has no wife or children, and he does not need to worry about the education and support of his children and grandchildren. The most indispensable thing is all kinds of wealth.

Therefore, spending 50,000 to buy a mere portion of the "memory" kind of prodigal thing is really nothing to him, a "weird" who is not hungry for his whole family, and will not even starve to death without eating. Problem, because he Calder had money first!


No way, seeing Chloe, who was willing to accept even that kind of outrageous price, he had to watch the other side step by step to the side box in the distance and sit in...


For a long time, the lady boss who could not help thought about it. She was worried that the wizard hunter would be disadvantageous to the little girl in the box, so she hurriedly took out the material of the signature'memory' in her bar and prepared The "memories" that the other party ordered.

Because she must hurry up, and then go over there and look at the wizard hunter who doesn't know what she is doing!

"Ha! Little guy!"

"What a coincidence, you see, we actually met again..."

Sitting in the box, sitting across from the little girl, just as he did a few days ago, Calder smiled with emotion and looked at the other person’s little face that seemed unsurprising about his arrival. Interestingly, I looked at the fluorescent dynamic fog figure that was conjured by some kind of witchcraft at the other party's table, showing that seven dwarfs were fighting with swords against the princess and witch in the white dress.

It seems...

Was it a trick that the little girl used witchcraft to transform according to her own ideas, just like when he came in, he saw other seats and the strange patterns of the different guests in the box?

"Oh! It's you..."


Regarding the arrival of the other party, a certain messy little girl didn't care much, just sipping her own drink while boringly fiddling with the fog figure in front of her.

Suddenly, after staring at a certain big bald head, she waved her hand to make the image of a bald man appear in the regiment that was in the fight, participating in her seven dwarfs and Snow White 'The fighting game.


"Aren't you going to say something?"

Sitting on the seat with his arm in his arms, he watched the other party ridiculing himself in a different way, and let the fog pattern of a bald man be knocked down by the white skirt witch to the ground'humiliated 'After that, Calder, who was a little bit dumbfounded, suddenly blew over, blowing away the foggy pattern performance that the other party had made.



"What's there to say? Do you want to hear people say'It's nice to meet you' or'Welcome you to be released from the police station'?"


Annie is not annoyed when the other party breaks her own mini game. Anyway, she is bored, and now it seems pretty good to have someone chat with herself.


"I can understand, you are a cunning little clever ghost! Do you know that in this country, kidnapping or kidnapping a child is a felony, and can be sentenced to up to 20 years in prison, or even the death penalty? !"

"That's us, if you change individuals, you might actually be sent to prison by you!"

Yes, if you change other people’s words, you talk to little girls you don’t know in public, and try to kidnap them, and they also carry weapons. For various reasons and if you don’t know the whole story, the policemen will have to let them go to court. Once in a while.



"It's a pity... Then why didn't you have been imprisoned for twenty years, why did their police uncles let you out so quickly?!"


In this regard, Little Annie expressed her curiousity.


However, Calder just shook his head and didn't rush to speak, but stared at the excited little guy with some sullen eyes.

The other party did make them very embarrassed at the time, and if it wasn't for their'Holy Axe Society' that had some power, and the other party ran away again, to be honest, if he couldn't directly violently resist and fight out, Karl De and his thirty-seventh Duolan will be out of luck!

However, they were still released on bail after being kept in jail for a short night. Because, the suspicion from them has not been completely removed, and they can't tell the relationship between them and the little girl and the purpose of approaching each other?



"People know, you must have taken the money to bribe, so you can come out so soon!!"


It must be that right, because at the time Annie herself gave the two police uncles a little hint, although it was not a powerful magic or witchcraft, nor was it any kind of modification of human memory or control. Human spells, but this bad guy shouldn't be released so quickly.

"Do not!"

"We are on bail!!"

Calder's cheek twitched, although in a sense what the other party said was not wrong, but he Calder, a wizard hunter, would not admit that kind of thing.

"Where was the guy who followed you that day, who looked like a wicked, wicked scorpion?"

|??)???? Huh?

She stretched her head to look at the now empty bar, and found that the other person came here alone today without the familiar bad guy from that day, and little Annie asked curiously. .


"I don't like him very much, so I didn't bring him."

Regarding the 37th generation of "Dolan" who caused a minor trouble on his first day in office, Calder himself is not cold! Therefore, tonight's action did not take the other party for granted, but insisted on coming here alone.

"Just don't like it!"


"I'm telling you, that guy is not a good person, you better stay away from him!!"


No one can hide the insight of her Queen Anne, just like the bald mullet in front of her is a not-so-nasty villain. For the thief-eyed guy that day, Little Anne was not stingy about her disgust!

Because, in her opinion, that kind of guy is a real bad guy, and the treatment in front of her must not be the same as that of a bad guy who is not too annoying.

"Okay! Little guy, you don't need to worry about whether he is a good person, let's talk about you!"

"Why are you here this night?!"

He sighed, and didn't plan to talk about his 37th ‘Dolan’ Calder with the little witch in front of him, so he asked after smiling and shook his head.

To be honest, this little witch who has a ‘previous record’ and has the ability and no one controls him, he is very worried! And if they hadn't been occupied by other more important things these days, I'm afraid he would have found each other's home.

"You are so strange that you are bald-headed. You can come to this wizard bar. People are wizards themselves, so why can't you be here?!"


This kind of simple question, Xiao Annie directly turned her head in disdain.

"makes sense……"

"However, they are all afraid of me. Why don't you run away when they see me? Little guy, are you really not afraid of what they say? I suddenly took out a knife and slashed the heads of you bad wizards. In your pocket?"

Calder didn't care about the fact that the other party randomly assigned himself a nickname. Instead, he suddenly sank his face gloomily, and moved towards the indifferent little face with the expression he felt as vicious as possible. It seems that I want to see if I can scare the other person?



"Bald head, because people know that you definitely won't, and don't dare to do that!"


Although the other party's face looks fierce, but she has seen countless things that are ten thousand times more ferocious and evil than the other party, and Queen Anne, who exists, said that such pretending grimace can not scare her at all!

In fact, let alone pretend, even if it is a real grimace, you can't be scared! You know, at the beginning, a certain Miss Zhenzi who crawled out of the TV was beaten up by her with her hair, until she begged for mercy. How could she be easily frightened?

"Why not?"

"I'm still mad at you as a cunning little witch... Look, there is no uncle police here to help you anymore, and no one besides wizards is watching. I think I might Do it like that!"

I looked at the bar and saw that the young and beautiful bar lady was busy preparing her order. After it seemed that it hadn't been completed for a while, Calder continued to pretend to be fierce, approached the little girl and used a low The tone threatened Tao.

He knew that if it were an ordinary wizard, he wouldn't need to threaten him. I am afraid he would have been scared to know what to do, just like those guys who just saw his appearance and fled in fright?

"That's because..."


"Before you pull out the knife and plan to chop off someone's head, the bear cub will first screw off your head and swallow it in one bite!"


Annie also smiled and put her little face back with a fierce look, and she didn't take the threat of the other person's fake tiger's might into her heart at all.

Because what she said is indeed the truth!

Anyone who dares to do something against her or against her in front of her Queen Anne, in front of her super-protector bear, will definitely not have any good results! In fact, if she hadn't just stopped secretly, based on the words the other party just said, her little bear would have enough reason to jump up and slap the other party with a paw or swallow it in one bite!


Pull wildly!

??????????← Super fierce!



"Your...little bear? Are you talking about it?"

Calder froze for a moment, because he remembered that this was the second time a little girl talked about how powerful the other's cubs were, so this made him look at the other side's bear again. The needlework was skewed, and then the little puppet that looked terrifying.

"That's it? Little guy, if it is it, I'm afraid I can't beat it..."


Calder just wanted to reach out and grab the stuffed bear and torment it, but before he could touch it, he suddenly retracted his hand again in a flash.

Because just now, he was almost burned by the dark red flames from the stuffed bear! However, when he took a closer look, he found that the flame that burst out just now seemed to be gone again, which made him almost think it was his own illusion!

But what he knows is definitely not, because he felt it, the kind of pain that made him feel like an electric shock when the flames burned to his fingertips would certainly not be fake, otherwise he would not Will withdraw his hand so quickly.

"You said it can't beat you? That's not necessarily true!"


Little Annie glanced at one of her own dishonest little bears, and warned it not to move around casually before she looked at the bald-headed uncle sitting opposite her unkindly.

Because, after a long conversation, she suddenly felt that the villain in front of her, the bald uncle seemed a bit funny? So, she definitely wouldn't let her bear cubs burn to death or eat each other easily, at least, before she gets bored?

Otherwise, if it were replaced by another villain that she hated, the other party would have been smashed by Tibbers, and it would be the kind that burned to ashes while stepping on it?


"That thing..."

"Little guy! This must be some dangerous witchcraft artifact, right? You haven't finished the last time, how dare you come out with this dangerous thing again?"

Calder frowned and stared at the stuffed bear for a while, then warned the little girl with relatively harsh words.

"People have carried it since they were two years old! It is not dangerous!!"

o(`^??)o Humph!

Of course, not being dangerous is relative. Her little bear Tibbers is really not dangerous to herself, even if it turns into a huge shadow flame bear, it will not burn her!


However, she didn't dare to guarantee that it was not dangerous to others.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


"Little guy, I think you better leave it to us to deal with?"

Yes, Calder must not allow the little girl to burn people with flames casually, and to carry such terrible black witchcraft artifacts that she can't even recognize her hundreds of years of experience.

And if it wasn’t for the person who burned the other party and deserved it, if it wasn’t for this little girl who didn’t seem to make random shots at ordinary people, and it seemed that her temperament was a little different from the dark wizards she met, he would have been right. The other party has used violence, so how can you negotiate slowly like this?

Although he has other things to come here by himself today, he is quite sure that after he solves his problem, he must catch the little guy in front of him and bring it back to the Wizarding Committee to let the old wizards We strictly disciplined and confiscated each other's dangerous toy bear!


Things like that kind of dangerous thing must not be allowed to be carried around by such a small family who is only seven or eight years old. Otherwise, if there is an accident, there will be no way to recover it.


"Oh! God..."

Otherwise, Calder could not continue, because, at this time, he discovered that the eyes of the stuffed toy bear on the table turned red and burned. Then, when he talked The moment the slanting and burning bear eyes met each other, it was as if they had seen something extremely terrifying, even more so than the terrifying witch face he saw when he fought against the witch king eight hundred years ago. Want to be more scary?

Of course, he will recover soon...

Because, a certain little girl hit her teddy bear's belly with a single punch, causing its burning eyes to go out instantly, and if it wasn't for the sparks that were still there. Almost made him think it was his illusion just now?


"It, what is it?!!!"

Calder, who frowned intently and stood up ‘rub’, was really frightened.

So, subconsciously, he reached out to his pocket, where there were some special powder for the "Holy Axe Society" for black magic. If possible, he was eager to sprinkle a little to the toy bear. On your body, see if you can purify or temporarily neutralize the terrible black witchcraft on it, so that it does not look so dangerous?

"It's nothing, it's just another bear!"


"But don't worry about the bald scorpion. Tibbs the bear cub is behaved. As long as they don't let him eat you, he will definitely not dare to come out and eat you!"


It seems that the other party's attention has been completely attracted by a certain bad bear, so that they can't continue to chat? So, there was no way, Annie grabbed the messy bad bear Tibbs and stuffed it directly behind her seat. She also pressed her buttocks to prevent the bald uncle from being surprised all day long. He stared at and thought about his toys.



There is no doubt that her Queen Anne’s own things will definitely not be handed over easily, let alone be extremely important to her, just like the little bear like her most, most, most, most important family. Up!


"Little guy, who are you? Are you... uh?!"

Calder just wanted to continue. However, at this time, the proprietress of the bar had already walked over with a plate and threw it heavily on the table in front of him, frightening him. He had to withdraw his attention.

"Here! Fifty thousand dollars each!"

"After eating, pay quickly, and get out of here from mine, because you have affected my business!"

"Also, don't want to fight this little guy's idea, I understand her, she is not the kind of dark wizard you think, she is just a little girl who runs away from home like me!!"

Yes, Chloe, the female owner of this witchcraft bar, has already known this little girl who has been here almost every day for the past two days, and she has some experiences with each other (I don’t like staying at home so I ran away? ) Feeling the same... So, seeing that the wizard hunter Calder had some bad thoughts about the little girl, she rushed over to defend and glared at the other side.


"Do you know her? Or is she your family?"

Calder glanced at the nervous proprietress before him, then looked at the little girl who was ‘sucking’ a drink and didn’t know the seriousness of the matter. After thinking about it, he suddenly smiled and asked.

If the other party is the female boss’s family, then things are easier to handle, because communicating with an adult is definitely better than communicating with a little girl.


"You ask so much what to do? Hurry up and finish your food, then pay to leave my place!"

Chloe is noncommittal. Obviously, she really hopes that the little girl is her family, but in fact it is not!

Moreover, she also knows that the little guy is now living alone in a luxury hotel suite in New York. This is the third time the other party has come to her shop. At most, he is more familiar and talkative with her. And it makes her like it very much?


If possible, she would be very happy to be her family and protect her! After all, the other party, like her, was a witch who had run away from home to the outside world, which reminded her of her experience back then, and wanted to take care of each other as much as possible within her abilities! After all, when Chloe ran away from home, she was not as small and bold as the other party. If there is no one to take care of it, she might suffer a big loss!

Especially, a certain wizard hunter who seems to have some bad intentions against the other party? !


"You know, this is my duty, what can't I ask?"

Calder laughed, and then sat back with a little relief... Obviously, he must have disagreed with some of the nervous female boss in front of him, but after thinking about it, he felt that he should be here first With his main purpose, he finally decided to do business first.


"You go out! I don't want to do your business anymore!!!"

Chloe was upset, and he was about to reach out to grab his ‘cherry of memory’.

However, her movements were slower, because she had just reached out and was caught by the wrist first by the opponent, and with the other hand, she gently squeezed the big red cherry.

"How can we go back on what we have already said?"

"But, are you sure, this is what I want?"

After Calder let go of the opponent's hand, he thought for a while, and he didn't continue to struggle with the little girl's affairs, because he felt that it was important to find some of his memories right now, and as for a little girl... Anyway, their'Holy Axe Society' already knows the other party's residence and the trajectory of their actions, so they can wait a little later and wait until the troublesome thing has been dealt with.


"If you don't believe it, you can skip it!!"

The ashamed Chloe first snorted after rubbing his wrist, and then stood aside with his arm.

Now this is the seller’s market. The only one selling ‘memories’ here in New York is her wizarding bar. Anyway, she doesn’t really believe that the other party will actually pay her $50,000...In fact, after the other party can leave honestly after eating, she may already be able to thank her if she doesn’t come to her bar again in the future to make trouble. God!

She is only worried now that once the news that the other wizard hunter once came to her is spread, will those timid wizards dare to continue to come here and patronize her business?



"Sister Chloe, this cherry seems a bit different from ordinary cherries. Is it delicious?"


Obviously, Little Annie is also attracted by the $50,000 cherry...

To be honest, although Queen Anne is super rich, she has never eaten or seen anything that can be bought on earth except for the rare things like flat peaches and ginseng fruit. It's as expensive as the one in front of you!

"No! It's not delicious at all!"

"Little guy, I injected a very bitter'memory' potion into it, so I have to cover it with the sweetness of cherries! Also, it's best to swallow it whole, otherwise , It’s likely to be unpalatable."

Seeing that a certain little guy was actually interested in that kind of dangerous thing, Chloe hurriedly explained, and it could be regarded as explaining its usage to the wizard hunter.


"Can I just swallow it in?"

Hearing the other party's explanation and putting the cherry in front of his nose and smelling it carefully, Calder nodded, and at the same time asked the female owner of the bar curiously.


"But I warn you: that thing is very dangerous, because once you die in the'memories', your body outside will die at the same time!!"

Although I wished that the other party would really die, Chloe, who didn't want to cause trouble, coldly explained some precautions to the other party by holding his arm and explained the dangers of eating ‘memory cherry’.

She was afraid of the wizard hunter in front of her, and she was also afraid of the ‘Holy Axe’ and the ‘Witch’s Committee’! So, now I am afraid that the one who wants the other party to have an accident is probably her Chloe! Because, the guy in front of me can die anywhere, but he can't die in her bar!

"rest assured!"

"I can't die no matter where I am!"

In fact, Calder wanted to die a long time ago, thinking about it hundreds of years ago...

But it's a pity that he is still so immortal, even if he is fatally injured, he will recover quickly. If there is something that can kill his life, maybe he will still be grateful for it?

"Huh! Whatever you do!"

Chloe, who is not very familiar with and basically has no good feelings when meeting with the other party for the first time, is just a professional reminder, how can she care so much? So, seeing that the other party insisted on using that dangerous thing, she stepped back two steps, stood by the little girl's side and stopped talking, waiting for the other party to enjoy the ‘memories’ and leave here early.



A potion that can fall into memories after eating, Xiao Annie actually wants to try it!

However, after knowing that the potion was bitter, and that it smelled really bad from a distance, she pursed her mouth, quickly dispelled the idea, and began to wait curiously for the other party, waiting The bald uncle tried.

Moreover, she was wondering, should she secretly give the other party's dreams or memories or something to move their hands and feet to make the other party's memory a little deeper? That kind of thing must be very interesting, right?



"I hope it works..."

Calder, who looked at the two witches, one big and one small, in front of him, didn't think they would be disadvantaged to him, and he seemed not afraid that the other would be disadvantaged to him, so he raised his head and swallowed the whole big cherry. , Not afraid of being choked at all?

Then, after gently exhaling a mist-like steam in his mouth, he leaned deeply on the chair of the seat, and gradually slowed his breathing...



"It doesn't look so delicious... Sister Chloe, will he die?"



"I don't know! I hope not?"

After shaking his head, Chloe took a step forward and tentatively shook his hand in front of the opponent's eyes. After confirming that the other party had indeed entered the ‘memories’, he stepped aside boringly.

She originally wanted to sneak a peek into the memory of the other party, but after thinking that there was a little girl Anne beside her, she regretted that idea.

‘! ! ’


Suddenly, I didn’t know what was going on in the distance, but a steel rod flew It was so fiercely nailed into the forehead of the wizard hunter Calder, and directly Put the other party's head on the back of the box? !


!? (??\'\'????)??

"Sister Chloe, he will always die now, right?!"


When this happened suddenly, Little Annie was not surprised, but stared at the bald uncle who was nailed to the seat.

"who is it?!"

However, Chloe didn't have time to take care of a surprised little girl, but immediately took the other party and hid away.


(ノ??▽`)ノ???? Ask for a ticket??????(????`??)??????

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