Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1001: o(???)o mention 0 million, don’t run away, okay, people...

The world of Bear Shield...

The night is beautiful tonight, because the round moon is hanging high in the dark and quiet night sky, and the bright moonlight shining from the reflected stars covers the entire land, even in the wild without street lights. The straight asphalt roads can be seen clearly without car lights.

At this time, a long line of black SUV convoys were racing on this remote road outside the city with a distance of less than 20 meters.

There were no other cars on the road that had been blocked in advance, so that they were able to sprint at a speed of nearly 120 kilometers per hour, passing by the farms with closed gates and guarded by the police. With the block of roads, he galloped towards the outer forest area.

at last,

Towards the end of the night, in a dense forest outside Washington, the bear shield bears the black ferocious steel bear head badge, the hood exudes hot waves of riot SUVs and two The medical transport plane hovering in the sky finally reached their destination, and cooperated with the agents who had already been here to completely surround this large area of ​​dense forest.

Then, the elite agents wearing Kevlar anti-riot armor, holding a rifle, tactical spare parts inserted in the tactical vest, and fully armed with a bear shield badge, rushed out of the car one after another. The dense forest, about a mile in diameter, was completely blocked along the highway.

Countless black SUV headlights turned on their high beams and shone on the large dense forest that still looked dark under the bright moonlight, completely illuminating its periphery! Corresponding to this are the dark barrels pointing in the direction of the dense forest. At this time, once any unknown person or animal rushes out of it, it will definitely be baptized by the terrible metal storm. .


These heavily armed agents have received a strict order from above: no living thing shall be allowed to leave their encirclement, whether it is an animal on the earth, or a strange species from an alien or other world!

Ugh~! !

There were bursts of ‘buzzing’ in the sky. It was the kind of whistling and low engine noise made by a huge medical transport plane circling flying through the air.


When the medical transport plane donated by the Hero Federation of Kepulu was dropped into two teams with a gravitational tube, a total of 18 ghost agents, the Bear Shield armed personnel responsible for guarding the periphery Knowing that a hunting activity against aliens is finally about to officially begin!

Next, the ghost agents of their Bear Shield are about to get into the dense forest and arrest or kill the nasty short-haired mouse that made them lose face in the Bear Shield!

That's right, it seemed to them that that body was only one size bigger than a squirrel, and he was still wearing clothes. The little guy in the hat was a hairy mouse! At most, maybe it can be regarded as an alien mouse person?


"Coelson, I said, is it really necessary for us to mobilize people like this today? Can't we talk to him first?"

"Maybe there is some misunderstanding in this?"

Last night, the contact mission, which was not too successful, was just finished, and today he was coming from New York to arrest a dangerous alien here outside Washington. This made Melinda, who was on the field mission for a week, started to feel A little bit of weakness and overwhelming feeling

To be honest, the continuous and high-intensity tasks that have made her, a woman with the title of'Iron Cavalry', feel a little tired now...Presumably, other members and agents in the Bear Shield must also be Same as her.

Therefore, seeing such a big movement made by Coleson here, seeing that two medical transport planes, hundreds of anti-riot SUVs and hundreds of agents were also moved, Melinda couldn’t help. Feeling a little surprised and speechless! With such strength and configuration, she felt that at least more than half of the agents in Washington would have gathered. If it weren’t for the current Bear Shield family, and no country or organization could fight them, they would use such a large scale. The armed forces, I am afraid that members of Congress and the National Guard must have opinions.


"You may not know if you haven't read the mission record. In fact, our agents have already tried it."

"But, I don’t know why, that creature, it showed a strong hostility to us humans: before the exchange between the two sides had begun, it suddenly gave us the two agents who went there, one person and one person. Arrow, they are still in the medical cabin now, I am afraid they will not be able to get out without a day or two!"

Yes, they were sent to contact the wretched-looking, small-sized, but basically the two Bear Shield level 3 agents who are basically the "rat people" of intelligent creatures. One of them has eyes blind, already I can't see anything at all!

And the other agent was dying of torture by the poison of the poison arrow...

After the opponent attacked, the Bear Shield SUVs that were in charge of providing support and the agents went to chase for granted, and then soon they were blown up by the opponent using unknown means and poisoned a lot. After more than a dozen detectives and a better number of police officers, when the matter was completely upset, Coleson had to arrange the encirclement as soon as possible, and drive and encircle the other party. In this dense forest outside the city.

Now, they need to catch or kill each other as much as possible before they cause more serious consequences! And this is their main purpose for mobilizing people and coming here tonight!

"OK then!"

"You can order now, I hope everything goes well..."

Looking at the time at hand, although I faintly felt that tonight's activities would not go smoothly, but after thinking about it, Melinda didn't say much.

However, as a senior member of the Bear Shield, she did not choose to go in with the ghost agents of the two teams, nor did she use a universal tool to summon her own ghost suit, instead she just leaned against the SUV beside her. , Holding his arms and waiting for Coleson to give orders to the ghost agents in those two rows.


"Ghosts! You must have seen the description of this mission and the enemy many times on the transport plane, so I won't repeat it here!"

"Get ready to go!"

"You will be divided into two teams, fumbling in from the left and right directions, you will find or catch it at all costs! Remember, it is very dangerous, will be invisible and very good at using toxin attacks and that special weirdness. Landmines, so I allow you to use lethal force when necessary!!"

'Yes! Sir! ’

‘Yes! Sir! ! ’

After Coleson issued orders and requirements, as the ghost agents of the two teams of eighteen people responded in unison, soon, they started to activate the invisibility function of the ghost suits one by one, and set up their respective captains. Under the leadership, following the rustling sounds and the slight movement when the grass was shaking, the eighteen elite ghost agents trained by the Bear Shield and the two special mission strike teams quietly sneaked in. Inside that dense forest.

At the same time, above the dense forest, the two medical transport planes are still hovering constantly in the sky, so as to provide necessary medical assistance and support on radar scanning of the battlefield to the ghost agents who enter the dense forest to search for the enemy at any time.

"Coleson, can we successfully catch it?"

"I do not know……"

"I don't know? It's not like your style of being so unconfident... But what if it really runs away?"

"Just run, but you can't let it run into the city anyway!"

"That's hard to say!"

"Melinda, you also know that it will be invisible, and ordinary infrared detection equipment can't easily detect it, and it will also put that kind of weird invisible mushroom, which will blow up like a landmine! If it runs away If you go to the city center or run to the White House and throw that kind of mushrooms, it will be scary and deadly!!"

"Is it that smart?"

"I don't know, but it was wearing clothes, holding a backward blow arrow in his hand, and overturned our entire team of agents and several cars!"

"God! I hope they can successfully catch it..."

"Yes, I hope!"

"It's not very big here. There are satellites and our medical transport aircraft in the sky to provide radar support. I think there will be results soon. Wait patiently. It should not be able to escape."

"That's the best!"

The two stood silently beside an SUV with its headlights on, looking at the outer forest that was illuminated by the headlights as bright as daylight, and after a few brief exchanges, they stopped talking. Just so silently and the armed agents who were waiting in the surrounding area were on guard and listening to the news on the channels of the two groups of ghost agents.


What they don’t know, whether it’s Coleson or Melinda, is that their every move, including the deployment of troops and the two ghosts of the team, has already been pursued by their'enemies', or it can be said that they have been hunted down by them. The object, the alien "rat man" was seen in his eyes and remembered in his heart.


‘Reconnaissance is over! ’

‘The enemy has six hundred and twenty people, of which 18 are coming in stealth. There are 123 suspected Hextech vehicles on the periphery, and two unidentified aircraft in the sky, with a certain degree of anti-stealth scanning capability...’

'Humph! ’

‘Want to catch me? But never underestimate the power of the scout's discipline! ’

far away,

On a branch of a big tree, a large'squirrel' standing steadily on the branch and concealed stretched out the single-tube telescope in its hand, watching the actions of the giants surrounding it. And seeing that they had sent two teams of guys who seemed to be invisible and mobile for a long time into the dense forest, it sneered, gently put away the single-tube telescope in its hand, and stuffed it around its waist. In a small leather tube.

'come on! Evil giants! ’

‘Let Captain Timo tell you: Sometimes, body size doesn’t tell you everything! ! ’

As soon as he turned around, Captain Timothy, the furry "mouse man", showed his figure. Then, he was like a real squirrel among the branches, jumping, tumbling and moving quickly. After a few strokes, it was so fast, using a speed many times faster than a normal squirrel, like lightning, disappeared in the blink of an eye, and didn't know where it went.


At this time, I was sneaking carefully, maintaining my invisibility. Apart from seeing the footprints of the rotting leaves gently sinking into the ground and the sound of the branches and leaves swaying slightly when passing through the grass, the ghost agent team was silently ahead. Go and search.

They gradually groped into the middle of the dense forest from the left and right directions, and they must be able to find their enemy soon.

At this time, in their channel, the channel that had been silent finally began to emit the subtle voices of the team members:


'team leader! ’

‘In the dense forest, it seems that the performance of the ghost suit is not suitable, the movement we made is too obvious! ’

‘I know it! ’

'Be careful, everyone, try to avoid the decaying leaves, grass, and dead branches. The enemy should be nearby. It looks like a kitten. Pay attention to the ground above your head. Maybe it Will hide in some mud pit! ’


‘Sir! We can’t avoid it. There are thick layers of leaves and weeds that are as high as one person everywhere. Unless we stand still and wait for it to come to the door, we can’t avoid it...’

‘It’s so obvious, behind us are rows of footprints...’

‘Try to be light! ’

‘The equipment of the ghost agents is really not suitable for the same level of confrontation in the dense forest environment. We don’t know... But the enemy will also be invisible. Apart from us, there is really no one who is more suitable to perform this capture and strike mission. ’

‘Number Three! ’

‘Turn on the close-range thermal scanning and anti-stealth device, can it be scanned? ’

‘Report sir! Can't! ’

‘What about the scan feedback from satellites and medical transport aircraft? ’

‘Neither found it! ’

‘Will it dig a hole and hide under the ground? ’

'No way? ’

‘Why not, it’s just a mouse! ! ’


‘! ! ’

"Sir! I found it, it's one hundred and twenty meters away to the west!!"

'Be careful! The second team slowly surrounds it, don't be surprised! See if you can catch it! ’

'understand! ’

‘The second team received it! ’

‘Be careful of the ground! ’


There was a faint muffled noise, something seemed to explode.

"Wow~! ’

‘Watch out for, it’s at six o'clock! ! ’

‘Uh~! I can't see it! ! ’

clatter! clatter! clatter!

‘Stop! Don't shoot! ’

'what! ! ’

‘Damn it! It's gone again! ! ’

‘Call the medical machine. Seven of our team members were deeply poisoned and unable to continue the mission. Two team members were blinded. One was injured by mistake. Please come and receive it immediately! ’

'repeat! ’

‘Please come and receive it now! ! ’


‘Medical machine received! ’

‘Air rescue is expected to arrive in twelve seconds! ! ’



"Ghost Squad, what's the matter?!"

Hearing the exclamation and fury from the channel, as well as the faint muffled noise and bursts of fire from the dense forest, Coleson, who was waiting for news from the periphery, hurriedly pressed himself The universal tool on the wrist opened the channel and hurriedly asked.

‘Zi~! ’


‘Sir! We were ambushed by the mouse. It set up a false target and then lay in the soil full of dead leaves. Our two teams were reduced by 10 staff. The medical machine has been accepted. Could you please indicate? ’

After a long time, there were bursts of violent gasps and the frustrated report of a certain team leader in the channel.

Obviously, eighteen elite bear shield ghost agents sneaked into the dense forest. Not only did they fail to catch their target, they were counterattacked by their target, and they lost more than half at once, but if it weren't for the dense forest above. If their medical transport plane is on standby, I am afraid it will be killed by now!

‘Sir Coleson! ’

‘What just exploded was the kind of thing that exploded the anti-riot car. It was hidden in the grass and we could not find it without a heat source! ’

‘! ! ’

'Be careful! ! ’

Bang~! !

Before the captain finished his report, there was another muffled noise at this time!

‘No sir, we are all poisoned! ! ’

'fast! Use antidote! ’

‘No! The toxin is so violent, my hands and feet are numb! ! ’

'what! ! ’

‘Call for medical transport support! repeat! Request the medical machine to accept all staff immediately! ! ’

‘Uh ah~! ’


Soon, there was another chaotic romp on the communication channel, and then another medical transport plane in the sky swooped down, using the gravitational tube in its abdomen to knock a name down and wailing, or The ghosts who had been blinded and lost their weapons, or passed out into a coma, were stored on the medical transport plane.


"Damn it!!"

My own elite ghost agents were wiped out in a short period of time, which made Coulson's face almost black!

"Melinda, we are the best..."

After a long time, when the dense forest returned to silence, when the medical transport plane flew away in a hurry, seeming to be sent to the main base of the moon to treat the poisoned wounded, Coleson turned a little and walked towards Melinda, and I plan to discuss some unconventional methods that he feels necessary!

For example, use some kind of powerful weapon to directly destroy the dense forest of paper with a missile? Or, send a chariot of fire to burn this dense forest and force the enemy out?


However, before Coleson's words were spoken, he was stopped by Melinda's movement, and his right foot, which had just been lifted to move towards the opponent, was so stiff in the air.


"Retreat carefully, don't step on it!"

Under Melinda's command, Colson swallowed, carefully retracted his right foot, and then stood directly on the spot, not daring to move any more.

Because, I don't know when, in front of him, a mushroom with only a vague outline swept out by the scanner in Melinda's hand appeared?

"Oh, God!"

"When did it plant this terrible mushroom under our feet? What about our anti-stealth scanning equipment?"

Finally, Coleson became a little bit afraid.

After the ghost agents of the two teams were wiped out in an instant, after the other party planted mushrooms in front of him without knowing it, he finally knew how many enemies they were facing. The land is difficult to deal with.

"Isn't the anti-stealth device placed in the front?"


"We'd better not move anyone! There are a lot of mushrooms here, and we don’t have many detoxification potions. Take a look, there are so many mushrooms around us?!"

As Melinda continued to scan with the universal tool in her hand, she quickly found those more mushrooms within a hundred meters of their surroundings. They just didn’t know when they were arranged one by one. Eye-catching places, such as under the tires, behind a famous agent, or by the bushes of Corin's dense forest.


"Attention, everyone, the enemy has planted special mines around us. We are on standby and we are strictly prohibited from walking around!"

After discovering the anomaly, although I don't know if the other blockade in the distance is the same as my own, Coleson still gave the passive order.

"Coelson, how about shooting them out?"

Melinda took out her weapon, staring at her surroundings, guarding against the alien mouse-man that might appear at any time, while staring at the mushrooms and eager to try.

"too close……"

"If it blows up, we will suffer too!"

After marking the locations of the mushrooms that were scanned on the map, Coleson shook his head regretfully and did not agree with Melinda's approach.

"Then you can only evacuate?"


"No! Let's call for support!"


"Who can catch that wretched guy? It doesn't seem to be going to confront us head-on. It just grows that terrible toxin mushroom and jumps out and blows cold arrows abruptly!!"

Seeing the tragic situation of the agents on the medical transport plane that Coleson called out with the universal tool, and the terrible poisonous arrow that could sting along the gap in the armor of the ghost suit, Melinda couldn't help but He took a breath.

Because that is really terrible!

Their ghost suits that can survive in space and provide protection against nuclear radiation, biochemistry, and chemicals can't resist the weird backward blows of the opponent?

Judging from the fate of the two teams of ghost agents and the mushrooms around them now, I am afraid that this time it was not that they came here to besiege and hunt the alien, but they were all hunted by the alien in turn. .


"Call the Avengers for support! We definitely can't let it run into the city to grow mushrooms. The consequences of that kind of thing are too serious. We must catch it before the situation worsens!!"

Yes, once the human-like mouse is allowed to run into the city, as long as one or two of those terrible mushrooms are thrown into the crowd casually, it will definitely cause huge and heavy casualties.

and so,

Seeing that the current situation is a little embarrassing, and seeing that ordinary people seem to be unable to deal with the alien, Coleson has no choice but to increase the opponent's damage level to a level, and call a higher level of strike force! Fortunately, the power of their Bear Shield is very powerful, whether it is an ordinary earthling or a **** in myths and legends, whether it is a rifle or a space battleship, they have everything!


"Hello, is it Mr. Stark? Yes, we are having some trouble here. I just uploaded the file, the target No. 166 of Special Affairs. Its hazard level has increased. We are a little helpless now. Can you Take the time to deal with it?"

To deal with the guy who grows mushrooms on the ground, Coulson felt that it would be fine to find an air strike unit that could fly and scan for invisible units! For example, the Iron Man Stark from their Avengers?

Of course, the Banshee fighters and Viking fighters of their Bear Shield are definitely possible, but if they send fighters and air strikes here in Washington, it will easily offend some people's nerves, so he thought about it. , They did not apply to the headquarters.


"Huh? Oh, okay, thank you, I know, so let's do this first, goodbye..."

However, Coleson, who was contacting Stark, quickly fell down. It seems that some accident happened to his support request?


"What's the matter, when can Tony come?"

Melinda was a little worried, because now that the alien planted mushrooms around them, there was no movement, so she couldn't help feeling a little anxious if she didn't know what the other party was brewing.

Isn't this?

Just in case, she has already begun to put on her ghost suit instantly through her universal tools and space equipment.


"Stark said: It is recommended that we go to the little guy, because we are not sure what the other person is, and what kind of ability he has... He does not recommend that we use deadly methods directly, and he is now It’s also a bit busy, so..."

Therefore, Coleson had to turn on his communication device again and contacted the first one on his own list of friends.



"Yes, I'm Uncle Coleson..."


"I'm sorry to bother you so late."

"However, we are really in trouble. We are surrounded by a weird man with some weird things. Now the other party is probably lying in ambush around us. Can you come and help?"

"Okay, I know."

Finally, after closing the communication, Coleson breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, without waiting for him to explain to Melinda on the opposite side, soon, with a burst of blue teleporting light flashing beside them, Coleson hurriedly signaled the surrounding Bear Shield agents to turn their guns. After speaking, he showed a relieved smile.


In the next second, his smile stiffened on his face with a higher and higher hairline.

"Annie be careful!!"


Melinda's words just had time to say, a muffled noise and poisonous fog exploded from them a few meters away.

In this case, they and the agents around them had to subconsciously squat down to defend against the bursting airflow, and at the same time protect their mouths and noses with their hands, because they knew that the poisonous fog was extremely poisonous. Yes, once you **** in a little bit, it won't be half life!


!? (??\'\'????)??




(* ̄▽ ̄)o─═≡※:☆??

Realizing that she seemed to have stepped on something that would explode, and after squinting at the spreading poisonous fog, Annie waved her hand and instantly dispelled the poisonous fog that could not help her. All the mushrooms people stepped on were also dispersed.

"Don't talk about it, people know what's going on!"




After preventing Uncle Coleson and Aunt Melinda’s inquiries, Little Annie stretched out her hand and made the miniature transparent arcane models of the world flash in her hand, because she is now according to Compare the magical energy that Anshe has dispelled by her, so that you can know where Uncle Coleson and the guy they are going to deal with comes from?

Soon, the miniature and transparent arcane model she was holding finally stopped and locked in a world she was familiar with, that was-Runeland! !

"It turned out to be the Yordle of Runeterra..."



ε=(??ο`*))) alas

Although Annie hadn’t seen the furry, mouse-like and insignificant guy that Uncle Coleson just said, but as her mind swept into the model world in her hands, she I soon knew who the bad guy who came here and planted mushrooms was.

Although I don't know why the Yordle would clashed with Uncle Coleson and the others, since she has come, she must have caught the guy and thrown it back to Runeterra.


∑(??△`)? !

However, before Annie had time to do it, one of her'communications' flashed up again, and she had to make a grimace with Uncle Coleson and Aunt Melinda before she hurried hurriedly. I answered first.



"What? Sister Charlotte, but they are very busy now, so I won't go back today..."


Yes, after dealing with Uncle Coulson's affairs later, Annie still needs to go to other places for emergency treatment, so she won't go back to the Caribbean for a holiday.

"Oh! You mean that there is a male angel who ran to your world and planned to bring church people to restore?"


"Then you hit him!!"


"Don't worry, people don't seem to know any male angels. You can fight hard, and it doesn't matter if you kill them. People will definitely not mind!!"


Things in many worlds have not been dealt with, and some people ran into the relatively stable Caribbean world to make trouble. This made the anger rise from the heart to the guts, and the little Annie directly waved her small fist to a certain Charlotte. Sister instigated.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"What? He's very good? Not good at playing? That...what's his name?!"




"The Archangel of Courage...Imperius?!"


"Think about it first..."


Soon, Xiao Annie found some records about the unfamiliar archangel of courage from her memory that had been sealed for a long time, and remembered who the male angel was!

"I remembered!"


"But they don't know that guy well, but they know where his guy came from. Wait a minute, they will move you to rescue the soldiers!!"


There is no way to go back to the Caribbean world for the time being, and there is no time to clean up a little Annie of the courageous archangel who wants to collude with the local churches and the remnants of the kingdom to overthrow her great foundation of the Five Fire Balls. The faces of Uncle Elson and Aunt Melinda are directly connected to the highest heaven in a sheltered world.



"Is it sister Auriel? People are speeding you quietly: Your archangel of courage in the highest heaven was found! That's right, that restless guy, he is now running to the Caribbean to bring people to revolution! That's right! , That was the site of a sister of the other family, he has caught up now!"



"They will give you the coordinates and permissions right away. Go and take him back to your highest heaven! Otherwise, they will burn him another day. Don't cry at that time!!!"




"You said you couldn't beat him? If you couldn't beat him, wouldn't you take that Tyrael with you?!"


"What? You said that the restless Tyrael in your highest heaven is gone?!"




"Don't worry about it. People have a lot of things now, and there is really no way to find them. You go to the Caribbean world first... Yes! They will let Sister Charlotte and the others help you deal with the male angel!"

"Don't worry! You must be enough to fight that Impris!"





ε=(??ο`*))) alas

Finally, Little Annie finally sorted out some things and interrupted the communication.



Coleson and Melinda looked at each other dumbfounded, but they knew that a certain little girl might indeed be a bit distressed now, so they didn’t ask much, just stood and waited for the other side to help deal with their affairs. .

"A lot of mushrooms..."


Without taking care of others, Xiao Annie squinted her eyes towards the dense forest, and she could easily see those densely arranged in the entire forest. She also specially selected some paths, grasses, under trees, and any other places. The magic mushrooms placed in the place where people are standing are exploded and emit poisonous mist.



After curling her lips, Little Annie sighed and waved her hand. Under one of her large-scale disintegration spells, the whole dense forest was enveloped by patches of magical energy like phosphorescence. Soon, those magic mushrooms In an instant, they wilted one by one, turned into dots of pure energy, dissipated among the dense forest, and no longer existed.

"Who, Yordle from Bandar City, come out now, they are not your enemies..."


"Quickly come out! People can send you back to Runeland now..."


After shouting two loudly toward the dense forest, Little Annie began to wait patiently. Because, she felt that the other party would definitely come out honestly after seeing her methods.

However, she is only responsible for sending the other party back to Runeterra, but she will not be responsible for sending the other party back to Bandel City, which often randomly changes the entrance location!



However, after waiting for a long time, whether it was Little Annie or the expectant Coleson, Melinda, and the surrounding Bear Shield agents who were looking at her with curiosity and reverence, they all discovered that the dense forest is still quiet. Yes, there is no movement at all?

"what happened?"

"Annie, can't you help it?"

After waiting for a while, Coleson, who seemed to think that the little girl's approach was a little unreliable, had to ask carefully.



"That Yordle, it seems to have been here long ago..."

o(▼ dishes▼メ;)o

After waiting for a long time, I didn’t see the other party honestly. Then she quickly swept the surrounding area within a few miles with her spiritual sense, and then she found that she had not found each other’s from among the countless humans and small animals. Figure.


"Where did it go?!"

With a horror, Coleson knew that it was probably not good now.

The rat man, the tyranny of the Yordle in the mouth of Annie, was obvious to all of them just now! Of course, what he said is not the strength of the opponent, but the fact that the opponent is too cunning. Once the opponent leaves their sight and wants to find the opponent or block the opponent in a certain area again, then It's difficult.

"People don't know..."


"Anyway, the Yordle is very small. You have seen it. It is just like a kitten. It is a bit difficult to catch... Therefore, there is no way for people to do it for the time being. If you can't beat it, just talk about it?!"


Annie is now in a state of desperation. Most of her strength and spiritual will have been placed on carefully restraining and protecting the countless planes and worlds, so as not to let them merge too fast to cause huge disasters. Therefore, she is now There is really no time or energy to find the little mouse Yordle who doesn't know where to go.

"Annie, is there no other way around this matter?"

Melinda was a little unwilling. After all, their mission failed last night. It's not serious. But tonight, after mobilizing the teachers and using so much power, if they can't catch the other party like this, they But it is not easy to explain to Director Nick Fury.



"Because they are really busy this time, but it's really not an excuse!!"


Yes, Annie intends to keep those worlds stable, but also intends to separate them from each other and at the same time blend with each other... Anyway, it's complicated!

So, she has to slowly find a subtle point where they can balance each other, which is important to her and to all the world! Otherwise, if one is not careful, under the chain reaction, if there is a large-scale collision between these countless worlds and the universe, it will be a terrible disaster like the Big Bang.

At that time, except for herself, everyone else will probably have to finish it!

Therefore, she is really not looking for excuses to be lazy or eating, drinking and having fun, she is really working very seriously, she is not joking!




"Then it can only do this first?"

Seeing that even Annie couldn’t help it, and it didn’t seem that the other party was making excuses. Therefore, after looking at each other again, Coleson and Melinda could only nod their heads and spread their hands. Tonight we plan to do this first. Now, what else can I do?

"Then Uncle Coleson and Aunt Melinda, you guys talk first, I'm going to do my own job! Goodbye~!!!"


Seeing that it was all right here, Little Annie, who didn't plan to talk to the two of them anymore, hurriedly turned and ran forward, and then ran for a few steps. Her figure gradually faded until she returned to nothingness. Where did it go or what world it was.


"what happened?"

"Maybe next time, if we meet that Yordle again, how many cats can we try?"


"Well, I was joking with you, don't take it seriously!"

After joking with Coleson, Melinda turned her head and waved to a certain agent not far away, indicating that the other party ordered to close the team because they were about to leave here.

Although this mission completely failed, but they had no other way, except to gather the team back and report, there was no better way.


At the same time, in New York City, a man with red hair and a big beard, wearing a golden General Marshal's heavy plate armor, draped in the Lordaeron Kingdom’s tabard, was carrying a silver-white sword body, red hilt, and sword The knight with a sword with a large flat round golden ball in suspension walked towards a stopped commercial car and stopped the middle-aged man who was taking things out of the trunk of the car.

"Hello Stranger!"

"May the Holy Light protect you..."


"Also, may the Holy Light fool you... Excuse me, are you a paladin of the Holy Light Church?"

Just got out of his own business car, this successful man in a suit looked at this weird man in armor with a golden back and a broad sword with a round shiny object on top Afterwards, he was stunned for a while before he finally reacted.

"Forget it!"

"But I just came to this huge and glorious city... I am Alexandros Mograine, the lord of the Knights of the Silver Hand of Lordaeron! Excuse me, do you know how bright this city is? Is the church there?"

For some misunderstandings of the other party, Alexandros Mograine did not deny it, because he has been in this city for a long time, and he has already learned a lot from many people , So, now he just wants to know the bright cathedral soon!

Moreover, he would not say to the earthling in front of him: he Alexandros Mograine has been lost in this huge city for a long time.


"Dang, of course I know, but it seems a bit far from here..."

He was obviously a paladin of the church, but didn’t know the way to the church. This made the middle-aged man a little confused, and he didn’t quite understand what the other party meant by the Kingdom of Lordaeron, because he In my impression, there seems to be no country with that name on the earth.

"It's okay! You just need to tell me the direction!"

Alexandros Mograine doesn't care how far the journey is, he just wants to know a rough position.

"It's north of New York..."

"Wait, Mr. Paladin, don't you plan to walk?"


"I didn't bring my war horse, so I can only walk. Is there any problem with this?"


"But, there is a long way from here. If you walk, you may not be there tomorrow!"

How old is New York City? The middle-aged people who grew up here know better than anyone else. Therefore, looking at the Paladin in front of him, who is still in heavy armor, he doesn't think that the other party will be there tomorrow. The church of Holy Light Church.

Moreover, he didn't know why, he always felt that the other party was a little weird...

"No problem!"

Alexandros Mograine waved his hand disapprovingly again.


"Let’s do this, Lord Paladin, if you are willing to come to my house to help my daughter for a treatment, I can drive you to the Holy Light’s Wishes Chapel in the Holy Light Church tomorrow morning. The "Cathedral of Light" you mentioned, they will open the door at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. In this case, you won't have to walk so hard. What do you think of this suggestion?"

"Moreover, you can also have a sumptuous dinner with my family at my house. Look, my house is here?"

Thinking of her daughter who had been infected with the virus at home and coughing constantly, the eyes of this successful man in suit and leather shoes flashed a little, and then he quickly made up some idea.

If it is an ordinary stranger, he may not dare to invite him to his house casually, but if it is this Paladin wearing plate armor, carrying a huge sword, and exuding that kind of holy light, then it must be no problem. of! After all, nowadays, the Holy Light Church is very respected and supported in this world, and those paladins and priests are also high-spirited people, so far there are no scandals and misdeeds, but he can rest assured Very much.


"Alright! That's a deal!"

Alexandros Mograine, who has been lost for a long time and can't put his face down to ask others again, thinks about it, thinks this deal is pretty good, and then thinks that he is really tired and hungry. So he nodded in response.

The next day,

Early in the morning, the paladin Renault Mograine in the Cathedral of Light rushed to the prayer room and interrupted her sister and wife Sally Whitemane's daily prayers to the Holy Light.


"It's not good, sister, something has happened!"

"My brother..."

"What's the Is Thanos killed again, or the Eternal Race ran out to make trouble?!"

Sighing, Sally Whitemane had to stand up, then touched her husband and brother's cheek, and asked helplessly.


Renault Mograine grabbed the opponent's hand and shook his head.


"So, did Mephisto, the lord of hell, come out and think again????


(*^▽^*)?? Ask for a ticket?? (*^▽^*)

?? (??????????)?? Thank you very much this week??: Where is the afterlife, Xiao Yi, from Fat Boy's family, one dream, Gensokyo Marisa, Zhen Chenparty, ft11624 and other book friends' tips~??


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