Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 999: (?·??-)? Have you seen 3

A certain little girl was strolling on the street. She was walking to a place she was more familiar with. She planned to go to the place where the wizard was received and order another delicious and fun drink, and then she was about to prepare again. Went elsewhere to wander around.



(Dear master, you really don’t plan to continue playing here anymore. You want to change places in just a few days?

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

——Tibbers was obviously the first to learn about some of his little master’s plans, so when he was swaying a few centimeters above the ground with a bear paw, he suddenly asked nonchalantly Such a sentence. )

"People are already familiar with this shabby place, and there doesn't seem to be much fun here, why should people stay here?"

o(??^`)o hum!

Yes, for Annie, she has been to many cities in the earth world. In her impression, this place was either hit by aliens or about to be bombed by a nuclear bomb, or it was invaded by monsters or other messes. Attacked by gadgets... so that even if she didn't use Tibers's own navigation, she would not easily be here and would not get lost in this city!

and so,

Stayed here for a few days and played for a few days, so that the rotating hotel attendants and dedicated managers wanted to investigate themselves, a child who dared to live in the store by himself, and asked her to use it several times. After the confusion spell and a little impatient, she was finally ready to leave.

However, as the only place in this city in this world that makes her a little bit fun and interesting, she feels that before leaving, it is always worthwhile for her to come here again and take a look? Even though, the lady boss Chloe who takes care of her is not her friend?


|??)???? Is anyone here?

When a little girl hopped to the wizard's bar two days ago with her little bear Tibbs, it was quiet and very different from usual, and what she saw was actually It's just the boss sister Chloe who is sorting things and the partner Miranda of the other party. There are no guests at all?



Although this situation seemed a little strange, little Annie still jumped to the front of the bar, and supported the bar that was a little higher than her height. She squatted on top and revealed her head. Later, he asked the two boss sisters who seemed to be packing things in the bar:

"Sister Chloe, and sister Miranda who didn't learn well, what are you doing?"


"Are you planning to move?!"


Judging from the situation that the other party is packing those valuable things, it is clear that it is definitely going to move. However, Xiao Annie still asked such a sentence curiously.

Originally, she wanted to come here for a drink of those interesting witchcraft drinks before leaving the world, but now it seems a bit impossible, because the other party is already packing things and is about to leave here, for sure I can't do business anymore.


"So it's you, a naughty little guy, want to make trouble again?"

"Forget it, I don't have time to watch you. If you want to play, you can go there and find a place to sit casually. If you want to eat, you can wait. Later, we can have a meal together. Lunch, no charge!"

Miranda glanced at a little girl, then sighed, and continued to bend down to work on her affairs.

For the little girl who once again said that she didn’t learn well because of her tattoos and nose ring earrings, she didn’t want to worry about it...because ah, by tonight at the latest, theirs was originally open. The Prosperous Wizard Bar is about to close its doors! So, now she must pack up the valuables or the things that might be available earlier.


Would she go to another city to find a city with more wizards and open a new bar?

Of course, it is also possible to become a potion supplier, because she is very experienced in planting all kinds of herbs that can perform witchcraft and magic power, and even cultivated an extremely rare and forbidden Griffin. Fairy grass! It's just that the Griffin Fairy Grass was secretly sold by her a while ago, even Chloe didn't know it.

"Hi~! How are you, little Annie!"

"I thought you wouldn't be coming! But, as you have seen, we are now packing up and preparing to move. Now many materials have been destroyed, and we are not free. I am afraid that there is no way to receive you. ."

After regretfully throwing the two contaminated potions in the trash can, Chloe spread his hands and said to the little guy at the messy bar.



"But, well, why are you moving?"


Annie was a little puzzled. In the past few days she stayed here, the number of times she came here was not too small. Although the food here is not very delicious, at least it is still very interesting and unique, so she does not understand. Why is it that the door is closing suddenly?


"It's not because of the fault of that wizard hunter Calder? Since he came here two days ago and after a battle with the dark wizard Beria, there is no other wizard here who dares to come. We will not close the door. What can I do?"

She has a strange tattoo on her body, a lot of earrings on her nose and ears, and a non-mainstream witch with a little hair, Miranda grumbles angrily while packing her things.

Obviously, whether it is the wizard hunter Calder or the black wizards of Beria, the normal ones, or the decent wizards who live in the world of ordinary people, they are not willing and dare not to provoke! Especially after the rumors that the fourteenth-level wizard, the blind old wizard Max was attacked and captured and brutally killed by the murderous hand, came out yesterday, no wizard dared to come here!


Chloe, one of the bosses, didn't speak, just thinking about his own thoughts.

A lot of things have indeed happened in the circle of wizards these days, and now, a more terrible rumor is that the wizard hunter Calder killed the witch eight hundred years ago. Or it can be said that the terrifying guy with titles such as "Dark Witch", "King of Witches", etc., has been resurrected again!

Moreover, there are even wizards in this city who have photographed a withered witch tree that is suspected to be when a certain witch was resurrected?

So, knowing that New York is about to fall into the Maelstrom, and afraid of being worried by some people that he once hosted a wizard hunter, Chloe, who is afraid of getting into trouble, negotiated with his partner Miranda and decided to temporarily close theirs. This wizard bar, and then leave New York here early.

Although there are not many wizards who know that they have helped Alder the witch hunter and successfully recalled certain things to the other party, and the bearded Beria who attacked two days ago has also been repelled by the wizard hunter Calder. Even yesterday they were successfully killed... However, under all the horrible rumors, they had no business to do. They had no other choice except to close the door as soon as possible and leave this terrible vortex, because they It was just two ordinary witches, and there were very few ways to protect themselves.


"If you can, I hope you also go back to your own home as soon as possible, don't wander around, New York will soon become insecure!!"

After thinking about it wildly, Chloe, who felt that there was no better choice at the moment, continued to pack his things while persuading a little girl.

Fortunately, two days ago, she slaughtered the wizard hunter Calder fiercely. Now both Chloe and her partner Miranda are not short of money for the time being, so they even closed the door early. If I go to other cities, I am not afraid that there will be no financial resources or the capital to reopen in a short time.

"Why is it unsafe here? Although they think it's a little weird and boring, they think it's pretty good here..."


Originally, Little Annie stayed here a bit bored and wanted to leave and go wandering around in other worlds, but after hearing what the other party said, she became a little curious again.


"Annie, if you didn't let go of that big beard the day before yesterday, then we might not need to move now!"

It’s okay if the other party didn’t ask. When asked about this, Chloe stood up reluctantly and stared fiercely at someone who had climbed onto her bar and was sitting on it, and even planned to play with what she had placed on it. Those little girls with dangerous witchcraft raw materials glanced.



"Why can't you let him go? They are not very familiar with the two people who fought with them. They fight with them, and no one will help, just take a look. Isn't it OK?!"


Yes, two days ago, the bald scorpion and another bearded villain were pinched here to death. One of them was stabbed through the head by a steel drill, and then it was okay. After pulling out, he continued to talk Little Annie still remembers the fact that the other party went to sparring.

However, she didn't intervene too much at the time, she just stopped when the bad guy was about to burn the counter of someone else's house, and did a little favor to the bald head.

Later, the ending was obvious. Although the bearded black wizard was a bit small and powerful, he was definitely unable to withstand the immortality of others! Therefore, after the bearded villain was beaten up by the unbeatable bald mullet, he frankly ran away with a vine witchcraft...

Annie thought that the matter was over like that, after all, neither of them suffered too much, and it would definitely be wrong to continue to struggle! But who ever thought, now that the two of them seem to have caused something extraordinary?

"It's okay to let him go, but..."

"Hey! Miranda, the contents of that box are no longer needed. You can move it to the root of the window wall over there and pile it up!"

Seeing that Miranda was actually planning to fiddle with the waste box that she had classified, Chloe quickly reminded the other party before looking at a little guy who didn't seem to know what happened.

"You don't know yet? That guy, the bearded man who came here the day before yesterday to make trouble, died yesterday, in the hands of the bald wizard hunter Calder! But before he died, it is said that he had already Successfully resurrected the Great Witch?"

"So now we have to pack our things and leave the dangerous New York here, you better too!!"

While talking a little angrily, Chloe continued to pack his salute.

Because, I don’t know what’s going on. She now has a very strong hunch that something big will happen in New York soon. If she doesn’t want to be affected, it’s best to leave here early. , And the sooner the better?

"The Great Witch?"


"Who is she? Is she fierce? Is she fiercer than that bald-headed corn? Why are you so afraid of her?"


Although Annie herself originally wanted to leave this boring city, but now suddenly she heard what the other party said, she didn’t rush to leave, because she wanted to see what the so-called big witch was. What's the matter?

"The Great Witch is..."

'what! ! ’


‘G, Chloe! You, come and take a look! ! ’

Suddenly, just as Chloe was about to explain the seriousness and horror of that kind of thing to a little capable little witch, and asked the other party to leave New York early and return to the other party's own home, it was abruptly. , Miranda, who had just moved something by the window, fell out of the box and exclaimed at this moment?

"what happened?!"

Soon, some curious female boss and a little girl who likes to join in the fun ran to the window for the first time, stood next to each other, and looked into the distant sky following the other's astonished gaze. .



"Well, so many flies, it looks so disgusting..."


The dark things spreading in the sky must be hidden from Little Annie's eyes, and she could tell at a glance what it was.

Of course, she was not afraid, she just felt sick!

After all, it was a fly, and there were still thousands of flies, all of them dark in a large area and spreading to the entire city, like a terrible locust crossing, and this is always a favorite For the clean Queen Anne, it is obviously not too acceptable.

"Oh! God! Is that the method of the legendary witch? Is she trying to fight against ordinary people?!"

Chloe, the female boss who also saw that terrible situation, couldn't help but exclaim at this moment.

Because, in the distance, trillions of plague flies rushed into the sky, densely like layers of black clouds, covering the entire sky in an instant, and began to spread to the entire city, even far away here. A lot of black flies began to appear sporadically outside the windows of the Wizard Bar in an old neighborhood where the rent is relatively cheap?

Huh! Huh!

In panic, the two witches, Chloe and Miranda, who were barely reacting, responded quickly. They quickly closed the two windows that were still open before the terrible things flew in. It is to isolate those terrible black flies outside the bar.

"Over, over..."

"Miranda, the resurrection of the great witch may be true!"

"That's the Mali fly, that is, the plague fly! That big witch, she unexpectedly released the terrible witchcraft virus from here in New York 800 years ago. Does she really want to ruin the entire world?!"

You know, eight hundred years ago, the plague called the "Black Death" that swept across Europe killed nearly 25 million Europeans, accounting for 1/3 of the total European population at that time. Even more!

And now, eight hundred years after that great witch came back from the dead, only one day after the other party’s resurrection, he released that terrible witchcraft and released the plague fly in this huge international city. Does that monster really want to destroy the world? !

"Then, then what should we do? Is it too late to run now?!"

Obviously, it must be too late to go out or escape here when the flies start to spread throughout the city! If I had known that things would develop so fast and so rapidly, the two of them might have booked air tickets and left in the morning on the plane. Where would they stay for such a thing?

"I do not know……"

"But we better not go out?"

Yes, to hear the buzzing sound of those flies flying and the oozing sizzling sound of their wings hitting the glass, Chloe knew it without thinking, what if they were now If you dare to go out, you will definitely not end well!

Because, none of them knows that terrible thing, will they let them go just because they are wizards?



When the two witches were so scared that they only knew that they were standing in front of the window looking at the more and more terrifying black magic flies outside, a certain little girl looked at the'black fog' that was gradually spreading across the city. She wanted to say goodbye to the two of them and leave here. After tilting her head and biting her fingers for a while, she quietly backed up two steps, and then directly teleported, disappearing.


Seeing that a certain mad witch seems to be using that disgusting magic to destroy this place in New York, destroy this city with tens of millions of people, and even destroy all the creatures on the earth, she must be I won't just sit back and watch! !


The Wizarding Council, located in the center of New York City, was originally a prison for wizards and criminals. This place was disguised as a church. It had already been invaded by a stubborn plague tree. The walls, ground and original The entrances of these locations have all been invaded by the dark and yellow tree roots!

And when a little girl teleported here, all she saw was a dilapidated scene and flies flying in droves.

However, they didn’t dare to get too close to it, because they didn’t know what was going on. Any flies that dared to get close to her within two meters were terrifying to ordinary people and even wizards. The plague flies of witchcraft creatures spontaneously ignite one after another, and then bursts of small fireballs in an instant, which were completely burned out in a very short time, and they were still the kind that would not even leave ashes.




"Bald head, you are not dead yet? What's wrong, what's going on here, where is the big witch who is said to be very powerful?"


Carrying her own little bear, she walked inward until she reached a dimly lit place where there were no wizards who had been assimilated into the trunk that she saw on the pipeline. She finally saw a certain loss of immortality. At this time, he was nailed to a wall with a big bald head hanging. It seemed that his chest was broken by some kind of sharp weapon or claws. You can faintly see a certain heart beating in the chest diaphragm, and the blood dripping from the feet. In one place, but strangely still, a bald-headed bad bun.

Obviously, the other party just said that Chloe and Miranda in the bar just killed a certain dark wizard, but there is no wizard hunter Calder who can prevent the resurrection of the great witch.


He raised his eyelids feebly and glanced at a little witch standing in front of him. Calder panted heavily, but at this time he had lost his immortality and infinite body repair ability but he didn't have much energy to speak.


His consciousness is also a little trance, and if it were not for the arrival of the little girl and calling him in time, I am afraid that he would almost pass out gradually...After all, he has lost too much blood, and After being deprived of the curse of immortality, the discomfort of losing his power made him no longer the invincible wizard hunter before, and at the same time, he still felt that life was gradually leaving him.

Although some regrets, some unwilling...

However, he didn't care much about his death, and even faintly yearned for it? Because that is exactly what he has been looking for and unavailable for eight hundred years. He even wanted to end his life by himself before, but he couldn't succeed no matter what he did.


!? (??''????)??

"A bad guy is really dead?!"

(* ̄△ ̄*)

After looking at a miserable, bald-headed uncle who was hung on the wall and had his stomach broken, little Annie saw someone she didn’t like very much and looked a lot like someone she hated. Badass!

It's just that now the other party's face has become pale and pale, with his eyes wide open, lying motionless on the ground, it must be dead.


"He helped the Great Witch release the plague. I failed today..."

Finally, after accumulating for a while, the last wizard hunter Calder, who had accumulated a part of his strength, said weakly.

The day before yesterday, in the witch's bar, he figured out the cause and effect of the incident and beat the dark wizard Beria, and killed the opponent yesterday! But it is a pity that the witch is still resurrected! At the same time, after he was betrayed by Dolan 800 years ago, he was betrayed again by his 37th ‘Dolan’ today, which led to the tragic consequences now!

And the only thing that made him feel a little relieved was that the guy who betrayed him, the guy who had fought with the dark wizards and caused all the painful consequences so far, has fallen to the ground, and fell in front of him. The evil witch was tortured alive.


?? (??`▽????)

"Look, people have told you that he is not a good person, you still don't believe it!!"


If the bald-headed uncle could listen to him two days earlier, I am afraid it would not be so miserable now.

Of course, it may be useless to listen early, because besides the ability to immortal, this guy is an ordinary person at all. As long as he is a wizard with a little brain, it really shouldn't be too easy to deal with him!



"What do you want to say?!"


Seeing that the other party seemed to be struggling to speak, Little Annie was curious, blinked her eyes and got close to the other party. She tiptoed to the other party’s pitiful light head, and wanted to see the other party. What do you want to say.

'Be careful……'

‘Be careful...the big witch....’

A burst of anxious and intermittent words came from Calder, who was seriously injured and dying. However, he still seemed to speak a little slower?

Huh! !

A sharp claw like a vine slammed down from the back of little Annie. There is a tendency to cut her in half with a claw?



However, it is a pity that even if no detection methods were used, that kind of attack was still deftly avoided by Little Annie.


"You dirty bad guy, you still want to attack others?!"


As soon as she turned around, Little Annie finally saw the huge ugly, like a bunch of vines, like a withered lich, and more like the real body of a living "big witch".

She had always thought that the ‘Big Witch’, who had been legendary in this world for 800 years, was such a powerful creature. It turned out that it turned out to be an ugly monster similar to that between plants and liches? This made her feel the sense of expectation when she first came here suddenly.

"Little guy, that sword..."

"It, it can kill that big witch..."

Found that the little girl successfully avoided the big witch's sneak attack, and knew some of the little girl's abilities, Calder, who had seen the other party easily organize Beria two days ago, hurriedly said with his last strength.

And the sword he was referring to was undoubtedly the iron sword that fell to the ground, his legendary "Heikesenbain", the wizard's terminator sword, which was also killed eight hundred years ago. The Church Sword of the Great Witch!

‘Are you a witch? ’

"That's right..."

‘I feel the magic in your body...Come on, little girl, join us, destroy the stupid humans in this world, I will build a world that belongs only to my wizard...’

At this time, the big witch who had just tried to sneak attack also stopped, and walked out of those vine-like roots, tempted the little girl with her filthy and hideous face like a skeleton.

"Does an ugly monster like you still want someone to join?"


"Speaking of which you might not believe it yet!"

"People may already be the most powerful witch in your world! By the way, the bald scorpion is still the ugly monster over there. They seem to have not introduced themselves to you!"


"My name is Annie Hasta. She is a witch from the land of voodoo. At the same time, she is also an arcane archmage. She is the most powerful kind!"


Therefore, for the ugly big witch in front of her, she would not use the blessed broken sword that fell on the ground and not many people would pick it up!

After finishing talking, Little Annie looked at the ugly ugly witch with her extremely disgusting eyes, and looked at the ugly witch who looked like a lich and laughed.

Obviously, Annie was already thinking about it. She felt that their reputation as a witch must have been ruined by a guy like this who was thinking about destroying the world all day...


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

'Oh? Archmage? ’

‘Jie Jie...’

‘Do you want to resist like him? Just come, let me see your witchcraft... But I must remind you that your witchcraft is meaningless in front of me! Because your time is running out...’

Obviously, the self-introduction of Little Annie cannot be believed by the witch, so she is already thinking how to torture the little girl who dared to disobey her with a sneer, just like the one she was torturing accidentally 800 years ago Like the wizard hunter who killed her once?


∑(??△`)? !

"Are you misunderstanding?"

"People didn't think about resisting you, they were just playing! are right, you told me that a bad guy released so many flies, and time is really running out, so people think, Is it better to burn you earlier?"


After talking, Xiao Annie grabbed a group of shattered fire from her own hand.

‘! ! ’

"Ahhhhhhh~! ! ’

Later, when the shocked big witch at UU reading just wanted to make some resistance or counterattack, she actually howled miserably, and then soon, the whole person was not in the little girl. Before throwing the fireball, it was instantly burned into a mass of ashes and fell to the ground?



"People set fireballs just for lighting, why are you so anxious? If you burn a guy like you, do you need to throw fireballs there?

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Looking at the mass of ashes on the ground with disdain, just one thought of myself successfully burned down the other's little Annie, and under the lighting of the fireball in my palm, she walked to the mass of ashes and stretched out her foot. , Kicked away the opponent's body that was burned into red coke, and found the red heart that was still beating in it. She just left it on purpose, because she had seen through some bald uncle's body. All over.


Wonderful book house

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