Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1000: ?*??(???*)??*?

Time and the world are changing rapidly, and it will not be shifted by whose will, isn't it? When an irresponsible little girl once again left the world of the last wizard hunter and was about to wander into a new world, some changes that happened quietly were happening very subtle...

Because ah, no one knows the reason, maybe, it may be the consciousness of the world itself? Maybe, it could be that all the worlds where Annie has left her mark? Or, is her powerful force unknowingly affect each world, allowing them to brew and evolve in the direction they think is good for them?


Certain changes are happening quietly, no matter whether a little girl pays attention to it or not, whether she is intentional or unintentional, those changes are happening so suddenly in the world she's'favored'. And has caused the connection between the originally disconnected worlds to become extremely close?

For example:

At this time, on the night street of New York in a neon colorful world, a bald head in a gray cloth robe, that evil-looking and handsome little brother is talking with a decently dressed suit on his head. The heroic man with a crescent-shaped golden hoop and his hair bun stood together on the street, looking side by side at the magical vehicles coming and going and the whole colorful world with emotion.



"You said, was it really wrong for the teacher to take the three of you to worship the Buddha in the west with a donkey? Otherwise, why would God suddenly instruct and impose punishment, so that I waited for the teacher and disciples to live for this thousand years. After that, in the colorful world with their own monsters and monsters running rampant, but also ghosts?"

"Amitabha! Good, good, good!"

With his hands folded, Tang Xiaosang Tang Sanzang, who looked at the world full of stories in front of him, couldn't help but shook his head and sighed. He bowed his head and closed his eyes with a hint of excitement. A Buddha's name was announced.


"Come on, you still have the face to ask me! Who used to cry and clamor to fetch the Western Classics back then, but who can blame it now?"

The brawny man with a decent suit, a crescent-shaped golden hoop on his head and a bun sarcastically sarcastically said.

That's right, he is the famous supreme treasure, the master of the axe gang, plus the Monkey King, Bi Ma Wen, Monkey King and Monkey King who struggled with the Buddha two thousand years ago.

I remembered that the four of them and a donkey had finally reached the western sky, but they saw the grinning Li Gongfu waiting in front of the Da Leiyin Temple with a large army, patted his chest and promised that the other party had already said hello to the Buddha. , To ensure that the four of their masters and apprentices plus a small donkey will never be in the same situation when anyone dared to get in the way of studying the Buddhist scriptures and becoming a Buddha. He still remembers them all!

To be honest, if they knew that Xitian would eventually become the territory of the Song Dynasty, which scripture would they take?

Of course, that's something from before, not to mention!

"and also!"

"You bastard, how many times have my old grandson told you that I was your apprentice when learning the scriptures. That's right, that's a matter of principle. You really can't mess around!"

"But after learning from the experience, my old grandson is your uncle monkey! However, you have to call Uncle Bao... Principles belong to principles, generations belong to generations. Don't make a mistake, you little guy. Otherwise, go back to my old grandson and ask Thirty Niang to smoke you!"

"You know, back then, my old grandson personally changed your diapers for this guy who is not big or small, and chewed rice cereal to feed you. When you turn your face, you dare to deny people, and you dare to call my grandson directly. name?!"

He glanced at a certain Tang Xiaoseng who had shaved his head and looked even more handsome than his own axe gang leader, and a certain grandson monkey who had changed back to human appearance and was still wearing a decent suit. After the guy who defeated the Buddha tightly tightened his tie, he glared at the other person very uncomfortably, and at the same time corrected it righteously.


"Uncle Monkey, can we stop talking about the disgusting thing about chewing rice cereal, okay?"

"The Buddha Ami..."

After finally resisting the nausea urge, Tang Xiaoseng once again pronounced the Buddha's horn before he gave some advice to the grandson who could not change the monkey appearance even if he became human.


"Uncle Monkey, let's leave the second uncle pig or the third uncle Sha and the others privately and come here in this country of barbarians in the United States outside the East China Sea. Before we have time to tell them, will this matter be a bit wrong? Too friendly?"

in fact,

After studying the scriptures, it is rare to return to the four masters and apprentices who gathered on the edge of the West Lake in Qiantang County, plus the little donkey. Just let a certain thief use some supreme means to cross time and space, cross the world and arrive here with them. When the world was completely different from the Great Thousand World, their masters and apprentices were not here, but still on the bank of the same feasting West Lake Hangzhou.

However, later due to various reasons, Tang Xiaoseng and his Uncle Monkey came to this big American city after a somersault cloud of tens of thousands of miles, and stayed there for several days and until now.


"Oh! Your little donkey girl and the idiot and the bald sand monk have trouble finding those shops selling donkey meat on fire. What's wrong? I said little monk, are you seeing each other like three autumns? Don't let go of your transportation tool, the little girl, donkey, want to'ride' her again?"

"How about? I'm good at being an uncle, so I'll go and pick them up now?!"

A certain monkey felt that that kind of thing was not difficult, at most it was a problem of two somersaults, much faster than that of any plane! Anyway, as long as the guy with a facial expression around him nods his head, he will bring the three people over immediately, guaranteeing that it won't take more than a minute, and even if he loses if he exceeds it.


"No no no!"

"Amitabha! Good, good, good..."

"Uncle Monkey, you have taken the picture, the poor monk just talked casually, just talk about it, just by the way care about Uncle Pig and the others, why are you so serious?"

Seeing that the other party seemed to be really ready to fight Douyun and fly to the eastern land to the west, Tang Xiaoseng's heart was stunned, and then he was quick with his eyes, the golden Buddha light flashed in his hand, and he firmly grasped the other's wrist in the blink of an eye. , Dragged the opponent to the spot, anyhow he didn't let the opponent's somersault fight.


‘For so many years, I’ve been tired of riding donkeys and things like that. It’s about the same as his Bilian...’

"Oh, look at the memory of the little monk!"

"Uncle Monkey, the poor monk was so interrupted by you that he almost forgot to ask: Now that you have changed into this'human-like dog' suit, where are you going to be happy?"

He murmured bitterly, and remembered a little bit of the undestined Bilian, and a little bit of the gentle girl who followed her **** and shouted'Brother Tang' every day, Tang Xiaoseng sighed and shook his head quickly, and continued to ask his uncle Monkey with a smile.

"What are you talking about!"

"Huh! It's okay to tell you, because my grandson found a very nice night scene nearby today. I heard that it is very interesting, so I want to have fun tonight?!"

Monkey Sun didn't care about the questioning and sarcasm of his master and nephew, because he had already been used to it, so he directly and generously stated his own purpose.


"Uncle Monkey, we don't have money. Except for daily needs, you still don't use leaves to change that kind of colorful human heads, right?"

To be honest, Tang Xiaoseng felt that his uncle Monkey used leaves to change banknotes, and his lavish behavior was very bad. Although he didn’t show any mercy when he ate and drank, he always felt that he would There is a little bit of guilt.

Of course, it's just a little bit, not a lot... And every time, he only needs to announce the Buddha's name and it is finished, and it will not trouble him for too long. After all, after all, both of them have become Buddhas, and their every move has the deep meaning of the Buddha, so there is no need to be too entangled?

"If you don't need leaves to change it, what can you use to change it, can you use a stone?"

Subconsciously, he wanted to reach out and tear dozens of leaves from the green trees on the street, turning into a large stack of one-hundred-face-valued green Franklin banknote monkeys. He hesitated for a moment, and then turned his head inexplicably toward his back. Tang Xiaoseng asked.


"Amitabha Buddha, that's all! The stone is too heavy, and the poor monk feels panicked even if he carries it, so let's use leaves!!"

The stone is too heavy, and it is not easy to find on the street. There is no way. After thinking and thinking, Tang Xiaoseng quickly compromised because he felt that it would be better to use leaves to make banknotes. Carry a little?

"Then what are you talking about?!"

After snorting badly, a certain grandson monkey ignored the weird look of occasional passers-by, just dressed in a decent-looking suit, and began to pull forcefully on the tree by the street. A bunch of branches and leaves come down.

Then, I first looked around, and found that no one was paying attention to me, I quickly removed the branches and left only the leaves, and very unscrupulously directly threw those branches into the grass.


"Little monk, Uncle Monkey knows that you can't bear to change your own banknotes to deceive others, so Uncle Monkey has also changed your share. This is a hundred. You can save some money!"

A certain grandson monkey directly stuffed a thick stack of green banknotes into the cuffs of the bald Tang Xiaoseng's wide gray monk robe.

"Can't make it! Can't make it, Uncle Monkey!"


Although he said, "No use", Tang Xiaoseng didn't mean to refuse at all. Instead, he opened his cuffs thoughtfully, revealing the built-in universe bag in which things were placed, so that the other party could help him. Tuck it in.

In short,

Tang Xiaoseng himself certainly wouldn't be able to use tricks to change banknotes to deceive others, even if the opponent is a barbarian!

However, if someone else changes it...

For example, if his uncle monkey turned out and gave it to him kindly, then he would be disrespectful! Isn't that slang saying very well? : "Given by the elders, I dare not resign; I am disrespectful and deserve it?" So, in order to live up to his uncle Monkey’s kindness, Xiao Seng Tang had to reluctantly spend it.


"It's alright, Tang Xiaoseng, my grandson is really strange after two days in this world, so my grandson is going to Bengdi now, do you want to go with it?"

After speaking and giving the banknotes that the other party would definitely not starve to death, the monkey grandson, who felt different and incompatible, was ready to live his own nightlife.


Obviously, Tang Xiaoseng hesitated a bit, of course, maybe he wanted to be a little hypocritical?


"Forget it, my grandson has forgotten that you are a monk, so I definitely won't go! Because there are a lot of blonde fairies with top-notch figures in that night scene, so my grandson has to dress decently tonight. One point, in order to surrender them, so as not to be laughed at by them that my grandson came out of the mountain!"

After tightening the red bow tie on the suit shirt, and then patted the suit with the grass clippings and dust from the trees that had just been stained by the leaf pulling and turning into cash, a certain grandson planned to set off to carry out his That glorious and great cause of subduing demons and demons?

I think back then, when Xitian was studying the scriptures, all those female fairies were hooked up by the dog-like Tang Xiaoseng, but he was very angry! And now, they have come to this Huahua World, and it seems that they can't find a way back for the time being. Therefore, without some restraints, his axe gang leader is ready to resume some long-awaited old business. .


"Wait, Goku..."

However, when a certain monkey had just had time to turn around, he was yelled by his master and nephew, and then I don't know when, a big smooth and gentle hand grabbed his wrist firmly?

"Why? You call me "Goku" and I'll turn my face!"

"Let go! This is me... This is the famous watch "Parmigiani" that my old grandson used a tree branch to make. You can be lighter, don't break its image!!"

If the average person grabs it, he will definitely not be able to break the expensive suit on his monkey and the famous watch with a hundred-face-value leaf banknote that is said to be worth eighty-five wads!

However, if it is Tang Xiaoseng with mana, it will be different, because the other party is a true Buddha, and if one is not careful, it is really broken! Therefore, the matter of whether he can surrender the goblins tonight, he must not be cautious.


"Uncle Monkey, the Buddha said: If I don’t go to hell, who will go to hell? In order to subdue those barbaric fairies as soon as possible, in order to eliminate this materialistic, demons rampant, and still fascinating world of sprites, I gave up this form as a teacher today and accompany me. Go to that night market for a while!"

"Good, good..."

"Uncle Monkey, you can lead the way!!"

Putting his hands together, a certain Tang Xiaoseng instantly turned into a colorful beach outfit, with flip-flops on his feet, and a pair of sunglasses on his eyes, under the light of the supreme Buddha. A handsome bald guy with a shiny head.

This was a handsome barbarian dress he had seen before, so he did all the same, and as for the cloth shoes and leggings and the gray-brown mud turtle robe, he instantly disappeared. As the saying goes, in order to subdue those fairies, Xiao Seng Tang also gave it up.


"Little monk, be careful. I'll go back and tell my thirty mothers! Also, there are so many female fairies in your family, and the beautiful kings of the daughter country are watching you hard, why should you come and talk to my grandson? Dripping this muddy water, why go to grab those vulgar and vulgar fairies?"

"Could it be that along the way of learning from the West, haven't you provoke enough fairies?!"

Think about the way back then, whenever you encounter a beautiful female fairy, this thief-headed bald donkey must be the first person to pick up the Zen stick first!

And when it comes to difficult, or those with magic weapons, this bald thief is either shouting that his arms are sore or that his waist and legs are hurt... Now, after so many years, the other party is provoking so many fairies and still making noise After getting restless at home, the girl didn't even know how to converge?

Therefore, he, as the elder of the other party, felt that it seemed necessary to mention and correct some of the other party's evil deeds? Besides, they have all become Buddhas now, but they are all people with identities, and they can no longer go around indiscriminately as they did in the past. They always have to take a little bit of face.


"It seems that Uncle Monkey is still in sight...what is'provoking', and why do you say'provoking'?"

"Don’t you hear, “Bodhi has no tree, and mirror is not a platform. There is nothing in the first place. Where can I get the dust?” If I become a Buddha, what can be contaminated? Besides, it is written in the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra. :'Looking is emptiness, emptiness is lust','The color of wine passes through the intestines and the Buddha sits in his heart'?"

"So Uncle Monkey, you have to know that all dharma is like a dream bubble. Only by understanding the mind can you see the nature, and only by following the original mind can you prove bodhi. Do you understand?"

Seeing that the other party didn't even intend to take himself, seeing that the other party had moved out of his own mother, plus those fairies who don't know which world they were in, Tang Xiaoseng was so embarrassed, and then he wanted to understand some things. Soon he was bold and started to argue with the other party.

After chatting wildly, he looked at the man in front of him with that meaningful look, which seemed a little dumbfounded, and because he didn't read books, he was unwise, and because he didn't read Buddha, he didn't know Zen.

I was nurtured by a certain powerful young lady since I was a child, and instilled a lot of messy knowledge. When I grew up, I still wanted to match other people's Tang Xiaoseng because I was not annoyed by the childhood sweetheart Bilian. Ye Buzheshen! And now he has finally come into this strange world of flowers, how could he stop and continue to subdue the demons?


"You little thief is bald and cunning! Let go! My old grandson believes you a ghost! Go find other places to play by yourself, don't follow my grandson all day!!"

He spit on the opponent, a certain monkey patted hard, and he planned to shake off the opponent's hand, and prepared to run away alone. Resolutely not to bring a certain face value may be slightly stronger than his own, and it is also possible The dead bald donkey who would kill halfway and **** his own fairy.

after all,

The other party is rich now, and the city is so big and there are so many night markets. Wouldn't the other party find a place on their own? Moreover, the opponent is now a Buddha, with vast magical powers, and with an immortal golden body, so he can't die easily. He doesn't need him to defend and protect the opponent by fighting against the Buddha all day long.

"Uncle Monkey!"

"I have become a Buddha, and I am a Buddha! If you stop me, you are a demon!"

Since he could run to get the scriptures without Bilian, and can bear to look at the stinky boy who married Xu Xian's family, what is he afraid of now? Therefore, seeing a certain dead monkey planning to eat alone, Tang Xiaoseng threatened him viciously.


"The wings are hard, and I want to fight with your uncle monkey? Tsk, kid, it's not that my old grandson looks down on you. If you talk about that kind of falsehood or chanting, my old grandson thinks he's not your opponent. You small body, my grandson doesn't need to use the golden hoop, do you believe it?"

Seeing that the other party dared to play sideways with him, the grandson monkey dressed up like a dog took a step back, and after taking a lot of time to look up and down, he shook his head and said regretfully.

"Amitabha, good and good..."

"Uncle Monkey, if that's the case, you can go! Don't worry, as a teacher, I will definitely not tell Aunt Jingjing secretly. I dare to promise you in the name of Buddha..."

Seeing that the other party was so determined that he was not ready to take him to the waves, Tang Xiaoseng became anxious, and then his heart was fierce, and his mouth was anxious, and he blurted out something like a dream whisper.

However, as to whether it was just a verbal threat, or he was ready to put it into practice, only he himself would know.


"Good! Good! Good! Tang Xiaoseng, count you ruthless!!"

Trembling and pointing to the other party, Monkey King Monkey and a certain gang leader who thought of some terrible things finally stunned, and then threw his hand bitterly, then hung his head, turned quietly and began to lead the way.


Seeing that his goal had been achieved, and seeing that the other party was not going to run to "destroy demons and demons" by himself, Tang Xiaoseng, who was ecstatic, put his hands together again and announced the Buddha's horn again, and he hurriedly said, "Go!" Click! He dragged his beach flip-flops, and chased after the dog-like uncle monkey in front.

‘Uncle Monkey, are there really fairies in that night market? ’


A certain monkey answered weakly, and he regretted telling the other party.

'how many? ’

'a lot of…….'

There are indeed many, but whether they can surrender or not depends on their respective abilities, otherwise, his monkey will not change into a suit and a famous watch. Originally, he still wanted to get a car, but he hadn't learned how to drive yet, so he had to give it up temporarily.

"What kind of fairy? ’

‘The kind that bulges forward and curls back, and the clothes don’t have the body...’

‘Good, good, what kind of style is this? ’

‘What are you going to do? ’

‘Uncle Monkey, the little monk must surrender them tonight and guide them to take refuge...’


In this way, the two are not big or small, not like masters and disciples, nor like uncles and nephews. They hooked up on the street and talked about topics of mutual interest, while walking towards their destination. .


It's just that when they were just about to continue discussing the major issues of subduing demons and accumulating merit, someone suddenly stood up from the street and called them:




I don’t know how far I have traveled, maybe one block, maybe two?

Anyway, at this moment, when the two turned around the corner, suddenly, two guys on the street wearing black suits and also wearing sunglasses at night suddenly stepped out and shouted Tang Xiaoseng and Monkey King. It's just that, as if they hadn't heard it, they continued to think about their own thoughts, and continued to walk forward.


"The first two are talking about you, and you can stop me!"


"Can you wait a moment?"

Seeing that the two people actually ignored their own dissuasion and ignored them, Coleson and Melinda looked at each other before they shook their bodies, and stood up to the two weird people again at an extremely fast speed. Before, and reached out again to stop and stop the opponent.


"Who are you?"


"Amituo Buddha..."

Reluctantly, Monkey Sun and his Tang Xiaoseng looked at each other, and then all said in unison.

Of course, it was only a grumpy grandson monkey who asked, and Tang Xiaoseng, who looked like a bald-headed boy brother now, just announced the Buddha's name with one hand, and did not pay too much attention to the two in front of him.

Because, forget the half-bald man, as for the fairy next to him...

Okay, that's not his fairy, because the opponent has only murderous aura and evil aura, and is entangled in cause and effect without any demonic aura, so he thinks that it should not be the target of his Tang Xiaoseng's responsibility. I didn't plan to manage more, even if the other party were to sink into hell, I'm afraid they can only let the other party go!


"That's it. We belong to the Bear Shield. You have been in our city for several days. We have also quietly observed you for a period of time. Can we talk?"

After seeing that the two had no ill-talking, and no intention of attacking, Coleson relaxed a little.

"For example, which planet did you come from?"

"Also, don't you know that the Earth has now been taken over by our Bear Shield? If the two are here for vacation, they need to go through quarantine and registration first..."

After explaining his intention and identity, Coleson sighed in his heart.

Because, I don’t know what’s going on recently. They actually discovered that there are many worlds that overlap each other, just like the same earth has different dimensions and different worlds? Anyway, the Bear Shield hasn't figured it out yet, and the Academy of Sciences of the Heroic Federation in the Kepulu region, which is closely connected with them, has also failed to figure it out!

and so,

There have been many weird people in this world, and many of the heroes and ordinary people in this world themselves have disappeared somehow, and now they are in distress, they can only bite the bullet and be busy around the world, and or capture , Or surveillance, or as it is now, start to come into contact with these outsiders who do not know why and why they break in unexpectedly?


"Little monk, what is Bear Shield?"

A certain monkey said that he never knew that there was such a thing called'Bear Shield', so he was puzzled, so he looked at someone next to him who claimed to have been familiar with the Four Books, Five Classics and other miscellaneous books since he was a child, and he could recite silently. Song Dynasty true Buddha eminent monk with thousands of Buddhist scriptures.

"Never heard of it, but it sounds like the government of this world?"

Tang Xiaoseng also said that he was fairly familiar with the things along the Great Song Dynasty and the Western Heavens, and had some friendship with those female elves, female kings, and princesses... But for this one in a different world outside the ocean. He really doesn't know the government here in the United States.

Think about it, too, they traveled one hundred and eight thousand miles to the Great Leiyin Temple in the West to get the truth, and at most they spent a few large rivers, but they absolutely never crossed any vast ocean.


"Can you tell me? We are not malicious, because we know you have some magical abilities, and we are very curious about where you came from. This is our routine work...Of course, there are some other things. Registration and precautions, can you spare some time?"

After looking at each other with Melinda, he saw that the other party took out an instrument and began to analyze and scan the powerful and weird energy fluctuations on the two of them and began to record, then Coleson took off his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. , Smiled and asked with a more kind and friendly expression.

Although the contact this time was a bit sudden, he couldn't take care of that much because of the busy work recently.

"Two donors!"

"Our master and apprentice came from the Eastern Soil and the Great Song Dynasty, and want to go to the Western Heaven to worship Buddha..."

Subconsciously, Tang Xiaoseng, who was already familiar with the cross-examination of certain officials and road tyrants, almost uttered the words he used to say... But fortunately, the monkey on the side nudged him with his elbow. He quickly came over.


Realizing that the experience of studying the scriptures in the west had such a great influence on him, Tang Xiaoseng sighed, and hurriedly folded his hands together and whispered the Buddha's name.



Colson and Melinda moved in their hearts, and then silently looked at each other.

Obviously, for the two of them who have no obstacle to communicating with any country in the world, any language, or even with aliens, they have already judged some preliminary judgments from the keyword terms such as "donor" and "Amitabha" that the other party just said. There is valuable information!

However, they don’t know exactly where and where the "East Tu Da Song" is....

"Well, two!"

"If you can, can you go back to our New York branch to register with us?"

"Please don't be nervous, please trust us, it won't delay you too much time, we have no other meaning, as long as you make sure that you are not in any danger, explain some things to note to you, and then explain to both of you. After our world, we will definitely issue passes to you."

"Look, my car'Laura' is parked over there, can you come with us?"

As he stretched out his hand with a smile, Coleson snapped his fingers, and then soon his sulky red roadster drove over by itself and stopped on the curb beside the four.

Because the two of them are not like the big trespassers, and they have never hurt anyone. This is the main reason why the two leaders of the Bear Shield can come here to contact each other! Therefore, when he found that the other party was good at communicating, and felt that talking on the street was not good, Coleson invited him.

This is the two of them. If they are replaced by other guys who are unreasonable and arrogant, I am afraid that the special affairs strike team of the Bear Shield will be ushered in, or even more severe revenge. The alliance is now.


"Little monk, shall we follow?"

As the saying goes, you don’t hit smiley people with your hands. So, seeing the two guys are polite, and they sound like government officials, so, frowning, a decently dressed person who can’t make up his mind turns into a human-like monkey. He turned his body sideways and asked softly towards Tang Xiaoseng next to him.

He himself certainly did not want to go, he did not like the government, nor did he like the people in the government! You know, his reincarnation body is a bandit leader, and he is very taboo against the government. Even if he has realized the epiphany and obtained the memory and abilities of the Monkey King Monkey, some subconsciousness is still difficult to get rid of.


"Uncle Monkey, Master does not want to deal with the official uniforms of this world. Master now only wants to subdue demons and demons. Or, you should lead the way directly. Let's first subdue those gossips that you mentioned. ?"

To be honest, when he went to Xitian to learn the scriptures, his Tang Xiaoseng was fed up with all kinds of cross-examinations with the government departments, toll road tyrants, and cool officials who made difficulties along the way. He didn't need to look at the expressions of the officials, and he didn't need to stamp the urn on the duo. The class didn't want to pay attention to the two people in front of him.

Now that his Tang Xiaoseng has finally become a Buddha, where will he be bound by these worldly mortals and restrictions? You know, apart from his old mother, even the Buddha can't control his Tang Xiaoseng, and he has always opened his eyes and closed his eyes! !

"No problem! I change!"

‘Good, good...’

After a handsome man in a well-dressed suit snapped his fingers and a bald-headed butter boy bowed his head to announce a Buddha's name, soon after Coleson and Melinda were stunned, the two of them blinked like that. Disappeared.


"Damn it! Colson, where are they?"

The target disappeared out of thin air, Melinda immediately became anxious, and then hurriedly put away the instrument in her hand, turned around and searched.


"I don't know. Neither the anti-stealth device of the Ghost suit nor the detection module on the universal tool detected them. It shouldn't be stealth, like some kind of ability to transfer positions?"

"Melinda, I'm afraid they have left now, not here anymore..."

Coleson frowned and quickly manipulated his left wrist, turned around and swept around within a 100-meter radius, and quickly gave up reluctantly, not planning to do that again. Things doomed to be futile.

"Then what shall we do now?"

"Or, let's call the Special Affairs Strike Team and ask them to take those two guys back directly, and then ask?"

Although the manpower of the Bear Shield is so short that they have begun to borrow a lot of people from Inhumans and Special Police X... However, now that the two of them came out this time and returned without success, Melinda felt a little upset. At the same time, he felt cruel and planned to be **** the two people just now.

Because this earth is their earth, for those strange outsiders, if they cannot communicate normally, for the safety of this world, the best way is to catch them, or eliminate them altogether?

"Do not……"

"Forget it, Melinda, the two of them are at least relatively honest, not like the kind of inability to communicate, and they are not the kind of dangerous people who come to wantonly rely on their ability, then continue to observe!"

"Anyway, as long as they are still on the earth, they don't have to run, so let's go back first. It's been a tiring day."

After thinking about it, Coleson, who felt that it might be useless to continue to pester, decided to do this for today’s probing contact, and then wait until their agents collect more information from the two. After knowing more, go to formulate a practical and reliable action.

"God! I almost forgot!"

"Melinda, how about the two-headed ogre that we managed to catch a few days ago? How is it now?"

After shook his head, Coleson sighed and was about to go back. Suddenly he remembered that they had spent a lot of effort a few days ago, and even dispatched the Avengers to successfully subdue and capture the one with superior combat power and still Magic two-headed ogre.


"What else? Just shut it up!"

Melinda spoke badly, and took the lead in turning around to open the door of Coleson, sat on the co-pilot of Coleson's baby sports car "Laura" and fastened her seat belt.

"Oh? Hasn't it been dealt with yet?"

Coleson also hurriedly followed, and took the driving seat.

He knew the two-headed ogre, ordinary light weapons were completely ineffective against it, and coupled with the terrible magic of the opponent, it caused quite a stir at the time.

"Can't handle it..."

Melinda leaned her head on the pillow of the seat, then sighed quietly.

"Why can't it be handled?"

"Because... it said it knew our little Annie!!!"


"No way?"

Coleson said that he was a little unbelievable. He felt that the kind of cruel and squalid creature that was still full of foul smells shouldn't be a creature favored by a little guy.

"Why not?"

"It says it is the general of the ogre of the Defias Republic, and their queen is Vanessa Van Cleef, and its queen has a good relationship with our little guy, and the Defias Republic is Azeroth From the Sri Lanka Empire, that little guy is the emperor of the empire and the cute lord of the Flame Alliance, so no one dares to touch it for the time being, he can only lock it up first!"

Melinda was still angry at the thought of this.

In order to catch the two-headed ogre that suddenly appeared and made a fuss in the city, they took a lot of effort to bear the shield, but as a result... after defeating the opponent, they finally found that the opponent was very likely. Is it an ally?

"But it's illegal to eat people!"

Although knowing that the other party cannibalized people for a reason, Coleson felt that the other party's cannibalism was wrong, and the impact was too bad. No matter what the outcome, they definitely couldn't let the other party leave easily.

"So we lock it up now!"

"How to deal with it, I don't know for the time being. Anyway, just keep it closed. Now the chief is still having a headache for other things. There is something to bother about that ugly guy?"

After pressing a button and adjusting the seat, Melinda waved her hand weakly and motioned to Coulson to drive the car back because she was tired and came out most of the night. She was not in a good mood when she ran the task and failed in the end.

"By the way, what's its name? That guy seems to be quite magical. Even Tony Stark was beaten enough by it without defense. If it weren't for Thor, I'm afraid it would be true. It will burn a lot of blocks away!"


"The name of the leader of the ogre seems to be called Grabtok?"

It took a long time for Melinda, with her eyes closed, to recall the name that was a little slurred.


Nodding, seeing that his companion was already tired, Coleson stopped asking more questions, but started to start the car.


"I said Laura, can you let me drive by myself?"

‘I’m sorry sir! ’

‘Laura Autobot refuses your order...’

‘But don’t worry, Laura will let you come home comfortably. ’



Seeing that Laura raised the hood on her own initiative and began to merge into the traffic in the New York City area, Coleson had no choice but to let go of the steering wheel of her car and let it go smoothly and comfortably. The super-high speed is fast moving forward in the traffic, and from time to time, it overtakes the high-tech sports cars in front of them. Many of those who are behind them who don’t know where they are rich press angrily. Horns...



In the Caribbean Sea, in the huge palace of the Five Fireball Gods, a little girl is lying on her throne with a frustrated face, holding a communicator in her hand with those from the Bear Shield and those from the Kepru District The high-levels are conducting video communications across the plane.



"I see! They are now looking for the cause? Can you please stop worrying? Don't worry, they will definitely speed up you after you find the cause!"

??(?? ̄?? ̄?)????



"I see, just call if you can't solve it. They won't go anywhere during this time. They will definitely help you solve the trouble in time, I promise! In the name of Little Bear!!"






"Okay! Okay!"


"Isn't there that main god? People will let it help coordinate, you should rest assured now?!"

?ヽ(#`Д′)╭? Click!

Anne, who was a little impatient with the endless meetings, was annoyed and jumped directly from her throne, and turned off the communication at once! Then, she began to turn around, and began to study the magical image entangled by worlds that was realized in front of her.

For a long time, it seemed that there was no good way to separate them ‘safely’, so she became annoyed, waved her hand in shame, and turned it off directly to avoid seeing her and save herself from worrying.

(Dear little master, haven't you found a way for so long?

(● ̄(?) ̄●)

——Seeing the actions of his little master, Tibbers thoughtfully jumped up from the table and ran awkwardly to the other side and asked. )

"Don't bother me!"


"Anyway! Tibbers, I don't want to worry about it now, I don't want to worry about it!!"


The messy worlds are entangled together, and even countless earths and universes overlap in different dimensions and even have some intersections. It is not so easy for her to slowly sort out these worlds... …And if you have to use brute force to separate, it is likely to cause huge damage or even a complete collapse of a certain world and death of many, many people?

So, little Annie, who was unable to do anything for the time being, was ashamed, so she decided to leave it alone and plan to observe for a while before talking! Anyway, now this whole bunch of worlds belong to her. This seems pretty good, doesn't it?

That's right, the best solution Xiao Annie currently thinks of is: just let it go! If it's a bit ugly, it's just being ignored! To put it nicely, would it be necessary to'secretly observe' first?


ε=(′?`●))) alas


∑(′△`)? !

"Sister Iluvita? Ah! It's been a long time since I saw you. Isn't he better than you now? Hey hey..."

ヾ(*′ー`*)? ゛ Thank you?

"Why did your Middle-earth world be annexed? No one knows..."

ヽ( ̄ω ̄〃)ゝ



"You said that many people in your place have disappeared, and there are many strange guys?"




"I know, I'll let someone deal with it..."

…(__)ノ|Wall reflection

"That Gandalf is gone? Hmm! Hmm! I will pay attention, if someone finds him, they will tell you!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Good! Goodbye~!




"It seems that things have become bigger..."


I just ended the call with the Bear Shield and the Kepru District, and I was caught by the master of Middle-earth who was annexed to his own world without knowing why. Little Annie, who came to the door for a conversation, just ended the call, she lay directly on her throne of the five fireball gods and rolled.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(It’s definitely useless to call it Tibbers, because Tibbers will only give some bad ideas at best. As for the deep knowledge of the worlds and universes, the knowledge above the Creator, It's a shadow bear that can't even learn a magic, it must be powerless.)

"Forget it! Forget it! Let's sleep!"


I don’t understand Little Annie, who thought and thought for nothing, finally felt that she had to forget it, so she pulled a quilt and shrank it directly inside, ready to pretend to be an ostrich! If she can't see the troublesome things, maybe, she won't feel a headache, right?

Anyway, it's useless for anyone to come to her now, she definitely has no safe and effective way to solve that super troublesome problem! !

For example: a certain Tang Xiaoseng who did not learn well went to the world of Huo Huo Xiong Shield to find a goblin to fight; a certain man named Gandalf, who was actually a melee and violent mage disappeared; and a certain fellow named Tim Million What does it matter to her if she has to go to other people's houses and grow mushrooms everywhere?

You know, Queen Anne herself is also a victim. Now she has two big heads. What can she do? Could it be true that she would use brute force to pull out those worlds with signs of integration recklessly? !


?*??(ˊ?ˋ*)??*?? What do you know??*??(ˊ?ˋ*)??*?

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